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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

I could be a follower of Jedi religion, it matters not. The main point is that we are all Pakistanis, but sure I will stop tagging you to these type of threads as I know your history with Mods on this topic.

The object is Pakistanis, the target is Pakistanis. To manipulate, lie against, belittle, harass, and otherwise create unity against Pakistanis on their own forum. Rather bold and flagrant.

Agreed. But I don't count on them succeeding. Too many of our people see right through them nowadays. All they are doing is exposing their visceral hatred against Pakistan and Pakistanis but they are not developing or creating anything worthwhile themselves. It's almost like they need us to survive, to give them a purpose for their existence. Weird and very strange people.

You need to understand that our fight is not against the Pakistanis. It's only against RSS and Hindutva: we have been DRIVEN out of all Indian Internet forums because of our active dissent against Narendra Modi/BJP. Our opinions are being crushed there: this is a safe space for us to regroup.

This is an ongoing fight that we have brought along from Indian forums to here ..

The fight was very ugly among Indian posters, So this code was a compromise of sorts. We don't use labels like "Sanghis", "Bhakts" and they don't use labels like "Jihadi", "Terrorist" etc. Even I get a lot of Jihadi labels ALL THE TIME.....

You can either help or you can stay out. There's really not much need for you to interfere.

Why don't you pick up a gun and fight the sanghis. Pakistan is always there to help.
Why don't you pick up a gun and fight the sanghis. Pakistan is always there to help.
Honest question, do you pick up the gun and fight against the extremists in your country? Do you personally mow them down? Then why instigate?

Is violence the only way to affect change?

Many of us believe otherwise.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistani In a thread about restraint and self control, I think it's only right that it undergoes stress testing. Thank you both for your views. They were direct, concise and leagues apart from the mudslinging that usually pervails here.

May I remind you, that the code resembles an attempt by Indians to curb the ugly tendencies amongst themselves, something that has been the top complaint across members. It is not an overarching design to buddy up with people on the opposite aile( though that would be welcome).

This is simply an affirmation to keep discussion civil and within norms of decency. A concerted effort to stop the degradation of exchange. It in no way or form implies similarity of thought or creed.

We will disagree on many topics. Views and counterviews will be put forth, just not in a direction that is more emotional. With your frank demeanor and forthright manner of posting, will it not be advantageous to speak to those who would counter you in a manner befitting your points, rather than decend into petty fights.

As you've rightly pointed out it's expected for many members to be sceptical, time will tell whether this is simply a wishfull idea or something achievable. But a positive development however optimistic should be welcome.

@Joe Shearer I'd rather prefer not to have an oversight structure, policing mechanisms are rarely taken well and some might colour this as an attempt to install Indian authority figures. Members reminding each other should suffice and would promote inclusion.
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I am not that much of a fan of a Committee of 3 but if anyone wants to monitor the group, they are welcome. Even someone like @TheGreatMaratha who chooses not to be a part of the code, but agrees to follow its essential ideas, can remind others of code violations. Let's keep this thing organic and easy to manage.
Thank you for the offer but since I'm not a part of the code myself, it wouldn't feel right to moderate others on the same code. Additionally, sometimes I consider myself a bit biased on certain views which I'm trying to gradually change and may take some time. Regardless, unlike a few members who label each other as Sanghi/Commie/Mullah just because the opposite person politely disagrees to a few points, I always try my best to answer him in a rational manner. Of course, there are a few members who have a tedhi mindset like that of a dog's tail because of which it gets a bit difficult while dealing with them. Nevertheless, even there I try my best to be as civil as possible but I won't deny that I might have slipped up here and there which is expected of any normal person unless you are a sanyasi with exceptional self-control. Anyway, how do you guys plan to remind members to follow the code if they violate it? Will you reply to them directly on that forum itself? @Joe Shearer

Like @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan mentioned (and even though I disagree on most of his bigoted views), this exercise will certainly be interesting to watch and observe. Can people control their animal-like urges on an online forum where they have an anonymous indentity and thus get the opportunity to vent their frustration to their heart's content? Only time will tell.

One more thing, can a non-member of the code vote for who will be on the 3 member committee? Even if not, I think that care should be taken to accommodate views of all sides to make it even.
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I am afraid at this moment, I see no alternative to an informal system, whereby any deviations are either spotted by the overseers, or identified by members, and then acted upon suitably by the overseers.

We have to elect the overseers, three of them.

Here is a list of those who have agreed to subscribe:
  1. @sms
  2. @The BrOkEn HeArT
  3. @jamahir
  4. @meghdut
  5. @KhanBaba2
  6. @Krptonite
  7. @The_Showstopper
  8. @jbgt90
  9. @Mad Scientist 2.0
  10. @xeuss
  11. @Dustom999
  12. @Syama Ayas
  13. @Joe Shearer
  14. @Shantanu_Left
Please confirm, each of you, and oblige.

For the committee of three, Shantanu_Left and I should not be considered, since we drafted the rules; it becomes too much of a closed circle for the people who drafted the rules to then be the persons who are to issue reminders about the rules. From the remainder, my vote is for
Please forward your choices by 14072020 18:00 HRS. Many thanks.
Hey thanks Joe but instead of me please include @jamahir there. I’m not regular and I don’t like to moderate others.
For the uninitiated, this is what trolling and thread derailment usually looks like. A random comment unrelated to the topic, put forth solely to incite. Please note the ID has below hundred posts therefore it's likely a spare account for those who wish to indulge in some mudslinging. I usually ignore such accounts and I encourage you to do the same.

Below the post are two valuable functions provided by the forum, report and ignore. In cases such as these, utilise both.

Thank you @Beefeatergin for the mock practice. You're contribution and concern toward interspecies fornication is appreciated. I shall rest easy in the knowledge that you are scouring the internet for similar cases and won't cease this holy crusade.
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For the uninitiated, this is what trolling and thread derailment usually looks like. A random comment unrelated to the topic, put forth solely to incite. Please note the ID has below hundred posts therefore it's likely a spare account for those who wish to indulge in some mudslinging. I usually ignore such accounts and I encourage you to do the same.

Below the post are two valuable functions provided by the forum, report and ignore. In cases such as these, utilise both.

Thank you @Beefeatergin for the mock practice. You're contribution is appreciated.

For the initiated, report it and dont quote it :P
Thank you for the offer but since I'm not a part of the code myself, it wouldn't feel right to moderate others on the same code.

I agree. However, the point I think @Shantanu_Left was trying to make is that we should not institutionalise ourselves. This should remain self-motivated for the most part, otherwise anyone can give a code-adherent member a friendly nudge. That brings up another important point: nudge, but how?

Additionally, sometimes I consider myself a bit biased on certain views which I'm trying to gradually change and may take some time. Regardless, unlike a few members who label each other as Sanghi/Commie/Mullah just because the opposite person politely disagrees to a few points, I always try my best to answer him in a rational manner. Of course, there are a few members who have a tedhi mindset like that of a dog's tail because of which it gets a bit difficult while dealing with them. Nevertheless, even there I try my best to be as civil as possible but I won't deny that I might have slipped up here and there which is expected of any normal person unless you are a sanyasi with exceptional self-control.

You are being too harsh on yourself. Ease up, man.
Anyway, how do you guys plan to remind members to follow the code if they violate it? Will you reply to them directly on that forum itself?

I thought about this, and I think that members might be tagged on this thread itself, not on the thread where they seem to be in breach of the code. We don't want to embarrass anyone, only ask them if they have overlooked something, and that too in privacy. That, to me, means on a separate thread, where only that individual is tagged. It will still be on a public thread, because we simply won't have any mechanism to reach out in private.
Like @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan mentioned (and even though I disagree on most of his bigoted views), this exercise will certainly be interesting to watch and observe. Can people control their animal-like urges on an online forum where they have an anonymous indentity and thus get the opportunity to vent their frustration to their heart's content? Only time will tell.

In software development, we had an interesting practice. I am reminded of that. It is referred to in that famous book, 'The Mythical Manmonth', by Frederick Brooks.

One more thing, can a non-member of the code vote for who will be on the 3 member committee? Even if not, I think that care should be taken to accommodate views of all sides to make it even.

Forget about voting; suggestions are always welcome. Positive suggestions only; negative suggestions - "I don't think XYZ is good, because....." - not welcome.

I'd rather prefer not to have an oversight structure, policing mechanisms are rarely taken well and some might colour this as an attempt to install Indian authority figures. Members reminding each other should suffice and would promote inclusion.

We might leave it at what you say, if more members think similarly. A reasonable point, I agree.

Hey thanks Joe but instead of me please include @jamahir there. I’m not regular and I don’t like to moderate others.

Got it.

I usually ignore such accounts and I encourage you to do the same.

This is what we should do as a good practice, always.

We can simply use this thread continually to bring up and resolve issues etc. Everyone's kinda tagged/watching it anyway.

Judging from the responses of members, I think that is where we are heading. Nobody wants a demi-official structure. I think we will land up with self-help processes, with members reminding and encouraging each other.
Thank you @Beefeatergin for the mock practice. You're contribution and concern toward interspecies fornication is appreciated. I shall rest easy in the knowledge that you are scouring the internet for similar cases and won't cease this holy crusade.
For the initiated, report it and dont quote it :P
In a very Gandhian way, I actually gave a like to his post and reported simultaneously.:P
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  1. @itsanufy
  2. @sms
  3. @The BrOkEn HeArT
  4. @jamahir
  5. @meghdut
  6. @KhanBaba2
  7. @Krptonite
  8. @The_Showstopper
  9. @jbgt90
  10. @Mad Scientist 2.0
  11. @xeuss
  12. @Dustom999
  13. @Syama Ayas
  14. @Joe Shearer
  15. @Shantanu_Left

There is a clear feeling that we need no supervision or oversight of our code, and that members may tag each other, on this thread, as a maximal step. That is reasonable. Let us stick to self-monitoring and buddy-monitoring, in that case.

Those listed above are considered to be voluntary subscribers to the code.


How about you?
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Forget about voting; suggestions are always welcome. Positive suggestions only; negative suggestions - "I don't think XYZ is good, because....." - not welcome.
Ok then, my suggestions would be:


No need to consider this as a vote but purely as a suggestion. I also think it that all adherents of the code should get the opportunity to be a part of this committee on a periodic basis. A switch after every 15/30 days would also be preferable.

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