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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Respected sir - I see what you did there. Rest assured, such backhanded and double-edged flattery may draw others like moths to a flame, but as I have clarified many a time, my "trolling" - be it of the perverted genius variety or otherwise - is intended for the benefit of my kinsmen, to cast a light for them amidst the many shadows cast upon us both from without and within, to expose truth amidst the concealed, to draw falsehood out into plain sight wherefore it may be stripped back to the stark and bitter reality disguised within. If Indian friends or foes or rivals alike happen to take note of such profound machinations, so be it, but that remains a mere by-product of the initial intended reaction.

I take it my flattery is contemptuously spurned?

Back to the drawing board.

All right, all geniuses. I'm signing off now.

@Joe Shearer

Please try hard not to turn this thread into COMEDY CORNER of Defence.pk :(

Saala, yahan bhi mana.
You are taking it wrong mate. Nobody is here for appeasement, specially me.
It is just readiness for long run with rules of the game.
The rules are skewed pretty badly against us but we can handle the heat, some others get too caught up in it.


Both on my hate list.
They shouldn't be.

Could it be that even you, still might have a few things to master when it comes to taking blows from those who we ideologically oppose, and are maybe even repulsed by ? :D

I don't vibe with anyone's visceral hatred of anything generally but that's only one aspect of them, their online postings, there's probably a lot more to those folks..

btw, don't know either of them in any capacity outside of the personas and their postings on this forum.

I'm really upset, hurt and madly jealous. You said such nice things about @Shantanu_Left, and not a word about my comic bits.
Well, unbeknownst to you

I've been having a proper good chuckle reading this thread. Well played, sir.
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I hate India. It is a unnatural state that need to be balkanized.

I love Pakistan.

I hate Modi, Jogi, Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and all other Indian sanghis both overt and covert.

Brahmans are the most despicable creatures that have ever lived on this planet.

I love beef.

PS: Why did you use Ji in your post? Why so much love and respect for those scum of the earth?

Tum dil se nahi hate kar rahe ho. Sachche dil sey hate karo
@Kaniska Sir @Joe Shearer and we request you to check out this thread and put your view regarding this initiative.

Hey @Joe Shearer I’m unable to find your and chausim posts regarding 1962. Can you please post a link here?
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Could it be than even you, still might have a few things to master when it comes to taking blows from those who we ideologically oppose, and are maybe even repulsed by ?

There is something unwholesome about them. Nothing to do with ideology.
Yahan har saakh pe ullu baitha hai, anjaame gulista kya hoga.........
There is something unwholesome about them. Nothing to do with ideology.
You've definitely seen more of them and probably sparred a lot more with them over the years.

Doc always came across as a funny affable guy to me, the other guy.. not so much, way more abrasive a personality, but I did recognize that the man knew what he was talking about a lot of the times, a real reservoir of knowledge, much like yourself (and I say this standing as far apart from your nether regions as I possibly can)

it's ok though, we don't all have to get along or agree with each other.. heck, doesn't work within our families a lot of the times, fat chance it'll manifest in any real genuine way online.

again, just talking about these somewhat prominent manifest personas on this particular forum, we (I certainly) have no idea about the men behind the posts.
You've definitely seen more of them and probably sparred a lot more with them over the years.

Doc always came across as a funny affable guy to me, the other guy.. not so much, way more abrasive a personality, but I did recognize that the man knew what he was talking about a lot of the times, a real reservoir of knowledge, much like yourself (and I say this standing as far apart from your nether regions as I possibly can)

it's ok though, we don't all have to get along or agree with each other.. heck, doesn't work within our families a lot of the times, fat chance it'll manifest in any real genuine way online.

again, just talking about these somewhat prominent manifest personas on this particular forum, we (I certainly) have no idea about the men behind the posts.

I am very happy to have people stand as far from my 'nether' regions as they can.

@Kaniska Sir @Joe Shearer and we request you to check out this thread and put your view regarding this initiative.

Hey @Joe Shearer I’m unable to find your and chausim posts regarding 1962. Can you please post a link here?

I'm afraid I have NO records left.
I am very happy...
:lol: there's actually a better word for it but wouldn't be kosher here, because we don't trust China, China is a...

Hey, no shame in admitting or acknowledging others who happen to know more than yourself in subjects that really interest you.

The Sith Lord vs the rebel Jedi master who broke away from the council. The republic having long since fallen.

Joe vs Lord M.

@Nilgiri will get this. :P
:lol: there's actually a better word for it but wouldn't be kosher here, because we don't trust China, China is a...

Hey, no shame in admitting or acknowledging others who happen to know more than yourself in subjects that really interest you.

The Sith Lord vs the rebel Jedi master who broke away from the council. The republic having long since fallen.

Joe vs Lord M.

@Nilgiri will get this. :P

*cue binary sunset theme*

Yes, please. I am frustrated at his absence.

he's busy with exams.

I sometimes wonder how come you are not a robot, or maybe you are but you just don't know that. You need to seriously check yourself as you keep saying the same*(infinity) thing over and over and over and over again.

Best thing is to just keep doing what you are doing, knowing simply being here and "interacting" with plenty of Pakistanis intrinsically destroys his desire and vision.

I can only imagine the rage that consumes this one when he stumbles across a long friendly chat I have had with a worthy Pakistani member about a worthy matter far above this ones ken....of which there are many.

I could tell you how much effort him and a certain little group have put in (well beyond their station, passed on to me by those at those stations) to get all Indians banned here as some forum diktat....but it would be off topic...and is quite a dreary boring story anyway.

Suffice to say one that readily bemoans such brazen failure constantly with array of cardboard boxes, signs and other disheveled paraphernalia likely has some real issues going on internally....so just do your bit to keep your distance...cross and walk on other side of street for example.
Best thing is to just keep doing what you are doing, knowing simply being here and "interacting" with plenty of Pakistanis intrinsically destroys his desire and vision.

I can only imagine the rage that consumes this one when he stumbles across a long friendly chat I have had with a worthy Pakistani member about a worthy matter far above this ones ken....of which there are many.

I could tell you how much effort him and a certain little group have put in (well beyond their station, passed on to me by those at those stations) to get all Indians banned here as some forum diktat....but it would be off topic...and is quite a dreary boring story anyway.

Thoroughly enjoying this comment :bounce::bounce::bounce:

And nodding slightly in agreement
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