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Jiang Zemin pass away

Unlike the revolutionaries, Jiang was a graduate of Electrical Engineering (same as me), and work his way up as engineer. He kick start the Chinese engineering renaissance while resulted in today's Chinese surpassing US in many domains.

It is Chinese culture who let the smartest people rise to the top.

Xi reap the benefit of what Jiang has sowed.
Jiang's English speech in US

Jiang's Russian speech in Russia
My Condolences.
He was a dork in many ways but at least he opened up China and did not seek to grasp power for himself like Xi is doing today. In other words, he tried to instill a peaceful transition of power and a new system of power sharing which Xi is undoing.

Jiang Zemin's remains transferred to Beijing​

He was a dork in many ways but at least he opened up China and did not seek to grasp power for himself like Xi is doing today. In other words, he tried to instill a peaceful transition of power and a new system of power sharing which Xi is undoing.
Times are different for China now, it is facing existential threats from the US and West everyday as never in Jiang's time, China needs a strong leader.

Members of the UN Security Council observed a minute of silence in memory of #JiangZemin

He was a true liberal, I would rate his governing style above Xi's any day
HIs government is highly corrupted. Most officers never set example. It is during his tenure, corruption is growing rampant in China. But the funny thing about Jiang China time is, corrupted officer must still perform in terms of economy growth.

Jiang Zemin was a US lackey unlike Xi.​

He believe US is a friend until China embassy in Serbia is bombed. Jiang initiate the J-10 project, CV-16 aircraft carrier and DF-31 and JL-2 ICBM.

He was a dork in many ways but at least he opened up China and did not seek to grasp power for himself like Xi is doing today. In other words, he tried to instill a peaceful transition of power and a new system of power sharing which Xi is undoing.
LOL.. You think he never do power grip? He plant all his men and when he retired. He give himself another title. Just like the Qing Dowager control Guangxu emperor at the background. Hu Jintao was just a puppet. The one in helm was Jiang. And when he thought he can control Xi...

He was wrong. But also at the same time, his age was catching up. His supporter seeing his age , they slowly fade away and support Xi.
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HIs government is highly corrupted. Most officers never set example. It is during his tenure, corruption is growing rampant in China. But the funny thing about Jiang China time is, corrupted officer must still perform in terms of economy growth.

He believe US is a friend until China embassy in Serbia is bombed. Jiang initiate the J-10 project, CV-16 aircraft carrier and DF-31 and JL-2 ICBM.

LOL.. You think he never do power grip? He plant all his men and when he retired. He give himself another title. Just like the Qing Dowager control Guangxu emperor at the background. Hu Jintao was just a puppet. The one in helm was Jiang. And when he thought he can control Xi...

He was wrong. But also at the same time, his age was catching up. His supporter seeing his age , they slowly fade away and support Xi.

ChineseTiger supported Jiang even I say Jiang is very corrupt. Jiang is the most corrupt Chinese leader, to an appalling scale.

Hu Jintao has a hard time in controlling Shanghai clique, but at the least, Hu's family has very strong discipline and make lots of sacrifices, despite that Hu children is extremely smart and academically bright.

Even Bo Xilai call Hu Jintao Xian emperor of Han 汉献帝。

ChineseTiger must be beneficiary of Jiang corruption.
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Jiang had a lot of corruption but atleast he wasn’t a traitor like Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. It was Jiang that had to repair the damage done in the 1980’s by two utter liberal clowns that tried to topple the CPC from within.

It is these liberal cucks that need to be expelled from the CPC. They are an existential threat to the CPC and to China. Their loyalty is to the West, not to China.

Imagine if another liberal cuck like Zhao Ziyang became general secretary instead of Jiang. China would be a mess.

So we must thank Jiang for his contribution to enhancing China’s power.

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