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Either Article 370 will exist, or J&K won't be a part of India, Omar Abdullah tweets

you are right dear
but see its slow process
they cant suddenly shake the foundation of belief
they accepted galilio/copernucs after 350 yrs
so they are slow .. first they denied then they accept partially
then they aceept completely
just wait
rest i agree with you

Look that is not being slow, that is being dishonest. That is manipulating the faithful to keep the flocks together. One either accepts the truth or rejects the truth. Truth today is not a mater of conjecture. It is evidential and still they cannot let go of falsehood.
J & K has endorsed the BJP stand by giving 3/6 seats in J & K. Now BJP must act on it to fulfill its election promise.
Integral review of Article 370 overdue, but needs cooperation not confrontation: Congress leader Karan Singh

LUCKNOW: Commenting on the controversy raging over the comments made by MoS in the PMO Jitendra Singh over the need for a "rethink" of Article 370, senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Dr Karan Singh said he has "been distressed by the fierce controversy that has broken out in the press and electronic media with regard to Article 370, flowing from an avoidable statement by the MoS in PM's office."

In a statement issued on Thursday, the veteran leader said, "The whole question is extremely sensitive and must be handled coolly and in a mature fashion. The sort of statements issued from both sides will only create further turmoil and tension in the Jammu & Kashmir state."

Singh, whose father Maharaj Hari Singh agreed to accede to India by signing the Instrument of Accession in October 1947 said his father had taken the decision under "unusual circumstances" and said any "steam-roller approach would only increase tensions instead of quelling things.

He said, "Let it be recalled that my father Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession in October 1947 under unusual circumstances when a full-scale war was raging due to the Pakistani based tribal invasion. It is true that that Instrument was exactly the same as the document signed by all the other former provincial states. However, whereas the other states later signed merger agreements, the relationship of Jammu & Kashmir with the rest of the country was governed by a special set of circumstances, and hence given a special position. The Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir, which I signed into law in 1957, is still in force."

Accepting that J&K is an 'integral part' of India, Singh said that does not necessarily mean that it has to be treated exactly on par with other states. He said, "Hong Kong is an 'integral part' of China but has been given a special dispensation. There are in fact numerous examples around the world in which, due to special circumstances, certain areas or regions have been given a special dispensation. Though all talk of secession is totally unacceptable and uncalled for, the steam-roller approach is also not appropriate."

Asking all involved to me mindful of the sensitivity of the issue, Singh also said that 50 percent of the area of his father's 84,000 sq miles state is in fact not in Indian possession. "It has been under Pakistan control since the UN's brokered ceasefire on 1 January 1949, and Pakistan has leased a considerable portion of this land to China. An interesting point also is that in the three regions of the state that are with us, Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh, the bulk of public opinion differs sharply on this issue," he said.

Appealing to all concerned to "tone down the rhetoric and not let the minister's statement plunge the new government almost immediately into a complex and difficult situation," Singh also urged the government and all involved to look at the whole question of Jammu & Kashmir in an integral fashion, including the international dimension, the constitutional position, the legal aspects as well as the political aspects.

"Such an integral review is overdue, but it has to be done in a cooperative rather than a confrontational manner," he said.

Integral review of Article 370 overdue, but needs cooperation not confrontation: Congress leader Karan Singh - The Times of India
You gave us nothing! Remember most of you claim to be Arabs or Persians.

What a stupid logic...this way your nation claim to be mixed with Aryan invaders...lol

We are Pakistanis & no Pakistani claim to be Arab & Persian...stop making up something out of your @rs3...Pakistanis are mixed race today.

Accept it or deny it, fact remains fact. Sind is the land who bless you with your name, identity, culture, religion, civilization etc. Egyptians are Muslims today & Israel cannot claim history of the Egyptian land same way Sindhis are Muslims today & the history of Sind is considered history of Pakistan.

Who are your daddies then? USA, Taliban and Al-Qaida?

USA never helped Pakistan as USSR helped India. USSR's open/naked support to India & it's terrorist groups in 1971 is not hidden & Pakistan took revenge of that in 1980's.

Rest of the 2 - Pakistan is waging war against these rats & killing them left right & center...so no need of your nonsense propaganda here.
Rest of the 2 - Pakistan is waging war against these rats & killing them left right & center
Killing your own assets? :D

Accept it or deny it, fact remains fact. Sind is the land who bless you with your name, identity, culture, religion, civilization etc. Egyptians are Muslims today & Israel cannot claim history of the Egyptian land same way Sindhis are Muslims today & the history of Sind is considered history of Pakistan.
Real Sindhis fled to India.We know how much they hate you. Few of them do stay in Pakistan but won't for long. :D

Don't lie about Pakistanis claiming to be Arabs or Persian. Everyone knows that. You are a master race :D. Compared to weak kaale Hindus.
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He is a political stooge of establishment ... He is just using tatics to show that he with people of kashmir ... but he in not .. he stand still and supported the army which raped and killed kashmiri women and children ,,,,
He is a political stooge of establishment ... He is just using tatics to show that he with people of kashmir ... but he in not .. he stand still and supported the army which raped and killed kashmiri women and children ,,,,

Yeah you know better about our people than we do.

Go ahead einstein. :coffee:
First of All use executive decision to minimize special power. Cut all special powers which is possible by executive decision. Than remaining provisions can be removed by legislation in parliament which i believe would require 2/3 members support.
Killing your own assets? :D

Killing Indian sponsored terrorists.:D:D

Real Sindhis fled to India.We know how much they hate you. Few of them do stay in Pakistan but won't for long..

"Real" Sindhis...lol...What is difference between "Real" & "Fake" Sindhis? Sindhis who went to India are Hindus. The history of the land remains it's history no matter what happen in the world. American history remains American, Egyptian history remains Egyptian, Sind history will remains Sind history.:D:agree:

Fake artificial country India is so scared & ashamed to even use it's own historic name Bharat.:rofl::lol:

Don't lie about Pakistanis claiming to be Arabs or Persian. Everyone knows that. You are a master race :D. Compared to weak kaale Hindus.

Prove it instead of f@rting your bharot verma clown propaganda. Why would we claim to be anyone unlike insecure Indians who claim to have Irani ancestry i.e Aryans.:sniper:
Prove it instead of f@rting your bharot verma clown propaganda. Why would we claim to be anyone unlike insecure Indians who claim to have Irani ancestry i.e Aryans
Why do you need any proof? You already know that. Just google " Pakistanis are arabs or persians" you will get millions of posts by Pakistani arab wannabes.

"Real" Sindhis...lol...What is difference between "Real" & "Fake" Sindhis? Sindhis who went to India are Hindus. The history of the land remains it's history no matter what happen in the world. American history remains American, Egyptian history remains Egyptian, Sind history will remains Sind history.
Fake artificial country India is so scared & ashamed to even use it's own historic name Bharat
A fake country like Pakistan adopted alien foreign culture. Forceful converts talking about their previous identity is quite funny. Hindu Sindhis won't even shake your hands. They built and developed all your cities in Sindh. And you ungrateful people threw them out.

Now you forcefully convert the remaining ones.

Offcourse like every other Pakistani, you are going to deny everything :)
What a stupid logic...this way your nation claim to be mixed with Aryan invaders...lol

We are Pakistanis & no Pakistani claim to be Arab & Persian...stop making up something out of your @rs3...Pakistanis are mixed race today.

Accept it or deny it, fact remains fact. Sind is the land who bless you with your name, identity, culture, religion, civilization etc. Egyptians are Muslims today & Israel cannot claim history of the Egyptian land same way Sindhis are Muslims today & the history of Sind is considered history of Pakistan.

USA never helped Pakistan as USSR helped India. USSR's open/naked support to India & it's terrorist groups in 1971 is not hidden & Pakistan took revenge of that in 1980's.

Rest of the 2 - Pakistan is waging war against these rats & killing them left right & center...so no need of your nonsense propaganda here.
USA never helped Pakistan
--USA kept and keeping Pak economny .ie. Pak nation alive even today..
- 1971- 7th fleet .. was it here for fishing?
- terrorism- indian terrorsim in 1971..wow..
you guys give bulshit to UN and Sir haffez sayed roam around like fredom fihgrt..

Do you have any right or dignity to talk about terrorsim ? ever
USA never helped Pakistan
--USA kept and keeping Pak economny .ie. Pak nation alive even today..

Are you so dumb that you think that USA is running Pakistani economy. You Indian trolls are one special kind.:lol::rofl:

- 1971- 7th fleet .. was it here for fishing?

Which 7th fleet? That never reach Arabian Sea? lol:rofl:
Stop cracking jokes out of your @rs3 puhleej...:lol:

- terrorism- indian terrorsim in 1971..wow..
you guys give bulshit to UN and Sir haffez sayed roam around like fredom fihgrt..

Do you have any right or dignity to talk about terrorsim ? ever

What is so surprising here? Yes Indian terrorism in 71.
Everyone knows about Indian terrorism in 71, LTTE, against Nepal, TTP, BLA, Gujarat, etc.
It is not Pakistan who elect murderers & terrorist as prime ministers...same cannot be said about India.:disagree:

Why do you need any proof? You already know that. Just google " Pakistanis are arabs or persians" you will get millions of posts by Pakistani arab wannabes.

I need proof not your bharat verma clown taught rants.;):lol:

A fake country like Pakistan adopted alien foreign culture. Forceful converts talking about their previous identity is quite funny. Hindu Sindhis won't even shake your hands. They built and developed all your cities in Sindh. And you ungrateful people threw them out.

Hahaha look who is talking about culture...this brain washed person whose country survive on cultures borrowed/imported from outside India. An artificial country India that survives on cultures imported from Sind, MiddleEast, Turkeye and now West.:lol:
We don't give a flyin fcuk if Hindu Sindhi who migrated to India shake hand with us or not. If they had care for this land they would've stayed in Sind & Pakistan. Those people were ungrateful not us.

Now you forcefully convert the remaining ones.

Offcourse like every other Pakistani, you are going to deny everything :)

No one converts them...it is their choice. They are doing great choosing the religion of light & peace.:smitten:
You can burn with jealousy for all i care.:flame::lol:
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Are you so dumb that you think that USA is running Pakistani economy. You Indian trolls are one special kind.:lol::rofl:

Which 7th fleet? That never reach Arabian Sea? lol:rofl:
Stop cracking jokes out of your @rs3 puhleej...:lol:

What is so surprising here? Yes Indian terrorism in 71.
Everyone knows about Indian terrorism in 71, LTTE, against Nepal, TTP, BLA, Gujarat, etc.
It is not Pakistan who elect murderers & terrorist as prime ministers...same cannot be said about India.:disagree:

I need proof not your bharat verma clown taught rants.;):lol:

Hahaha look who is talking about culture...this brain washed person whose country survive on cultures borrowed/imported from outside India. An artificial country India that survives on cultures imported from Sind, MiddleEast, Turkeye and now West.:lol:
We don't give a flyin fcuk if Hindu Sindhi who migrated to India shake hand with us or not. If they had care for this land they would've stayed in Sind & Pakistan. Those people were ungrateful not us.

No one converts them...it is their choice. They are doing great choosing the religion of light & peace.:smitten:
You can burn with jealousy for all i care.:flame::lol:
please read this
-7th fleet of USNAVY and help of USA
Task Force 74 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bangladesh war secrets revealed

- Pak economy and USA assistance
Sixty years of US aid to Pakistan: Get the data | Global development | theguardian.com
Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers | Center For Global Development
Can Pakistan survive without US aid? - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Refusing aid and other assistance is a prerequisite for Pakistan’s economic recovery. The billions of dollars in aid have distorted markets in Pakistan and have subsidised the civil and military elite. Pakistan’s foremost economists, such as S. Akbar Zaidi and others at the Planning Commission in Islamabad, have argued for a secession of aid as a precondition for restructuring Pakistan’s economy to make it self-sufficient over time.

Pakistan’s elite and middle class have to rise to the occasion to help resuscitate the faltering economy. Pakistanis have to pay taxes so that their government can refuse aid from others. Unless Pakistanis demonstrate the willingness to carry their own weight by paying taxes, there is no hope of an honourable existence for Pakistan in the community of nations.

- indian terrisam..
either world is insane or we make them blind..
so even after so much terrosiam with nepal, SL, Balooch..
world still respect us and UN dont declare india as terrosit state..
eihter india so so smart or world is dum or you need some serious rethinking ..
if you know much why dont you go to UN delcare us terrosit state..
if not then either you are grossly incompetence or living in fools paradise ..

-It is not Pakistan who elect murderers & terrorist as prime ministers
.@manticore @WebMaster @Aeronaut
The respected member calling Indian PM as terrorist..
just for your information.

- Culture..
USA is land of immigrants but valued for RIGHT values..
we value diversity and accept whatervr vest from world
we collaborate with USA,Russia ,Germany .. and make Indian institute of TECHNOLOGY
you collaborate with USA and make PIT.. Pak institute of TERRORISM..

world know your VALUES ..heee

note: no disrespect to common pak people who are not radical and thinks
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