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The People's Republic of Scandal - TIME cover

One wonders how many such cases abound in a country where the rulers are answerable to no one. Mugabe's Zimbabwe and China are the countries where the top brass in absolutely unanswerable and can commit murders and illegal activities with impunity.

Be careful about what you say.

A day or two ago, Mamata Bannerjee went back to the Maoist-affected part of West Bengal, and held a public meeting. She was reciting all the glorious things her government wanted people to believe they had done, when a poor farmer jumped up and shouted that thanks to her stupid government and its policies, nobody could afford fertilizer, nobody could even get it for high prices. Nearly a hundred people joined him. She shouted out that the police should grab him as he was a Maoist. The police detained him and questioned him and found no evidence that he had ever been anything but a poor farmer. They let him go, but the pressure came back on them and they went to his village and arrested him all over again, this time on charges of unruly behaviour.

We have rule by a lunatic in our state.
One wonders how many such cases abound in a country where the rulers are answerable to no one. Mugabe's Zimbabwe and China are the countries where the top brass in absolutely unanswerable and can commit murders and illegal activities with impunity.
This case says something different then what you are saying though. However the problem is how could he covered it so well? If Wang did not go to US consulate in Chongqing, there won't be as much progress as right now. In China no one is unanswerable to no one, because althrough Chinese has an authoritirian government, but no one holds the absolute power, the members of standing committee of politburo more or less don't see eye to eye with each others, and the fraction within the party is often not that different with bipartisan political systems. The problem is that often in small area and remote places far from Beijing, the local leaders' power is easily consolidated without the provision from Beijing, that is where the mess starts. Often Beijing found itself busy cleaning their $hit after it explode.
I can truely say that the posts of chauism #107 and Joe Shearer #108 are the best posts that i have read on this forum. I hope to see more of posts like these that are helping others to better understand each other.

Much about the background to what we see is clearer now after chauism's deep-delving notes. Please be sure that your pride in your country is much better understood, partly as being organic and natural, partly as a reaction to western elites, but couched in the terms of discourse used by the west itself, and using a school of thought popular in the west of today to view both international relations and the condition of China.

However, I ask you gentlemen to consider two things: why is it that you cannot imagine a similar state of mind among other nationalities? I am referring to your repeated slurs and insults of Indians, very often almost on a pre-emptive basis: let's get them before they get us. This was never necessary. Indians did not come on board PDF to hunt down Chinese. At the same time, Indians are resentful of the lackeys of the west who acquired formidable arms, enormous morale-boosting support and the closure of many routes of scientific and technical advancement to their foes. They seem, many of them, intent on forcing Pakistanis to admit that they Indians were right all along. Which is never going to happen.

There is no point in fighting this three-cornered fight any longer.

It's called trolling and counter trolling it's a sad state of affair on the internet. Joe Shearer and chauism respect for you're posts #107 and #108.
That is the deference in India and China....Indian scandal and negative is exposed to world and CHina just censor them and hide them and only project positive picture to world.
That is the deference in India and China....Indian scandal and negative is exposed to world and CHina just censor them and hide them and only project positive picture to world.
Obviously Chinese government should have whoever is in charge of department of keeping secrets beheaded. It seems apparently it doesn't take any effort for even some members here to find any information about China's scandal and negative news. Beheading, hanging, burn at stake whatever means possible.....

I can truely say that the posts of chauism #107 and Joe Shearer #108 are the best posts that i have read on this forum. I hope to see more of posts like these that are helping others to better understand each other.

It's called trolling and counter trolling it's a sad state of affair on the internet. Joe Shearer and chauism respect for you're posts #107 and #108.

Joe Shearer is one of the few members here that has many real experience and interests in history, culture and politics here. Well, being a retired (correct me if I am wrong) businessman he is really different from those kids who just have the access to a computer and keyboards without any real knowledge and wisdom. Joe's posts were written with reasons and facts rather than driven by sensations and emotions. Yes, it is true that nowadays it is getting harder and harder to have a sound discussion and debate here at this forum.
I can truely say that the posts of chauism #107 and Joe Shearer #108 are the best posts that i have read on this forum. I hope to see more of posts like these that are helping others to better understand each other.

It's called trolling and counter trolling it's a sad state of affair on the internet. Joe Shearer and chauism respect for you're posts #107 and #108.

Obviously Chinese government should have whoever is in charge of department of keeping secrets beheaded. It seems apparently it doesn't take any effort for even some members here to find any information about China's scandal and negative news. Beheading, hanging, burn at stake whatever means possible.....

Joe Shearer is one of the few members here that has many real experience and interests in history, culture and politics here. Well, being a retired (correct me if I am wrong) businessman he is really different from those kids who just have the access to a computer and keyboards without any real knowledge and wisdom. Joe's posts were written with reasons and facts rather than driven by sensations and emotions. Yes, it is true that nowadays it is getting harder and harder to have a sound discussion and debate here at this forum.

At the grave risk of sounding like the junior member of a two-person mutual admiration society, it is useful to point out that Chauism immediately brings gravitas and balanced maturity to any discussion. It is difficult to troll, flame or act undignified when he is present and watching, so immediately the tone of the discussion goes up. He is really a valuable presence on the forum, but it is a pity that he is available for us all too infrequently.
At the grave risk of sounding like the junior member of a two-person mutual admiration society, it is useful to point out that Chauism immediately brings gravitas and balanced maturity to any discussion. It is difficult to troll, flame or act undignified when he is present and watching, so immediately the tone of the discussion goes up. He is really a valuable presence on the forum, but it is a pity that he is available for us all too infrequently.

I will try be here more often, but honestly it is not the time that I am lacking, it is rather sometimes a lot of the topics have already become way too messy by the time I want to step in, and I couldn't find any angle to start with.

BTW, this might be interesting for you regarding my old friend Cardsharp (at least that who I think he is referring to). It is a shame for what have happened.
Why don't U.S. always forget to examine itself???

If we say scandal of the century, it has to be the IRAQ's WMD.

First, U.S. fabricated a bunch of wrong intelligence, disregard the whole truth, bypass the U.N., invaded another country and caused millions of death and a whole country ruined. Even after the truth is revealed, U.S. simply said there are some errors in its intelligence, blah, blah, blah... nothing to regret or apologize to those millions of dead people...

That is it??? oil companies, military equipment companies all made tons of money...

Well, that is not the scandal of the century???


In China these days, the last refuge of both scoundrels and heroes is turning out to be a U.S. diplomatic compound. Two unscripted but parallel dashes for safety have riveted the world and, more important, have affirmed long-foreshadowed plot points in the narrative of the 21st century's would-be superpower: first, that the People's Republic is in the hands of an elite riddled with corruption and nepotism, and second, that those who crusade for the basic legal rights of the powerless must on occasion deal with feudal repression. Those elements have always lurked amid the often dazzling spectacle of modern China. Now...

Read more: Murder, Lies, Abuse Of Power And Other Crimes Of The Chinese Century - TIME

I dont have access to the full article. Members who are TIME subscribers can post the full article please
At the grave risk of sounding like the junior member of a two-person mutual admiration society, it is useful to point out that Chauism immediately brings gravitas and balanced maturity to any discussion. It is difficult to troll, flame or act undignified when he is present and watching, so immediately the tone of the discussion goes up. He is really a valuable presence on the forum, but it is a pity that he is available for us all too infrequently.
Just recently, I have to confront with some Chinese members with little truth about realities. I guess no matter where they come from, those hot heads will remind unreasonable. I just don't understand here why there some many people here actually mostly Chinese member so eager to talk about starting wars when it is not their blood that is going to be spill when that happens. I guess people really need to experience the horrors of war to understand the value of peace, I guess in China people have taken a peaceful environment for granted for too long. I was going to send you a PM with this, but somehow now you need 10000 post to do so, and I am writing it here.
At the grave risk of sounding like the junior member of a two-person mutual admiration society, it is useful to point out that Chauism immediately brings gravitas and balanced maturity to any discussion. It is difficult to troll, flame or act undignified when he is present and watching, so immediately the tone of the discussion goes up. He is really a valuable presence on the forum, but it is a pity that he is available for us all too infrequently.

Yea but one swallow doesn't make a summer. I for one have constantly criticized India for many of its shortcomings - but when the Chinese try to pass of their lives under a communist regime - I can only laugh at their naivety.
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