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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Respected sir - I see what you did there. Rest assured, such backhanded and double-edged flattery may draw others like moths to a flame, but as I have clarified many a time, my "trolling" - be it of the perverted genius variety or otherwise - is intended for the benefit of my kinsmen, to cast a light for them amidst the many shadows cast upon us both from without and within, to expose truth amidst the concealed, to draw falsehood out into plain sight wherefore it may be stripped back to the stark and bitter reality disguised within. If Indian friends or foes or rivals alike happen to take note of such profound machinations, so be it, but that remains a mere by-product of the initial intended reaction.

My "trolling" - as many refer to it these days - shall therefore continue unabated and for as long as it is needed.
If your trolling then I’m joining your trolling club
Tumney dil sey nahi bola. Pehley tum dil sey bolo that you love Pakistan.

As expected you are still finding excuses and you proved what you are.

You hate Pakistan and you are here only for propaganda purposes.

All this CoC business is nothing but a sham.
as far as Indian trolls are concerned.. well, we're a proud people, that lot fires back, bad trigger discipline. Doc and Manavan are probably great people. Learnt so much from M back then, man's no less knowledgeable on matters of history and religion than Joe saab himself.


Both on my hate list.

when I signed up again not that long ago, it wasn't to troll.. too old for that (almost in sight of the 40s :cry:) got enough going on irl to know better than to waste time needlessly getting a raise out of messing with people online lol

Shearer saab got my respect but I really don't understand what this whole endeavour is all about.

and this tragicomedic Shatanu Left character with his overzealous virtue signalling.. uhh.. the cringe is strong with this one. :bad:

as an Indian if you want to use this forum to talk directly with everyday Pakistanis, know this:

This is not an easy platform, grow thick skin aka mental toughness, maintain trigger discipline at all times, do not fire back (under any circumstance), be a teflon don, that shit wont stick then, but there is no escaping the relentless barrage of shit that will be flung at you, your country, your beliefs, your faith (if any).. constantly.

Do not make any jokes that might be perceived as anti "x or y" (you know what those are), even if your intent was pure humor and you didn't intend any malice with it.

Despite all of that, handle with care, they're very thin skinned and supremely insecure about certain things here, the lot of them.

If you can handle all of that, there's some gold to be dug here... and by that I mean we can establish contact with the everyday Pakistani and find out where they're coming from and to learn about their country and culture.. stuff you just can't do watching the news, or even documentaries or vlogs etc.

as far as Indian trolls are concerned.. well, we're a proud people, that lot fires back, bad trigger discipline. Doc and Manavan are probably great people. Learnt so much from M back then, man's no less knowledgeable on matters of history and religion than Joe saab himself.

anyway, want nothing to do with with this ridiculous code of conduct crap, I'll stick with my own. If I slip, I get banned in a hurry.. and that's just the way it is here.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - Churchill

"Always remember where you are, but never forget who you are"

Jai !
You are taking it wrong mate. Nobody is here for appeasement, specially me.
It is just readiness for long run with rules of the game.
we can establish contact with the everyday Pakistani and find out where they're coming from and to learn about their country and culture.. stuff you just can't do watching the news, or even documentaries or vlogs etc.

You know something funny? The genuine members are here for precisely that, and that alone.
If your trolling then I’m joining your trolling club

Agar sare "troll" inkay jaisay hi ho, then no complaints!

I really admire his class.


Repeat after me:
I hate India. I hate Modi-Ji. I hate Yogi-Ji. I hate cows. I hate doing pooja to inanimate objects. I hate Brahmins.


See...you cannot even say you love Pakistan. You are a Sanghi troll.

@Hiptullha is training him very well to become a pakka Pakistani.
You do not see Pakistan as a enemy nation and love Pakistan & PDF"

I do not see Pakistan as an enemy nation. If I had, I wouldn't be here.
I do not love Pakistan. I am fond of normal Pakistanis, without reservation.
I do not love PDF. I like PDF, and I worked hard to build my reputation, through SOLID posts. @meghdut reminded me of my discussion with Road Runner; I reminded him of my discussion with Chauism. Those were discussions that helped build my reputation. That is more than 80% of the members have done.


Certainly brother! The only entry requirement is quite simply to be a perverted genius.

How about me? I can't do the genius bit thought.

Repeat after me:
I hate India. I hate Modi-Ji. I hate Yogi-Ji. I hate cows. I hate doing pooja to inanimate objects. I hate Brahmins.

I hate India. It is a unnatural state that need to be balkanized.

I love Pakistan.

I hate Modi, Jogi, Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and all other Indian sanghis both overt and covert.

Brahmans are the most despicable creatures that have ever lived on this planet.

I love beef.

PS: Why did you use Ji in your post? Why so much love and respect for those scum of the earth?
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