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The Shameful state of the Indian Navy

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Its not obsession. Its contempt.

Did you not notice the contempt in that post ?

When you bring the same things into a thread again and again , its called obsession

I'd any given day lose more soldiers than lose half of my country.
Should have done it in 1947
North Western India and Bengal !!! :rofl: Nothing comes close does it ?

lol iska toh band baj gaya!

Proud Pakistani Navy :pakistan:

:rofl: :rofl:

Sadly that picture seems to correctly represent state of pakistani nation itself
Yes, & India had to cry & complain to the US to make Pakistan leave the captured territories, despite being 6 times bigger in troop levels ;)

You guys really have quite an optimistic way of looking at defeat. I like that attitude.

You see we Indians are taught to ponder over our mistakes and try to improve them.

...but you Pakistanis have a reqally novel way of accepting defeat i.e. don't accept their was a defeat in the first place! :rofl:

---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 AM ----------

:rofl: :rofl:

Sadly that picture seems to correctly represent state of pakistani nation itself

Coming to think of it, you're actually quite true.

That picture reflects the state of proud Pakistan today. :pakistan:
Yes, & India had to cry & complain to the US to make Pakistan leave the captured territories, despite being 6 times bigger in troop levels ;)

Pakistan even after 1999 controlled over some key Indian peaks:

The Hindu : National : `Indian peak was captured by Pakistan'
i bet your arse will go on fire if i post vids of pakistani so called soldiers surrendering..u got one peak? Enjoy!! Till then we have the peaks surrounding yours :lol: siachen;) or to burn u more..bangladesh?;)
When you bring the same things into a thread again and again , its called obsession

Then its called Utter Contempt.

Should have done it in 1947
North Western India and Bengal !!! :rofl: Nothing comes close does it ?

1947 ? why should we oppose that ?

The cancer/malignant tumour that was afflicting my nation was voluntarily removed on that year. Instead of rejoicing at that why should we try to prevent that ?
Sadly that picture seems to correctly represent state of pakistani nation itself
Sadly , you are showing your obsession with the same things again and again ?
Does your mind run in a loop ? :rofl: same pic being posted 5 times in a thread lol
It brings smile to my lips when I think that when Pakistan Navy cant even safeguard their assets during peacetime and that too an asset that is parked in one of the most secure areas of Pakistan what will they do in times of war ? :lol:

Wait I got the answer - Surrender as usual or run to Washington on the next flight begging them to stop the war.

Terrorist can aim at civilian or military target, it's element of surprise until it happened...so can we say the same about Indian's intelligence failure for Mumbai attack?...you intelligence couldn't ensure the safety of Indian citizens, what will happen during wartime?
i bet your arse will go on fire if i post vids of pakistani so called soldiers surrendering..u got one peak? Enjoy!! Till then we have the peaks surrounding yours siachen or to burn u more..bangladesh?
Nothing better than North Western India and Bengal in 1947 !!! :rofl:
Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir lol

The cancer/malignant tumour that was afflicting my nation was voluntarily removed on that year. Instead of rejoicing at that why should we try to prevent that ?
The same people ruled you for 1000's years ... Rejoicing on one defeat on ours ? We had done it 100's of times in that invasion period Quite Optimistic ! I Appreciate it
You are 5 times bigger than us still we keep you on your toes ... You dont have Azad Kashmir or Northern Areas and you lost even Aksai Chin to China so dont brag about small victories after all we have defeated you 100's of time in those 1000 years of rule ... Indians didn't dare attack after mobilizing millions of troops in 1987 and 2001 :rofl:

who exactly did you rule for 1,000 years? not us thats for sure you guys were ruled for that long get the facts straight are you Greek, Arab, Persian, Turkic, Afghan, or British? if not be quiet with that 1,000 years crap we know you guys were ruled for that long

how the hell did we lose any of those when we never even controlled them? did ur mommy drink while she was pregnant with you? in 1948 you attacked an independent Kashmir when we joined we saved the valley and we still have control of it to this day we did not control Azad KAshmir or the northern areas how do you lose something you never controlled? :rofl: we never even controlled Aksai Chin go and read about the 1962 war prior to that and today we did not even control much of it

whatever they teach you in Pakistan :lol: beat us 100's of times? get a life retard you guys cannot even defeat a bunch of extremists who use soviet era weapons 4 wars 4 losses and still to this day you guys are burning while we are moving forward
Terrorist can aim at civilian or military target, it's element of surprise until it happened...so can we say the same about Indian's intelligence failure for Mumbai attack?...you intelligence couldn't ensure the safety of Indian citizens, what will happen during wartime?
5-6 terrorist engaged Indian commandos for 3 days !!! :rofl: Pathetic !
Terrorist can aim at civilian or military target, it's element of surprise until it happened...so can we say the same about Indian's intelligence failure for Mumbai attack?...you intelligence couldn't ensure the safety of Indian citizens, what will happen during wartime?

Genuis ,there is a difference in attacking an unguarded city killing unarmed civilians and attacking a fricking fortified naval base and destroying millions of dollars worth of assets.
Sadly , you are showing your obsession with the same things again and again ?
Does your mind run in a loop ? :rofl: same pic being posted 5 times in a thread lol

5 Times? :woot:

Did you learn to count in a madrassa? :rofl::rofl:

---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 AM ----------

Terrorist can aim at civilian or military target, it's element of surprise until it happened...so can we say the same about Indian's intelligence failure for Mumbai attack?...you intelligence couldn't ensure the safety of Indian citizens, what will happen during wartime?


Their is no difference between a hotel and a full-fledged naval base.
Nothing better than North Western India and Bengal in 1947 !!! :rofl:
Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir lol

The same people ruled you for 1000's years ... Rejoicing on one defeat on ours ? We had done it 100's of times in that invasion period Quite Optimistic ! I Appreciate it
Time has changed..look at your nation today and then lookat India..you ll realise that time and things have changed really changed! Sadly not in your favor!
[/COLOR] The same people ruled you for 1000's years ... Rejoicing on one defeat on ours ? We had done it 100's of times in that invasion period Quite Optimistic ! I Appreciate it

Kiddo unless you are an Afghan,Turk or an Arab I don't know how you can claim credit of invading India ?

Truth be told it was you guys who bore the brunt of the invasions, got raped and looted and ultimately got converted to the religion of the invaders.

We are still proudly following our native faith inspite of the invasions. Now decide you should bow his head in shame.

And 1000s of years ? from which madrasah did you obtain your history knowledge ?
who exactly did you rule for 1,000 years? not us thats for sure you guys were ruled for that long get the facts straight are you Greek, Arab, Persian, Turkic, Afghan, or British? if not be quiet with that 1,000 years crap we know you guys were ruled for that long
Those guys were muslims weren't they ?

how the hell did we lose any of those when we never even controlled them? did ur mommy drink while she was pregnant with you? in 1948 you attacked an independent Kashmir when we joined we saved the valley and we still have control of it to this day we did not control Azad KAshmir or the northern areas how do you lose something you never controlled? we never even controlled Aksai Chin go and read about the 1962 war prior to that and today we did not even control much of it
Did you momma fall on the floor when you were born ? If not , then ******* refrain from your home language ... I can understand thats how you communicate at home but not here ... Get your facts straight out ... You lost 2/5 of Kashmir to us and Aksai Chin to China ... Not my fault if history isn't taught to you
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