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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

How would you go about making making an extremist/fascist person reflect on what is right and wrong? Take Hindutva followers for example. Is Hinduism in original form dearer to them or Hindutva ideology?

Undo and rewrite the warped/extremist ideology core beliefs by countering them with original beliefs and the correct context ... Hammer it in repeatedly. Make them reflect on it!

Another challenge for you guys is the Slave Mindset. In Pakistan we are undoing this rapidly but in India it is taking a strong hold.

Neither can/will happen. The fascists of India you see today are not operating on any logic. It is only when the blood letting has reached the level of revulsion will things change. The "slavish" mentality that you speak of is the product of both the caste and education system. Both need to be overhauled for a change.

I'll take my chances with hell freezing over before any of these.
Multi-linguistic countries are generally an exception. One language can be spread across many countries but more than one language in one country really doesn't exist in large countries. And where it is - those countries adopt a language which is equi distant from all like urdu in pakistan or english in singapore.

Watch this attack develop. First, multiple languages don't exist in large countries. (Meaning, India is not really a country).
Second, equi-distant languages are an indicator of equality, like English in Singapore.
Exception: BUT NEVER, NEVER, EVER English in India.

And most of these multi-linguistic countries offer referendum for other languages to quit their country if they want - like Canada does to Quebec.

So,language leads to referendum.

Even Uk offered Scotland the referendum.

That had nothing to do with language, but why confuse ourselves with detail?

On the other hand the barbaric India believes in murdering Kashmiris by thousands, raping them, blinding them and keep throwing mostly lower caste Indian men as sacrificial soldiers in the cauldron of kashmir but never offer referendum.

Referendum means Kashmir. Indians killed in Kashmir are lower caste men.

Just another half-baked ignorant person ranting because we allow him to rant.

That's how it should be, too. We get to hear what people say about India. We get to sort the good from the bad. We get to address our internal issues.
Watch this attack develop. First, multiple languages don't exist in large countries. (Meaning, India is not really a country).
Second, equi-distant languages are an indicator of equality, like English in Singapore.
Exception: BUT NEVER, NEVER, EVER English in India.

So,language leads to referendum.

That had nothing to do with language, but why confuse ourselves with detail?

Referendum means Kashmir. Indians killed in Kashmir are lower caste men.

Just another half-baked ignorant person ranting because we allow him to rant.

That's how it should be, too. We get to hear what people say about India. We get to sort the good from the bad. We get to address our internal issues.

I have already replied to him. This American (or whatever) dude deserves the IGNORAMUS of the Year award. He should work for Republic World, Breitbart or other fake news outlets in India.
Listen my little indian friend - your feathers ruffled? Burnol needed?
Your the type to troll thinking you are clever and hide behind lieutenants. You started a thread about petrol prices then disappeared allowing it to be a troll fest. You don’t troll - you feed the trolls.
One thinks the lady protests too much. Your response is a classic denial mode that is about typical and you ferment the abuse on here.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @masterchief_mirza - this is the crux of the issue. Joe and his intentions are honourable - he has to deal with wolves and some are dressed sheep - insinuating butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth but in reality our little Indian has been exposed.
Why is a retard of his calibre interested in a shortage of fuel on Pakistan - why go to the trouble to start it then not respond or interject in membership responses? You decide.

Which is precisely why I believe that there should be 0 interactions and discourse between Pakistanis and indians. The Chinese, Turkish, Iranian and Arab posters add a lot of value to PDF. The indian posters are simply here to troll and spout anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism. Nothing more. They always lower the value and content of PDF.
Joe, I'm telling you for one last time. You don't have to reply to any posts which mock the Indian identity. It's one thing to criticize India's caste system, and India's high caste oppression of the Dalits (in fact, I encourage/thank such posts from the Pakistani and Chinese members as well). It's quite another to call India a "serpent" or anything like that. Replying to such posts makes you look like a cuckold. Is it what you want?

Tbh, only Indians can make such bad posts about India. :-) But now that we all follow the CoC, we will desist from such cheap laughs.

Such fundamentally insulting posts from ANY Pakistani member deserves zero reply.

On the same token, I did not like your Bangabandhu friend's comments on Mahatma Gandhi. The only reason I'm not blaming him is because modern day Indians say much worse things about Bapu.

You have a point, but Masterchief Mirza is an exception that I make, because of his sophisticated attacks.

But you're right, a troll post is a troll post.

"Quoth the Raven,'Nevermore!' "
Neither can/will happen. The fascists of India you see today are not operating on any logic. It is only when the blood letting has reached the level of revulsion will things change. The "slavish" mentality that you speak of is the product of both the caste and education system. Both need to be overhauled for a change.

I'll take my chances with hell freezing over before any of these.

This brings me to my first post here - 5% will stick to code and the remaining 95% won't. Status Quo maintained.

This thread may just be turning into Gandhi/Secularism v Hindutva ... one group writing code for the other group ...
Which is precisely why I believe that there should be 0 interactions and discourse between Pakistanis and indians. The Chinese, Turkish, Iranian and Arab posters add a lot of value to PDF. The indian posters are simply here to troll and spout anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism. Nothing more. They always lower the value and content of PDF.


My poor little fellow.

Look at the posts on this thread as an example.


Good luck with your further posts.
Which is precisely why I believe that there should be 0 interactions and discourse between Pakistanis and indians. The Chinese, Turkish, Iranian and Arab posters add a lot of value to PDF. The indian posters are simply here to troll and spout anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism. Nothing more. They always lower the value and content of PDF.
I sometimes wonder how come you are not a robot, or maybe you are but you just don't know that. You need to seriously check yourself as you keep saying the same*(infinity) thing over and over and over and over again.
This brings me to my first post here - 5% will stick to code and the remaining 95% won't. Status Quo maintained.

This thread may just be turning into Gandhi/Secularism v Hindutva ... one group writing code for the other group ...

Give it time, Sir.

I sometimes wonder how come you are not a robot, or maybe you are but you just don't know that. You need to seriously check yourself as you keep saying the same*(infinity) thing over and over and over and over again.

I swear, I NEVER thought of that explanation!

My poor little fellow.

Look at the posts on this thread as an example.


Good luck with your further posts.

Either way isn't this just more proof that just like in August 1947, Pakistanis and indians can NEVER coexist peacefully together or even have meaningful discourse and discussions?

I think it's best for all concerned if Pakistanis and indians all go their separate ways and have 0 contact or interactions with one another.
That's not a code but an acceptable practice. Sure the golden rule is very simple: if you have nothing interesting to contribute on a thread, don't say anything. Just keep lurking, and voting thanks if you feel so. That doesn't hurt anyone

Here are my 3 suggestions for the code:

1) No religious abuse: We should not make any Islamophobic or Hinduphobic remarks. The following topics cross the line for Muslim posters: any adverse remarks on Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and Islamic rituals such as Azaan prayer or Qurbani. For Hindu posters, the sensitive issues are cow slaughter, remarks related to cow urine consumption (I have made that myself many times but volunteering to stop now). Surely other Hindu posters can let us know what remarks they find truly offensive.
2) No profanity: sure you can use the "f's" and "b's" rarely, and when it's in context. But not to express your anger or displeasure. And I'm one user that has used profanity many times. If I can desist, so can you. o_O
3) Being hospitable and friendly to Pakistani posters: we are on their forum. It's a really sad thing that there's not a single Indian forum where we can have a democracy of opinions. We should be friendly to all Pakistani posters, not question their country's existence, not remind them frequently of 1971 war. It's not too much to ask. If any Pakistani posters are being very hostile, you can report them to the mod's, block/ignore them, or simply choose not to reply them.

Of course there can be more points. Suggestions welcome.

I second this, I am weary of religious comments, where people’s religious beliefs are questioned no matter how strange they may feel to is.

In my professional life I have a lot of Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Christian and Atheist and Egoistic friends and colleagues. Some of my mentors are Hindu’s. Their insight, knowledge and guidance has allowed me to grow. I have never seen any of us stoop down to religious insults, we talk shit about about each other, ribbing is defiantly there but respect each other’s regions beliefs.

I don’t understand how this interaction is any different

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