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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Its really on topic.

No one wants to listen anything against to your belonging country. Everyone loves their country, state and city.

Since it is a Pakistan form the most of the times if discussion happens then people start trolling. If we Indians also start responding then end with ban or negative rating.

No one us saint here or not everyone can control to himself by not responding.

So best way to divert your mind and try to avoid any depth discussion.

Most of times I could see people do troll on every form. Its very tough to not respond by nature.
This forum has become a worthless to discuss anything serious. Mods has given free hands to Pakistani members to troll any thread on India. This is just desperation, nothing else.

Point noted. No WhatsApp forwards or extreme right-wing sources such as Opindia will be accepted. We don't want to burden the moderators right now, but we will request them to deal with those kind of Whatsapp forwards more stringently in the future. Right now our focus is to stick to a code of conduct among all the decent Indian members. Only then we can extend the rules for others.

Presently we cannot control the Sanghi trolls except report them for off-topic and inflammatory posts, a burden which all legit Indian posters will share. At best, it's best to totally ignore them, and not encourage the trolling or bait-switching. Give it a month and maybe we'll have enough unity to make them behave properly.

As much as it pains you, currently you will have to discuss any topics with the Sanghis as if they were your kinsmen. :woot:

I am afraid if there are going to be Indian posters on this forum, there will be an "Indian version" of history such as airplanes and Internet 5000 years ago. :woot:

But we'll try our best to minimize the impact of those diversionary posts.

I'll do it later in the evening and you can edit your OP to finalize the changes. Let's have more ideas, and edits on any points. Anyone have any objections on any particular points, please come forward.

I am definitely seeing a lot of Indian posters willing to abide by the proposed code. Only time will tell if everyone delivers on their promise. I'm an optimist. :what:
I bet you will reject any source around the world if it favour's India.
The hate is within you, not outside.
I am not Shanghi but for you who support BJP govt is a "sub human".
BJP is elected govt. with majority of Indians. Learn to respect democracy at least if even you hate Modi or Shangi.
I don't like excluding people based purely on nationality but 99% of threads have an Indian troll coming and derailing it
@Joe Shearer

I think there is enough summary now. Looks like at least 7-8 people have given their express approval, and others are in tacit agreement. I am in a hurry but for the sake of brevity and in simple English, here are the guidelines. Whenever there is a violation in future, gently remind the concerned user about violation of code number #. For example, if some user keeps on insisting to post from the vile tabloid trash OpIndia, it's a violation of code number #4.

1) No religious abuse: No Indian poster should make any Islamophobic or Hinduphobic remarks.

2) No profanity: No Indian poster should use abusive words in Hindi or English. Respectful rivalry is way more entertaining than just swearing at each others moms.

3) Be hospitable and friendly to Pakistani posters: it's their forum, not ours. We are guests here. So don't insult their country, religion, Founder, and any national symbols/icons. Do not make any posts comparing India to Pakistan.

4) Use neutral international media sources for all discussions: acceptable international media outlets include BBC, CNN, Guardian (UK), Independent (UK), USA Today, Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, Agence France Presse etc. Most Indian media sources are acceptable where there is no intent of trolling, or making inflammatory contents.

Please avoid Indian media sources which marginalize, bully, and attack Indian Muslims. WhatsApp forwards, BJP IT cell tweets, OpIndia etc. are therefore, not desirable. Whenever you want to share a story presented in an Indian media outlet, cross-check to ensure that even international media outlets are covering that story. Wikipedia is an unacceptable source. If you see any contents from these outlets, ignore them, or block the users. If there are too many instances of spamming from unacceptable sources, those users will be reported to the moderators.

5) No Personal attacks/off-topic posts: Don't attack any posters personally. Don't change the discussion with off-topic rants. Stop getting baited by any comments- this is not a social media website.

6) Do not make too many assumptions: Dont gloat until a topic is concluded. Stop making hyperbolic assumptions.

7) Provide evidence where possible. Try to provide reasonable evidence for your argument.

8) Always agree to disagree. Don't be a typical South Asian where a disagreement is often considered a personal insult and an attack on the person. Just disagree and move on.

9) Steer clear of racist bigots. There are a few on this forum. Ignore them, and do not entertain their racist posts with a reply. You cannot change them so don't even try. Report to the mod's for serious violations.

10) Responding to one-line insult. Most of us are not mature enough to ignore the one liners, insults to our country, political affiliations. It is perfectly normal to feel angry. If you can't resist replying, do hit the ignore button on the user.

11) Stay silent if there you have nothing interesting to say. If nothing meaningful can be added, stay silent. Recognise that people can disagree with you and are allowed to dislike and vent about you. Not every provocation or India-bashing thread requires an internet warrior to defend our country


Consequences for violating the code of conduct: This code of conduct is only applicable to users who identify with Indian flags, or consider themselves Indian in any way. There is no real penalization but consistent violations of one or more code numbers will have your posts reported, eventually leading to warnings and bans. More importantly, you'll find yourself alone as noone will reply to your posts in future. These are common sense rules, so be a gentleman and play by the rules. At the end of the day, the code is more like guidelines than actual rules. So enjoy yourself in this forum, but just remain respectful.


That's it. Go edit this and post it in your OP account. I will put a link to the code on my signature once you do that.
We can definitely have something along the lines of post NEUTRAL sources where possible. Here is a list of neutral sources according to me (not Wikipedia):
1) BBC
2) CNN
3) Guardian (UK)
4) Straits Times (Singapore)
5) Independent (UK)
6) USA Today
7) Washington Post
8) Reuters
9) Associated Press
10) Agence France Presse

BBC tries to present itself as neutral but in cases like about Venezuela, Syria, Libya and Saddam's Iraq it was anything but neutral.

But yes, in news about South Asia it generally is neutral.

To your list I want to add NDTV, The Hindu, The Wire, Quint.

Fox News, Swarajya, Breitbart, Republic TV...

They are not neutral at all.

Please further tag anyone you feel is a sane poster who doesn't make inflammatory comments.

@The_Showstopper @Naofumi @KapitaanAli @takeiteasy

So how does the code look, finally?

@jamahir, your last word? Are you up and about?

Sorry, I was drowsing for some hours after waking. I have added above points but am still going through page 3 onwards.

Let us agree to disagree amicably. :D

Though I agree to his point about South Asians.
BBC tries to present itself as neutral but in cases like about Venezuela, Syria, Libya and Saddam's Iraq it was anything but neutral.

But yes, in news about South Asia it generally is neutral.

To your list I want to add NDTV, The Hindu, The Wire, Quint.

They are not neutral at all.

@The_Showstopper @Naofumi @KapitaanAli @takeiteasy

Sorry, I was drowsing for some hours after waking. I have added above points but am still going through page 3 onwards.
Overall you want a media print houses as sources those who suits your narrative and play with India's interests. Do you even know from where these media houses got funding you mentioned?
I am witnessing a sheer hypocrisy here.
When Indian members are devided itself in groups on an another particular country's forum, then why do you are expecting a good treatment for Indian memberd?
Mods here treat you well unless you are writing something which suits their narrative, this is why those members who talk something positive about India, got banned.
This what you call a discussion forum where opposite veiws are not tolerated?? Lol
That ship has sailed !!

If you are willing to discuss code to operate beyond enemy lines, perhaps I can contribute. Rest, to your own.

I have joined back this forum for 3 purposes -
1. Interact with very selective few
2. Say what need to be said, pleasing anyone is not on the list. Shelf life anyways is short on this forum, with current modus operandi and newly obtained objective by administration.
3. Ignore rest (especially newly empowered trolls who once upon a time were cannon fodder for Mods to ban)

And off-course, civility add credit to your arguments, so stick to it, 99% times.
They are not neutral at all.
I was making a broader point about the importance of having people with opposing views on the list.

Let us stop name calling each other... sanghi, islamist..etc as these tend to nuke discussions.

Trolly Pakistani members should be ignored, don't quote them, don't troll them back, don't engage on any level. This is easier said than done but we could try.
Overall you want a media print houses as sources those who suits your narrative

I will give an example. When Rana Ayyub and NDTV broke the news about the woman migrant laborer who died of hunger in that Bihar railway station the right-wing agency OpIndia tried to shush up that news and in fact absolve the central government of any blame. You tell me why I should believe what OpIndia says.

and play with India's interests.

News agencies projecting India's real interests lie in helping Indians in removing inadequacies and projecting that among the millions of trolls and fence sitters there are progressive people too.

Trolly Pakistani members should be ignored, don't quote them, don't troll them back, don't engage on any level. This is easier said than done but we could try.

Yeah, twice or thrice I have replied to that arch troll PAKISTANFOREVER but now I simply ignore him.
I will give an example. When Rana Ayyub and NDTV broke the news about the woman migrant laborer who died of hunger in that Bihar railway station the right-wing agency OpIndia tried to shush up that news and in fact absolve the central government of any blame. You tell me why I should believe what OpIndia says.
You don't have to agree with OPIndia's narrative but the story about the woman dying.. the central government is there to govern, they can't personally look after all 1 billion + individuals.

Kya yaar, ek hi cheez to pakad ke broken record bana ke lagey rehte ho aap. :lol:

there's a lot of crime and bad things that go on everyday, not all of it is a fault of a capitalist system.

Yeah, twice or thrice I have replied to that arch troll PAKISTANFOREVER but now I simply ignore him.
Racist he is, ignore you should.
I will give an example. When Rana Ayyub and NDTV broke the news about the woman migrant laborer who died of hunger in that Bihar railway station the right-wing agency OpIndia tried to shush up that news and in fact absolve the central government of any blame. You tell me why I should believe what OpIndia says.

News agencies projecting India's real interests lie in helping Indians in removing those inadequacies and projecting that among the millions of trolls and fence sitters there are progressive people too.
Are we not talking about this particular forum only??
I never read Opindia too. But it's an internal issue of India. I don't know the issue what your are talking about but whatever it is, you can discuss it on domestic forums and media. You can raise your voice anywhere in India. But this is not what we are discussing here. This is PDF. People are here trying to malign India's name through propaganda and some Indian members are supporting these propaganda here on PDF just because they fear to be banned.
I am talking about India here, not domestic issue.
Do you feel good when some people here spread propganda against India through unreliable sourse?
Take example of Ajai Shukla. He considers himself more reliable than satellite images and India Army. He has been exposed many times . But for people on this forum, he became reliable and genuine source. Even for some Indian members.
N you talk about Opindia! Lol
the central government is there to govern, they can't personally look after all 1 billion + individuals.

Then the central government should have deputed people to ensure such tragedies don't occur. Obviously there is a failure.

Doesn't the central government pride itself unnecessarily that India is the world's second largest importer of weaponry. Why this habit of picking fights with external enemies when there are actual internal enemies like hunger and poverty ?

Kya yaar, ek hi cheez to pakad ke broken record bana ke lagey rehte ho aap. :lol:

I will not laugh about this.

Come on, cranks like Maneka Gandhi cry when someone like me stones a dog but she will not her voice when a human dies unnecessarily of hunger. Humans dying of hunger in year 2020 ? Did food items vanish suddenly that day from India ? Ridiculous !

there's a lot of crime and bad things that go on everyday, not all of it is a fault of a capitalist system.

It is the fact that India is an extremely capitalist society that many easily avoidable problems occur.
Are we not talking about this particular forum only??
I never read Opindia too. But it's an internal issue of India. I don't know the issue what your are talking about but whatever it is, you can discuss it on domestic forums and media. You can raise your voice anywhere in India. But this is not what we are discussing here. This is PDF. People are here trying to malign India's name through propaganda and some Indian members are supporting these propaganda here on PDF just because they fear to be banned.
I am talking about India here, not domestic issue.
Do you feel good when some people here spread propganda against India through unreliable sourse?
Take example of Ajai Shukla. He considers himself more reliable than satellite images and India Army. He has been exposed many times . But for people on this forum, he became reliable and genuine source. Even for some Indian members.
N you talk about Opindia! Lol

I don't know who is Ajai Shukla but one wrong doesn't make another right.

Most of us have a consensus that OpIndia is the most third-class stupid source, not even worthy of use as toilet paper. Even Wikipedia has banned them. End of discussion. Don't divert the topic. You can discuss Ajai Shukla in another thread.

Yeah, twice or thrice I have replied to that arch troll PAKISTANFOREVER but now I simply ignore him.

He's a clickbait. His comments are so prickly that you're forced to react. Nowadays he plays by the rules but still manages to get a rise out of many Indian posters. But be stronger, and resist yourself.
I don't know who is Ajai Shukla but one wrong doesn't make another right.

Most of us have a consensus that OpIndia is the most third-class stupid source, not even worthy of use as toilet paper. Even Wikipedia has banned them. End of discussion. Don't divert the topic. You can discuss Ajai Shukla in another thread.
Didn't you start the topic discuss about media sources?
Ajai Shukla is the main source here on PDF nowadays for some Indian members too, let alone Pakistani members.
BTW I also don't consider Opindia as sources. To maintain balance you must aid India today, times of India and Times now too as sources.
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