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Taiwanese spies involved in the protest in Hong Kong

Chairman Mao is our greatest leader, and we will always remember his contribution for the modern China. Eat that, Taibazi!

The Christian politicians in KMT started the campaign, because to spread Christianity, they must destroyed anything about Chinese first.

So they started the propaganda to defamed and demonized Confucianism and everything about China.

Some of the culture was lost in most people in the mainland.

How many Buddhist and Doaist follower in mainland? How frequent they went to the temple to pray and give respect?

What is the different between Mao Zedong and communism? No one can tell the different.

If you guys worshiping Deng Xiaobing, we can forgive you, since he is the hero for liberating China.

Communism is proven destroyed Chinese civilization and China as a whole. Unworthy to study and definitely never apply it again.

It's a wrong interpretation of Qing Dynasty by the Christian KMT and Communist.

Qing dynasty did the best to protect China at the time. But the pressure was too hard and also internal factor as well.


The lesson we should learn, always stick to our culture and never fall into foreigner propaganda.
Christian KMT ? What are you talking about ?
You can not say Christian KMT just because Chiange kai shed couples were christian.
You have no idea about how popular the Buddhism and Taoism is in China now !
Many people cross thousand miles to the Temple and give a lot of money to the monks ,and help them to keep life!If you go to some temple , you will see how many people and how frequent people go there.

Every lunar new year , my family will worship ancestor , and we will built a small shrine for Mao also.
Inside the shine is a picture of Mao ,not pic of Marx.
If you still can not understand ,read “On Capital” and “Selected works of MaoZedong”,you will see the different!

1.3 billion Chinese does not agree with you , and USA must be very happy if we dump "Selected works of Mao"

Then you guys need to say "no" to Japan and USA , at least Jap please!
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You have no idea about how popular the Buddhism and Taoism is in China now !
Many people cross thousand miles to the Temple and give a lot of money to the monks ,and help them to keep life!If you go to some temple , you will see how many people and how frequent people go there.

Every lunar new year , my family will worship ancestor , and we will built a small shrine for Mao also.
Inside the shine is a picture of Mao ,not pic of Marx.
If you still can not understand ,read “On Capital” and “Selected works of MaoZedong”,you will see the different!

1.3 billion Chinese does not agree with you , and USA must be very happy if we dump "Selected works of Mao"

Then you guys need to say "no" to Japan and USA , at least Jap please!

They are just a bunch of hypocrites.

We have a pic of Chairmao Mao, while they have a pic of Jesus Christ.

And they are telling us that they are the real Chinese, while we are the fake Chinese. What a bunch of shameless bananas.
Christianist in Vietnam allow their people have pic of Jesus Christ and pic of their ancestors ...
While almost adores President Ho Chi Minh, but only few family has the picture of him

We almost have our ancestors picture ...
Christian KMT ? What are you talking about ?
You can not say Christian KMT just because Chiange kai shed couples were christian.

You don't know the real history about what happened at the time.

I just want to say, it's not just Muslim Al-Qaeda brainwashed fanatics who are crazy, but also Christians as well. Not to mention the era at the time is not as wise and tolerance as today. That era was just several decades after Boxer Rebellion.

Btw, do you know the real history of Boxer Rebellion? Not the narrative told by foreign worshiper KMT and CCP in the school book.

You have no idea about how popular the Buddhism and Taoism is in China now !
Many people cross thousand miles to the Temple and give a lot of money to the monks ,and help them to keep life!If you go to some temple , you will see how many people and how frequent people go there.

CCP report said it's just less than 300 millions over 1.3 billions who are Buddhist and Daoist.

It just being posted recently somewhere in this forum.

Every lunar new year , my family will worship ancestor , and we will built a small shrine for Mao also.
Inside the shine is a picture of Mao ,not pic of Marx.
If you still can not understand ,read “On Capital” and “Selected works of MaoZedong”,you will see the different!

1.3 billion Chinese does not agree with you , and USA must be very happy if we dump "Selected works of Mao"

Shrine for Mao is something that we should talk extensively before China-Taiwan reunification.

We are not that crazy! We are not even worshiping Sun Yat Sen nor Chiang Kai Shek.

Btw, I'm very glad that you still give respect to the ancestor and our heroes.

Then you guys need to say "no" to Japan and USA , at least Jap please!

Taiwan is not a friend to lunatic politicians of Japan.

But c'mon, WW2 is over decades ago, the criminals were punished, common Japanese people are innocent and they dislike war as well.

Every Chinese worldwide hate and condemn WW2 but we need to grow up and move on as well. Common Japanese people are actually very friendly and good. Isn't many of them helping comic and anime industry in mainland? Many of experts and technicians work in mainland companies are Japanese. They helped a lot improving mainland products, including valuable technology and experience transfer.

If we want to bring unity in whole East Asia, mainland should give the biggest example first.

They are just a bunch of hypocrites.

We have a pic of Chairmao Mao, while they have a pic of Jesus Christ.

And they are telling us that they are the real Chinese, while we are the fake Chinese. What a bunch of shameless bananas.

In Taiwan, we are not using the picture of Jesus.

But a statue of Jesus, standing side by side with GuanYin and GuanGong.
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Chairman Mao is our greatest leader, and we will always remember his contribution for the modern China. Eat that, Taibazi!


This man??

I prefer Deng Xiaobing. He did a great thing by liberated China from the Mao Zedong's madness, so China today can became like this:

Never use phrase like "active against" to describe KMT, Chiang Kai shek ordered General ZhangXueLiang not to resist Jap

KMT gave up Northeastern China 3 provinces without killing even 1 Jap, Use your brilliant brain to think about the real meaning of "active against"

The Second Sino-Japanese War broke out in July 1937, and in August of that year Chiang sent 600,000 of his best-trained and equipped soldiers to defend Shanghai. With over 200,000 Chinese casualties, Chiang lost the political cream of his Whampoa-trained officers.

Chiang Kai-shek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Active enough? Now gtfo 50 center.
In Taiwan, we are not using the picture of Jesus.

But a statue of Jesus, standing side by side with GuanYin and GuanGong.

Finally showing your true color.

Your Christianity worshipping cults will always be a big problem for China. CPC and Mao are always 100 times more Chinese than you shameless Taibazi.
Yeah , you are really brilliant!

Look at these HK clown protesters, they even do not recognize them as Chinese when they wave colonial flag !

And look at these bastards on TW TV show or political circle like Lee Teng Hui, he treates Jap like his father , perhaps Jap IS his father.

Recently Abe went to worship the shrine , and TW keep silent.

And the most unbelievable thing is some TW bastards say China should not protest Jap for the worshipping .

Serve enemy like father is Not China Culture!

What kind people are they ? I think Son of Jap bitch is right word to describe them.

These stupid HK and TW already forget the history, In this situation ,How can you say TW and HK keep good China culture ?

Are you lost your Fucking mind?

good post. HK was under Jap rule for 3 years during ww2. Many people were beheaded and raped because that's what Japs do best. The colonial master did nothing. Young HK people has forgotten their history but instead worship the people who slaughtered their grandparents and treated them worse than pigs.

To me, these HK protesters are nothing more than human waste.
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lol, i like when you quote me to give a history lesson but when your coworkers rape history according to CCP booklets and manuals you are nowhere to be seen. Gtfo and quote and remind your own kin not me.

Can't handle it when Chinese is teaching you some correct Chinese history? I often laugh at you Caucasians who think they know the truth of what really took place in China the past decades in the Mao era. I guess it must be a hype thing for you guys bad mouthing Mao. You are not qualified claiming Chinese raping our own history because that suggest you know our history even better than Chinese people lol. You guys are all obsessed with Mao for some reason, don't know why but that's what i observed from your types.
Can't handle it when Chinese is teaching you some correct Chinese history? I often laugh at you Caucasians who think they know the truth of what really took place in China the past decades in the Mao era. I guess it must be a hype thing for you guys bad mouthing Mao. You are not qualified claiming Chinese raping our own history because that suggest you know our history even better than Chinese people lol. You guys are all obsessed with Mao for some reason, don't know why but that's what i observed from your types.
I don't think he's a Caucasian. He's brown on the outside. Not sure why he keeps mentioning 50 cents, perhaps that's the going rate for flipping burgers.
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