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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

I believe that would be good. After all what we must wish for is self-moderation. The members should keep the CoC in mind while posting and regulate oneself accordingly.

Meanwhile, will the three gentlemen above give their consent to helping out?

This is, of course, subject to our generally agreeing to retain the monitoring team idea.

Above that, I propose Xeuss, shantanu, krptonite, jamahir, myself and yourself (if interested

I have an idea. Let there be a monitoring committee, an Indian TTA or Professional and the general users. Any general user who has a complaint can tag the monitoring committee who can have a word with the miscreant and if they are unable to solve then the complaint can be put up to the TTA or Professional who can either give a negative rating or report to the admins. This way we Indian members can largely have an internal resolution process.
I don't consider him "leftist". Yesterday he posted that he wouldn't mind if Indian flag burned down.
He is copy paste of people like Ashok Swain. I can consider him an Indian but not leftist. Leftists are far better. But nobody need certificate.

He is a self-described leftist. As you say, nobody needs a certificate.

Please rein in some of your more controversial posts in the future,

You will oblige greatly by pointing these out; we are not always sufficiently critical of our own posts.
Please rein in some of your more controversial posts in the future, and please do not play these games of tagging others and destroying the purpose of this forum.

We are always ready to overlook, to turn a new leaf, it is part of our faith and Pakistani culture.

I am a bit cautious of you from past experiences, but no longer am I a new member, I feel like I have found my place on this forum.

This goes to all Indian members, it is never too late to change. However minimal respect of Islam and Pakistan must be there, only then can we have healthy discussions on this forum.

They are wasting their time brother. They cannot control the seasoned reborn multi trolls - every other day they have a silent poison drumstick or mighty mouse lion brother - unless they cater and remove these idiots - then they are struggling.
Some Indians have simply nothing to do but try to ease their own pains of failures by pointing fingers at people that didnt want to be part of their nation 73 years ago - difficult for them to swallow.

Then you have the slightly clever troll like jbgt90 that starts threads about how there is a petrol shortage in Pakistan - why would he be interested in this? Why and how would his sad life be effected by this news - apart from it allows him to sit back and chuckle whilst his little scummy fans are like vultures - come on the thread and say "o no this is so baaaad i Pakistan" and get their little orgasms of pleasure.

27 Pages and they cant fathom who is and who isnt trolling - to give a retard like jbgt90 a badge of seniority or recognition of his trolling attributes shows how those trying to show a token of clarity and patrolling the Indian perspective have a mountain to climb.
@PAKISTANFOREVER I think your assessment was initially a bit harsh but i stand corrected - you nailed it.
We are always ready to overlook, to turn a new leaf, it is part of our faith and Pakistani culture

This goes to all Indian members, it is never too late to change. However minimal respect of Islam and Pakistan must be there, only then can we have healthy discussions on this forum.

In the words of the poet,"Deeds not words shall speak (us)".

They cannot control the seasoned reborn multi trolls - every other day they have a silent poison drumstick or mighty mouse lion brother - unless they cater and remove these idiots - then they are struggling.

No, we cannot, because we are not always aware of them being what they are. If they are pointed out, we will join you in representing to the administrator that they be rooted out.

Then you have the slightly clever troll like jbgt90 that starts threads about how there is a petrol shortage in Pakistan - why would he be interested in this? Why and how would his sad life be effected by this news - apart from it allows him to sit back and chuckle whilst his little scummy fans are like vultures - come on the thread and say "o no this is so baaaad i Pakistan" and get their little orgasms of pleasure.

I think we cannot judge people by their thoughts or their intentions, only by their actions.

27 Pages and they cant fathom who is and who isnt trolling - to give a retard like jbgt90 a badge of seniority or recognition of his trolling attributes shows how those trying to show a token of clarity and patrolling the Indian perspective have a mountain to climb.

Perhaps we do.

We do also realise that every mountain is climbed one step at a time. This is our first step.

The whole idea of this CoC is to practice self-censorship.

This is the key. Nothing else.
I have an idea. Let there be a monitoring committee, an Indian TTA or Professional and the general users. Any general user who has a complaint can tag the monitoring committee who can have a word with the miscreant and if they are unable to solve then the complaint can be put up to the TTA or Professional who can either give a negative rating or report to the admins. This way we Indian members can largely have an internal resolution process.
Ever the optimist, eh!:rolleyes1:

Problem is, it dangerously sounds like a system within a system, doubt it will be taken too kindly over here.

It would also lack any real power to affect change, why would people listen to anonymous posters online? In an extreme case, it would basically amount to tattletaling with extra steps . The forum already provides for conflict resolution options. Their effectiveness is not really in our hands.

It has to be Consensual, with the sole aim to listen to views that oppose you, learn, and grow.
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You will oblige greatly by pointing these out; we are not always sufficiently critical of our own posts.

If you see some differences between me and another member, there is no reason to create a storm in a teacup by amplifying issues and divisions.

I ask only for minimal decency which is owed to every member. My posts should not be misconstrued to mean something which I did not intend.

If you or others need clarification, simply ask.
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I have an idea. Let there be a monitoring committee, an Indian TTA or Professional and the general users. Any general user who has a complaint can tag the monitoring committee who can have a word with the miscreant and if they are unable to solve then the complaint can be put up to the TTA or Professional who can either give a negative rating or report to the admins. This way we Indian members can largely have an internal resolution process.

A great idea; let us get to its realisation one step at a time.
  1. What you have suggested should be run past the Moderation team. They may have their own preferred method of dealing with this.
  2. Tagging the monitoring committee requires some changes; the monitoring committee must become an entity reognised by the forum software, and that means that the administration has to work on this.
  3. There are only two designated Indians, and I have already requested being left aside other than for dire need. We can ask the other designated individual.
  4. I believe we start small. This idea is good but it needs to be demonstrated that the code is workable, and that Indian members are tractable.
Shall we agree to work towards this goal?
Ever the optimist, eh!:rolleyes1:

Problem is it dangerously sounds like a system within a system, doubt it will be taken too kindly over here.

It would also lack any real power to affect change, why would people listen to anonymous posters online? In an extreme case, it would basically amount to tattletaling with extra steps . The forum already provides for conflict resolution options. Their effectiveness is not really in our hands.

It has to be Consensual, with the sole aim to listen to views that oppose you, grow, and learn.

I have mentioned this several times. Take the example of the best role model of India: Gandhiji. His peaceful Satyagraha movement was never MODERATED. There were no conscience-keepers, everyone was their own conscience-keeper. It was an organic mass movement with decentralized protesters. The central tenets of the Satyagraha were non-cooperation, polite behaviour, and peaceful protests. Over a period of time, that movement gained a lifeline of its own. The British (and Indian detractors) mocked such a movement. But the results are right here before us: an independent country India was born on August 15, 1947.

In the age of the Internet, when all opinions are shaped online, and so much of the Indian Internet is dominated by the monopolistic groups such as Modi trolls, such an online movement is the need of the hour. I have confidence that it will gain currency very soon.
They are wasting their time brother. They cannot control the seasoned reborn multi trolls - every other day they have a silent poison drumstick or mighty mouse lion brother - unless they cater and remove these idiots - then they are struggling.
Some Indians have simply nothing to do but try to ease their own pains of failures by pointing fingers at people that didnt want to be part of their nation 73 years ago - difficult for them to swallow.

Then you have the slightly clever troll like jbgt90 that starts threads about how there is a petrol shortage in Pakistan - why would he be interested in this? Why and how would his sad life be effected by this news - apart from it allows him to sit back and chuckle whilst his little scummy fans are like vultures - come on the thread and say "o no this is so baaaad i Pakistan" and get their little orgasms of pleasure.

27 Pages and they cant fathom who is and who isnt trolling - to give a retard like jbgt90 a badge of seniority or recognition of his trolling attributes shows how those trying to show a token of clarity and patrolling the Indian perspective have a mountain to climb.
@PAKISTANFOREVER I think your assessment was initially a bit harsh but i stand corrected - you nailed it.

I only expect things from the few Indian Muslim members who are able to disagree on certain issues with respect and move on.

Our representation of Hindu Indians is very poor on this forum. If we get more sensible and educated members, it may help.
If you see some differences between me and another member, there is no reason to create a storm in a teacup by amplifying issues and divisions.

I assure you, nobody will involve himself/themselves in such a matter than the other member (if he wishes to) and yourself. We are not a peacekeeping organisation, and we do not want to be a bunch of interfering busybodies. Please watch the operation of our proposal and see for yourself.

I ask only for minimal decency which is owed to every member. My posts should not misconstrued to mean something which I did not intend.

Noted. If there have been uncharitable interpretations in the past, it is a matter of regret.

If you or others need clarification, simply ask.

Noted, and I am sure that all the other fourteen, each of them, will do so before coming to any conclusions.

Thank you for your post that is very conducive to clearing the air.

Problem is, it dangerously sounds like a system within a system, doubt it will be taken too kindly over here.

I think we should take things one baby step at a time. We DO NOT want to be seen as attempting to create a system within a system.
I assure you, nobody will involve himself/themselves in such a matter than the other member (if he wishes to) and yourself. We are not a peacekeeping organisation, and we do not want to be a bunch of interfering busybodies. Please watch the operation of our proposal and see for yourself.

Noted. If there have been uncharitable interpretations in the past, it is a matter of regret.

Noted, and I am sure that all the other fourteen, each of them, will do so before coming to any conclusions.

Thank you for your post that is very conducive to clearing the air.

Ok, let's see if anything changes.
I only expect things from the few Indian Muslim members who are able to disagree on certain issues with respect and move on.

Our representation of Hindu Indians is very poor on this forum. If we get more sensible and educated members, it may help.

I agree with you. Some Indians have created an environment of mistrust and general poor quality. This creates a rampant response from even sane posters from the other side.
I am not holding my breath but lets see their attempt....
Our representation of Indians is very poor on this forum. If we get more sensible and educated members, it may help.
I'd agree with that your perception of indians has been very poor in this forum. The aim of this initiative has always been to establish respectfull exchange. If that is what you also desire, we are in agreement then.

If your posts are being misconstrued, would you be willing to clarify to respectfull queries?

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