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Tahir ul Qadri win again


May 21, 2006
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What he said few days a go come true. He said in press conference after election, majority of parties will point finger at credibility of ECP. And it is so true. ECP failed to perform its duty and caretaker govt fail to provide security and level field ground to every political parties.
Whats the point, these people were against Dr. Tahir & now why are the people remembering him? continue to hate him.

It was Dr. Tahir who kept saying lets change this corrupt system & wanted to bring change by proper way but the people......., no comment on these worthless people.

Now lick PML-N & lick this DEMOCRAZY which will ONLY HARM Pakistan.
Whats the point, these people were against Dr. Tahir & now why are the people remembering him? continue to hate him.

It was Dr. Tahir who kept saying lets change this corrupt system & wanted to bring change by proper way but the people......., no comment on these worthless people.

Now lick PML-N & lick this DEMOCRAZY which will ONLY HARM Pakistan.

Hit the iron when it is hot.

When he was rallying in Islamabad no one paid heed. Now everyone is regretting.

Had PTI joined him things would have been different. PTI missed a golden chance to ensure that free and fair elections were held and democratically elected people enter in the parliament.

No use crying over spilled milk now. I don't think Qadri won't come out again against the corrupt politicians who again and again come to power. He was rallying not to come to power but to ensure that free and fair elections are held as per the constition.

Dual nationality holders can sit in parliament again and again but Qadri was not allowed to file a law case as he was a dual nationality holder. He was not asking to make him PM or President or Minister. His only demand was free and fair elections.
Long live democratic dictatorship of Pakistan. Pakistan's very own version of democracy where the people are not considered citizens but useless animals. No matter whether citizens vote or don't vote it does not make any difference. Same people will come again and again.

Hell even Atheists will run Pakistan better than the Muslim leaders of Pakistan.
Hit the iron when it is hot.

When he was rallying in Islamabad no one paid heed. Now everyone is regretting.

Had PTI joined him things would have been different. PTI missed a golden chance to ensure that free and fair elections were held and democratically elected people enter in the parliament.

No use crying over spilled milk now. I don't think Qadri won't come out again against the corrupt politicians who again and again come to power. He was rallying not to come to power but to ensure that free and fair elections are held as per the constition.

Dual nationality holders can sit in parliament again and again but Qadri was not allowed to file a law case as he was a dual nationality holder. He was not asking to make him PM or President or Minister. His only demand was free and fair elections.

This was what the people failed to undersatand & the corrupt were saying that Dr. Tahir is only doing this to become the next PM or President of Pakistan, where as he had clearly said that he is only doing this to save Pakistan from the corrupt but the people they ignored him & yes Imran Khan missed the golden oppertunity to make Dr. Tahirs movement even more stronger, I am sure IK must be thinking about those days when Dr. Tahir was calling him out & IK must be regretting his decision.

I personally believe, had IK joined hands with Dr. Tahir back then, then Pakistan would had seen something very amazing but nothing happened.

Today I am sure there are people in Pakistan who must be thinking & saying that Dr. Tahir should come back & do the same thing again. Let's see what happens but I doubt he might not come back to start a new movement again.
Whats the point, these people were against Dr. Tahir & now why are the people remembering him? continue to hate him.

It was Dr. Tahir who kept saying lets change this corrupt system & wanted to bring change by proper way but the people......., no comment on these worthless people.

Now lick PML-N & lick this DEMOCRAZY which will ONLY HARM Pakistan.

And how that changes supposed to come???
fk him he is a nutjob.

Lets Nawaz come to power, wait and see if he can fulfill hope or will be swept.

but seem as long as Punjab has more seats than other provinces this one sided development in Punjab will bring nawaz to power.
Time has proved that #TuQwasRight.
I will be surprised, if still Change seekers not follow his advice.
- Qadri a Pakistani Passport holder was not allowed to file the law suit but Altaf is allowed to say anything against Pakistan and do anything in Karachi.

- Qadri a Pakistani Passport holder having dual nationality but he was not contesting any elections because he had respect for the clauses on the constitution but others are being allowed again and again.

- Qadri a Pakistani Passport holder was not allowed to file the law suit but politicians can do anything to get the seats in parliament.

- Qadri a Pakistani Passport holder wanted free and fair elections as er the constitution but no one supported him but politicians can do anything against the constitution and say anything against the very same country where they want chairs in parliament and assemblies and they get supporters to support them.
fk him he is a nutjob.

Lets Nawaz come to power, wait and see if he can fulfill hope or will be swept.

but seem as long as Punjab has more seats than other provinces this one sided development in Punjab will bring nawaz to power.
National seats are determined based on the demographical distribution. Punjab has most seats because it houses the most population and thus most voters since everybody has one vote. I dont know why people ignore this basic ground reality.
Time has proved that #TuQwasRight.
I will be surprised, if still Change seekers not follow his advice.
I am amazed at PTI fans about how they continue to talk about TUQ. Look guys if you dont trust the system, convert PTI into a TUQ type inqilabi organization and stop participating in democratic system :). On serious note, have faith in the system. N knows what happened to PPP when they didn't deliver and also that now people have a third choice. If they performed like PPP , I will be the first one to come forth and stamp on bat.
I am amazed at PTI fans about how they continue to talk about TUQ. Look guys if you dont trust the system, convert PTI into a TUQ type inqilabi organization and stop participating in democratic system :). On serious note, have faith in the system. N knows what happened to PPP when they didn't deliver and also that now people have a third choice. If they performed like PPP , I will be the first one to come forth and stamp on bat.

And the use? In the end? Free and fair elections in Pakistan? My foot.
It's funny.

When 'these people' did not able to enforce their agenda on the rest of population of Pakistan through democratic means under leadership of Mr. Imran Khan,they are turning towards UNDEMOCRATIC forces.

No wonder now on Tahrir ul Qadri,ARMY or even Musharraf would get more sympathies and so more time in the News Discussion Studios.:pakistan:
Okey then, you're free to join TUQ TUQ inlqilabi services (Pvt) Ltd.

As long as violators of constitution are in the parliament and assemblies again and again nothing concrete will happen. We are still saying things will change.

When? Has Pakistan not been destroyed enough? Have not we seen enough destruction of Pakistan economically and socially? Are enjoying the destruction of Pakistan so much that we don't want the destruction of Pakistan to stop? Have the politicians not looted enough yet for the youth to rise against the system?

Nothing will change unless the youth comes out in full force and throws out these politicians out of their palaces and take control of all their palaces.

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