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Taiwanese spies involved in the protest in Hong Kong

People love to make excuse by saying:
If we refuse to worship the USSR communist, then we are American and Japanese dogs.

One is juged by his words and behaviour!

But TWese is trully US's dog. Without US's protection, TW will be erased on the world map in few days :pop:

No one dares to erase Taiwan from anywhere! It is a part of China!
KMT has always been very active against its own people, but will piss themselves whenever they're pitted against foreigners.
No need to pretend to be unknown. Everyone know that CCP want to administrate HK like another Chinese cities with communist structure government. And to educate HK people to praise communism and fanatically love Mao Zedong.

95% of HK people refuse it! Taiwan is helping HK people as usual, just like before it was handed over to mainland.

HK-Taiwan relationship is very long and deep. Far longer and deeper than the relationship with the mainland.
Are you idiot ?

Do not transfer the topic of your words"we are forced to be communist".

Just tell me how many communists in china or HK!!!
Then why dont u join the PLA and prepare to go home in body bag ?? U cant hope some young Chinese die for ur cheap thought :pop:

lol, if there is any military unification, Taiwan will get bombed first before they could see a single PLA soldier.
Although rather far-fetched, at least in near future, Chinese invasion or even threatening of Taiwan will further increase the U.S. and European involvement in the matter and might lead to further militarization of the region, please take into consideration that Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, etc... have mostly grown wary of China rapid development, especially its military build-ups and they have started to purchase hardware and expand their own defence programs. Realistically speaking, I'm afraid China will only isolate itself by going in the direction that OP is suggesting.
Are you idiot ?

Do not transfer the topic of your words"we are forced to be communist".

Just tell me how many communists in china or HK!!!

It's true that mainland is planning to promote communism in HK. It's a mainland wet dream, dreaming HK people to give respect to Mao Zedong, saying positive things about communism in mainland, and HK regret his mistake for refusing communism in the past.

I'm telling everyone here, the reason HK is still looking up the mainland, is for the sake of China, not communist. You promote Chinese culture and religions, Chinese unity, etc, everyone in HK will welcome you. Try to promote communism, you will kicked out!
Although rather far-fetched, at least in near future, Chinese invasion or even threatening of Taiwan will further increase the U.S. and European involvement in the matter and might lead to further militarization of the region, please take into consideration that Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, etc... have mostly grown wary of China rapid development, especially its military build-ups and they have started to purchase hardware and expand their own defence programs. Realistically speaking, I'm afraid China will only isolate itself by going in the direction that OP is suggesting.

Dude, China is not Iran. And do you truly believe that US with its current state has the ability to encircle China?
lol, if there is any military unification, Taiwan will get bombed first before they could see a single PLA soldier.
And every one will slap sanction on China. then, thats the last day of corrupted Xi's family :pop:

No one dares to erase Taiwan from anywhere! It is a part of China!
So, u admit that a part of China is under US's occupation and it is too weak and coward to take back TW ??
It's true that mainland is planning to promote communism in HK. It's a mainland wet dream, dreaming HK people to give respect to Mao Zedong, saying positive things about communism in mainland, and HK regret his mistake for refusing communism in the past.

I'm telling everyone here, the reason HK is still looking up the mainland, is for the sake of China, not communist. You promote Chinese culture and religions, Chinese unity, etc, everyone in HK will welcome you. Try to promote communism, you will kicked out!

answer my question !!!!

How can you say "We are forced to be communist"??
Dude, China is not Iran. And do you truly believe that US with its current state has the ability to encircle China?

Whether China is Iran or not is irrelevant as the subject of discussion is China and not Iran.

Anyway, to answer your question, Yes, the United States is fully capable of doing so, as a matter of fact the U.S companies have been outsourcing more and more jobs to South East Asian countries and they're (U.S. Congress) looking for alternatives to discourage the U.S. manufacturer from doing business with China (as in terms of outsourcing). And what state are you talking about exactly? Financial? Political? Do you think that consequences are only one-sided? Chinese invasion of Taiwan will be more consequential for China than anyone else, your rivals such as India and Japan and even Korea, would like to see you do that.

All the nationalistic fervor aside, China isn't able to pay its debt to Iran because it fears U.S. retaliation, what makes you think that its able to declare war on Taiwan? Which will unify its enemies even more.

Anyhow, my point wasn't the increased U.S. hostility alone, you actually have to worry more about your regional neighbours than the the U.S. involvement.

Are China, Japan and South Korea fanning the flames of war? - Telegraph
answer my question !!!!

How can you say "We are forced to be communist"??

You didn't know about Communist Patriotic Education? And CCP is trying to sneaky trick HK people by slowly transform HK government to be similar to communist structure. But all of this will never happened, because HK people with Taiwan help, are not easy to be fooled.

If we are not caring, without people notice, young people in HK will start worshiping Mao Zedong. When you try to protest, without you realized, the government of HK already became a communist government. The next you know, young people will start to demonize Chinese culture and religions with HK government support. People who still care about China, Chinese culture and religions will became a minority in their own land, that slowly went into extinction.

Taiwan and HK relationship is far far longer and deeper than to mainland the communist (who did isolationism and refusing to accept the heritage of Chinese civilization over communism).

Taiwan and HK was the only cultural center of Chinese worldwide (while mainland was very busy prosecuting Confucianism and anything related to Chinese culture).

Taiwan and HK is like two countries without border. We were the only Chinese states left in this world.

Taiwan is always there for HK.

PS: I do believe most of mainlanders here don't know about it, but all Chinese worldwide know it very very well.

Hong Kong needs a good dose of communism to destroy their white worshipping attitudes.

Communism is a white worshiping ideology as well.

Remember Cultural Revolution!
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