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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

He was speaking not for himself but for most of us.
What is commendable is your efforts.
You have a situation where - in my short experience - one can see the instant regeneration of new IDs being created - to spread hatred and annoyance among members and then getting banned to only wake up the following morning to come on here as a new ID. This influx of retards then shines a bad light on all Indians with i accept is wrong.
Those encouraging the trolls are slightly cleverer. They dont troll. They start unnecessary or troll fest threads then sit back and take a bad seat like jbgt90 - just check his last thread he started and you will see an example of his work. These people are more dangerous and will not allow constructive discussion and encourage a cesspit of anger and frustration. If this can be seen and understood - your efforts will then see potential of being rewarded.

You have covert trolls and then you have overt trolls. Both feed off of each other. I have noticed this also.

Any weakness on the Pakistani part results in a feeling of invincibility and official sanction on the part of such trolls.
I am satisfied with how Moderation dealt with it. They have been very supportive to the concerns of Pakistani members of this forum. I am glad to see it.

They have been supportive, very supportive, of all members who have comported themselves with dignity. I can vouch for this from personal experience.
All right, fellas. The future conscience-keepers of the Indian Internet, :-)

THE CODE OF CONDUCT IS NOW ON. Please keep an eagle eye on your threads of interest, and start reporting any violations right here. Time for some public shaming!!

Just piling up as usual...have fun. Remember, less policing, more self-monitoring is what this code is all about.
your words are too kind. i am not that wise. You have people with alot more wisdom than myself such as @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri and although i have not @jbgt90 but joe holds him in high esteem and the few people ( both Pakistanis and Indians) he has introduced me to are some of the wisest people i have ever met so i have no reason to doubt his qualification about him. I think you guys as a group have smart members all of them. :)

You are wise beyond your years, Mr. @saiyan0321, don't underrate yourself. Please continue to share your thoughts with us. That will perhaps be an easier formula for your punctilious self to accept.

I think you guys as a group have smart members all of them

I prefer to think of the members of this group as humble and sincere, rather than smart. There are many who can 'do' smart; few who can do humble and sincere and mean it.
Just a little? So that you continue to recognise us for our efforts?


As a wise man is reputed to have said, 'If fate gives you lemons, make lemonade.'

Perhaps we may aspire to be your Optometrists By Appointment? :D


OK, I get it .

This is said by you about us. Right, Sir, no more butter henceforth; only margarine will be used.

To be honest with you, this one is more of a roadblock than any actual help. Don't waste time on him. He and the other annoying Pakistani poster are just what I like to call Flibbertigibbets. I've surely not missed their filibuster tactics. But you never know, khotay sikay bhi kam aa jaate hai. o_O

I am sure I didn't broke any code shode now, did I? :undecided:

You are wise beyond your years, Mr. @saiyan0321, don't underrate yourself. Please continue to share your thoughts with us. That will perhaps be an easier formula for your punctilious self to accept.

Come on, now. Let's not make him blush. He doesn't need any reminding. He'll drop hints when needed.

Great guy, BTW. Some Pakistanis are really gems.
Whatever you say, Sir.

What you are asking your people is to restrain from expressing their beliefs, and that too without any repercussions that would impact their day to day lives.

Those like @Shantanu_Left may already be 'wired' to the proposed code but majority of others will return to their default 'wiring' very quickly, even you.

This mission of changing belief systems (for a different behavioural outcome) with an unenforceable code is destined to fail.

You are an ex-army man, and you know that army training is designed to break one down of all old beliefs and build a soldier with a new set of beliefs.

Majority of Pakistanis here are not wired with hatred for Indians, whereas majority of Indians have been wired (since childhood) with hatred for Pakistanis, others casts etc etc. This code doesn't stand a chance against such hardwiring of beliefs.
To be honest with you, this one is more of a roadblock than any actual help. Don't waste time on him. He and the other annoying Pakistani poster are just what I like to call Flibbertigibbets. I've surely not missed their filibuster tactics. But you never know, khotay sikay bhi kam aa jaate hai. o_O

I am sure I didn't broke any code shode now, did I? :undecided:

I have a different platform than you. I have tangled with @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan more than once, and it seems to me that it is for me to make the effort to bridge a gap that has opened up. So in the same spirit as the code, that you have evoked, I wish to reach out to him, until he calms down and is mellow.

Come on, now. Let's not make him blush. He doesn't need any reminding. He'll drop hints when needed.

Great guy, BTW. Some Pakistanis are really gems.

I also nominate this illegal Bangladeshi @DalalErMaNodi (if he's interested) to help with the CoC enforcement, along with the other 14. This way he might earn his Indian citizenship.o_O (United Bengal or whatever he chooses).

What do you say, @Joe Shearer I really like this bhaibandhu of yours.
This mission of changing belief systems (for a different behavioural outcome) with an unenforceable code is destined to fail.

That certainty of failure, Sir, is no reason not to try. When one knows that the goal is a worthy one, it is no longer success or failure, but the essential nature of the effort that matters. I realise more than others think how difficult this will be. All the more worthwhile the effort.

You are an ex-army man, and you know that army training is designed to break one down of all old beliefs and build a soldier with a new set of beliefs.

Ex-defence services, but trained for military service, and eliminated due to medical short-comings (my eyes were bad).

You are absolutely correct.

That is the essence of military training. It starts with the group, in the case of the Army, with the regiment; that esprit de corps that is created is used to overcome the pain of adopting new beliefs and abandon old beliefs.

Majority of Pakistanis here are not wired with hatred for Indians, whereas majority of Indians have been wired (since childhood) with hatred for Pakistanis, others casts etc etc. This code doesn't stand a chance against such hardwiring of beliefs.

You may be right. The fight to win against hardwired beliefs is worth it; win or lose, I would like to fight it. I want your good wishes. Being an agnostic, I can hardly ask for your prayers.
It will end eventually, and many including Joe will resort to blaming Pakistani members for the demise.

I'll quote our Quaid - 'Hindu is incorrigible'
It's natural this was going to be tested. Those that sign on have the onerous task of listening to views that oppose theirs and practice restraint in order to not give in to baser impulses, a Jihad Al-Akbar if you will.

I think we can expect an increase in troll posts from those who wish to test this resolve and those from our side whose resolve wasn't to make peace to begin with. This code's tenant to observe silence incase of inarticulation or inability to add anything further will skew that ratio in favour of the trolls. The forum functions will resolve them amicably, if a concerted effort is made from both sides. Members should be judged, debated and befriended by the quality and content of their posts rather than their nationality, race or creed.

We are in agreement about the part where us Indians are incorrigible though, we refuse to forsake that which our founding fathers left us.
I also nominate this illegal Bangladeshi @DalalErMaNodi (if he's interested) to help with the CoC enforcement, along with the other 14. This way he might earn his Indian citizenship.o_O (United Bengal or whatever he chooses).

What do you say, @Joe Shearer I really like this bhaibandhu of yours.

Err, hmm, OK.

I hope nobody told you that I think of myself as an honorary Bangladeshi.


Dyakho, byapar-ta ekhon daraye kothaye!
What you are asking your people is to restrain from expressing their beliefs, and that too without any repercussions that would impact their day to day lives.

Those like @Shantanu_Left may already be 'wired' to the proposed code but majority of others will return to their default 'wiring' very quickly, even you.

This mission of changing belief systems (for a different behavioural outcome) with an unenforceable code is destined to fail.

You are an ex-army man, and you know that army training is designed to break one down of all old beliefs and build a soldier with a new set of beliefs.

Majority of Pakistanis here are not wired with hatred for Indians, whereas majority of Indians have been wired (since childhood) with hatred for Pakistanis, others casts etc etc. This code doesn't stand a chance against such hardwiring of beliefs.

Sir, I personally know how to manage and control Indians. BTW, I do it as a part of my regular job.

I am sure we can do far better than your worst case scenario. Even without my involvement, even someone like @jbgt90 who is universally derided by the Pakistani posters here, can enforce it without fail.

All right, all you cockamamie SoB's (I mean Nice, Indian gentlemen). Let's get the whip crackin. :woot::woot::woot:
I also nominate this illegal Bangladeshi @DalalErMaNodi (if he's interested) to help with the CoC enforcement, along with the other 14. This way he might earn his Indian citizenship.o_O (United Bengal or whatever he chooses).

What do you say, @Joe Shearer I really like this bhaibandhu of yours.

lol pimpy boy, whats does "enforcement" entail ?

Do I just remind people who have agreed to follow this CoC of their obligations when they go astray ? I guess I could do that for Bangladesh section and South Asia sections.

Is there a list of the Indian users who've agreed to abide by the CoC, as I understand the rules aren't binding on those users who haven't agreed to follow the CoC.

I hope I can still verbally spank Indian users who haven't agreed to the CoC, its fuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

I hope nobody told you that I think of myself as an honorary Bangladeshi.

A Bengali is a Bengali, irrespective of which side of the border you come from.....
lol pimpy boy, whats does "enforcement" entail ?

Do I just remind people who have agreed to follow this CoC of their obligations when they go astray ? I guess I could do that for Bangladesh section and South Asia sections.

Is there a list of the Indian users who've agreed to abide by the CoC, as I understand the rules aren't binding on those users who haven't agreed to follow the CoC.

I hope I can still verbally spank Indian users who haven't agreed to the CoC, its fuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

A Bengali is a Bengali, irrespective of which side of the border you come from.....

It's simple brah. You notice any offending posts in any thread, just tag that user and a link to that post right here. Also tag your Joe dada (and me, if you feel so). You can explain in one line why that comment is offensive.

That's it. Nothing more needed.

Do it a 1000 times and I will get you a bona fide Indian passport without any long waiting line. :rofl: Think of yourself as a bounty hunter.
I will get you a bona fide Indian passport without any long waiting line. :rofl: Think of yourself as a bounty hunter.

Thanks, but I'd rather you send me those sanghi girls you promised, good ones.

Just so we are clear, this applies to all Indian users or not? and please provide me with a link to the post that contains the CoC.

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