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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Either way isn't this just more proof that just like in August 1947, Pakistanis and indians can NEVER coexist peacefully together or even have meaningful discourse and discussions?

I think it's best for all concerned if Pakistanis and indians all go their separate ways and have 0 contact or interactions with one another.


I belong to four other groups where Pakistanis and Indians have very friendly conversations. Honest Deliberations, Insaniyat, The Bridge and Against the Grain.

The difference is that you aren't there.

I'm sorry, but just because you are tolerated in one place and gum up the proceedings here doesn't mean that it represents a universal model.
Watch this attack develop. First, multiple languages don't exist in large countries. (Meaning, India is not really a country).
Second, equi-distant languages are an indicator of equality, like English in Singapore.
Exception: BUT NEVER, NEVER, EVER English in India.

So,language leads to referendum.

That had nothing to do with language, but why confuse ourselves with detail?

Referendum means Kashmir. Indians killed in Kashmir are lower caste men.

Just another half-baked ignorant person ranting because we allow him to rant.

That's how it should be, too. We get to hear what people say about India. We get to sort the good from the bad. We get to address our internal issues.

There is no attack .its just a post. You guys are soo defensive (well you gotta lot to be defensive about honestly as nothing is clean and open about you) that a simple statement of facts sounds like an attack.

What do you mean you allow us to rant. @krash are we at the mercy of @Joe Shearer permissions to make posts ?

If india adopted English and gave equal importance to all other major languages then yes it could be compared to singapore. But it adopted hindi for hindi fellows and english for others. How many bengalirs or tamils know enough english to follow laws or debate ? the disenfranchisement of others is baked in to Indian nationalism. And no allowing your states to speak their own language is no substitute - indian states have little to zero power in setting policy or working for their people. But yea re-organizing india on languages is perhaps the only smart thing india did - gave it some stability - but not enough. Even for that too I heard one south indian leader had to die fasting.

Indian nationalism is built on delusional exceptions like indians freely marrying across castes or bengalis fluent in tamil. The hatred you have for your own people is obvious - you wont even acknowledge the situation they are in.
I second this, I am weary of religious comments, where people’s religious beliefs are questioned no matter how strange they may feel to is.

In my professional life I have a lot of Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Christian and Atheist and Egoistic friends and colleagues. Some of my mentors are Hindu’s. Their insight, knowledge and guidance has allowed me to grow. I have never seen any of us stoop down to religious insults, we talk shit about about each other, ribbing is defiantly there but respect each other’s regions beliefs.

I don’t understand how this interaction is any different

The second post that seemed truly significant to me, and deserving of being written in letters of gold.
Which is precisely why I believe that there should be 0 interactions and discourse between Pakistanis and indians. The Chinese, Turkish, Iranian and Arab posters add a lot of value to PDF. The indian posters are simply here to troll and spout anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism. Nothing more. They always lower the value and content of PDF.

Exactly. PDF would be a great place without the Indians. But these shameless people keep coming back here to troll and mud sling Pakistan.
How many bengalirs or tamils know enough english to follow laws or debate ?

Follow them where? Our state legislatures use our own state languages. All discussions in the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha are available in all languages, on request. Do you know at all what you are talking about?

Quite apart from that, you do appreciate that the minority that is interested in debates and laws gets a fill of them either in English, or in publications in their own newspapers in their own languages?

I don't think you know anything at all about India.
You have a point, but Masterchief Mirza is an exception that I make, because of his sophisticated attacks.

But you're right, a troll post is a troll post.

"Quoth the Raven,'Nevermore!' "

The splendid irony here - that I'm sure is not lost on wise Joe - is that Poe's raven was quite the successful little troll, driving its observer to fits of madness by calmly uttering a single word on repeat.
This brings me to my first post here - 5% will stick to code and the remaining 95% won't. Status Quo maintained.

This thread may just be turning into Gandhi/Secularism v Hindutva ... one group writing code for the other group ...

More like the 5% would have adhered to the code anyway, without having the need to list one out.

But like every experiment, we need to run the course on some of these lines before we consign them to the dustbin
Doesn't that include you darling? Or have you now become a Pakistani? @Naofumi

I don't consider myself as an Indian. I am not an Indian.

Let other Indian members here say that they support Pakistan like I do.

Let them put a clause in their CoC that they love Pakistan.

If they can't they they do not deserve to be here.
Follow them where? Our state legislatures use our own state languages. All discussions in the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha are available in all languages, on request. Do you know at all what you are talking about?

Quite apart from that, you do appreciate that the minority that is interested in debates and laws gets a fill of them either in English, or in publications in their own newspapers in their own languages?

I don't think you know anything at all about India.

Lol at discussions available on "request". So the people need to make a request in advance, a transaltor works on it and gives it after so many days after the law is already passed on say a voice vote. Why cant you try having some empathy man? the cruelty is so obvious.

Why should tamils or bengalis have to live like that ? what heavens will fall if they have their own nations or maybe even a loose federation like EU or CIS. Is it not better for everyone ?

What policy does your state legislature decide? really? In india the entire tax money - from income tax to corporate tax to sales tax or gst goes to delhi and then delhi funnels it. It was modelling on british raj where tax money goes to crown and indians will have to tap dance to get favors. Most important policies are with Delhi. A state govt needs to take it permission to get a loan infact pretty much anything.
Which is precisely why I believe that there should be 0 interactions and discourse between Pakistanis and indians. The Chinese, Turkish, Iranian and Arab posters add a lot of value to PDF. The indian posters are simply here to troll and spout anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racism. Nothing more. They always lower the value and content of PDF.

I agree. I'd definitely want 0 interaction and discourse with you and your other friend. But you just can't leave us alone, now can you!

There are so many wonderful, amazing Pakistani posters here (right here in this thread) and I'd be damned @ someone like you telling me not to interact with them.

I've officially BLOCKED you now, you irredeemable Troll!
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