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Should Turkey be the next permanent member of United Nations Security Council?

Should Turkey be the next permanent member of United Nations Security Council?

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USA will oppose, because Turkey wants to join the EU.
Russia will oppose, because geopolitics.
China will oppose, because East Turkistan.
I think that Saudi Arabia is more qualified.

US is the one pushing EU to let turkey join. but don't let facts come in the way :)
Responsibility to protect
Security Council Resolution 1674, adopted on 28 April 2006, "reaffirms the provisions of paragraphs 138 and 139 of the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document regarding the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity". The resolution commits the Council to action to protect civilians in armed conflict.

We are not discussing the bias of UNSC countries rather we want to stick on the content--
China's support for Brazil and South Africa.
Africa and South America need a seat.

You did not answer my question. What difference will it make if a third country is selected from the gateway of Europe and Asia. As you mentioned earlier, I want to make it clear, Turkey is not a member of EU.

Tell me the difference it will make even if we were to believe that Turkey was in EU?

There are already two veto powers from Asia.
That's for Sure......

Without the support from USA, Russia & China........

So, what does this mean?

It means that hell no---If you are my man, you will be welcomed and if you are not, you 'd be kicked out.
Okay, this is very humanitarian. Hats off to America, Russia, EU and China.
Ohh, never mind, they are looking for their strategic interests.
You did not answer my question. What difference will it make if a third country is selected from the gateway of Europe and Asia. As you mentioned earlier, I want to make it clear, Turkey is not a member of EU.

Tell me the difference it will make even if we were saying that Turkey is in EU?

There are already two veto powers from Asia.

Turkey wants to join the EU, and it is likely to join EU in the future.

There is only one veto in Asia.
However, Kana. China deeply values relation with Turkey. Turkey is important. China even offered HQ-9A to Turkey.

Friend some details regarding heavy mistrust......

Initially in response to the July 2009 Ürümqi riots, the Foreign Ministry of Turkey urged the Chinese authorities to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice. But some officials disagreed: a deputy from ruling Justice & Development (AK) Party resigned from the Turkey-China Interparliamentary Friendship Group, and in his personal capacity, Turkey's industry and trade minister called on Turks to boycott Chinese goods to protest the continuing ethnic violence, to which the Chinese charge d’affaires in Ankara expressed "surprise".

After daily demonstrations in Ankara and Istanbul, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan strengthened his rhetoric and said "These incidents in China are as if they are genocide. We ask the Chinese government not to remain a spectator to these incidents." China demanded that Recep Tayyip Erdogan retract his accusation.

Chinese state-run China Daily pointed out that 137 of the 184 victims of the unrest were Han Chinese, and suggested that China could support Kurdish independence and recognize the Armenian Genocide in retaliation.
However, Kana. China deeply values relation with Turkey. Turkey is important. China even offered HQ-9A to Turkey.

Saudi Arabia have more better diplomatic relations with China.
China even has sold ballistic missiles to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's missile technology from China.
Turkey wants to join the EU, and it is likely to join EU in the future.

There is only one veto in Asia.

So, here comes the 'future' future. No one knows about future and even fi they were to join EU and were accepted, what difference does it make?

"There is only one veto in Asia"

Russia does not have the veto?
China does not have the veto?

Are you talking about that debate of Russia is an Asian country or European?
So, what does this mean?

It means that hell no---If you are my man, you will be welcomed and if you are not, you 'd be kicked out.
Okay, this is very humanitarian. Hats off to America, Russia, EU and China.
Ohh, never mind, they are looking for their strategic interests.

I think that Saudi is an important ally of Pakistan.
Why do not you support the Saudi?
So, what does this mean?

It means that hell no---If you are my man, you will be welcomed and if you are not, you 'd be kicked out.
Okay, this is very humanitarian. Hats off to America, Russia, EU and China.
Ohh, never mind, they are looking for their strategic interests.

I never said no to turkey…..

First Turkey need a US$2 Trillion GDP

Also Turkey needs stable relations with all UNSC permanent members

Turkey needs an independent foreign policy
So, here comes the 'future' future. No one knows about future and even fi they were to join EU and were accepted, what difference does it make?

"There is only one veto in Asia"

Russia does not have the veto?
China does not have the veto?

Are you talking about that debate of Russia is an Asian country or European?

Well, I agree that Asia should not increase veto.
I think that Saudi is an important ally of Pakistan.
Why do not you support the Saudi?

Because they have nothing else to do other than buying cars, bungalows, spreading their ideology in Muslim world etc

If I had a super power, I would have brought every single fat belly king to justice.

And they are too busy thinking about their future because of'oil independence' ---green technology.
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