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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

I second this, I am weary of religious comments, where people’s religious beliefs are questioned no matter how strange they may feel to is.

In my professional life I have a lot of Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Christian and Atheist and Egoistic friends and colleagues. Some of my mentors are Hindu’s. Their insight, knowledge and guidance has allowed me to grow. I have never seen any of us stoop down to religious insults, we talk shit about about each other, ribbing is defiantly there but respect each other’s regions beliefs.

I don’t understand how this interaction is any different


Great post. Sir. keep it up
I don't consider myself as an Indian. I am not an Indian.

Let other Indian members here say that they support Pakistan like I do.

Let them put a clause in their CoC that they love Pakistan.

If they can't they they do not deserve to be here.

You honestly don't have to worry about that. You can have Indian flag and support Pakistan. There's nothing wrong in it! Cheers we fight for that right here.
Lol at discussions available on "request". So the people need to make a request in advance, a transaltor works on it and gives it after so many days after the law is already passed on say a voice vote. Why cant you try having some empathy man? the cruelty is so obvious.

Why should tamils or bengalis have to live like that ? what heavens will fall if they have their own nations or maybe even a loose federation like EU or CIS. Is it not better for everyone ?

What policy does your state legislature decide? really? In india the entire tax money - from income tax to corporate tax to sales tax or gst goes to delhi and then delhi funnels it. It was modelling on british raj where tax money goes to crown and indians will have to tap dance to get favors. Most important policies are with Delhi. A state govt needs to take it permission to get a loan infact pretty much anything.

It is high time China and Pakistan join hands to bring freedom to these non Hindi people.

Hindi belt people are the most racist people in India.
Because we WANT to. Just as the Baloch or the Gilgits WANT to live in Pakistan.

No you dont WANT to. Dare ask them for their opinion. Give tamils a referendum and ofcourse kashmiris, give nagas a referendum, bengalis. How confidently you use the word "We". you in india are just identified by your caste and language - 99% of indians live within that identiy.
I agree. I'd definitely want 0 interaction and discourse with you and your other friend. But you just can't leave us alone, now can you!

There are so many wonderful, amazing Pakistani posters here (right here in this thread) and I'd be damned @ someone like you telling me not to interact with them.

I've officially BLOCKED you now, you irredeemable Troll!

What policy does your state legislature decide? really? In india the entire tax money - from income tax to corporate tax to sales tax or gst goes to delhi and then delhi funnels it. It was modelling on british raj where tax money goes to crown and indians will have to tap dance to get favors. Most important policies are with Delhi. A state govt needs to take it permission to get a loan infact pretty much anything.

These policies were based on the Indian Constitution and its provisions. That constitution was NOT the work of Hindi speaking people. It took a long time to draft but we finally finished it. The point is that we had one, we didn't flounder about like others.

You should think through your facile arguments before posting.

He has a cynical side...downright sardonic humour. We all love him.

Honestly we should have included a "don't engage with Trolls" clause, if not already. It's best practice in real life as well as online

But I like Masterchief Mirza. He's such a perverted genius.
These policies were based on the Indian Constitution and its provisions. That constitution was NOT the work of Hindi speaking people. It took a long time to draft but we finally finished it. The point is that we had one, we didn't flounder about like others.

You should think through your facile arguments before posting.


Your constitution is like a holy book now ? it cannot be judged it is unfair ? You guys are quick to mock religious fanatics etc but never realize how much fanatcism you carry. Do whatever you want and say hey our constitution said it.
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