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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Thanks, but I'd rather you send me those sanghi girls you promised, good ones.

Come to Singapore and Malaysia. Very nice Indian beauties here working in the pleasure business. Many are Sanghi types definitely. I'll even buy you an air ticket and visa, now start the job immediately.

Just so we are clear, this applies to all Indian users or not? and please provide me with a link to the post that contains the CoC.

Any user with Indian flag, if he makes any idiotic comments, mention it here. Just read the code once (it's in this thread). Your Joe Dada can guide you better.

For example, if some Indian user insults Bangladeshis as illegal immigrants, you can report it right here. Ooooooppps...o_O
That certainty of failure, Sir, is no reason not to try. When one knows that the goal is a worthy one, it is no longer success or failure, but the essential nature of the effort that matters. I realise more than others think how difficult this will be. All the more worthwhile the effort.

I wish you all the best in this mission impossible.

We are in agreement about the part where us Indians are incorrigible though, we refuse to forsake that which our founding fathers left us.

Akhand Bharat and expansionist agenda is what your founding fathers left you.

Sir, I personally know how to manage and control Indians. BTW, I do it as a part of my regular job.

You have power at work so managing and controlling (their wages & thus behaviours) is easily done.

Did I miss the part in the code on Humanity, Equality, Harmony and Reconciliation? Without these cores, I really do not see much if any positive outcomes.

Target the core beliefs, not subs!
I wish you all the best in this mission impossible.

Akhand Bharat and expansionist agenda is what your founding fathers left you.

You have power at work so managing and controlling (their wages & thus behaviours) is easily done.

Did I miss the part in the code on Humanity, Equality, Harmony and Reconciliation? Without these cores, I really do not see much if any positive outcomes.

Target the core beliefs, not subs!

Points noted. Appreciate your guidance and support.
Is there a list of the Indian users who've agreed to abide by the CoC, as I understand the rules aren't binding on those users who haven't agreed to follow the CoC.

For now, just watch and wait, but feel free to tag (on this thread) those who might have strayed. I need hardly remind you to be gentle and courteous about the tagging; nobody likes to be told they are at fault, within that non-existent group, even fewer wish to admit that they have been at fault. So, don't over do it.

The list of members (as of now)
  1. @sms
  2. @The BrOkEn HeArT
  3. @jamahir
  4. @meghdut
  5. @KhanBaba2
  6. @Krptonite
  7. @The_Showstopper
  8. @jbgt90
  9. @Mad Scientist 2.0
  10. @xeuss
  11. @Dustom999
  12. @Syama Ayas
  13. @Joe Shearer
  14. @Shantanu_Left

Did I miss the part in the code on Humanity, Equality, Harmony and Reconciliation? Without these cores, I really do not see much if any positive outcomes.

Why don't you suggest what these could be? We seek to be truly open, even to hostile opinion.

I wish you all the best in this mission impossible.

Thank you. I was hoping for this. :tup:

Akhand Bharat and expansionist agenda is what your founding fathers left you.

No, Sir, not at all; this was the legacy of that bunch of losers who did nothing for independence, but spent the time sulking at home, and then came out at the time of independence saying that partition was a bad idea. None of the leaders of the independence movement thought that way.

We are cursed at the moment with a government formed by those who believe in this. That is why you get an impression that this is our dominant thinking. If you try an experiment, and poll those who are members, you will find a surprising factor arising; we are not the Akhand Bharat types, not at all.

Try that experiment for yourself.
Why don't you suggest what these could be? We seek to be truly open, even to hostile opinion.

Thank you. I was hoping for this. :tup:

You didn't read his full comment. Target the core belief, not subs. It summarizes everything. For example, if an offending new Indian user makes some disparaging remarks about the Muslim Indians, do not chastize him immediately. Challenge his core beliefs in a way that can be considered undisputed. Why does he see Narendra Modi as the second coming of Vishnu? It's one layer deep inside that you need to attack them.

As I said some Pakistanis can be real gems. Too bad we separated on August 14-15 1947, but we lost these great minds to the other side.
You didn't read his full comment. Target the core belief, not subs. It summarizes everything. For example, if an offending new Indian user makes some disparaging remarks about the Muslim Indians, do not chastize him immediately. Challenge his core beliefs in a way that can be considered undisputed. Why does he see Narendra Modi as the second coming of Vishnu? It's one layer deep inside that you need to attack them.

As I said some Pakistanis can be real gems. Too bad we separated on August 14-15 1947, but we lost these great minds to the other side.

Good Heavens, I didn't get that subtlety! THAT was perceptive.


Is that what you meant? I am astonished and impressed.
Good Heavens, I didn't get that subtlety! THAT was perceptive.


Is that what you meant? I am astonished and impressed.
I'll give you an example. If an Indian user says that only Narendra Modi can fix all the problems of India, and we have total faith and trust in him. Then you need to reply to that user: Narendra Modi is no King or ruler of India. He's a public servant like any other and draws a salary from Indian taxpayers. He is your servant. You must question him all the time, that's how democracy in India is supposed to be. If you do not question your servants for their laziness and incompetence, then it means you don't deserve to keep servants. You probably want to live in a proper kingdom where the rulers methods are not questioned by anyone: please consider Brunei, Saudi Arabia, or the Emirati states, or the numerous tinpit dictatorships in Africa for your new nationality.
Sir, I personally know how to manage and control Indians. BTW, I do it as a part of my regular job.

I am sure we can do far better than your worst case scenario. Even without my involvement, even someone like [B]@jbgt90[/B] who is universally derided by the Pakistani posters here, can enforce it without fail.

All right, all you
cockamamie SoB's (I mean Nice, Indian gentlemen). Let's get the whip crackin. :woot::woot::woot:
What are you talking about?

He maybe here for years - that doesn’t change the fact he is a troll. Look at the post above and please tell me what is his intent? Is he really interested in the price of fuel in Pakistan - or is his intent to flame bait - he starts the thread then sits back and allows his multi ID friends to take over.
Please understand to entice others to troll is worse than actually trolling and that’s what he is doing. Does it so well that the likes of you a prominent and respected member falls for it. By accepting into your clan you are giving him the seal of continuing hence creating disharmony.
It’s poor and surely you can see this and when you see it - then you will realise why respected members sometimes tarnish Indians with the same brush.
This post was brought to my attention , @Joe Shearer .
Is it your lack of comprehension or your need to troll me that you felt the need to drag my name here kid?
ever one on this forum knows i do not troll abuse or insult. its why i have never received a ban in ten years .

@Joe Shearer like i said , we need to adhere to these rules because we need to not loose our self respect , forget what some Indian members do , we need to show our caliber by discussing topics at hand and mostly on defense.
May i also suggest we avoid topics which have been clearly posted to troll , abuse and bait us Indians.
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This post was brought to my attention , @Joe Shearer .
Is it your lack of comprehension or your need to troll me that you fell the need to drag my name here kid?
ever one on this forum knows i do not troll abuse or insult. its why i have never received a ban in ten years .

@Joe Shearer like i said , we need to adhere to these rules because we need to not loose our self respect , forget what some Indian members do , we need to show our caliber by discussing topics at hand and mostly on defense.
May i also suggest we avoid topics which have been clearly posted to troll , abuse and bait us Indians.

You used the words tameez and tehzeeb, and I really think restoring those qualities in Indian posters is what this is all about.

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