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Sonu Nigam tweets against Azaan, creates a controversy

But what's his problem i am sure temple and other religious places pay their due Bills , and if he is not religious and not want to hear than close his ears , others do care for their religion no ? this is the same reason people mostly give to religious people that if you don't like something look the other way, so the Nigam guy also should look the other way ..

rest its Indian Internal matter, they can banned anything they want ..

It's against the law in India to play loudspeakers between 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM or to play it above certain decibels but the authorities choose to look the other way when it comes to Mandir or Mosques (although not many Mandirs use loudspeakers for morning aarti)
As soon as we receive his application. Ask him for the name of Mulla who promised him the sum lol...

No need to ask him, that mullah like all mullah's made a public declaration. Syed Sha Atef Ali Al Quaderi in the flesh.


Let's not talk about it on this thread. Don't want to derail the thread.
I know and didn't knew how religious leaders abused this practice for money and what not.[/USER]
Look Halala isn't the topic for today. You're just trying to look down upon something you've no idea. You're trying to mock concepts of Islam which again is wrong. See, what's the difference between you and the guy who was stabbed? We're trying to have a serious discussion here but you're promoting halala service offered by Indian fake mullas, that's not good :)

No need to ask him, that mullah like all mullah's made a public declaration. Syed Sha Atef Ali Al Quaderi in the flesh.


I really thought it was a joke. Seriously?? I doubt if this mulla is real lol..
Muslim Leader Who Announced A Bounty To Shave Sonu Nigam's Head Is Neither An Imam Nor A Maulana: Report
“I am the 35th descendant of the Prophet.”
20/04/2017 10:31 PM IST | Updated 33 minutes ago

  • religious authority.

    The Hindustan Times reported today that Quaderi is neither an imam nor a maulana. The newspaper reported that Quaderi, who claims to be a descendant of the Prophet, is the head priest of Khanka Sharif at Bagnan in Howrah district in West Bengal. Since Quaderi is not an Islamic scholar, he can't issue fatwas.

    A senior religious leader told HT, "The media is wrongly portraying him as cleric, maulana and maulavi. We fail to understand why the media ended up giving so much importance on what he said."

    "I am the 35th descendant of the Prophet," Quaderi told the newspaper.

    Earlier this week, Quaderi caused a stir when he announced ₹10 lakh bounty to shave Nigam's head after the singer ranted on Twitter about being woken up by the sound of azaan coming from a local mosque.

    "I'm not a Muslim and I have to be woken up by the azaan in the morning," he tweeted. "When will this forced religiousness end in India."

    After Nigam shaved off his head and demanded the "fatwa" money, Quaderi said that the Bollywood singer had not fulfilled his other condition of wearing a garland of shoes and touring the country. Attempting to defend his tweets, Nigam said, "I am a secular person. It was not about Azaan, it was about the loud sound. Playing loud sound on a speaker is Gundagardi for me."

    taslima nasreen


    Kolkata Imam once issued fatwa whoever blackens my face will get rs50000.A friend blackened my face.But Imam didn't give money.Imams r liars

    11:28 PM - 19 Apr 2017

    Many are of the opinion that Nigam's tweets and Quaderi's reaction have received too much attention in the media.

    HT also reported that Quaderi is the vice-president of West Bengal United Minority Council, which has previously issued a fatwa against Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he announced demonetisation. While speaking to the newspaper, however, Quaderi praised Modi. "During his electoral campaign in West Bengal, the prime minister stopped his speech midway after he heard the sound of azaan coming from a mosque. He maintained silence until the azaan was over," he told the newspaper.

So true, whatever Hindus do to harm Muslims isn't comparable to what Muslims do to Hindus. Biased approach???
Nope, Cattle smuggling is a crime to begin with not tweeting about how religious places must adhere to Supreme Court's guidelines.

Look Halala isn't the topic for today. You're just trying to look down upon something you've no idea. You're trying to mock concepts of Islam which again is wrong. See, what's the difference between you and the guy who was stabbed? We're trying to have a serious discussion here but you're promoting halala service offered by Indian fake mullas, that's not good :)
I know, hence I told him not to discuss it any further. @Crixus Kindly delete your posts or we might end up derailing the thread.
Already done boss :) @Saif-ud-Din Qutuz no intentions to mocks any custom ...... continue with the topic in discussion
Nope, Cattle smuggling is a crime to begin with not tweeting about how religious places must adhere to Supreme Court's guidelines.

I know, hence I told him not to discuss it any further. @Crixus Kindly delete your posts or we might end up derailing the thread.
Muslim Leader Who Announced A Bounty To Shave Sonu Nigam's Head Is Neither An Imam Nor A Maulana: Report
“I am the 35th descendant of the Prophet.”
20/04/2017 10:31 PM IST | Updated 33 minutes ago

  • religious authority.

    The Hindustan Times reported today that Quaderi is neither an imam nor a maulana. The newspaper reported that Quaderi, who claims to be a descendant of the Prophet, is the head priest of Khanka Sharif at Bagnan in Howrah district in West Bengal. Since Quaderi is not an Islamic scholar, he can't issue fatwas.

    A senior religious leader told HT, "The media is wrongly portraying him as cleric, maulana and maulavi. We fail to understand why the media ended up giving so much importance on what he said."

    "I am the 35th descendant of the Prophet," Quaderi told the newspaper.

    Earlier this week, Quaderi caused a stir when he announced ₹10 lakh bounty to shave Nigam's head after the singer ranted on Twitter about being woken up by the sound of azaan coming from a local mosque.

    "I'm not a Muslim and I have to be woken up by the azaan in the morning," he tweeted. "When will this forced religiousness end in India."

    After Nigam shaved off his head and demanded the "fatwa" money, Quaderi said that the Bollywood singer had not fulfilled his other condition of wearing a garland of shoes and touring the country. Attempting to defend his tweets, Nigam said, "I am a secular person. It was not about Azaan, it was about the loud sound. Playing loud sound on a speaker is Gundagardi for me."

    taslima nasreen


    Kolkata Imam once issued fatwa whoever blackens my face will get rs50000.A friend blackened my face.But Imam didn't give money.Imams r liars

    11:28 PM - 19 Apr 2017

    Many are of the opinion that Nigam's tweets and Quaderi's reaction have received too much attention in the media.

    HT also reported that Quaderi is the vice-president of West Bengal United Minority Council, which has previously issued a fatwa against Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he announced demonetisation. While speaking to the newspaper, however, Quaderi praised Modi. "During his electoral campaign in West Bengal, the prime minister stopped his speech midway after he heard the sound of azaan coming from a mosque. He maintained silence until the azaan was over," he told the newspaper.

Any action against this HEAD PRIEST by the real Imams and Maulanas?
I really hope AIMPLB takes some steps to reform itself. It should form a committee for issuing Fatwas and other than it no other Imams or Maulanas should issue it. Any others issuing it will not be valid nor recognised. Likewise different Muslim organisations having large no of mosques under it such as Shia Law Board, Ahmedi sect, Thouheed Jamaad(TN) should have its own committees.

These kind of idiotic fatwas issued looks funny.
I really hope AIMPLB takes some steps to reform itself. It should form a committee for issuing Fatwas and other than it no other Imams or Maulanas should issue it. Any others issuing it will not be valid nor recognised. Likewise different Muslim organisations having large no of mosques under it such as Shia Law Board, Ahmedi sect, Thouheed Jamaad(TN) should have its own committees.

These kind of idiotic fatwas issued looks funny.
AIMPLB is a NGO, Shia's formed their own board so did Muslim women. It's been reduced to nothing but an Old boys club. We need to bring everything under Ministry of Minority Affairs.
AIMPLB is a NGO, Shia's formed their own board so did Muslim women. It's been reduced to nothing but an Old boys club. We need to bring everything under Ministry of Minority Affairs.

Yea. That's what I am talking about. Bring some educated Muslims youngsters in. Let them bring changes. But what they do is sit and chamcha. And getting insulted in TV shows when they talk about women and their rights.
Nope, Cattle smuggling is a crime to begin with not tweeting about how religious places must adhere to Supreme Court's guidelines.

I know, hence I told him not to discuss it any further. @Crixus Kindly delete your posts or we might end up derailing the thread.
Your supreme court must have guidelines pertaining to avoid hatred speech/comments which can result religious riots. Isn't it? If so, What Sonu did is a crime as well.

Already done boss :) @Saif-ud-Din Qutuz no intentions to mocks any custom ...... continue with the topic in discussion
Maybe you didn't mean it. We've to get something productive out of the time we spend on anything. If there is nothing productive out of any discussion other than swearing then its not worth the time of educated people. The rule is very simple and its applicable on both sides.
If you say crap about anyone's religion, that person will retaliate. It's just very natural. That retaliation can ignite riots which will result in loss of life and property which is not worth it.
Sonu Nigham being educated shouldn't have commented on it publicly. He should have talked to the law enforcement agencies or the Moazin (prayer caller) of that mosque who was disturbing his sleep. His act gave an opportunity to Muslims as well Hindus to talk about things which can't be productive. That results in loss, nothing else.
I'm not justifying stabbers, however be in their shoe for a moment and decide. If you're having heated argument with me and I mock your religious customs, you'll end up stabbing me or shooting me. Same for me, you say crap on my face about my religion, I'll do the same.
People kill each other for talking bad about their political leader so imagine how sensitive religion debates/arguments could be when they aren't productive and are meant to disrespect the other?
Your supreme court must have guidelines pertaining to avoid hatred speech/comments which can result religious riots. Isn't it? If so, What Sonu did is a crime as well.

Sonu Nigam didn't committed any crime and what he said certainly doesn't come under hate speech. Anyone who thinks otherwise can try their luck in the courts.
Sonu Nigam didn't committed any crime and what he said certainly doesn't come under hate speech. Anyone who thinks otherwise can try their luck in the courts.
If that was so then they won't have been that kind of uproar. Anyway, you've your opinion and I've mine. Differences are most likely so its understandable.
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