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The People's Republic of Scandal - TIME cover

Yes they are. If you went to college, you'd know, but since you didn't, you don't. If you notice from the UCI Physics application page:

Applying to the Program | www.physics.uci.edu

there's no financial statement requirement for international students. If you have to pay for your studies, you will not be issued a visa without a financial statement proving that you can pay tuition. That's because they're all fully funded and paid for by TA work and NSF grant.

Now my question is: How do Indians afford a tuition that costs more than a century of average earnings? The average MBA tuition + living cost in the US is 120,000 USD for 2 years of study.

You are not getting but peanuts with those programs while being supported with embezzled money from your parents. Are You are trying to say , transplant, that we pay tuition for you degenerate Chinese here. Not we don't - you are simply making excuses just like BO's kid from Yale. Top that not an iota of proof you have shown to support your assertion. While I have shown you several articles, quotes showing that in 3rd world dump , as your own premier called china- showing half of its rich wanting to escape china and everyone of them , embezzled money or not send their turtles here first followed by mama turtle and then father turtles escapes to the US . Slow that steady plan to escape to us.

To me, as a native born American, what FaUB^^^^ is saying is outrageous. He seems to be saying that I and my fellow Americans are giving him a free ride to earn a PhD in my country. I really hope that this is a lie. If not, I truly hope that a Republican, supported by Fox News, is elected President, and puts a stop to such nonsense. IF FauB were gracious and grateful for the opportunity my country is providing to him, I might have some sympathy. But, no! he is a spiteful ingrate. I wish I had the power to deport his sorry rear end outta here. I would do so in a nanosecond if I had the power!!!!!

PS. And I also wouldn't let his sorry parents take refuge here either, even if they brought in their $ millions stolen from the Chinese people. FaUB, Sir, you need to think through why the USA is a sought-after haven for the intelligent people of this planet.

First the insinuation that transplant makes is a lie. Second it is ain't about republicans doing anything about it. Obama administration has levied more hits on china with the WTO and only president to openly say they manipulate currency. Fox and republicans are in their bag when they are the majority and only make noise when they are not.

I undestand the need for having a multicultural forum, but these Indians on this forum really waste everybody's time.

Long live China

Somehow you never seem to speak your minds when you are on all fours asking judea Christian countries to allow you residency. Nah rather you sing praises of our countries.
To me, as a native born American, what FaUB^^^^ is saying is outrageous. He seems to be saying that I and my fellow Americans are giving him a free ride to earn a PhD in my country. I really hope that this is a lie. If not, I truly hope that a Republican, supported by Fox News, is elected President, and puts a stop to such nonsense. IF FauB were gracious and grateful for the opportunity my country is providing to him, I might have some sympathy. But, no! he is a spiteful ingrate. I wish I had the power to deport his sorry rear end outta here. I would do so in a nanosecond if I had the power!!!!!

PS. And I also wouldn't let his sorry parents take refuge here either, even if they brought in their $ millions stolen from the Chinese people. FaUB, Sir, you need to think through why the USA is a sought-after haven for the intelligent people of this planet.

You are making things up. No one here is getting a free ride. We both work for our money.

I've never said anything spiteful or ungrateful. You think that anyone that isn't a drone for your interests is against you. It doesn't work that way. The US is supposed to be a free country where there's no prejudice for different political beliefs, right?

What you should be worried about is the Indians who are taking American jobs. You don't need to be worried about Chinese as according to JayATL, we're only cooks and waiters taking jobs Americans don't want. You as a fellow physicist should be really scared of high tech smart Indians taking your job away. The next project you work on could be outsourced to India.
Well, but one thing here shows that a politician as powerful as Bo can be brought down. Bo was a member of poliburo and his father was a founding member of PRC, and Vice Chairman of China. While his father was alive people like Wen Jiabo was just dirctor of CPC office, so Wen was like a butler to Bo's family. Well, I knew about his downfall 2 years ago already.

The funny thing here is that Bo is well liked by politicians from the west, there many articles praise him on Times and other magzine when he suited their purpose. In a way, Bo is like the politician in the west. He is about showmanship with no real deed, and massive corruption cloaked under his fancy words.

This thread is NOT meant for you or for other decent, respectable Chinese members. If you participate, some of the things we have been saying may seem to be aimed at you. They are not. They are intended only for the schools of trolls, who rush about causing destruction daily.

Please ignore what is being said here to some Chinese who have made themselves truly obnoxious.
You are making things up. No one here is getting a free ride. We both work for our money.

I've never said anything spiteful or ungrateful. You think that anyone that isn't a drone for your interests is against you. It doesn't work that way. The US is supposed to be a free country where there's no prejudice for different political beliefs, right?

What you should be worried about is the Indians who are taking American jobs. You don't need to be worried about Chinese as according to JayATL, we're only cooks and waiters taking jobs Americans don't want. You as a fellow physicist should be really scared of high tech smart Indians taking your job away. The next project you work on could be outsourced to India.

I'm as much as an American as he is, but even with other non citizen Indian immigration population - he does not worry with Indians stealing technologies or having a reputation of being the most seditious immigrant population in our country. You don't have different political beliefs you only have anti American political beliefs, while cowering on all fours in our country under our freedom to express such beliefs. If we went to the 3rd world dump you have , we would be thrown in labor camps for speaking up our beliefs.
bad politicians and civilians are every where in this world.....
Real Americans should not be worried about Chinese. After all, we have a small population, can't affect the demographics of the US, and are mostly low wage waiters and cooks. No matter what China does, there's zero effect on the everyday lives of Americans. Really, there isn't. So what if China launches even 50 aircraft carriers? Nothing changes in your daily lives.

What real Americans should worry about are the Indian H1Bs that take the high paying middle class jobs away from Americans. This is especially dangerous during these tough financial times.

Remember, India is a true currency manipulator. While the RMB has gone up 30% in the past 5 years, the Indian rupee's value fell by half within just a few months. They are taking your jobs, they're manipulating their currency.

Indians also wear scary turbans.

You should have told that to the US immigration when you came cup in hand with daddy's embezzled cash to the US . They are the ones who can probably implement a " all han all the time" forced migration policy on the Indians residences witinh the US. You forgot besides serving mostly as waiters and servers as you were so right to point out in your posts. Chinese are also the highest crime syndicate in the US after Mexicans. This of course also includes holding the title for most seditious and racists of all immigrant population. The women are not though, in all fairness, we see them marrying more more whites and African Americans .
You should have told that to the US immigration when you came cup in hand with daddy's embezzled cash to the US . They are the ones who can probably implement a " all han all the time" forced migration policy on the Indians residences witinh the US. You forgot besides serving mostly as waiters and servers as you were so right to point out in your posts. Chinese are also the highest crime syndicate in the US after Mexicans. This of course also includes holding the title for most seditious and racists of all immigrant population. The women are not though, in all fairness, we see them marrying more more whites and African Americans .

Its wrong to accuse someone with such remarks. He may be from a honest family, trying to make it big in US.
Its wrong to accuse someone with such remarks. He may be from a honest family, trying to make it big in US.

There is not a single honest family in china that can get to send their kid to the US hence the TIME article. They are not allowed to get out of their country as freely as you guys are.
Flame thread.

More anti-Chinese propaganda by the despotic western regimes butthurt by china success and fearful of chinas rise.

Mods please perma ban indocarib.

Perma ban indocarib? For posting the cover of Time Magazine?? Either you are an optimist or you got Time Magazine confused with Penthouse.
There is not a single honest family in china that can get to send their kid to the US hence the TIME article. They are not allowed to get out of their country as freely as you guys are.

Dont think you are right. I have some friends sending their kids to the US or some other western countried to study. they are all from honest families. China's economy is improving fast so some Chinese people really get rich through their hard work. and as it is known that Chinese think highly of education, they want their kids to accept the best education as long as they can afford.

In China these days, the last refuge of both scoundrels and heroes is turning out to be a U.S. diplomatic compound. Two unscripted but parallel dashes for safety have riveted the world and, more important, have affirmed long-foreshadowed plot points in the narrative of the 21st century's would-be superpower: first, that the People's Republic is in the hands of an elite riddled with corruption and nepotism, and second, that those who crusade for the basic legal rights of the powerless must on occasion deal with feudal repression. Those elements have always lurked amid the often dazzling spectacle of modern China. Now...

Read more: Murder, Lies, Abuse Of Power And Other Crimes Of The Chinese Century - TIME

I dont have access to the full article. Members who are TIME subscribers can post the full article please

You know, I was thinking it was talking about us considering that we've more scams and corruption than China could ever put together.

I mean think about it; at least their leaders develop the country to some extent before taking bribes and stuff.. ours don't even do that.
Don't worry, which country with more than a billion people doesn't have political scandals. I wouldn't go so low to dig up all their dirt. Bo's case come and go. Let the supa powa dad and son combo have their fun now, tomorrow who knows.

so i hope friend you do remember this while talking on corruption in India

ON TOPIC > we know that CCP has several corrupt and power hungry leaders and they misuse their power

this begs the question, which nation doesn't have corrupt politicians? all have

this is sad reality
bo don't present chinese.he is just a corrupt politician.
stupid thread
So who is Not a corrupted politician in China ??and how can that guy promoted to be a China politician ??
In fact, the name "People's republic..." is not true to the nature of a social one-party.
People don't have the right to vote leaders of their country as in the democratic society...
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