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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

That's why this code doesn't have a lot of chance of working. People have different views of sense of humor. Some people take it lightly, some don't. How will you define the threshold? I too sometimes say things that I personally don't find offending but nevertheless, they sometimes offend other people.

Also, he made that libtard post after the post in the other thread to tone it down. That's just so obvious.

So, chill. Ask yourself - is it worth taking offence about?

This is a voluntary code of conduct that participating Indian members have agreed to abide by. Indian members of PDF are not required to follow it as a rule; only those who find it relevant and progressive, and pertinent to our participation in a forum managed by citizens of another country, may do so.

There are no penalties; there are no strictures or admonitions. This code is an aspirational code, and is for those who wish to participate in a wholesome manner, devoid of hostile exchanges, without trolling other posts or thread, and without attacks on the personal attributes of other members.

The code has articles that are recommended. It has additional articles that are suggested. It will be circulated for comments, and for endorsement; once ten members have endorsed it, we who have endorsed it will seek to follow it.

1) We will not abuse another member’s religion.

2) We will not use unprintable language, referring to somebody’s post, to the person making the post, to the person’s views.

3) We will not use abusive common labels for other Indian members such as

a) Sanghi

b) Bhakt

c) Sickular

d) Libtard

4) We will not quote from any publication or from electronic media without citing the source. We will give preference to published books, peer-reviewed articles or research papers from reputable think-tanks when originating a thread [@Syama Ayas]

5) We will not question a member’s nationality without reasonable cause and without evidence greater than our personal suspicion.

In addition, it is suggested that members following the code avoid the following patterns of behaviour.

6) We will not celebrate the death of another human being, even those who are killed by Indian security forces in the course of violent armed protests against the Indian state;

a) It may be less abrasive to note the incident without adjectives or coloration of any kind.

7) We will not celebrate any apparent success in war or armed conflict by India over any other, until the matter is concluded.

a) On conclusion, we will try to use facts published by reliable print or electronic media.

b) We will list unreliable sources from any reasonable point of view, and members will be requested not to cite these unreliable sources.

c) We will respond to contrary claims by a simple statement of fact, and by mentioning that the matter is still in dispute.

8) We will not report assumed superiority of Indian forces over others without evidence.

a) The stronger the statement claiming superiority, the stronger ought to be the evidence and its sources.

9) We will not respond to provocation by another member, Indian or other.

a) The provocation will be reported to the Moderators using the report button immediately.

b) In case of grave provocation, a common effort will be made to bring it to the immediate notice of the Moderators.

10) We will not enter into arguments about the wars and armed conflicts between India and any other country without sufficient information on the subject, and will ask other Indian members for factual support wherever necessary.

The initial set of members to agree to subscribe to this code voluntarily will elect a three-person group to remind subscribing members about violations of the recommendations, or violations of the suggestions. The member concerned may decide how to react to these reminders.

Subscription to the code is open to all known Indian members, some of whom are listed below.

most definitely yes!!!!
I too sometimes say things that I personally don't find offending but nevertheless, they sometimes offend other people.

Trust me, you aren't alone.

I've gone even further; I've lost my temper and lashed out at youngsters younger than my daughter. How do you think I felt afterwards? It happens.
I don't think I ever falsely claimed something. I probably would have said something like "To the extent of my knowledge". If you know of such shelters then please do post pictures or at least an article link.

My allegiance within India and outside lies with progressive people and movements.
Sir, sometimes google as well.
There were controversies of turing cycleone center to quarantine center. Search again, you will get details.
There were more than 3L evacuaties. This is from a person who is/was there in ground zero.
there's a lot of good people on that side with a lot of the same interests too, hopefully everyone can start making a small effort to be more tactful in how they interact with others and everyone benefits.

Those will continue, with or without a code for ourselves. This code is for us, not for any other. We need not spend time thinking of what others did wrong, it is more productive to think of how to stop ourselves doing anything abrasive.
If these are norms only for indian posters then thats fine . but i want mods to watch this trend carefully @waz @masterchief_mirza @krash . Allowing indians to police which words are acceptable means soon indians will be demanding fake reciprocity- if you bring up genuine issue of kashmir i will bring up balochistan. If you criticize hindu caste system i will criticize Islam and its prophets.

I have no problem with indians as colleagues, neighbors, traders. In fact i like many of them esp those who are from south and muslims. But an indian as an "indian" can only be bad. Fundamentally india is an empire and indian society is worse than south africa under apartheid. Indians know this and their chanakyan solution is to pretend india is just like another nation and hinduism is just another religion. Once you accept that premise the only trend is dilution of all just causes - kashmir, demand for dignified treatment of muslims, dalits, south indians etc. The moment you bring up kashmir then hey india is just like another nation we have "some" problems with kashmir like you have with baloch etc so lets just be freinds kind of arguments will happen.

India is simply not just another nation like say pakistan is. Pakistan was based on premise of separate homeland for muslims. They only asked for muslim majority lands. India on the other hand inherited an empire from brits.

Indian nationalism must continue to be severely policed - nothing good comes from it. And dont worry about them not coming etc. Not gonna happen. India is ranked lowest in happiness index. They will climb whatever walls you put up just to be outta there.

I would actualy ask people to more weary of @Joe Shearer types. As they pretend that there is a "nice" side to ugly indian nationalism. All those other more rude posters are just "sanghis" etc. If you leave them those sangihs apart it is just a lovely another nation busy solving some problems here and there in kashmir or caste etc.
But oppression in kashmir or caste are NOT problems of india. They are its features. one can ignore it only at ones own peril.
Excellent post with some very astute observations. As long as Pakistanis here have these caveats in mind at all times, there is no real harm in letting wild dogs howl at the moon.

One mistake though - I'm not a mod. I'd regard myself as something along the lines of a volunteer chief whip.
Sir, sometimes google as well.
There were controversies of turing cycleone center to quarantine center. Search again, you will get details.
There were more than 3L evacuaties. This is from a person who is/was there in ground zero.

Quite right, and I am aware of these features as well, but from a remote location.

The point is that @jamahir was attacked on grounds of his being a false flag.

OK, good people, two suggestions, both included in red italics. Two more signatures to go before the code goes live. See you in the morning.

letting wild dogs howl at the moon.

Thank you for your constructive criticism.
Kiddo, don't play this Hindu-Muslims card with me. I have enough blames on you. You are not saint here. I have seen your hate and victim playing.
So stop this nonsense and stay on the topic. We are not discussing Hindu Muslim here.
Stop patronizing me or I shall reciprocate in kind. I've been here longer than you were and seen good many things happen here. So as I said earlier, "do not sermonize". The hate for muslims is real right here on this forum and I've seen Hindutva posters frothing at Indian muslims(Because all they saw was "MUSLIMS"). Your blames mean nothing to me and I never claimed that I am a saint here and I do reciprocate in kind when I come across Hindutva posters. Most of India-Pakistan flame wars are based on religion. You dont see Hindutva posters here frothing at Chinese, the way they do with Pakistanis and the reason for that is quite clear.

@Joe Shearer I am trying to follow the codes you put forward, I will try to abide by it. Though it looks a bit challenging
@Joe Shearer , good initiative. But i have seen PDF for long to believe.
More suggestions from me.
1. Respect a lady.
2. And stop amra o ora. You know what i mean.
3. Any Indian flag holder if calls other Indian's you Indian, can question be raised?
I hope we can reach some agreement on a common code of conduct for those Indian members who don't wish to be trolls spoiling things for everyone on every thread.

Damn 17 pages my friend. I'll have to go through all this.
Damn 17 pages my friend. I'll have to go through all this.


Just look at the code and thereafter (#208, pg 14). Good luck. I'm still asking for modification requests; once these are all in, by 11:00 tomorrow, I will check to see if at least ten members have subscribed, and then forward it to you.

Most of the 17 pages is of people saying they may not be able to keep calm because they are certain they will be provoked.

1. Respect a lady.
2. And stop amra o ora. You know what i mean.
3. Any Indian flag holder if calls other Indian's you Indian, can question be raised?

Great. Forgot these. Check the modification entered. I'm afraid we can't stop that 'you Indian' crap.

This is a voluntary code of conduct that participating Indian members have agreed to abide by. Indian members of PDF are not required to follow it as a rule; only those who find it relevant and progressive, and pertinent to our participation in a forum managed by citizens of another country, may do so.

There are no penalties; there are no strictures or admonitions. This code is an aspirational code, and is for those who wish to participate in a wholesome manner, devoid of hostile exchanges, without trolling other posts or thread, and without attacks on the personal attributes of other members.

The code has articles that are recommended. It has additional articles that are suggested. It will be circulated for comments, and for endorsement; once ten members have endorsed it, we who have endorsed it will seek to follow it.

  1. We will not abuse another member’s religion.
  2. We will not use unprintable language, referring to somebody’s post, to the person making the post, to the person’s views.
  3. We will not use abusive common labels for other Indian members such as
    1. Sanghi
    2. Bhakt
    3. Sickular
    4. Libtard
    5. Jihadi (for Muslim Indians)[@xeuss @Shantanu_Left]
  4. We will not abuse women, the LGBT community or the mentally and physically handicapped. [@Itsanufy]
  5. We will not quote from any publication or from electronic media without citing the source. We will give preference to published books, peer-reviewed articles or research papers from reputable think-tanks when originating a thread [@Syama Ayas]
  6. We will not question a member’s nationality without reasonable cause and without evidence greater than our personal suspicion.
In addition, it is suggested that members following the code avoid the following patterns of behaviour.
  1. We will not celebrate the death of another human being, even those who are killed by Indian security forces in the course of violent armed protests against the Indian state;
    1. It may be less abrasive to note the incident without adjectives or coloration of any kind.
  2. We will not celebrate any apparent success in war or armed conflict by India over any other, until the matter is concluded.
    1. On conclusion, we will try to use facts published by reliable print or electronic media.
    2. We will list unreliable sources from any reasonable point of view, and members will be requested not to cite these unreliable sources.
    3. We will respond to contrary claims by a simple statement of fact, and by mentioning that the matter is still in dispute.
  3. We will not report assumed superiority of Indian forces over others without evidence.
    1. The stronger the statement claiming superiority, the stronger ought to be the evidence and its sources.
  4. We will not respond to provocation by another member, Indian or other.
    1. The provocation will be reported to the Moderators using the report button immediately.
    2. In case of grave provocation, a common effort will be made to bring it to the immediate notice of the Moderators.
  5. We will not enter into arguments about the wars and armed conflicts between India and any other country without sufficient information on the subject, and will ask other Indian members for factual support wherever necessary.
The initial set of members to agree to subscribe to this code voluntarily will elect a three-person group to remind subscribing members about violations of the recommendations, or violations of the suggestions. The member concerned may decide how to react to these reminders.

Subscription to the code is open to all known Indian members, some of whom are listed below.

  1. @alhindi
  2. @Avatar
  3. @BL33D
  4. @cloud4000
  5. @dharmi
  6. @Dustom999
  7. @IMARV
  8. @itsanufy
  9. @jamahir
  10. @jbgt90
  11. @Joe Shearer
  12. @Krptonite
  13. @KhanBaba2
  14. @Mad Scientist 2.0
  15. @meghdut
  16. @mig25
  17. @Nilgiri
  18. @Novice09
  19. @Peshwa
  20. @Raj-Hindustani
  21. @scorpionx
  22. @Secularindian
  23. @Shantanu_Left
  24. @Surya 1
  25. @swnjo
  26. @Syama Ayas
  27. @TheGreatMaratha
  28. @The_Showstopper
  29. @Zapper
Concisely drafted, has a professional flair to it. "Aye" :yes4:from my side.
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I would actualy ask people to more weary of @Joe Shearer types. As they pretend that there is a "nice" side to ugly indian nationalism. All those other more rude posters are just "sanghis" etc. If you leave them those sangihs apart it is just a lovely another nation busy solving some problems here and there in kashmir or caste etc.
But oppression in kashmir or caste are NOT problems of india. They are its features. one can ignore it only at ones own peril.

You are mistaken. We have Indians of diverse opinions here. I personally support Kashmiri Plebiscite and also their right to self-determination, and protection from police atrocities in India. Some Indians like me are actively working in favour of Kashmiris.

Every country has a nice side, and an ugly side. No country is innocent like you assumed.
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