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Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says

Sanctions on Iran by UNO, a world democratic org funded by 196 countries, whose signatory also includes your country India, so does Iran, and the US.

When Majority is on one side, and Iran is isolated here legally, because members have put their signature on it.

Majority is authority, respect UNO laws and its resolutions, more as an Indian than otherwise, or get lost from UNO (India)

What would you prefere?

Dishonour UNO resolution against Iran?
Or leave UNO (India)

This is a legal issue.

What is your rationality/reality may not be that of those who have put their signature on such resolution. You think your rational thoughts on this issue outweigh those of US-P5+1?

Its collective will of comity of nations living under UNO.

Tell India to protest loudly against P-5.......have they done it?

So why you are high on your morals, when your own country is quasi silent and does not challenge P-5....

This is a ground reality pally.

If you are not able to preach n persuade your own country on Iran sanctions, here on PDF you will not get any possitive results on this either.

People know the reality, they are not moot spectators.

Iran is legally WRONG.

It seems mainstream media has done its job very well.:tup:
Ok,first, it wasn't U.N who put sanctions on Iran, it's the security council which consists of 5 countries that ironically, all of them are nuclear weapon states,U.S, China,Russia,France and UK.This is beyond ridiculous that those 5 countries can decide wo should have a nuclear program and who shouldn't.So calling it a 'democratic organization' is nowhere near reality.

Besides,is NPT your sole problem here?which rules of NPT has Iran violated?Please name them for me.And what if Iran drops out of NPT right now?Will they leave us alone?Will everything be fine after?Ofcourse not.Let's see who is on the right path and who has bent down:

2003: West says Iran can not have a nuclear program, let alone enrichment.
2005: Iran can not have enrichment, but a 'peaceful' nuclear program is accepted.
2007:Iran can not have enrichment beyond 3%.
2010: It's unaaceptable for Iran to enrich Uranium to 20%.
2011: Iran should close Fordow facility or we'll blah blah.

Now, in the latest meeting in Almaty Kazakhstan,2013: Iran can have 20% enrichment under IAEA supervision and Fordow should be closed necassarily.Iran can have a peaceful nuclear program.

And during all these years we only said one thing: We want a nuclear program,not nuclear weapons and we won't back down from our obvious rights.

So no worries for you, the war with Iran that you love so much to see, won't happen.Iran will take back it's rights and sanctions will be lifted slightly.The only losers wll be neither the west or Iran,but those people who were victims of western propaganda and believed every single words they said.They won't feel much good after.
Sorry man , but you're trying to use my complain for your benefit to show how poor Iranians are .

Sorry man, I am sincere, I am not doing what you are saying. I have never said Iranian are toxins or any such adjective that I never used.

Iran has problems and there are too many *** holes in our government but it doesn't mean the rest that doing their job are guilty . never forget that Iranians paying the price of the US and European libertinage and greed including our governors' mistakes .

All it is for non Persian folks to see here that common Iranians are suffering and not Mullahs or ayatollahs. Now its up to you people to decide how you wanna live as a country.

but I still appreciate the will of the ones believe in this country and independence and trying hard to help the country advance and can't ignore the advantages of IR while can't ignore their mistakes too .

Well said.

Adding that , Iranians don't care about the war and what American clowns say every day cos we know there is no ball behind their legs they just care about a good and happy life for their families and a better economy .

I think you are way off here, as for as a lone dollar printing super power is concerned.
Because, you are forgetting that US has 20 times yr economy, 20 times yr technology, 200 times yr patents and PHDs.

As for the war, US is no baby, it has tested blood already. Its the only country that has had a war on all the continents leaving Australia, it is the only country that has used the Atomic weapons.
The west or Israel is not seeking Iranian blood, they just do not want Iranian bomb. Because you have threatened the democratic Israel to be wiped from the map.

Since its a standoff situation, lets see who blinks, one has it (might) or one who suffers (sanctions).

Tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny, Iran previous president Mr.Khatami asked E3 troika to agree that Iran would be allowed to have only 20 centrifuges for experimental studies their response was "NO" it's dangerous, now plz tell me how on earth one could make a bomb by deploying 20 centrifuges under the control of IAEA? next step was about 3000 of them again they said "NO", then we asked for 20% uranium for medicine purposes again they said "NO" Mr.Obama signed a letter and asked Brazilian president and Turkey prime minister to persuade Iran to accept the deal, Iran accepted everything that Mr.Obama asked for it what happened as a result? a new round of sanction imposed by UNSC resolution, even we invited them to come and cooperate with us in this field again they refuse it if they wanted to resolve it peacefully there have been many opportunities to be grabbed by them.
They've been threaten Iran to regime change, invasion, sabotage since revolution why there has never been any sanction against them?
I assume 25 F-15I aircraft, each carrying one 5,000-pound bunker buster and two 2,000-pound bunker busters, would expend all 75 of those bombs on a single aim point at Fordow. If angle-of-arrival control is good, the Air Force could have between a 35 percent and 90 percent chance of at least 36 of those weapons arriving on the same aim point (this calculation is very sensitive to assumptions about individual weapons). If the spoil problem compounds the depth by only 30 percent or less (in other words, pulverized and collapsing rock adds the equivalent of no more than 27 meters of solid rock) this would likely be sufficient to have at least one weapon penetrate the facility. It thus seems plausible that Fordow can be targeted successfully

We are talking about 30000 pound bombs and claiming they can't do anything to fordow and you are claiming if you can do this and that with 2000 and 5000 pound bombs
Let made it cldear for you a 30000 pound moab can peneterate 80m of 500 psi concrete and 10 m of 1000 psi concrete . The best concrete France can produce is about 20000psi . Our nano based super concrete can stand up to 60000 psi and is rated the best all over the world
Why give a religious color to yr dialogue by using the word JEW. If you have the right, so do they, they will say MUSLIMS. So the part based on religious lines should not be encouraged.

Look at the current global scenario of world politics.
Since Iran is a signatory of UNO, it has to abide by it. If not, get out of it.
But since it is not happening, so the weakness pertains to Iran.

You have signed NPT, now you are going against the charter of NPT?
How wrong.

I'm interested to know Which part of npt we are violating
We are talking about 30000 bombs and claiming they can't do anything to fordow and you are claiming if you can do this and that with 2000 and 5000 pound bombs
Let made it cldear for you a 30000 pound moab can peneterate 80m of 500 psi concrete and 10 m of 1000 psi concrete . The best concrete France can produce is about 20000psi . Our nano based super concrete can stand up to 60000 psi and is rated the best all over the world

I've heard about 80000 psi.
Tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny, Iran previous president Mr.Khatami asked E3 troika to agree that Iran would be allowed to have only 20 centrifuges for experimental studies their response was "NO" it's dangerous, now plz tell me how on earth one could make a bomb by deploying 20 centrifuges under the control of IAEA? next step was about 3000 of them again they said "NO", then we asked for 20% uranium for medicine purposes again they said "NO" Mr.Obama signed a letter and asked Brazilian president and Turkey prime minister to persuade Iran to accept the deal, Iran accepted everything that Mr.Obama asked for it what happened as a result? a new round of sanction imposed by UNSC resolution, even we invited them to come and cooperate with us in this field again they refuse it if they wanted to resolve it peacefully there have been many opportunities to be grabbed by them.
They've been threaten Iran to regime change, invasion, sabotage since revolution why there has never been any sanction against them?

because the power is in their hands. All this human right or global organizations are just a jok, a cover for savage actions in modern era.

why we are not going to negotiate with US?
It seems mainstream media has done its job very well.:tup:
Ok,first, it wasn't U.S who put sanctions on Iran, it's the security council which consists of 5 countries that ironically, all of them are nuclear weapon states,U.S, China,Russia,France and UK.This is beyond ridiculous that those 5 countries can decide wo should have a nuclear program and who shouldn't.So calling it a 'democratic organization' is nowhere near reality.

I think you are not CURRENT on your current affairs, because it is US and also EU, as well as UNO:

On June 24, 2010, the United States Senate and House of Representatives passed the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 (CISADA), which President Obama signed into law July 1, 2010. The CISADA greatly enhanced restrictions in Iran. Such restrictions included the rescission of the authorization for Iranian-origin imports for articles such as rugs, pistachios, and caviar. In response, President Obama issued Executive Order 13553 in September 2010 and Executive Order 13574 in May 2011, and Executive Order 13590 in November 2011.

EU sanctions:

On 23 January 2012, the Council of the European Union released a report in which it restated its concerns about the growth and nature of Iran's nuclear program. As a result, the Council announced that it would levy an embargo on Iranian oil exports. Further, it stated that it would also freeze assets held by the Central Bank of Iran and forestall the trading of precious metals and petrochemicals to and from the country

Besides,is NPT your sole problem here?which rules of NPT has Iran violated?Please name them for me.And what if Iran drops out of NPT right now?Will they leave us alone?Will everything be fine after?Ofcourse not.Let's see who is on the right path and who has bent down:

2003: West says Iran can not have a nuclear program, let alone enrichment.
2005: Iran can not have enrichment, but a 'peaceful' nuclear program is accepted.
2007:Iran can not have enrichment beyond 3%.
2010: It's unaaceptable for Iran to enrich Uranium to 20%.
2011: Iran should close Fordow facility or we'll blah blah.

Now, in the latest meeting in Almaty Kazakhstan,2013: Iran can have 20% enrichment under IAEA supervision and Fordow should be closed necassarily.Iran can have a peaceful nuclear program.

And during all these years we only said one thing: We want a nuclear program,not nuclear weapons and we won't back down from our obvious rights.

So no worries for you, the war with Iran that you love so much to see, won't happen.Iran will take back it's rights and sanctions will be lifted slightly.The only losers wll be neither the west or Iran,but those people who were victims of western propaganda and believed every single words they said.They won't feel much good after.

NPT violations of Iran:

I'm interested to know Which part of npt we are violating

Numerous Iranian violations:
because the power is in their hands. All this human right or global organizations are just a jok, a cover for savage actions in modern era.

why we are not going to negotiate with US?

8 years war encouraged us to stand on our own feet and be independent, Iran says all she demands is approval of its full right under NPT then she would agree with full transparency, full access to all facilities and intrusive inspections (even more than what is taken place right now) we'd like to resolve this issue through negotiation Iran's put many sensible well-balance suggestions on the table to reach a win-win outcome of it for two sides, but as far as this issue is merely a political one Iran's been rebuffed in many cases, Iran doesn't trust western countries esp the US.

Recently two sides have signaled their willingness to talk directly, I mean it's the only rational solution which if reaches a dead end we continue our path to protect our rights and sovereignty because we do know if we back down US will find another pretext to put pressure on Iran nuclear program is just an excuse, Shah intended to make a bomb and American were well aware of it what they did was nothing instead they gave him most sophisticated and modern weaponry such as jet fighters, but now although our program is under control they impose sanctions.

I myself have no problem with that, Politic means avoiding war and meanwhile insisting on your right through diplomacy, what we need to do. Iran leader has recently advocated his negotiation policy (in his latest speech in Mashhad) he said that "Although I don't trust American and I'm not optimistic about direct talks, I don't disagree with talks". I think it means after presidential election there might be probable negotiation btw Iran and the USA even Alan Eyre US Persian spokesperson welcomed such an idea.
I don't know what's the relation between your links and this thread, probably you wanted to cover your lack of logic by claims against Iran.
anyway , I can't find any better brainwashing example than your links.
Google and Gmail have never been filtered in Iran, only youtube. it's supports for Israel and anti religion videos is clear and doesn't need further comment. also for a very short period of time, gmail and ssl version google got problem not because of Iran, but because google corporation (read CIA ally) united his services, those scripts which were from youtube servers caused problem in other services like gmail, that problem solved immediately after report.
web programmer?
that guy was manager of several pornographic and anti Islam websites, using spy softwares against private life of users was just part of his crime, and also he didn't executed because of his contrition and cooperation with our intelligence forces.
The west or Israel is not seeking Iranian blood, they just do not want Iranian bomb. Because you have threatened the democratic Israel to be wiped from the map.

Since its a standoff situation, lets see who blinks, one has it (might) or one who suffers (sanctions).

first show me when or where any Iranian said such thing . then prove that we meant to destroy Israel ourselves .

By the way Mr. Khomeini in a later to Gorbachev told him if USSR don't change its way and ideology it will be something of past. and in less than 5 years of that later USSR fall .
now are you giving us the credit for wiping USSR of the map or exactly what ahmadinejad qouted f Me. Khomeini "wiped from pages of time"
I think you are not CURRENT on your current affairs, because it is US and also EU, as well as UNO:

It was a typo which I corrected, I meant U.N.Majority of countries do not support sanctions on Iran, including 120 members of NAM, but must of them have to obey it because of a bullying force called U.S.

It was Security council, a ridiculous modern times world police (Gestapo) that consists of 5 members which have been involved in most bloody wars of last centuries and one of them burned 300,000 people alive by the very same non-existent nuclear weapons that Iran is 'trying to produce' for years.That's what we call rule of jungle when these countries want to contribute to the 'security' of the world.
We are talking about 30000 bombs and claiming they can't do anything to fordow and you are claiming if you can do this and that with 2000 and 5000 pound bombs
Let made it cldear for you a 30000 pound moab can peneterate 80m of 500 psi concrete and 10 m of 1000 psi concrete . The best concrete France can produce is about 20000psi . Our nano based super concrete can stand up to 60000 psi and is rated the best all over the world

Concrete? steel tanks are blown apart.
You can only undermine yr enemy to your own peril.
I dont think the US might come to think of B61-11.

I'm glad you mentioned this article as it seems you have forgot we answered all of the question in that article except that ridiculous claims about the laptop to IAEA in just half a day and proved they are all wrong or miss-understanding for example all the contamination in the devices were later proven to be due to the fact that beside the blue prints we imported several second hand centrifuge fro the Pakistan and they were used in Pakistan nuclear program .
and it was proven that there was no activity about plutonium enrichment and also we didn't imported any Uranium metal.

about the additional protocol the writer of the article get it totally wrong , we never accepted the additional protocol and certainly never ratified it in our parliament.what happened was that we said we voluntarily for a amount of time abide by additional protocol to see what is west reaction . and if yo want to know what was their reaction let me tell you at the time that we abide by that additional protocol and stopped all nuclear activity west rewarded us with two round of sanctions . so we decided enough is enough and started our peaceful nuclear activities.

and about those ridiculous claims about that laptop from James bound movies our answer is simple if you want us make any comment about those claims and answer claims about question based n te materials from it you must first show us the evidence you took from the laptop as till you show us them we consider them non-existent .
It was a typo which I corrected, I meant U.N.Majority of countries do not support sanctions on Iran, including 120 members of NAM, but must of them have to obey it because of a bullying force called U.S.

It was Security council, a ridiculous modern times world police (Gestapo) that consists of 5 members which have been involved in most bloody wars of last centuries and one of them burned 300,000 people alive by the very same non-existent nuclear weapons that Iran is 'trying to produce' for years.That's what we call rule of jungle when these countries want to contribute to the 'security' of the world.

How is it a typo when you say the following in your original statement:

it wasn't U.S who put sanctions on Iran, it's the security council which consists of 5 countries

You have already said its UN which has SC in yr previous statement, it means you did not know about US sanctions.

A typographical error is a mistake made in the typing process (such as spelling). But your wording was perfect in the sentence without any grammatical mistakes.
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