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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

Well, he "sent a few thousand troop", but "wants to reduce numbers". So in the end he sent more troops. All over the world.
In other words, you admit I did not lie.

He sent troops to reinforce the existing 5000 that were already there.

Also warmonger:

View attachment 603746

"Trump killed Iran's top general, do you really think he wouldnt do so again?"

Well, killing high ranking millitary or government persons of an other country is per se the definition of a warmonger.

That's assassination, not warmongering.

But you said

View attachment 603746 View attachment 603747

"Trump has a lot flaws....but being a warmonger is not one of them.

You really do have a reading problem.

And now YOU listen:

I do not want to talk with you any more. Your ill world is not my world.
If you're gonna lie about me and what I said, then I'm gonna have a problem with you.

You started this nonsense, not me.

If you don't want to talk to me, then don't start a conversation with me.

This time, I'll let you go. Next time, I'll give negative ratings, and contact mods for your lies.
In other words, you admit I did not lie.

He sent troops to reinforce the existing 5000 that were already there.

That's assassination, not warmongering.

You really do have a reading problem.

If you're gonna lie about me and what I said, then I'm gonna have a problem with you.

You started this nonsense, not me.

If you don't want to talk to me, then don't start a conversation with me.

This time, I'll let you go. Next time, I'll give negative ratings, and contact mods for your lies.

What you think who you are?

"This time, I'll let you go. Next time, I'll give negative ratings, and contact mods for your lies."

Hahahaha, well sunnyboy, gogogogo run to the @mods. You proven lied. Trump send more Troops all over the world - you said "no" - and trump is a warmonger - assassinating high ranking millitary or government persons of an other country without having war is warmongering - you said "no". What you do here is mimimimimi or as in german social media its called "Raabääääähhhh".

And now i set you - and you are the first person i do this - on the ignore list.
What you think who you are?

"This time, I'll let you go. Next time, I'll give negative ratings, and contact mods for your lies."

Hahahaha, well sunnyboy, gogogogo run to the @mods. You proven lied. Trump send more Troops all over the world - you said "no" - and trump is a warmonger - assassinating high ranking millitary or government persons of an other country without having war is warmongering - you said "no". What you do here is mimimimimi or as in german social media its called "Raabääääähhhh".

And now i set you - and you are the first person i do this - on the ignore list.
I meant your lies about me.

@Dubious @waz @jaibi

Things are getting out of hand with this guy.
Wow what a class act you are! He destroyed you fair and square and you gave him a negative rating! Sore loser is what you are!

Yes. He gave himself a negative rating.


Whereas i dont know how he become TTA if i compare him to the other TTA here.

@Dubious @waz @jaibi
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Wow what a class act you are! He destroyed you fair and square and you gave him a negative rating! Sore loser is what you are!
He destroyed me? What the hell are you talking about?

He admitted to lying about me, and what I said.

I systematically dismantled his arguments one by one, and he had to rely on making things up.

Yes. He gave himself a negative rating.


Whereas i dont know how he become TTA if i compare him to the other TTA here.

@Dubious @waz @jaibi

Lmao, sure.

@Dubious @waz @jaibi @Horus @Irfan Baloch
He destroyed me? What the hell are you talking about?

He admitted to lying about me, and what I said.

I systematically dismantled his arguments one by one, and he had to rely on making things up.

Lmao, sure.

@Dubious @waz @jaibi @Horus @Irfan Baloch
Mind your language! Don’t curse at me!

The only systematical thing that transpired was your ego getting a beating, resulting in you downvoting him and thus showing that even a tiny mini amount of power can be abused by sore losers!

now call the mods again and downvote me since I can smell your ego burning from here!
Trump IS a warmonger! All the "no more wars" and "bring the troops back home" he trashtalked didnt happen! On the contrary there are more US troops in Europe (even biggest maneuver since more than 25 years direct at russian border!), more US troops in Afghanistan, and more US troops in Irak, Cruise missile attacks against e.g. Syria, and still drone killings around the world!

It has nothing to do with "anti american"! It is just the reallity! A reallity you dont want to see!
I agree!!!

Trump said he would pull troops out of ME, instead he sent much more there(while we know he really is also afraid of war, so he sent it to intimidate, not really fight). Americans need to do better about putting US govt in check.

About this thread,this is what i will say- Any govt can say anything, cuz talk is cheap. US said Iraq war would last 3 months no? how long did it last? How long do you think US govt initially thought the Afghanistan war would last? DEFINITELY NOT 20 years!! Even if US can wipe out Iran's navy in 2 days, we need to know how many US soldiers will die in those 2 days because IRan wont be watching like a movie show as the US wipes out a critical part of its military.

So this same US that took 64 soldiers in return for killing 1 Iranian general can wipe out IRan's navy in 2 days? LMAOOO. SOme of you need to catchup and realize the world HAS ALREADY CHANGED.

Actually our Air Force fighters and bombers can take off from Diego Garcia along with a bunch of refueling tankers and easily make it to Iran and back. US Air Force planes fly around the world every day and do this all the time. This is nothing.
Oh keep quiet about your "EASILY".

why didnt you EASILY:
1) find and take out bin laden?
2) wrap up the IRaqi war after taking out Saddam?
3) remove Iranian leadership thats been there for over 40 years?
4) take out Assad you've been trying to for 10 years?
5) Denuclearlize North Korea?
6) FInd AQ current #1 man Zahwahiri?
7) ACTUALLY Shut down ISIS?

Actually, everytime an American says something military will be easy/simple, i know it wont be.

He is not infallible, and is probably paid to spread disinformation! Defense officials are all subject to censorship from relevant authorities. So take word of one with CAUTION - always.

FYI: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-sponsored_Internet_propaganda

People are generally more open and honest in anonymous setting.

Stick to responses given to you. Be mindful of WHOM is being quoted for WHAT.
He is not infallible but the chance that YOU are right and he's wrong is close to 0%.

Saddam had cruise missiles and TBMs at his disposal for the needful in 2003. American defenses were much better at this point in time though..
PLease provide evidence Saddam actually had working Cruise missiles. you must be joking. Saddam's military was stuck with outdated, old equipment when US came in to wipe the floor with the Iraqi army. Iraq was much more foolish than Iran by not developing local weapons during the arms embargo.
Mind your language! Don’t curse at me!

The only systematical thing that transpired was your ego getting a beating, resulting in you downvoting him and thus showing that even a tiny mini amount of power can be abused by sore losers!

now call the mods again and downvote me since I can smell your ego burning from here!
What curse? I said hell. That's not a curse, you snowflake.

Notice I didn't give a negative rating to anything else he said, only the one where he deliberately commented at me like a deranged lunatic.

Why would I down vote you? Other than disagree with me, and try and defend the other guy, you haven't really done anything.

But I've already tagged the mods, they'll deal with this thread, once they're able to.
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What curse? I said hell. That's not a curse, you snowflake.

Notice I didn't give a negative rating to anything else he said, only the one where he deliberately commented at me like a deranged lunatic.

Why would I down vote you? Other than disagree with me, and try and defend the other guy, you haven't really done anything.

But I've already tagged the mods, they'll deal with this thread, once they're able to.
Its about context and substance! Of which you have little understanding of. You got burned when Ich dismantled you and used a bad excuse to downvote him. However in the above post you think you are clever with your subtle insult against both me and him! You’re not!

what he said might be insulting to you but it was not said as an insult because of the context of the argument which had substance. Yours didn’t!
They can mop the toilet floor with Khameini beard if they want to but Iran is more beneficial for America this way. @Philosopher.
They can mop the toilet floor with Khameini beard if they want to but Iran is more beneficial for America this way. @Philosopher.

In Hollywood:


In real life:


Let me know when they fire a bullet towards Iran itself. Only thing they've done so far is some cowardly assassinations etc.
In Hollywood:


In real life:


Let me know when they fire a bullet towards Iran itself. Only thing they've done so far is some cowardly assassinations etc.
Tell me about Inteqam Sakht after the assassination. 50 plus Iranians at the funeral and 180 passengers and zero Americans perished so far.
Tell me about Inteqam Sakht after the assassination. 50 plus Iranians at the funeral and 180 passengers and zero Americans perished so far.

I am sure according to your Hollywood flicks, those 50 + 180 deaths were all America's doing and not accidents. As for perishing Americans, if that was Iran's intent, they could have.
Its about context and substance! Of which you have little understanding of. You got burned when Ich dismantled you and used a bad excuse to downvote him. However in the above post you think you are clever with your subtle insult against both me and him! You’re not!

what he said might be insulting to you but it was not said as an insult because of the context of the argument which had substance. Yours didn’t!
Okay, you wanna have this debate, fine. Since @Ich tapped out, you can take over for him.

Now tell me, where did he dismantle my argument? Be specific, give me links if you can.

I can tell you right now, he did not. He not only lied about what I said, but later on admitted to lying about it.

You're right that context and substance matter, but both you and @Ich are the ones who lack it.

Let me, how is 4000 troops to back up 5000 troops warmongering? That's not enough to launch any sort of offensive against Iran. If Trump was warmongering, why would be not send tens out thousands to Iraq and Kuwait? The US needs hundreds of thousands of troops in Iraq and Kuwait to actually threaten Iran, 9 thousand troops is nothing.

If anything, Trump wants to draw down the troop level, now that things have settled down. He's already planning on withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan.

Trump ran on a platform of not starting wars, and finishing the ones that are already in progress, what war has trump actually started? None.

Once again, you want to have this debate? I'm willing to do so, as long as you don't strawman my arguments, or outright lie.

On a side note; my reasoning for giving g him a negative rating is perfectly sound. If it was illogical, j would have given him a negative rating far earlier.

I don't give negative ratings to people who disagree with him. I give them to people who say moronic things, and outright lie.
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