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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

@Joe Shearer

I guess the number of minimum signatures has been reached (maybe I'm not sure). Please keep this code of conduct draft in a prominent place within this thread and it will be great if more volunteers can have it in our signatures. Also, a sticky or anything like that is a good idea.

Make sure everyone is only gently nudged in the beginning when they're in violation. No incriminating judgment. Simple request like "Bro you're in violation of Point #4 of the Code. Kindly fix." Don't want to sound like a fascist state.

I think a great job has been done. If we can keep this one up, within a few months this forum should become a great place to exchange ideas.
4. No Personal attacks/off-topic posts: Another point which can be no. 4 is do not derail any threads with inflammatory, off-topic posts, and also desist from Personal attacks. Do not question any user's country of origin or loyalty on the Internet.,

This should be a general rule for everyone
You are mistaken. We have Indians of diverse opinions here. I personally support Kashmiri Plebiscite and also their right to self-determination, and protection from police atrocities in India. Some Indians like me are actively working in favour of Kashmiris.

Every country has a nice side, and an ugly side. No country is innocent like you assumed.

Really ? there is not a single registered political party in india which supports plebiscite. Your "work" as an indian is inconsequential. You cant solve kashmir without solving india. Unless you question the way india itself is organized you achieve nothing for kashmir. Its been 75 years and indian occupation and cruelty has only increased and kashmiri cry for azadi has only increased. As an "indian" you are almost always a problem not a solution.

Again mods @krash @waz beware of these "there are nice guys among occupiers" and bad guys among freedom fighter rhetoric. They love nothing more than playing "both sides have problems" games.
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If you're going to have Indian posters on this website, then obviously you're going to have Indian opinions. The only rules that apply are the posters should be civil. Despite being Indian, I have done more to help the Kashmiris in a personal capacity than you will in a lifetime.

Considering that you have an allergy to my types, use your influence with the moderators to achieve a blanket ban on all Indian posters. Problem solved.

If you can't persuade them to do that, you will need to tolerate our opinions. We will shove it in your face 10 times a day if needed till you choke on Indian-ness. o_O

And I happen to be a Singaporean citizen. But of course that doesn't matter as my general loyalty is with India.

As per the new code that we all intend to follow here, let us agree to disagree.

As a human you can go beyond your national identity and take humane stance. But you are clearly full of indianness so much so you want to choke people with it. You want to peddle these myths there are "good" occupiers as if occupiers can ever be good. This is the standard indian liberal modus operandi.

I never said to ban all indians enmasse. In fact in my last post I even said these rules are fine as long as they are adopted by indians themselves with no expectation of any reciprocity. I only cautioned mods of using these so called rubbish rules to legitimize the rhetoric of occupiers and attempt to change the narrative of justice here.

Shantanu_Left said:
We will shove it in your face 10 times a day if needed till you choke on Indian-ness. o_O

Look at the sense of entitlement @krash @waz. If you indulge these "rules" and nonsense soon the mask falls and the real indian comes out.
As a human you can go beyond your national identity and take humane stance. But you are clearly full of indianness so much so you want to choke people with it. You want to peddle these myths there are "good" occupiers as if occupiers can ever be good. This is the standard indian liberal modus operandi.

I never said to ban all indians enmasse. In fact in my last post I even said these rules are fine as long as they are adopted by indians themselves with no expectation of any reciprocity. I only cautioned mods of using these so called rubbish rules to legitimize the rhetoric of occupiers and attempt to change the narrative of justice here.

Look at the sense of entitlement @krash @waz. If you indulge these "rules" and nonsense soon the mask falls and the real indian comes out.

Both the moderators know that I am generally a well-behaved poster. It's you that is acting like an agent provocateur, inserting your off-topic opinions in a genuinely nice thread which happens to be about ensuring Indian posters behave nicely here.

Look in the own mirror and you might see where you're wrong.

It is best to give curt response to that type of poster (i had to click the unignore to see who it was)...and be on your way...i.e exist and keep posting and let the stewing in own juice build up in those sorts....and have a laugh whenever it bursts.

No need to waste much time explaining all the common sense semantics to a 0/-3 lost cause that doesn't frankly even get what a forum is in the first place.

I had a chuckle though at its persistent mod tagging to whine with them....nnnnggggggggh...beware....beware.....nnngggggggh

Good. More juice, more stewing in said juice.... as nothing it desires to see... gets done....and feedback loop for that.

That's the best way to let it all get handled....simple allowance of reality+time with these types.

All worthy members, regardless of nationality, should seek to prioritise worthy interaction. That's really all it is in the end...this code effort you, joe and some others are developing here.

It was going nice. I will not fall for the troll pit again.

As a human you can go beyond your national identity and take humane stance. But you are clearly full of indianness so much so you want to choke people with it. You want to peddle these myths there are "good" occupiers as if occupiers can ever be good. This is the standard indian liberal modus operandi.

I never said to ban all indians enmasse. In fact in my last post I even said these rules are fine as long as they are adopted by indians themselves with no expectation of any reciprocity. I only cautioned mods of using these so called rubbish rules to legitimize the rhetoric of occupiers and attempt to change the narrative of justice here.

Look at the sense of entitlement @krash @waz. If you indulge these "rules" and nonsense soon the mask falls and the real indian comes out.

I have nothing against you. You have a very negative opinion about Indians which is fine. Many people dislike Indians anyway and that is understandable. It's just not a healthy attitude to have. But it's your choice.

But you did come here to provoke, which was largely unnecessary. When you provoke unncessarily, sometimes there is a retaliation.
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Both the moderators know that I am generally a well-behaved poster. It's you that is acting like an agent provocateur, inserting your off-topic opinions in a genuinely nice thread which happens to be about ensuring Indian posters behave nicely here.

Look in the own mirror and you might see where you're wrong. I can teach your kind a lot of manners: come to me whenever you need a "crash" course.

It was going nice. I will not fall for the troll pit again.

First of all there is nothing off-topic in my post - it was relevant to the topic here. Secondly There is nothing nice about an indian. Especially in a pakistani forum with blood of thousands of kashmiris on its hands. I mean your guys delusions are at one level. And third - I never said anything personal against you till now - you have been acting very self satisfied with these piddly rules and start lashing out against me because i introduced some reality in to your so called "sugar n spice everything nice" thread. But you have been swinging at me since last two posts already.

Your indian braggedness is already self -evident. You dont know me - in your last post you already claimed that you a singaporean citizen of indian heritage has done more for kashmiri muslims in personal capacity than i ever did. Now you claim of teaching nice manners - really ?
First of all there is nothing off-topic in my post - it was relevant to the topic here. Secondly There is nothing nice about an indian.
You honestly expect any Indian to debate with you after what you just wrote here?

Especially in a pakistani forum with blood of thousands of kashmiris on its hands.

I don't support that. Maybe check some of my past posts. I have gone against the Indian government, and my support for the Kashmiris for Plebiscite is genuine.

Many Kashmiris in India have Indian lawyers, activist supporters, left-wing columnists, and more. You know nothing about them. They help the Kashmiris fight the tyranny of Indian government.

It's one thing for you to dislike Indians: it's another thing to be so ill-informed. You are the one that made the following statement which pissed me off:

I never said anything personal against you till now - you have been acting very self satisfied with these piddly rules and start lashing out against me because i introduced some reality in to your so called "sugar n spice everything nice" thread. But you have been swinging at me since last two posts already.

Of course, you attacked me personally here.

mods @krash @waz beware of these "there are nice guys among occupiers" and bad guys among freedom fighter rhetoric. They love nothing more than playing "both sides have problems" games.

It's a slanderous accusation, and a disservice to the many Indians who are helping Kashmiris on a daily basis. Some of them are even in Indian jails for heeding their conscience.


Your indian braggedness is already self -evident. You dont know me - in your last post you already claimed that you a singaporean citizen of indian heritage has done more for kashmiri muslims in personal capacity than i ever did. Now you claim of teaching nice manners - really ?

I wasn't bragging. And I'm not Singaporean citizen of Indian "heritage". I'm a naturalized citizen, but spent 20+ years of my life in India. I still have strong connections and roots in my home country.

Someone should have taught you manners long ago. Your parents clearly failed in that job.
You honestly expect any Indian to debate with you after what you just wrote here?

I don't support that. Maybe check some of my past posts. I have gone against the Indian government, and my support for the Kashmiris for Plebiscite is genuine.

Many Kashmiris in India have Indian lawyers, activist supporters, left-wing columnists, and more. You know nothing about them. They help the Kashmiris fight the tyranny of Indian government.

It's one thing for you to dislike Indians: it's another thing to be so ill-informed. You are the one that made the following statement which pissed me off:

Of course, you attacked me personally here.

It's a slanderous accusation, and a disservice to the many Indians who are helping Kashmiris on a daily basis. Some of them are even in Indian jails for heeding their conscience.


I wasn't bragging. And I'm not Singaporean citizen of Indian "heritage". I'm a naturalized citizen, but spent 20+ years of my life in India. I still have strong connections and roots in my home country.

Someone should have taught you manners long ago. Your parents clearly failed in that job.

You can write here as person from any country including india. But you want to wear indian identity and even "choke" others with it on your sleeve and you want to be treated as "nice" ? seriously ? Thats where the delusions come in.

Ofcourse you were bragging. You compared with me whom you dont know. Otherwise you would have simply said i helped.

Look kashmiris dont give two hoots about indian liberals, lawyers or what not. They just want to be left alone. They just want their azadi on their own ancestral land. How hard is that to understand. They are being denied that - instead they are shot/blinded/raped. And now you want to make it all about "some" liberals who claimed to have helped.No one is interested in indian liberal tamasha. The world has seen your so-called liberal press.

If you are really nice guy ask india to vacate. Thats all there is to do. No need of rivetting indian liberal drama show.
I think we should have a "Khap" empowered to issue "fatwas" or whatever they may like to call it and all subscriber must abide or get boycotted.

For e.g if Khap decided that one should stop engaging XYZ troll, all subscriber should immediately put that user on ignore. We should get a Panchayat thread as well, sticky one. How about conducting some elections to chose few panchs as well?

@Nilgiri What do you reckon, how many hours it will take to get all Khap panchs to get banned here?

@Joe Shearer
You can write here as person from any country including india. But you want to wear indian identity and even "choke" others with it on your sleeve and you want to be treated as "nice" ? seriously ? Thats where the delusions come in.

Ofcourse you were bragging. You compared with me whom you dont know. Otherwise you would have simply said i helped.

Look kashmiris dont give two hoots about indian liberals, lawyers or what not. They just want to be left alone. They just want their azadi on their own ancestral land. How hard is that to understand. They are being denied that - instead they are shot/blinded/raped. And now you want to make it all about "some" liberals who claimed to have helped.No one is interested in indian liberal tamasha. The world has seen your so-called liberal press.

If you are really nice guy ask india to vacate. Thats all there is to do. No need of rivetting indian liberal drama show

I am assuming that you're a full-blooded Pakistan-side Kashmiri, correct? In that case I agree with the bolded part of your rant.

Look I am on Kashmiris side more than you can imagine. You think Indian government will vacate Kashmir and hand it over on a silver platter? For an ex-Indian citizen like me to support Kashmir plebiscite itself is a big thing.

I opposed Article370 revocation. I'm also in favour of Indian troops vacating Kashmir but it's not going to happen.

Anyway it's obvious that you hate ALL Indians. In that case, I'm done with you as your types can't be reasoned with.
I am assuming that you're a full-blooded Pakistan-side Kashmiri, correct? In that case I agree with the bolded part of your rant.

Look I am on Kashmiris side more than you can imagine. You think Indian government will vacate Kashmir and hand it over on a silver platter? For an ex-Indian citizen like me to support Kashmir plebiscite itself is a big thing.

I opposed Article370 revocation. I'm also in favour of Indian troops vacating Kashmir but it's not going to happen.

Anyway it's obvious that you hate ALL Indians. In that case, I'm done with you as your types can't be reasoned with.

I am wary those who are here to defend indian nation and wear that identity on sleeves. Thats not same as hating indian people who just happen to be born there - as i have said i have met wonderful indians as people.
I am wary because of a conscious choice you made to align with an entity who is responsible for so much sorrow and misery in south asia. Thats not "hate" buddy.
This should be a general rule for everyone

Actually, it IS a general rule of the Forum. It's just that none of us read the Rules!

I think we should have a "Khap" empowered to issue "fatwas" or whatever they may like to call it and all subscriber must abide or get boycotted.

For e.g if Khap decided that one should stop engaging XYZ troll, all subscriber should immediately put that user on ignore. We should get a Panchayat thread as well, sticky one. How about conducting some elections to chose few panchs as well?

@Nilgiri What do you reckon, how many hours it will take to get all Khap panchs to get banned here?

@Joe Shearer

Interesting thought. I don't think it is practical, or, at this moment, desirable. But thanks for the amusing thought; your cheek is sticking out enough to see the tongue behind the bulge.
I am wary those who are here to defend indian nation and wear that identity on sleeves. Thats not same as hating indian people who just happen to be born there - as i have said i have met wonderful indians as people.
I am wary because of a conscious choice you made to align with an entity who is responsible for so much sorrow and misery in south asia. Thats not "hate" buddy.

I don't support Indian State's actions regarding Kashmir. Having become the citizen of another country, I have become more vocal in my opposition to Indian State atrocities than before.

I have made countless posts on this forum regarding the disappearances of Kashmiri kids, how Pulwama was a false flag and that kid was trapped, ...there should not be an iota of doubt among those I interacted with that my clear sympathies lie with the Kashmiris.

However, not everything about the Indian state is bad. America has committed atrocities in Vietnam, Nicaragua, and supports Israel is Palestine. Does that mean America the nation is bad?

Every State has good actors and bad actors. India is no different from America: there are people of conscience and empathy in that country who support the Kashmiris.
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