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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

No. This is a propaganda thread to show Indians are the good guys.
We indeed consider ourselves as the good guys, no doubt about it. Anyway, I think there's a flag mismatch on your id. Have considered correcting it?
So this thread is about Indians trying to be more respectable towards Pakistanis and other nationalities in general but people like @Verve , @Musings, @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan seem to even have a problem with that lol. Aakhir chahte kya ho humse :yu:.
Yet another member with comprehension issues. I haven’t got an issue and find it commendable the efforts shown by mr Shearer et al. I have an issue with the trolls that come - get banned then relaunch as new IDs. The obsession of these characters are somewhat deep and difficult to understand
Yet another member with comprehension issues. I haven’t got an issue and find it commendable the efforts shown by mr Shearer et al. I have an issue with the trolls that come - get banned then relaunch as new IDs. The obsession of these characters are somewhat deep and difficult to understand
Well, isn't it obvious that it's impossible to control them? I read through some of your posts and you seemed to have an issue with Indians posting certain threads that 'harm' the image of Pakistan. Guess what? Even Pakistanis do that about India. Nothing different here.

This thread is about people who are trying to be more patient and considerate when they come across diverse opinions.
Well, isn't it obvious that it's impossible to control them? I read through some of your posts and you seemed to have an issue with Indians posting certain threads that 'harm' the image of Pakistan. Guess what? Even Pakistanis do that about India. Nothing different here.

This thread is about people who are trying to be more patient and considerate when they come across diverse opinions.
You are more than welcome to decipher through my posts - no issues.
Pakistan has horrendous issues - no doubt. I find my experience allows me to easily decipher those that are attempting to make fun of Pakistan issues and make it a method to attempt to voice their superiority from the land they live in - when in reality they probably suffer from a similar scenario in their own nation.
It’s not impossible to control them. You know who they are - you can stop thanking them when they troll - you can stop encouraging this by not starting inconsequential threads from senior members and of course report them. That’s a start btw
First of all Indian state is not multi cultural entity. It speaks in Hindi and english. Even English was included when some south Indians protested on imposition of Hindi. i mean just see how casually india imposes itself. When south indians, maha or bengal protests of language imposition instead of making efforts to include those languages in to governance it gives them english. Second rate citizenship is implicit in it.

Multi-linguistic countries are generally an exception. One language can be spread across many countries but more than one language in one country really doesn't exist in large countries. And where it is - those countries adopt a language which is equi distant from all like urdu in pakistan or english in singapore. And most of these multi-linguistic countries offer referendum for other languages to quit their country if they want - like Canada does to Quebec. Even Uk offered Scotland the referendum. On the other hand the barbaric India believes in murdering Kashmiris by thousands, raping them, blinding them and keep throwing mostly lower caste Indian men as sacrificial soldiers in the cauldron of kashmir but never offer referendum.

You guys claim to be "proud" indians but you have less empathy for your own countrymen than me for the struggles they go through just being an indian. How do you expect a tamil to feel when he keeps seeing his PM speak only in hindi ? how do these people feel when their so called parliament discusses only in hindi/english. They have no voice. It isnt a nation.

A mythical Indian identity has been created primarly among upper castes (brahmins leading the charge) among several languages by sucking them in to some sort of non-existing sanskrit nationalism. And these upper castes - brahmins of south, bhadralok of bengal have gladly thrown their own brethren under bus to get some crumbs from delhi. Look at delusionary claims of them - indians freely intermarry says @Shantanu_Left and bengalis speak tamil apparently according to @Joe Shearer . Thier india is like tiny 1 % or less of their populations and they build their pride on it while ignoring the suffering of 99. They offer nonsensical explanations that "soon" it will change. Despite being almost 75 years of indian independence.

That indian identity has also made you lot cruel beyond your own recognition. @Joe Shearer was complaining "oh so its all about kashmir" as if i am a party pooper to bring up such "boring" topics and get in the middle of the champagne popping celebrations of "indianness" built on dead bodies of thousands of kashmiris and their own soldiers.
"Bhai, no country is perfect. Usse prefect banaana padta hai" - Rang De Basanti

No. This is a propaganda thread to show Indians are the good guys.
Dear, We Indians are actually good guys but sangat mai aakar kharab ho jaate hain.
This thread is all about, ki hum par ab sangat ka bhi asar na pade.
We are leaving trolling job for our dearest Pakistan members.
You are more than welcome to decipher through my posts - no issues.
Pakistan has horrendous issues - no doubt. I find my experience allows me to easily decipher those that are attempting to make fun of Pakistan issues and make it a method to attempt to voice their superiority from the land they live in - when in reality they probably suffer from a similar scenario in their own nation.
It’s not impossible to control them. You know who they are - you can stop thanking them when they troll - you can stop encouraging this by not starting inconsequential threads from senior members and of course report them. That’s a start btw
To be honest, this forum is about learning new things from each other regardless of the country of origin. Banning negative content is not the way to go over here. In fact, I learned quite a few negative things about my own country which I wouldn't have if I weren't on PDF. And I don't regret learning some of the dark things about my own country as that gives me a better picture of where India is currently on the global stage. That's just my personal take for this and you can feel free to differ.
First of all Indian state is not multi cultural entity. It speaks in Hindi and english. Even English was included when some south Indians protested on imposition of Hindi. i mean just see how casually india imposes itself. When south indians, maha or bengal protests of language imposition instead of making efforts to include those languages in to governance it gives them english. Second rate citizenship is implicit in it.

Multi-linguistic countries are generally an exception. One language can be spread across many countries but more than one language in one country really doesn't exist in large countries. And where it is - those countries adopt a language which is equi distant from all like urdu in pakistan or english in singapore. And most of these multi-linguistic countries offer referendum for other languages to quit their country if they want - like Canada does to Quebec. Even Uk offered Scotland the referendum. On the other hand the barbaric India believes in murdering Kashmiris by thousands, raping them, blinding them and keep throwing mostly lower caste Indian men as sacrificial soldiers in the cauldron of kashmir but never offer referendum.

You guys claim to be "proud" indians but you have less empathy for your own countrymen than me for the struggles they go through just being an indian. How do you expect a tamil to feel when he keeps seeing his PM speak only in hindi ? how do these people feel when their so called parliament discusses only in hindi/english. They have no voice. It isnt a nation.

A mythical Indian identity has been created primarly among upper castes (brahmins leading the charge) among several languages by sucking them in to some sort of non-existing sanskrit nationalism. And these upper castes - brahmins of south, bhadralok of bengal have gladly thrown their own brethren under bus to get some crumbs from delhi. Look at delusionary claims of them - indians freely intermarry says @Shantanu_Left and bengalis speak tamil apparently according to @Joe Shearer . Thier india is like tiny 1 % or less of their populations and they build their pride on it while ignoring the suffering of 99. They offer nonsensical explanations that "soon" it will change. Despite being almost 75 years of indian independence.

That indian identity has also made you lot cruel beyond your own recognition. @Joe Shearer was complaining "oh so its all about kashmir" as if i am a party pooper to bring up such "boring" topics and get in the middle of the champagne popping celebrations of "indianness" built on dead bodies of thousands of kashmiris and their own soldiers.

Awesome post brother. :tup:
@Joe Shearer @Shantanu_Left rein this one @Capt. Karnage in, if you can.

He was spouting filth about how minorities are openly persecuted in Bangladesh and how Bangladesh 'like all Islamic states' persecutes minorities nevermind that Bangladesh was and is a secular state.

I don't need to tell you that this is an outright lie, more so perpetuated by the BJP via aligned media outlets to generate votes.

Please try and reason with him, such generalized statements are hurtful to people's sentiments.

Brah...he's now banned.

But this CoC is not about reporting which is a separate activity. It's a name and shame thread. We expect the offenders to reflect on their actions and negative comments. That's the Gandhian way, the Indian way. :cheesy:

Let there be no more doubt.
Yet another member with comprehension issues.

Spot on.

The obsession of these characters are somewhat deep and difficult to understand

It's Inferiority Complex. All the insults aimed at Pakistan, Pakistanis and Islam are for them to feel good about themselves, as if they've achieved something big, yet no real improvements happen in their lives.
Listen my little indian friend - your feathers ruffled? Burnol needed?
Your the type to troll thinking you are clever and hide behind lieutenants. You started a thread about petrol prices then disappeared allowing it to be a troll fest. You don’t troll - you feed the trolls.
One thinks the lady protests too much. Your response is a classic denial mode that is about typical and you ferment the abuse on here.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @masterchief_mirza - this is the crux of the issue. Joe and his intentions are honourable - he has to deal with wolves and some are dressed sheep - insinuating butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth but in reality our little Indian has been exposed.
Why is a retard of his calibre interested in a shortage of fuel on Pakistan - why go to the trouble to start it then not respond or interject in membership responses? You decide.
Mate, such threads are pure smoke and mirrors, as I'm sure you've realised. To their credit, Indian professionals do politics very well - honestly they do. It is a by-product of high caste dominance over hordes of obedient lower castes for generations. That's my unsubtantiated opinion anyway. It's all an elaborate game.

We should be quite happy to play along though!

We should simply quietly acknowledge this ongoing culture of second hand virtue signalling, sleight of hand pot stirring, and back of the hand obfuscation. Let the Indians do as they please. I feel rather privileged that I get to observe such matters up close. It confirms much of what I already knew.
Brah...he's now banned.

But this CoC is not about reporting which is a separate activity. It's a name and shame thread. We expect the offenders to reflect on their actions and negative comments. That's the Gandhian way, the Indian way. :cheesy:

Let there be no more doubt.

lol, I'm intrigued to know, how this turns out in the end, anyway hopefully this is a successful initiative in that it'll curb trolling to some extent.

I'm not going to reply to your last post which I have read properly. Not because you don't deserve a befitting reply, but because many of your claims consist of half-baked biased preconceived ideas about what "Bengalis", "South Indians", "Kashmiris" are supposed to look like. I don't like to entertain such stereotypes. All Indians are the same to me.

We on the left are actively fighting India's caste system. I'd like it to be eliminated along the lines of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution in China. @rott will confirm to you that I'm a big fan of Quotations from Chairman Mao.

You honestly suck. Go away from my presence you unrepentant troll.

I regret violating Code #3
I have supported BJP for the last 7 years. My family was kattar Congressi for 30 years, my own blood brother is still in congress. Even being BJP supporter I never supported Akhand Bharat concept. I don't want another 300 millions poors to attach with India. I am happy with what we have.

I take back my statement. I have to say you surprised me.
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