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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Your constitution is like a holy book now ? it cannot be judged it is unfair ? You guys are quick to mock religious fanatics etc but never realize how much fanatcism you carry. Do whatever you want and say hey our constitution said it.


Now count the number of times it's been amended.

Not replaced, nor substituted by military rule. Amended.

As I said, think through your arguments.
No you dont WANT to. Dare ask them for their opinion. Give tamils a referendum and ofcourse kashmiris, give nagas a referendum, bengalis. How confidently you use the word "We". you in india are just identified by your caste and language - 99% of indians live within that identiy.

See how cleverly he is trying to deflect the subject from India to Pakistan.

Hence I say that sanghis are 1000 times better than these seculars. At least sanghis are truthful in what they say.

These seculars snakes are muh me ram bagal me churi types.

Now count the number of times it's been amended.

Not replaced, nor substituted by military rule. Amended.

As I said, think through your arguments.

Amend it then and dissolve this unholy , god forsaken and blood thirsty nation . I dont understand why you cannot think beyond india and imagine a better future for this wonderful and ancient people of south asia
You honestly don't have to worry about that. You can have Indian flag and support Pakistan. There's nothing wrong in it! Cheers we fight for that right here.

Proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Add a line in your CoC that

You love PDF and Pakistan. You do not consider Pakistan as an enemy nation.
I agree. I'd definitely want 0 interaction and discourse with you and your other friend. But you just can't leave us alone, now can you!

There are so many wonderful, amazing Pakistani posters here (right here in this thread) and I'd be damned @ someone like you telling me not to interact with them.

I've officially BLOCKED you now, you irredeemable Troll!

Leave you alone?..............:lol:..............in case you havn't noticed, I am a Pakistani on a Pakistani forum. I am NOT on an indian forum............:disagree:

FYI I don't visit, endorse or use ANY indian forum or online platform. I never have and I never will.
He got banned !!

Perhaps he didn't followed the CoC !!

PDF does not care about your Indian propaganda document called CoC. Don't give yourselves more credit/power than you deserve.

He would have been banned because he broke PDF rules.
Proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Add a line in your CoC that

You love PDF and Pakistan. You do not consider Pakistan as an enemy nation.

Personally for me, that's not a problem. I certainly love Pakistan! But the site owners and moderators want REAL Indians to participate here, to know about their views.

Many of whom are Pakistan-haters, unfortunately. So that kind of clause is invalid on receipt.

It's your job to convince them, otherwise.
Your constitution is like a holy book now ? it cannot be judged it is unfair ? You guys are quick to mock religious fanatics etc but never realize how much fanatcism you carry. Do whatever you want and say hey our constitution said it.

Their constitution prevents killing and eating cows. Enough said.

Personally for me, that's not a problem. I certainly love Pakistan! But the site owners and moderators want REAL Indians to participate here, to know about their views.

Many of whom are Pakistan-haters, unfortunately. So that kind of clause is invalid on receipt.

It's your job to convince them, otherwise.

Why is it a problem?

I did not say hate India. I only said Love Pakistan.

Why is it a problem for you to include it in your CoC?

If you cannot then you are just indulging in propaganda. There is no difference between you and the sanghis.
Exactly. PDF would be a great place without the Indians. But these shameless people keep coming back here to troll and mud sling Pakistan.

You have Indian flags. Are you also one of the shameless people who keep coming back to troll and mud sling Pakistan. Would PDF be a great place without you.
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