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Is that why it's written in official history records that KMT was the one engaging the Japanese while CCP was cowardly hiding and conserving forces to deal with KMT later on?

50 cent history, yo!
KMT lost nearly every major engagement against the Japanese. It didn't even hate the guts to declare war against Japan until US did in 1941, despite the fact that Japan invaded nearly a decade before that. Even in 1945 they were still losing territory despite massive American aid. The Dixie Mission basically summed up KMT as a grossly incompetent entity while demonstrating the communists were much more effective at fighting the Japanese given the same resources.

By the way, at the start of Chinese civil war, KMT outnumbered the communist at least 3 to 1 and were better equipped. Even then they managed to get their *** royally whooped. Don't forget to take your medication on time.
You have no idea about how popular the Buddhism and Taoism is in China now !
Many people cross thousand miles to the Temple and give a lot of money to the monks ,and help them to keep life!If you go to some temple , you will see how many people and how frequent people go there.

Every lunar new year , my family will worship ancestor , and we will built a small shrine for Mao also.
Inside the shine is a picture of Mao ,not pic of Marx.
If you still can not understand ,read “On Capital” and “Selected works of MaoZedong”,you will see the different!

1.3 billion Chinese does not agree with you , and USA must be very happy if we dump "Selected works of Mao"

Then you guys need to say "no" to Japan and USA , at least Jap please!
KMT lost nearly every major engagement against the Japanese. It didn't even hate the guts to declare war against Japan until US did in 1941, despite the fact that Japan invaded nearly a decade before that. Even in 1945 they were still losing territory despite massive American aid. The Dixie Mission basically summed up KMT as a grossly incompetent entity while demonstrating the communists were much more effective at fighting the Japanese given the same resources.

By the way, at the start of Chinese civil war, KMT outnumbered the communist at least 3 to 1 and were better equipped. Even then they managed to get their *** royally whooped. Don't forget to take your medication on time.

Dude , I have already gave up to convince them. No matter what you say , they just do not believe , everything we said is lie.

You need to read the autobiography of Zhang Xue Liang !

If you still do not get it , just use your so "authoritative" WiKI to search " The Xi An incident " ,and tell me about the reason why so "active against Jap" Chiang Kai-shek was forced to make a promise to against Jap actively, Dumb ***!
I find the people that regularly accuse others of being "brainwashed" are the most brainwashed themselves.

Everyone are being brainwashed to worship foreigners and foreign ideologies.
Taibazi Kolaps worships the Christianity, he certainly believes he is not brainwashed.
By the way, at the start of Chinese civil war, KMT outnumbered the communist at least 3 to 1 and were better equipped. Even then they managed to get their *** royally whooped. Don't forget to take your medication on time.

Yup, and they lost all the advantage defending the homeland, while in the process loosing US help due to corruption and CCP gaining Stalin's help who didn't care if there was corruption or not he was just interested in spreading the communist ideology.
It's logic no? Wish i could advise some pills to improve your logic, though.

As for royally whooped, what was the faction running away in a long march again? LOL!

" The Xi An incident "

This is irelevant. I was replying on a lie from S10 that's ofcourse coming from the CCP handbooks that KMT was only good for suppressing their own people. Which clearly it wasn't although the initial response was bland.

I don't think he's a Caucasian. He's brown on the outside. Not sure why he keeps mentioning 50 cents, perhaps that's the going rate for flipping burgers.

it's the going rate for your posts for sure. And considering the intellect you display while posting, flipping burgers is definitely in your future job description.

Can't handle it when Chinese is teaching you some correct Chinese history? I often laugh at you Caucasians who think they know the truth of what really took place in China the past decades in the Mao era. I guess it must be a hype thing for you guys bad mouthing Mao. You are not qualified claiming Chinese raping our own history because that suggest you know our history even better than Chinese people lol. You guys are all obsessed with Mao for some reason, don't know why but that's what i observed from your types.

What history dude? You are Chinese, you know only what the Party perscribed. I'm not bad mouthing Mao atm in any way, this is just you filling space and fishing for thanks from your fellow coworkers. I wonder if you get a .50 for thanks as well? LOL!
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What history dude? You are Chinese, you know only what the Party perscribed. I'm not bad mouthing Mao atm in any way, this is just you filling space and fishing for thanks from your fellow coworkers. I wonder if you get a .50 for thanks as well? LOL!

So Chinese people only know what the Party is telling its people and foreigners such as yourself know the truth of what actually happened between CCP and KMT and the fight against the Japanese? You make yourself a laughing stock since you don't know sh!t about Chinese history. You don't think you were bad mouthing Mao? Jeez i wonder about that since you did mention CCP were cowardly hiding. But then again you know what it is like to be a coward don't you? Must run in your family i assume :)
This is irelevant. I was replying on a lie from S10 that's ofcourse coming from the CCP handbooks that KMT was only good for suppressing their own people. Which clearly it wasn't although the initial response was bland.

Really ?

So you still believe Chiang kai-shek was a active leader even after you know "Xi An incident" ?

BTW, I do not agree with S10 also !
Chiang Kai-Shek was a coward when KMT confront Jap , always tried to negotiate with Jap with the illusion of Jap would be satisfied after invade so many land.

On the other hand , before Jap invaded China , CCP was so weak compared to KMT, and Chinag Kai-Shek tried many times to destroy CCP' army , he failed , for every times.

After WW2, KMT was still much stronger than CCP , and Chiang Kai-Shek failed again.

So Chiang Kai-Shek was not so good at killing Both Jap and CCP.

Generally speaking , Chiang Kai-Shek was a loser compared to Mao on Military/Politic/strategy/tactics.

Chiang was better than some of his men in KMT, but he did not have the gutts like Li Zong-Ren or Zhang Zhi-Zhong.
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Really ?

So you still believe Chiang kai-shek was a active leader even after you know "Xi An incident" ?

BTW, I do not agree with S10 also !
Chiang Kai-Shek was a coward when KMT confront Jap , always tried to negotiate with Jap with the illusion of Jap would be satisfied after invade so many land.

On the other hand , before Jap invaded China , CCP was so weak compared to KMT, and Chinag Kai-Shek tried many times to destroy CCP' army , he failed , for every times.

After WW2, KMT was still much stronger than CCP , and Chiang Kai-Shek failed again.

So Chiang Kai-Shek was not so good at killing Both Jap and CCP.

Generally speaking , Chiang Kai-Shek was a loser compared to Mao on Military/Politic/strategy/tactics.

Chiang was better than some of his men in KMT, but he did not have the gutts like Li Zong-Ren or Zhang Zhi-Zhong.
in another word if Chiang Kai Shek was a Romance of the Three kingdoms character, his stats would look like this:

War: 10
Charm: 15
Politics: 18
Int: 30
in another word if Chiang Kai Shek was a Romance of the Three kingdoms character, his stats would look like this:

War: 10
Charm: 15
Politics: 18
Int: 30

Mao is also a great poet.

Look at the <<沁园春.雪>>,Mao almost overcome Chiang at all respect !

Check out the letter at 1956


What a great mind ! This is real great politician !This is real Charm!
You people are disgusting!

Everyone know the modern history of China is the history of stupidity. It's not worth to be discussed nor seek positive things from the ugliness. Unworthy!

Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai Shek and Sun Yat Sen, all are foreign worshipers. They are traitors! Everything you people said any bad things about them, I support all of them.
You people are disgusting!

Everyone know the modern history of China is the history of stupidity. It's not worth to be discussed nor seek positive things from the ugliness. Unworthy!

Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai Shek and Sun Yat Sen, all are foreign worshipers. They are traitors! Everything you people said any bad things about them, I support all of them.

Who would have better run China at the time? How is Mao a traitor? A traitor as in 漢狗 would be CKS.
Who would have better run China at the time? How is Mao a traitor? A traitor as in 漢狗 would be CKS.

Because he knows all his KMT leaders were traitors, so he wanna drag Mao down to their level.
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