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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

I have an idea. Let there be a monitoring committee, an Indian TTA or Professional and the general users. Any general user who has a complaint can tag the monitoring committee who can have a word with the miscreant and if they are unable to solve then the complaint can be put up to the TTA or Professional who can either give a negative rating or report to the admins. This way we Indian members can largely have an internal resolution process.

Ever the optimist, eh!:rolleyes1:

Problem is, it dangerously sounds like a system within a system, doubt it will be taken too kindly over here.

It would also lack any real power to affect change, why would people listen to anonymous posters online? In an extreme case, it would basically amount to tattletaling with extra steps . The forum already provides for conflict resolution options. Their effectiveness is not really in our hands.

It has to be Consensual, with the sole aim to listen to views that oppose you, learn, and grow.

A great idea; let us get to its realisation one step at a time.
  1. What you have suggested should be run past the Moderation team. They may have their own preferred method of dealing with this.
  2. Tagging the monitoring committee requires some changes; the monitoring committee must become an entity reognised by the forum software, and that means that the administration has to work on this.
  3. There are only two designated Indians, and I have already requested being left aside other than for dire need. We can ask the other designated individual.
  4. I believe we start small. This idea is good but it needs to be demonstrated that the code is workable, and that Indian members are tractable.
Shall we agree to work towards this goal?

If you guys dont mind.

are you guys aware of the reasons as to why Sir Syed Ahmed khan was against involvement of Muslims in the political spectrum of British India? His view was that the Muslims had not gained the awareness and the unity to formulate an entity which could bring forth political demands. The reason why i mentioned him, and it may seem really offtopic is because most likely his thought would be at that time, that if the muslims focus too much on movements and demands and requests then they will lose sight of the goal that was currently needed which was muslim revival in education and societal standing.

similarly before you guys formulate committees and working groups or tags and systems within systems, lets first try to create the revival. When that happens then you guys can automatically showcase how well the system was and if made part of the supreme system then it will only grow stronger.

Sir Syed also had the same idea. A request made through evidence and successful projects is alot stronger than only promises and sweet talk. :D
I only expect things from the few Indian Muslim members who are able to disagree on certain issues with respect and move on.

I can endorse your views on this, barring the exclusion of others, wholeheartedly. There are five well-known members (there may be others) and of them, @jamahir, @Mad Scientist 2.0, @Naofumi and @xeuss have proven their maturity and balance again and again and again. They need no further credentials.

The rest of us are working to earn that degree of respect, first, from each other within the group - until that happens, we cannot hope for respect outside - thereafter, for respect from reasonable members in general. We - they, anybody - can never expect respect from all, as there will always be some who do not wish to open their minds.
I agree with you. Some Indians have created an environment of mistrust and general poor quality. This creates a rampant response from even sane posters from the other side.
I am not holding my breath but lets see their attempt....

Mods have been doing great work lately and I see this as a way to placate moderation on the forum, which is overwhelmed by Indian trolling (not only from BJP cadres.)
Our representation of Hindu Indians is very poor on this forum. If we get more sensible and educated members, it may help.

Let us hope. It is already too late for some of us to aspire to further education, or even to acquire further sense, but some better members may come in later; who has a crystal ball with him? Not I.

Ok, let's see if anything changes.

Thank you.
Indeed, that is the heart of the matter, as @Shantanu_Left has also pointed out.

One step at a time, good people, one step at a time.

What the 14 consenting users need is a pledge to rise above personal insults: any aggrieved feelings of being discriminated against. The goal is far far BIGGER than yourself: it's about cleaning the Indian Internet.

Our world will continue to be shaped by online opinions. We might very soon move to an era where all votes in real elections are casted electronically.

The question is what exactly are we going to do to fight for our right to exist in an ever-growing hostile cyberspace?

Are we going to end up like one of those ISOs in movie Tron legacy (2010), where Narendra Modi and other fascists get to DELETE us through a simple program purge? Or our minority views going to survive 10-15 years down the line? Can they be passed on to the next generation?

This fight should not end with just an angry outburst, personal insult or aggrieved status. We can keep the flame burning. Our best example and role model is Mahatma Gandhi That's what I can think of.
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If you guys dont mind.

are you guys aware of the reasons as to why Sir Syed Ahmed khan was against involvement of Muslims in the political spectrum of British India? His view was that the Muslims had not gained the awareness and the unity to formulate an entity which could bring forth political demands. The reason why i mentioned him, and it may seem really offtopic is because most likely his thought would be at that time, that if the muslims focus too much on movements and demands and requests then they will lose sight of the goal that was currently needed which was muslim revival in education and societal standing.

similarly before you guys formulate committees and working groups or tags and systems within systems, lets first try to create the revival. When that happens then you guys can automatically showcase how well the system was and if made part of the supreme system then it will only grow stronger.

Sir Syed also had the same idea. A request made through evidence and successful projects is alot stronger than only promises and sweet talk. :D

It's my personal request to you to be a mentor and guide to the CoC keepers. Our fight is bigger than this forum: your sagacity and wisdom is appreciated by all Indian members.
Ok, let's see if anything changes.

You demonstrate your largeness of heart, Sir.

I am not holding my breath but lets see their attempt....

Has anyone asked for more?

In fact, think about it: has anyone asked even for this?

Why not watch and see for yourself? You might change your mind.

If your posts are being misconstrued, would you be willing to clarify to respectfull queries?


You have already said you will; do, please, re-affirm this, for the greater confidence of this small group. That will strengthen our resolve.

similarly before you guys formulate committees and working groups or tags and systems within systems, lets first try to create the revival. When that happens then you guys can automatically showcase how well the system was and if made part of the supreme system then it will only grow stronger.

Sir Syed also had the same idea. A request made through evidence and successful projects is alot stronger than only promises and sweet talk.

This should be written in letters of gold - karke dikhao.
I'd agree with that your perception of indians has been very poor in this forum. The aim of this initiative has always been to establish respectfull exchange. If that is what you also desire, we are in agreement then.

If your posts are being misconstrued, would you be willing to clarify to respectfull queries?

He was speaking not for himself but for most of us.
What is commendable is your efforts.
You have a situation where - in my short experience - one can see the instant regeneration of new IDs being created - to spread hatred and annoyance among members and then getting banned to only wake up the following morning to come on here as a new ID. This influx of retards then shines a bad light on all Indians with i accept is wrong.
Those encouraging the trolls are slightly cleverer. They dont troll. They start unnecessary or troll fest threads then sit back and take a bad seat like jbgt90 - just check his last thread he started and you will see an example of his work. These people are more dangerous and will not allow constructive discussion and encourage a cesspit of anger and frustration. If this can be seen and understood - your efforts will then see potential of being rewarded.
They are wasting their time brother. They cannot control the seasoned reborn multi trolls - every other day they have a silent poison drumstick or mighty mouse lion brother - unless they cater and remove these idiots - then they are struggling.
Some Indians have simply nothing to do but try to ease their own pains of failures by pointing fingers at people that didnt want to be part of their nation 73 years ago - difficult for them to swallow.

Then you have the slightly clever troll like jbgt90 that starts threads about how there is a petrol shortage in Pakistan - why would he be interested in this? Why and how would his sad life be effected by this news - apart from it allows him to sit back and chuckle whilst his little scummy fans are like vultures - come on the thread and say "o no this is so baaaad i Pakistan" and get their little orgasms of pleasure.

27 Pages and they cant fathom who is and who isnt trolling - to give a retard like jbgt90 a badge of seniority or recognition of his trolling attributes shows how those trying to show a token of clarity and patrolling the Indian perspective have a mountain to climb.
@PAKISTANFOREVER I think your assessment was initially a bit harsh but i stand corrected - you nailed it.

I have been combating anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism from indians since the start of the WOT back in October 2001. I know EXACTLY how the indian mind and psyche works and what their key beliefs are. Trust me, the racism from indians back then was FAR FAR worst than what it is today. Back then, indians used to persistently call for the death and destruction of Pakistan and of ALL Muslim nations and peoples. They fully supported the neo-con war on Muslim nations and peoples. One indian sikh on another Pakistani forum even used to call for the nuking of Iraq when the Iraq war started in March 2003. Have no idea why this was as Iraqis and sikhs have historically had virtually no contact with one another. The only reason I could think of was that like Pakistanis, Iraqis are Muslims too. As the americans failed in their wars and military objectives in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East, the indians were left dismayed and frustrated at the americans not being able to attack and invade Pakistan. This made them rethink their methodology in dealing with their ultimate nemesis, Pakistan. Hurling racist insults at Pakistanis and Muslims every second on the internet was not going to make the americans and the west invade Pakistan no matter what the indians fantasized about. A lot of them are even beginning to realize this now.

Once you understand the reality, it is not difficult to deal with. The obsessive extreme genocidal hatred indians have for Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam is NEVER going to go away. It is a permanent factor. It has to be accepted. It was EXACTLY for this reason that Pakistan was created. Our elders understood this reality over 80 years ago. As Pakistanis, there should NEVER EVER be any compromise on the indian question. Us Pakistanis can NEVER EVER live peacefully or coexist with indians. We can with everyone else but never with indians. As Pakistanis, there is nothing left to discuss or even questions any further as far as the indian question is concerned. The attitude of present day indians both online and in the real world has proved time and again that the creation of Pakistan was the best thing to ever have happened to us. We should NEVER forget this. indians to Pakistanis are what the Nazis were to the Jews.
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You demonstrate your largeness of heart, Sir.

Lol, please don't try to butter me up.

I am strictly in the cautious "we will see" category.

Every person deserves a chance to change.


You have already said you will; do, please, re-affirm this, for the greater confidence of this small group. That will strengthen our resolve.

I am satisfied with how Moderation dealt with it. They have been very supportive to the concerns of Pakistani members of this forum. I am glad to see it.

I have been combating anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism from indians since the start of the WOT back in October 2001. I know EXACTLY how the indian mind and psyche works and what their key beliefs are. Trust me, the racism from indians back then was FAR FAR worst than what it is today. Back then, indians used to persistently call for the death and destruction of Pakistan and ALL Muslim nations and peoples. They fully supported the neo-con war on Muslim nations and peoples. One indian sikh on another Pakistani forum even used to call for the nuking of Iraq when the Iraq war started in March 2003. Have no idea why this was as Iraqis and sikhs have had virtually no contact with one another historically. The only reason I could think of was that like Pakistanis, Iraqis are Muslims. As the americans failed in their wars and military objectives in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East, the indians were left dismayed and frustrated at the americans not being able to attack and invade Pakistan. This made them rethink their methodology in dealing with their ultimate nemesis, Pakistan. Hurling racist insults at Pakistanis and Muslims every second on the internet was not going to make the americans and the west invade Pakistan no matter what the indians fantasized about. A lot of them are even beginning to realize this

Once you understand the reality, it is not difficult to deal with. The obsessive extreme genocidal hatred indians have for Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam is NEVER going to go away. It is a permanent factor. It has to be accepted. It was EXACTLY for this reason that Pakistan was created. Our elders understood this reality over 80 years ago. As Pakistanis, there should NEVER EVER be any compromise on the indian question. Us Pakistanis can NEVER EVER live peacefully or coexist with indians. We can with everyone else but never with indians. As Pakistanis, there is nothing left to discuss or even questions any further as far as the indian question is concerned. The attitude of present day indians both online and in the real world has proved time and again that the creation of Pakistan was the best thing to ever have happened to us. We should NEVER forget this.

Ameen brother.
Lol, please don't try to butter me up.

Just a little? So that you continue to recognise us for our efforts?

I am strictly in the cautious "we will see" category.


As a wise man is reputed to have said, 'If fate gives you lemons, make lemonade.'

Perhaps we may aspire to be your Optometrists By Appointment? :D

Every person deserves a chance to change.


OK, I get it .

This is said by you about us. Right, Sir, no more butter henceforth; only margarine will be used.
It's my personal request to you to be a mentor and guide to the CoC keepers. Our fight is bigger than this forum: your sagacity and wisdom is appreciated by all Indian members.
your words are too kind. i am not that wise. You have people with alot more wisdom than myself such as @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri and although i have not @jbgt90 but joe holds him in high esteem and the few people ( both Pakistanis and Indians) he has introduced me to are some of the wisest people i have ever met so i have no reason to doubt his qualification about him. I think you guys as a group have smart members all of them. :)

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