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Tahir ul Qadri refers May 11 as beginning of revolution, beginning of the end of damocrazy , join it

The major difference between Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif is, Musharraf's backing was the army, he never got an opportunity to show his public support. Nawaz legally or illegally got an opportunity to show public support, right or wrong but he was elected Prime Minister by the public.

Musharraf on the other hand was never elected. There was a joke called referendum once upon a time, my bro went to vote... was stopped outside the polling station, given a box of biryani and urged to return as whomsoever was willing to vote was given a box of biryani and returned. Later we learned about 99% support or whatever. Nawaz on the other hand played a dirty politics and gained a public support.
he was an elected president of pakistan by all those who are just sitting on opposition benches & by those who are now bieng minsters?
so its not the matter, at all, after all this & that nawaz is a product of genrls, +army?

Sorry but I do not support this 11 May revolution. Pakistan is too fragile to go into a revolution and as many people have mentioned it will cause ethnic division and create a even weaker defenceless Pakistan where neighbouring countries will take advantage of. We need patience a real revolution can take place when a common man becomes educated in Pakistan we are far from it. This will only cause anarchy
ok just wait 5000 more years?
he was an elected president of pakistan by all those who are just sitting on opposition benches & by those who are now bieng minsters?
so its not the matter, at all, after all this & that nawaz is a product of genrls, +army?

ok just wait 5000 more years?

batmanjee change only comes through ballot box in Jinnah's Pakistan, wait till general elections of 2018 :lol:
Useless statements for useless civilians. This nation has no hope. Media is the perfect reflection of a nation because media stays in business from broadcasting what people wanna see, flip any channel and you will only find f1lth! And how can this nation be industrialized when it seems Pakistan is only run by few products pepsi, candies, q mobiles, and cellphone service providers.

coming back to main topic. The only revolution this padri is going to bring is revolution of lies.
Useless statements for useless civilians. This nation has no hope. Media is the perfect reflection of a nation because media stays in business from broadcasting what people wanna see, flip any channel and you will only find f1lth! And how can this nation be industrialized when it seems Pakistan is only run by few products pepsi, candies, q mobiles, and cellphone service providers.

coming back to main topic. The only revolution this padri is going to bring is revolution of lies.
Man where the hell were you gone remain active on this forum you are needed a lot
batmanjee change only comes through ballot box in Jinnah's Pakistan, wait till general elections of 2018 :lol:
This electoral system will never bring a change. It can just increase taxes on common man and more benefits for the parliamentarians.
he was an elected president of pakistan by all those who are just sitting on opposition benches & by those who are now bieng minsters?
so its not the matter, at all, after all this & that nawaz is a product of genrls, +army?

ok just wait 5000 more years?
Look ur acting with emotions we all know how bad the goverments have been but there's no way a revolution will take place, mark my words. You need strong leaders and a educated mass for a revolution to occur I'm sorry but I rather wait 5000 years for the right time to revolt rather than risk total chaos and anarchy in a country that's in such a fragile state that we might risk losing provinces due to ethnic divisions we need to be united, a revolution will only break us apart
This electoral system will never bring a change. It can just increase taxes on common man and more benefits for the parliamentarians.

Public has the choice to vote out any party they deem incapable. Exactly how democracy is supposed to operate.
my bro went to vote... was stopped outside the polling station, given a box of biryani and urged to return as whomsoever was willing to vote was given a box of biryani and returned.
I am a witness of referendum and nothing of this sort happened.

This design has worked for the rest of the world, why mustPakistanis insist on being backwards and being taught the hard way.

A design works only when it is followed in true letter in spirit. Acha Acha hap hap and ganda ganda thu thu cannot make this system work. A democracy with dynasties is never a success, those who say India and BD are success they are wrong. In both these countries common man is suffering. Only elite class is enjoying. People live in slums, travel in transports like pack of sardines. This is what you call democracy? Public health facilities are full of filth this what you call democracy. If you want to follow western way of governance, adopt it full or look for alternatives. Democracy with current mindset of politicians and ineffective electoral system will not lead to any goodies. As it is said garbage in garbage out or in the words of Hasan Nisar "Qeemay ki machine may khanzeer ka gosht dalnay par qeema bhi khanzeer ka hi milay ga"

Eventually, the common man will become more educated, eventually he will learn, eventually he'll move away from the traditional ramble of crappy political parties.
Common man will never become more educated. This specie is still fighting the war for survival. Just out on streets and see what our education system is giving, only law defying citizen. Poverty will keep bringing these goons into power for one plate of biryani.
Hold it right there mate.

What do you think you're trying to spin here?
You think I'm at all happy with the state of affairs? Let me make it clear to you my views, I am certain that this is the worst chapter in our history, made far worse by back to back incompetent and corrupt governments.

I am not a follower of any party, no sir, no even PTI. I've drifted far away from them.

So don't go crying rivers on that account.

This design has worked for the rest of the world, why mustPakistanis insist on being backwards and being taught the hard way.

Let me be frank with you, people like you even though you mean well are our downfall and continual lack of long term progress. The solutions you propose will put Pakistan in a situation of chaos and then temporary progress and then chaos and so on.

Much like this:

Chaos theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me say AGAIN. I am not for the current government or political parties, but the only way a country can stand on it's two feet are if it's people hold power and if the people are capable of taking care of their country.

Pakistanis are far from adequate in this regard, hence why we have such a poor show of political parties.

Eventually, the common man will become more educated, eventually he will learn, eventually he'll move away from the traditional ramble of crappy political parties.

The day that happens, Pakistan will never look back.

So am I. Who the hell are you to say otherwise or imply otherwise?

Absolutely not. I hold opinions but they are only opinions.


Let's have a little deal shall we?

Hear ye PDF!!!

This fellow has now challenged me to this. I say there will come a time where TuQ will regret his entering in to politics and won't ever achieve his goals. And this fellow has said otherwise.

Maybe a few years down the line when it's appropriate we'll dig this back up and see who was right.
problem is that, from the westrn prapoganda dailies, all you hve learn that the only way of the progress of the country is the stupid voting system?
which called damocrazy, which is keep giving the power to same looters each & everytime, & foolisly thinking it will change some day?
no it never, can be changed like that, even that having 100 of elections under who may ever, it will be the same? NOORA RAJ OR GAHADARI RAJ ?
either you are not a supporter of PTI any more!
but the same foolish mentality of sunami thinking, change by votes is still there, even though its been made wrong & failed by the paid intellectuals like, NAJAM SEHTI with his great punctured job?
try it, NOORA KING allways find another SEHTI to be in power, or a partner in power with his partner ASIF GHADARI?

they all are the creators of that Chaos theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
all of them are struglling to dismentle pakistani state its patriotic institutions?
giving TTp shelters, deneying thier destruction , by pakarmy?
here is what we are getting by negociating with terrorists

Three killed, 30 injured in Charsadda blast

— File photo
Updated 2014-04-22 09:11:35
1 Comment(s)
PESHAWAR: At least three people were killed and several others wounded on Tuesday in an explosion near a police vehicle in Farooq Azam chowk of Tehsil Bazaar in Charsadda , DawnNews reported.

According to district headquarters hospital personnel, more than 30 were wounded in the attack, including policemen.

The Charsadda police control room confirmed that the police vehicle was attacked in the Tehsil bazaar situated on Nowshehra road.

Police personnel and rescue teams immediately reached the site of the incident.

District police officer Charsadda, Shafiullah Khan told that the explosive material was planted in a motorcycle and the police mobile van was the primary target, adding that the dead also included a shopkeeper.

The injured were shifted to District Headquarters Hospital while those who were in critical condition were shifted to the Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar.

Charsadda lies close to Pakistan's troubled northwestern tribal region where troops have been locked for years in deadly battles with insurgents.

The city has seen attacks by militants in the past few years, with targets ranging from civilians to policemen and other law enforcement personnel.

its the real chaos created by the stupid fandus, of damocrazy, now can you stop it, even after 7 th year in a row with this stupid damocrazy, 60,000 innocent pakistanis were not killed by TUQ? they were killed by TTp who are described by govt & fooolish opposition as thier holy brothers?
& bieng given the shelters of peace negociations?
not by tahir ul qadri..?

JI plans Fata peace jirga in Peshawar

File photo
Updated 2014-04-22 09:13:55
1 Comment(s)
PESHAWAR: The Jamaat-i-Islami Fata has decided to hold a peace jirga for the region at Nishtar Hall in the provincial capital on May 1.

According to JI Fata chief Sahibzada Haroonur Rasheed, people from all walks of life are to participate in the event, where Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Sami chief Maulana Samiul Haq and JI chief Sirajul Haq will be among the speakers.

“Members of the Taliban and government peace committees will also be invited to the moot to know about the violence-affected tribesmen’s problems, especially damages to their life and property. This will help push the relevant authorities for concrete steps to end the volatile situation,” he told a news conference at the Peshawar Press Club on Monday.

Flanked by JI Fata leaders Dr Munsif Khan, Shah Faisal Afridi, Shah Jahan Afridi and Professor Abdur Raqeeb, Mr Rasheed said it was not an all parties’ conference but a peace jirga, where people would participate on the basis of their association with Fata to discuss their issues and give suggestions to the Taliban-government negotiating committees for restoring normalcy in the region in line with the wishes and needs of the local residents.

He urged the government and Taliban committees to present actual issues and problems faced by the Fata people.

The JI Fata chief called for serious efforts to address the problems facing tribesmen, who, he said, had rendered numerous sacrifices during the military operations.

He said the successive government deliberately kept Fata backward, while the prolonged military operations had rendered educational, health and communication facilities completely shattered in the region.

Mr Rasheed, a former MNA from Bajuar Agency, said the prolonged war on terrorism had left thousands of people dead and injured and over 2.5 million people displaced but the government had yet to take steps for the victims’ rehabilitation.

He said most displaced people lived under miserable conditions awaiting the government’s assistance for rehabilitation.

The JI Fata chief said the government was duty bound to take tangible steps for the welfare of Fata people by reviving local economy and agricultural sector and reconstructing schools and health centres.

who is bringing the chaos in to the cities, can you & your damocrazy, stops them?
well as i said, it before TUQ, is not looking to get a job of PM as for the foolish pakistani politicians, its important, but he is trying for real change by peoples power, i stand frimly that his march is about to bring a change anyway, by judiciary bringing down this croupt system or by heavy boots kicking out the triatorious damocrazy?
thats what TUQ, is heading for, he is never thought he, would become president or PM of pakistan?
Public has the choice to vote out any party they deem incapable. Exactly how democracy is supposed to operate.
it is easier said while sitting in USA. Reality on ground really bites.
Public has the choice to vote out any party they deem incapable. Exactly how democracy is supposed to operate.
same way, it ever brought a tindo nawaz into power by cleaning the shoes of army genrls?
same way, it ever brought a tindo nawaz into power by cleaning the shoes of army genrls?


Batman jee did you vote for Fatimah Jinnah or Ayub Khan? :coffee:
As a Islamic Scholar Tahir-ul-Qadri is very knowledgeable person but in politics MQM, Q league, Shiekh Paa g and Tahir-ul-qadri have same agenda to destabalise the current setup. all r loosers.:pakistan:

Batman jee did you vote for Fatimah Jinnah or Ayub Khan? :coffee:
On a lighter side he was not born then :) @batmannow how old were you then :)

As a Islamic Scholar Tahir-ul-Qadri is very knowledgeable person but in politics MQM, Q league, Shiekh Paa g and Tahir-ul-qadri have same agenda to destabalise the current setup. all r loosers.:pakistan:
Then what is the solution? is it still democrazy?
batmanjee change only comes through ballot box in Jinnah's Pakistan, wait till general elections of 2018 :lol:
papu its NOORA TINDO,S pakistan, which he got by ckeaning the shoes of genrl jilani & genrl zia ul haq?
but later he got the money from CIA, in the form of saudi dollors?
with that money hd buyed the votes, & technician to puncture the whole dam elections with the help of croupt CJ & his monte carlo judiciary?
the money he got was basicllly to fimd ways for?
to sell or gift the pakistani nuclear assests to brothrly KSA, from where they ill be taken away by CIA?
from memo gate till the recent media attacks on pakarmy & ISI , its PMLn & its leaders, are trying hard to make this country to become a real. noora land.
sorry, they can think, but its time to send them & this croupted damocrazy to the lands of hell.

On a lighter side he was not born then :) @batmannow how old were you then :)

Then what is the solution? is it still democrazy?
guss you are right commander, but as you know durring my job , with the firm, got the chance to have a look , on very intersting doccuments!


Batman jee did you vote for Fatimah Jinnah or Ayub Khan? :coffee:
mother of nation was conspirated by evil forces, thats what i can tell you?
it was her mistake to entering into direct politics?
she coild hve done better by supporting some?

ayub khan was a patriot who went into fantsy world?

Look ur acting with emotions we all know how bad the goverments have been but there's no way a revolution will take place, mark my words. You need strong leaders and a educated mass for a revolution to occur I'm sorry but I rather wait 5000 years for the right time to revolt rather than risk total chaos and anarchy in a country that's in such a fragile state that we might risk losing provinces due to ethnic divisions we need to be united, a revolution will only break us apart
you are denying that, no where in the world no revolution ever happened?
if we keep following the the dirty garbage truck, you think it will lead us to a garden, some day god knows when?
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