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Should Turkey be the next permanent member of United Nations Security Council?

Should Turkey be the next permanent member of United Nations Security Council?

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I fully support this notion because we need a country from Middle East in order to solve disputes, represent ~1 billion+ people from all over the world, Muslims.

Saudi Arabia is not capable to handle such a situation/responsibility and same goes to Iran. Pakistan is surrounded by many social and religion problems--

I think that Turkey, being secular and representing ~1 billion Muslims, should be the next permanent member.

What do you think?

turkey is only representing turks and pakistan has nothing to do with it, turkey itself has many problems like kurdish uprising etc etc... how have they become representative of 1 billion muslims, in pakistan we have islamic republic, which is in direct contradiction to secular turkey, pakistanis despise secularism of kemal and turkey.. our role model is not mustafa kemal but quaid e azam??? what happened to you saad??? its a very first grade beginner lesson!!! turkey is our good friend and our well wisher

and middle east has nothing to do with pakistan.. pakistan is in south asia..
USA will oppose, because Turkey wants to join the EU.
Russia will oppose, because geopolitics.
China will oppose, because East Turkistan.
I think that Saudi Arabia is more qualified.

No I believe that China and Turkey can get over the Uighur issue. The Uighurs don't figure much into the greater geopolitical picture, which leaves a lot of room for Turkey and China to cooperate.

But that said, Turkey can't really represent the greater Islamic world (I doubt any country can given the fractiousness of the Islamic world)
No I believe that China and Turkey can get over the Uighur issue. The Uighurs don't figure much into the greater geopolitical picture, which leaves a lot of room for Turkey and China to cooperate.

But that said, Turkey can't really represent the greater Islamic world (I doubt any country can given the fractiousness of the Islamic world)

Spot on....

Lets first let the Islamic world unify itself to elect a country that could represent it....

Islamic countries have more differences with each other than one can imagine....Islamic Brotherhood and Unity is but a figment of imagination....especially speaking in the political sense.
When I saw the first post i was also thinking the same.

Israel for Jews.
Vatican for Christianity
Nepal for Hinduism.

More religion's recommended.

how can u forget islam, unless u believe islam is a terrorist evil anti hindu religion
how can u forget islam, unless u believe islam is a terrorist evil anti hindu religion

I did not hate Islam or ignored it,the thread is itself about turkey's representation of Islam,thats why I did not especially mentioned it.

Anyway the post was sarcastic,but I think i failed in it.
Actually, I believe Turkey does deserve more say on the world stage, precisely for the Islamic reason.

Turkey is one of the few stable and developing muslim majority nations. They are generally peaceful and are held in respect by many nations. If there is to be a connect between the western world and the Islamic world, Turkey is the ideal medium for that.

Now that does not mean that Turkey be given an outright veto and permanent seat in UN. But Turkey should definitely be more involved on the world stage :cheers:
I fully support this notion because we need a country from Middle East in order to solve disputes, represent ~1 billion+ people from all over the world, Muslims.

Saudi Arabia is not capable to handle such a situation/responsibility and same goes to Iran. Pakistan is surrounded by many social and religion problems--

I think that Turkey, being secular and representing ~1 billion Muslims, should be the next permanent member.

What do you think?

Turkey is an important regional player.

However recommending Turkey or KSA for that matter because they ( should ) represent Muslims in the SC is not acceptable. International bodies can & should not have representatives of religions.
It is better we focus on EU membership

You guys are never going to get into the EU. The EU is basically a Franco-German power play and the poll numbers in both France and Germany are overwhelmingly anti-Turkey. Most people in Turkey are finally getting a clue that the EU is just playing with them.

Europeans split over Turkey EU membership: poll — EU business news - EUbusiness.com

Opposition to Turkey's membership was strongest in France, with 64 percent saying they would oppose it in a referendum, in Germany with 62 percent and in Britain with 46 percent.
hey guys...
if UN will give new permanent seats , India,Brazil,Germany and Japan will take the 4. after that for Africa they can choose South Africa ( which i still dont get why always SA) or Egypt.
it starts here. if Egypt will be in Turkey must stay out. altough i believe USA will prefer an obeying middle eastern country rather than going opposite of what they say.

should turkey hve a seat at the council?
sure. the most developed muslim populated country with scientific production, larger GDP, a nato member huge army, new developed country with great developing potential, could touch the middle east at the same time to the balcans and middle asia, not only representin Turkic people ( 200m. and 5mkm2) also the muslim believers, historically a world power and strong roots with those countries still.

but i dont think so USA will likely accept Turkey to SC. they prefer a puppet one like Saudi's or Egypt, so they can have another vote on their pockets
There is 0 possibility for Turkey at least for now and the new few years.

I fully support this notion because we need a country from Middle East in order to solve disputes, represent ~1 billion+ people from all over the world, Muslims.

Saudi Arabia is not capable to handle such a situation/responsibility and same goes to Iran. Pakistan is surrounded by many social and religion problems--

I think that Turkey, being secular and representing ~1 billion Muslims, should be the next permanent member.

What do you think?
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