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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Joe is en garde with his scathing wit today.

LOL....well you must always be wary of an older fella that's survived the younger man's game this long...

Joe just tends to stop 99% of time at the "You're not only wrong, you're wrong at the top of your voice." part :D ...coz the young dumb punk (often sic'ed on him by some "others") really aint worth the rest.
Nah, character in a movie I respect and appreciate a lot. Lately been feeling a lot like him in this place :P...sometimes you just got to take the ole cooler stay on the chin....

The Great Escape, I wont give any spoilers, highly recommended movie
The bike btw is a 1962 Triumph TR6R...made up to look a bit more WW2 German

It's one of my favorite war movie. If you are in to new movies try Jojo Rabbit. It has new and fresh perspective to look in to those grim period/events.

Got inspiration and changed my DP.:D

Corona Virus has spoiled our summer holiday plan. Had every thing booked to spend 2+ weeks in Alberta and British Columbia. Hope we'll do it some time in future, till then PDF is our #1 prime time entertainment.

Is it off topic? Did I cross thin silver line, into troll territory?
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LOL....well you must always be wary of an older fella that's survived the younger man's game this long...

Joe just tends to stop 99% of time at the "You're not only wrong, you're wrong at the top of your voice." part :D ...coz the young dumb punk (often sic'ed on him by some "others") really aint worth the rest.

Spencer Tracy - they broke the mould after he got made.
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It's one of my favorite war movie. If you are in to new movies try Jojo Rabbit. It has new and fresh perspective to look in to those grim period/events.
Thanks for the recommendation bro, really enjoyed the trailer:tup:. And Scarlett Johansson..:smitten:
"might those be"

And the answer is still missing!

Would be really helpful if you guys could regulate your numbers on here. Have a maximum cap of like a 100 or 10. Thanks :enjoy:

The numbers are manageable now. A few years ago PDF was terribly infested.

Anyways, still no 'Equality' in the CoC ..
Is it off topic? Did I cross thin silver line, into troll territory?

If you had, you would see

The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

If you haven't seen - or felt - that, you're all right. But a Moderator might still do some gleaming and sheening; can't guarantee that.

We want active constructive debate without the trolling.

May I lift this as the motto for the group who follow the code? It fits nicely.

@Joe Shearer , sir, is public display of perversion allowed for bunch of 14 :D

Umm, might I point out I didn't see a thing, I was somewhere else that time? :D

Anyways, still no 'Equality' in the CoC ..

I'm still studying your valuable suggestions about this.
And the answer is still missing!
The Kashmir issue, anything to do with religion.

We just get slapped with an insta ban these days it seems, which would be fine if one were being provocative or trolly and mean spirited etc but even matter of fact discussions, sharing a news link etc may trigger a mod to drop that banhammer. Humor isn't halal either these days, even benign super softcore humor.

We're effectively gagged, all good though. I'm just here to learn more about you guys.

Let the management run this place as they see fit.
Anyways, still no 'Equality' in the CoC ..

What is "equality"? True equality does not exist in the real world, why should it here? Anyways, the CoC for Indian team members is FIXED. I'm seriously fed up that it's taken 50 pages or so of this damned thread and still everyone's taking it as a joke.

All the 14 who signed and endorsed it better start following it, or they can vote to tear this document apart and return to the law of the jungle. The trolls can merrily abuse each other just like it used to be. If we can't have 10-14 decent people willing to stick to a code of conduct, then what's the point of participating in this forum? I guess it's the Indian, or rather the South Asian way of doing things.

Any Pakistani, or other non-Indian members wanting to be part of the CoC are now more than welcome. That's the only "equality" I would happily accept. Go ahead and sign and endorse the code, and Joe Babu will edit your name.

At least I can speak for myself. I'm not moving an inch in this forum, and contributing another post till civilized people are in charge of threads pertaining to India. I don't care about anyone's nationality. I had thought that I could discuss the burning issues pertaining to India with like-minded people. But I just hate this ridiculous Indian (or "South Asian") way of doing things. You don't think it' serious enough: good luck finding another forum infested with Indians where there is any civilized order.
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