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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

You have a point, but you yourself need to realise that there are deep-rooted and historical animosities that we cannot wish away. That exchange on nursery rhymes was an example. What happened, happened; the member (not Indian) who posted that is also aware who drove my families out of our native land, to wander about like ghosts in this country; on the other hand, he is also aware who murdered his blood-kin. We need to move on, and I have forgiven them, and they have forgiven their sometime oppressors.

The point is, forgiveness is not forgetfulness.

Fair enough; we will include that clause. I hope in return, and I am saying this directly to you, we get sensitivity about the roles that our distant ancestors played in the past.

Dil pe kyun leta tu? I can't be forthright without the tears springing from your eyes? OK, pass the gag along this way.

At a later stage, without mixing that up with this, we can ask the team why that was done and understand things better; perhaps even convey our point of view successfully. Preserve those instances if you can.

But not now. For now, I want to see us setting an example - TO OURSELVES.


Please read my response as well. I think we also (I include myself first of all, I cited that nursery rhyme two or three times before) need to let go, as far as day-to-day interaction is concerned.

Forgiving does not mean forgetting.

In a few minutes, please check the code for the amendment. Thanks.


Please check now. I expect you to subscribe later, since you did not do so sooner. No lame excuses, please.

Hey, no pressure! :enjoy:
You may just be exposing yourself on this, badly I must add. Supremacy Virus that almost all Indians on here are infected by is revealing as usual :rolleyes1:

'All people are equal' - but you Indians will NEVER sign up to such CoC!

Without this, whatever CoC you end up with is DEAD!

Sir, the comment was not directed at you. Regret it if it came that way. I was just frustrated that 50 thread pages done, and the Indians are still bickering over this code which should have been a done deal now. Some of the troll Pakistanis (and that one illegal Bangladeshi :cheesy:) adding fuel to fire is making it more complicated than it should be.

I am all in favour of equality, but I know my countrymen very well. What you're asking is just not possible with Indians.
Sir, the comment was not directed at you. Regret it if it came that way. I was just frustrated that 50 thread pages done, and the Indians are still bickering over this code which should have been a done deal now. Some of the troll Pakistanis (and that one illegal Bangladeshi :cheesy:) adding fuel to fire is making it more complicated than it should be.

I am all in favour of equality, but I know my countrymen very well. What you're asking is just not possible with Indians.


No, there's no more bickering over the code. We can start implementing it on a self-policing mode. Now.

Any conversion to a sticky and any Three Wise Men is not on the critical path.

Each of us fourteen - you included - can start whenever he pleases. There won't be a starter's gun.

No, there's no more bickering over the code. We can start implementing it on a self-policing mode. Now.

Any conversion to a sticky and any Three Wise Men is not on the critical path.

Each of us fourteen - you included - can start whenever he pleases. There won't be a starter's gun.

It's already started. But good to know. I am really tired today. Will check the "South Asian thread" later to verify whether everyone is complying with the code.

Please check now. I expect you to subscribe later, since you did not do so sooner. No lame excuses, please.

Hey, no pressure! :enjoy:
As I mentioned previously, I already follow most of the points and I can't give promises that I have doubts about. The point I suggested was for the general betterment of Indian members here.

Do you have anything to add besides the customary Bon Voyage?

I asked you to suggest what you wanted to see in terms of some of the missing characteristics,

and all that resulted was a deafening silence. Either put up or shut up.

There was no 'deafening silence'. I don't need to put up with Indians, you are on our platform and you will behave or get the F out!
Sir, the comment was not directed at you. Regret it if it came that way. I was just frustrated that 50 thread pages done, and the Indians are still bickering over this code which should have been a done deal now. Some of the troll Pakistanis (and that one illegal Bangladeshi :cheesy:) adding fuel to fire is making it more complicated than it should be.

I am all in favour of equality, but I know my countrymen very well. What you're asking is just not possible with Indians.

If you can't make your countrymen communicate with us as equals then what's the point of this silly exercise?
Kashmiris are cowardly of a different strain. They let the Indian State ride roughshod over them.

Before anyone reports it, I'm 1/4 Kashmiri . I'm allowed to criticize my own.

They are the most lovable people going, and the Delhi government should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Bastards.
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Honestly, is there "equality" in Pakistan? Or any country for that matter. Have you heard of the mudsill theory? In every country and every society, there will be an underclass. None of us made those rules: they just exist

I am referring to the Supremacist Indian mindset. Majority of you come here as if you are something superior and until you change that, nothing will change!

Equality challenges your very core beliefs, this is why Joe is all flaring up. Carry on with this useless exercise.
I am referring to the Supremacist Indian mindset. Majority of you come here as if you are something superior and until you change that, nothing will change!

Equality challenges your very core beliefs, this is why Joe is all flaring up. Carry on with this useless exercise.

I agree with you somewhat. Indians cannot function very well as EQUALS unlike White people. They need an internal hierarchy.

That's your Ego playing up, as always!

You need to smoke a marijuana blunt, and chill. He's toying with you!
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