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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

This is a very beautiful post, and you are a wonderful human being. App ko to Farishta hona chahye tha.

But in reality, nations and borders do exist. Besides we cannot enforce these rules on Pakistani posters without their being abusive exchanges. We can only control our Indian posters.

But your views are very enlightened. You'll have great company with the likes of @Joe Shearer
I will also buy you a beer for being such a progressive person. Please don't change.

For some mysterious reason, he was unable to post on the forum, but he has been heard in our counsels; I had re-printed some of his personal messages to me as those of a Pakistani friend. While he has had the bad taste to wipe the floor with me on occasion, in order to defend Pakistan's point of view, I normally rely totally on his opinion on legal matters; for that matter, with more independence of personal thinking on them, on ethical and moral issues as well.

His point is worth considering.

Were you not the one to falsely claim during the recent cyclone that India doesn't have any shelters built like Bangladesh? That alone shows how much you know about our country and where your allegiance lies.

Not suggesting anything per se, but if the forum wants honest Indian opinions, obvious false flaggers need to be muted. Applies to a lot of other Indian members, falsely cultivated personas don't stand the test of scrutiny.

Please feel free to point to anybody you think is a false flagger, but you will be required to produce definitive proof. Suspicions are not sufficient.
Avoid trolls and don't be a troll. Respond professionally and be courteous. Use arguments to defend your position. Also, avoid religion. In fact, all threads on religion should be banned from PDF. It's just too inflammatory.

Don't preach or lecture Pakistanis what their defence forum should be about or how it should be ran.

If you have a problem, get lost, make an Indian Defence Forum and live there. Take all the Hindu Extremists with you as well.
So you are not aware of any government built cyclone shelter homes in the East Coastal states of India?

I am sincerely not aware of any such shelter.

Do you want me to reproduce your post?

Please do.

If you are an Indian at heart, you don't put your country down on an enemy forum by propagating falsehood, irrespective of your political affiliation.

1. I am firstly a humanist at heart and then other labels.

2. I don't see why you see PDF as an enemy forum. The forum has been sincere in allowing voices contrary to the Pakistani Establishment.

You very much do, sir.

Much appreciated input and I agreed a 100%. Joe saab means well but Mr Left here comes off preaching ideas about being a good slave and take a beating because you deserve it because of who we elected into power. Cheer for when they burn your flag and embrace the smears.

He's a good example of when far left people go insane, like some white liberals have in the US lol

We have a real Indian Muslim here, probably most left wing person on this forum, and even he hasn't had as bad a nasty go at India and Hindus, not the right wing government or voters, mind you, but the country as a whole.. as Mr Left here.

God knows what he's trying to do with all this virtue signalling here.

Take it easy. Iss hamaam-mein ham sab nange hain. All of us have had fits of temper and phases of temporary insanity.
For some mysterious reason, he was unable to post on the forum, but he has been heard in our counsels; I had re-printed some of his personal messages to me as those of a Pakistani friend. While he has had the bad taste to wipe the floor with me on occasion, in order to defend Pakistan's point of view, I normally rely totally on his opinion on legal matters; for that matter, with more independence of personal thinking on them, on ethical and moral issues as well.

His point is worth considering.

Sure but you know very well we cannot control Pakistani posters but I have mentioned a few guidelines on how to deal with them when some of them are being extra nasty.

Also check the remaining draft which I have shared with you - it takes into account everyone's views. Looking forward to you finalizing on Page 1 itself as I have added the link to my signature already. Edit as you feel is required, no more concerns from my side. Almost everything has been covered.
Sure but you know very well we cannot control Pakistani posters but I have mentioned a few guidelines on how to deal with them when some of them are being extra nasty.

Also check the remaining draft which I have shared with you - it takes into account everyone's views. Looking forward to you finalizing on Page 1 itself as I have added the link to my signature already. Edit as you feel is required, no more concerns from my side. Almost everything has been covered.

I don't see anything to edit. I suggest we now ask for objections from others; I, personally, am fine, except I would possibly have firm code items and suggestions for best practices.

Sure but you know very well we cannot control Pakistani posters but I have mentioned a few guidelines on how to deal with them when some of them are being extra nasty.

Also check the remaining draft which I have shared with you - it takes into account everyone's views. Looking forward to you finalizing on Page 1 itself as I have added the link to my signature already. Edit as you feel is required, no more concerns from my side. Almost everything has been covered.

Give me an hour.

Domestic priorities beckon.
I don't see anything to edit. I suggest we now ask for objections from others; I, personally, am fine, except I would possibly have firm code items and suggestions for best practices.

I think 8-9 have agreed including xeuss, Jamahir, Bleed, and a few others. That's good enough for a start. Finalize it, and mention the posters by name who have consented already. And those who you think will not oppose. If others have a problem, we can review this next month.

You can probably edit the bit about neutral sources for now. The Sanghis insist on quoting from Times Now if not OpIndia.
We have a real Indian Muslim here, probably most left wing person on this forum, and even he hasn't had as bad a nasty go at India and Hindus, not the right wing government or voters, mind you, but the country as a whole

Well, thank you.

Find it incredulous that someone who's well versed with aeroponics/hydroponics and evil Indian doctors feeding stillborn fetuses to feral dogs wouldn't happen to know this basic fact in spite of hailing from a nearby Deccan state.. Very strange..

My post says this :
Just a thought. I believe Bangladesh has shelters built for such storms. I don't know if there are any in India.
I have clearly said "I don't know". Where am I falsely claiming anything like you alleged ?

About the Deccan, I don't live on the coast.
I suggest that Joe, being one of the most senior, professional and mutually respected member here - evaluate the suggestions on this thread and compile a conclusive guide for Indian members to follow on this forum, which can be represented in the first post and this thread must be made sticky so all new Indian members can have a chance to read it.

My own personal insights are as follows:
1) Avoid trolls, troll baits, CCP bots whose intend to obstruct intellectual reasoning.
2) Never abuse back or enter into a flame war. Whatever abuses are received are to be expected on this part of the interwebs. Just ignore and report them.
3) Avoid dehumanizing soldiers or those who have lost their lives in battle, irrespective of sides.
4) Be very patient and avoid hot tempered discussions which devolve into flame wars.
5) Avoid getting into any racist discussions and be respectful of the religious sentiments of all members.
6) Remember our national motto of Satyameva Jayate - Truth alone triumphs. A lot of the activity on this forum is also driven by intentional propaganda and information warfare. Keeping this in mind, we do not need to distort information in order to make any gains or feel better about ourselves - the truth alone is what we believe in and all we need. Let others do as they beckon.
7) Dont support any anti-national elements or try to contradict other Indian members just to stand out and look cool in-front of our haters (have a few of these clowns lately).
8) If you feel this is messing with your head then take a break.
Vehemently absolutely without a shadow of a doubt disagreed and to such an extent @Joe Shearer that i had to post. :D

First of all this line of thinking is wrong and should not have a place in this moral code of conduct. Concepts like their and ours are exactly what is peddled by posters you disagree with then why do you agree on this point. Both Pakistani and Indian users use this 'our forum' excuse as a means to declare themselves first class citizens at their respective domains and curtail the voices and rights of those that are not in the group. We have a group of Pakistani posters here trying to justify extreme action against Indians by highlighting how this is their forum and they are temporary guests thus should be penalized severely or they should be careful. You agree with those of such thinking? you made this code of conduct exactly to stand different from those Indians and are echoing their thinking. No you people are not guests here but are equal members of this forum and as equal members you have the same rights as a Pakistani member whether those rights are implemented or not is another argument. In fact the thing about such rights is that even with consent, you cannot forgo them and this has been echoed by the jurists of both India and Pakistan. Sorry but i disagree with number 3. The commentary needs to be changed. Be hospitable and be friendly but not because you are guests or are in foreign territory but because such is the teaching and raising of you forefathers, of your mothers, of your elders and of your society in general. You need to word it like that and this is where the second problem comes.

You see the thing about moral code is that it draws its power and energy from 'the right thing or action'. That is the center of all morality. You cannot create a moral code based on immoral elements. You see you worded that

We are guests here. So don't insult their country, religion, Founder, and any national symbols/icons.

So does that mean that in your domain, you can commit these acts and that would justified. Doing that would mean that places like Bharat Rakshak, IDF, or strategic are justified since its their domain and they can say all the stuff they want and if you condemn them and they say that we stuck to point 3 on PDF but here we are not guests but in our home so we can abuse. You see through this reasoning point 3 just lost all relevance and the code of conduct that you wish to create an impact with immediately took a major hit.
Its the same concept as would a person be considered foul mouth if he acts like a gentleman in his neighbors home but at his place he abuses like there is no tomorrow. I would not call that man a gentleman and would call him foul mouth. He is completely in his right to do that but remember you guys arent making laws but a code of moral conduct. In that such an action is not justified and if it is not justified then it cannot find place in your moral code of conduct.

I know i dont have a standing in this discussion but i appreciate the effort and take it as my view point. It would decrease the impact. Dont treat this place as foreign nor belittle yourself as guests if you wish to stay here. Stand tall and proud and if you are going the whole extra mile to make this code then clearly you are not some temporary guest since it would have been much easier to fill the ignore button or simply leave.

This is what i believe. In the end its you guys who are making the code and its your call

I don’t know who you are, nor have I interacted with you in the past, but you Sir have just gained my utmost respect!
Literally verbalized my feelings.

codes and conducts should not be imposed, nor can they be.

1. it is impractical because there is no orientation that happens to familiarize members about this said “code”. So how do you go about funneling this code to each and every Indian poster (assuming that’s the end goal)

2. This is the online world where identities are anonymous, flags are arbitrary and motives of posters unknown. It is next to impossible to actually expect conformity from posters based on rules that have been created by a small group. This group and I speak mainly for @Joe Shearer has my respect because he has been around for years and it took years of reading and understanding his thoughts and excellent posts that cultivated this respect. This is an individual thing and has to be achieved at its own pace. Not every member of this group has the same standing as Joe for me.

A new member is not and will not just “respect” you and your codes just because you say so.
It’s the same thing with mods here. @waz has my respect because he has earned it through his actions and thoughts. The newer mods, not so much.

3. who is enforcing these codes? What is the penalty for non compliance?

lastly and most importantly....

4. what is the end goal here? To make this forum better?
If that is the case, then the onus is on ALL members to adhere to this or such codes, NOT just Indian members.
If the goal is to appease PDF Pakistanis, then the code itself is flawed because it is no different that what is happening to the Muslims in India where the majority (PDF Paks) needs to be appeased and the minority (PDF Indians) need to compromise to be able to coexist, lest they be booted, banned, trolled or worst just shut out.
And this group and code then becomes a tool to assist the majority impose their will.
I don’t agree or accept what’s happening in India and I will not allow myself to be part of something that I don’t accept/allow in my real life.

I completely agree with this poster quoted here:

1.the code has to be individual
2. It has to reflect your upbringing.

3. If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face in real life, don’t say it anonymously on the internet either

3. Treat others, how you would like to be treated. If you wouldn’t like your nation, mother, founding fathers, history, armed forces, religion to be disrespected, don’t disrespect another members either.

4. (Ideally) Treat this like forum like a joint family home. Disagreements happen, but should not cross limits to the point that the house and family is broken.
But...and I say this from a personal standpoint that it is extremely hard to feel like this forum is “ours” because it becomes blatantly obvious to point that it’s said through actions and words that this is a Pakistani forum only.
You only try to improve your “own” house.
This isn’t my house as I see intolerance and unfairness at every nook and cranny here.
So I don’t have any vested interest in trying to improve this place. But that’s just me.

@Joe Shearer you’re a good human being and I understand your urge to create this code to sow seeds of harmony. But I think this is a lost endeavor.

PDF is simply a channel for many posters to vent their frustration.
When I first joined, I was hoping this would be a way for Indians and Pakistanis to come together and understand each other, listen and perhaps find a way to harness our joint history to find commonalities that could bring us closer. Perhaps what can’t be done by our politicians, can be done by the common man. I was wrong (at least about PDF)
Over the years (on this forum only not in real life), I have found that we are different in every regard. There is no common ground and if based on what goes on at PDF is the posters speaking the truth behind anonymity, then there is no hope for peace between our people. We simply hate each other and have no way to understand each other’s perspectives nor be able to understand an issue by putting ourselves in “their” shoes.

Unfortunately, as much as I think this is a good gesture, I’ll follow my own code, one that takes the reality of this place into account, but making sure that I represent my uprbringing, my family and nation in the best way possible. Other than that, appeasement is not my cup of tea.

PS: we need the attitude of both indian and Pak posters to be like @saiyan0321
That is the kind of engagement/attitude that makes me drop my guard, makes me want to listen, understand and resolve.
Just my 2 pennies.
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I think 8-9 have agreed including xeuss, Jamahir, Bleed, and a few others. That's good enough for a start. Finalize it, and mention the posters by name who have consented already. And those who you think will not oppose. If others have a problem, we can review this next month.

You can probably edit the bit about neutral sources for now. The Sanghis insist on quoting from Times Now if not OpIndia.
How about multiple sources instead of singular ones, irrespective of nationality or political leanings. That should be enough to start an exchange in this forum.
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