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Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says

Tomahawks will fly sooner than later on fardoo, so will be concrete busters.

Tomahawk dont have the pneteration at all and moab is USA biggest and most badass bunker buster and that ca not even peneterate half a meter in our super concrete and nd that concrete is the best in the world
Tomahawk dont have the pneteration at all and moab is USA biggest and most badass bunker buster and that ca not even peneterate half a meter in our super concrete and nd that concrete is the best in the world

I assume 25 F-15I aircraft, each carrying one 5,000-pound bunker buster and two 2,000-pound bunker busters, would expend all 75 of those bombs on a single aim point at Fordow. If angle-of-arrival control is good, the Air Force could have between a 35 percent and 90 percent chance of at least 36 of those weapons arriving on the same aim point (this calculation is very sensitive to assumptions about individual weapons). If the spoil problem compounds the depth by only 30 percent or less (in other words, pulverized and collapsing rock adds the equivalent of no more than 27 meters of solid rock) this would likely be sufficient to have at least one weapon penetrate the facility. It thus seems plausible that Fordow can be targeted successfully
@ashok321 You mentioned Hamas and Hizbullah, who raised and allowed Taliban, Al Qaeda and new phenomenon in Modern History, Jehad by using Suicide bombers, and proxy war to defeat one of the mightiest nation of world, Soviet. India supported LTTE, Mukti Bahini. And I am pretty sure India is active against Pakistan too. Remember Khalistan and Sindhudesh trade between RAW and ISI.

Last time I checked, it was those Afghani Mujaheedins trained by Pakistanis, funded by KSA and Armed by US who were sent in Kashmir after Afghan War was over by Pakistan.

US created them but didn't clear the mess. Now India has lost over 70,000 civilians and over 10,00 soldiers in Kashmir alone. Even Pakistan is suffering from this same Islamic terrorism they helped in establishing. Where as Iran never allowed any anti-India activity or terrorists against India, gave us route to Afghanistan which is a good Strategic and Economic move only possible because of Iran.

Do you think India will keep silent if Iran is attacked ? Will China keep silent ? Kindly check the Oil Import of India and China from Iran. A war on Iran will directly affect our oil supply, hence inflation, economic loss and possible recession.

As for current affairs, what stakes India, China and Russia had in those countries ? Not that big stakes. Libya, PLO etc. doesn't matter for nations like India, China and Russia.

Look at case of Syria, Medved has openly said that foreign intervention in independent states may cause global war and possibly Nuclear war. Yes, he said it in press conference, entire media took it as Russia's strong position against US Led NATO intervention in Syria.

So, US may go against UN an India, China and Russia, but its allies can't. And do you think US economy can bear another war because one thing is for sure, Iran war will extend to years.

As for wiping the Israel off the Map, Ahmednijad said, I meant Destroying Zionist regime of Israel. He cleared this in an interview.

If you want I can post Medved's Press Brief, Ahmednijad's interview. Remember that China has stakes in Pakistan and Afghanistan too. Attack on Iran will spill over to Pakistan and Afghanistan. And China has openly said, any attack on its interests and Pakistan will be taken as attack on China.

Remember what China did against Philipines and US backed off.

Kindly read more about Current Affairs and Geo Politics.
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@ashok321 You mentioned Hamas and Hizbullah, who raised and allowed Taliban, Al Qaeda and new phenomenon in Modern History, Jehad by using Suicide bombers, and proxy war to defeat one of the mightiest nation of world, Soviet. India supported LTTE, Mukti Bahini. And I am pretty sure India is active against Pakistan too. Remember Khalistan and Sindhudesh trade between RAW and ISI.

Last time I checked, it was those Afghani Mujaheedins trained by Pakistanis, funded by KSA and Armed by US who were sent in Kashmir after Afghan War was over by Pakistan.

US created them but didn't clear the mess. Now India has lost over 70,000 civilians and over 10,00 soldiers in Kashmir alone. Even Pakistan is suffering from this same Islamic terrorism they helped in establishing. Where as Iran never allowed any anti-India activity or terrorists against India, gave us route to Afghanistan which is a good Strategic and Economic move only possible because of Iran.

Do you think India will keep silent if Iran is attacked ? Will China keep silent ? Kindly check the Oil Import of India and China from Iran. A war on Iran will directly affect our oil supply, hence inflation, economic loss and possible recession.

As for current affairs, what stakes India, China and Russia had in those countries ? Not that big stakes. Libya, PLO etc. doesn't matter for nations like India, China and Russia.

Look at case of Syria, Medved has openly said that foreign intervention in independent states may cause global war and possibly Nuclear war. Yes, he said it in press conference, entire media took it as Russia's strong position against US Led NATO intervention in Syria.

So, US may go against UN an India, China and Russia, but its allies can't. And do you think US economy can bear another war because one thing is for sure, Iran war will extend to years.

As for wiping the Israel off the Map, Ahmednijad said, I meant Destroying Zionist regime of Israel. He cleared this in an interview.

If you want I can post Medved's Press Brief, Ahmednijad's interview. Remember that China has stakes in Pakistan and Afghanistan too. Attack on Iran will spill over to Pakistan and Afghanistan. And China has openly said, any attack on its interests and Pakistan will be taken as attack on China.

Remember what China did against Philipines and US backed off.

Kindly read more about Current Affairs and Geo Politics.

This way, we will be nowhere as the book can be written from this dialogue output, the subject is expanding, and we dont have days to come to conclusion.

Now let me ask you a simple question.....

Sanctions first.

Are they legitimate or not, yes or no?
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This way, we will be nowhere as the book can be written from this dialogue output, the subject is expanding, and we dont have days to come to conclusion.

Now let me ask you a simple question.....

Sanctions first.

Are they legitimate or not, yes or no?

is it okay for a country (the us, or the jew state, or for that matter china and india) to bear its economic weight on another country to force the latter to modify its behavior? sure. countries are even entitled to killing people in a war, so a bit economic punishment must be in the public rights of any sovereign state.

is it okay, even moral, to give to this economic punishment a veneer of international law and to have it done in the name of peace and humanity? hell no. the jews and angloamericans can say and do whatever they want, just like iran can do whatever it says and wants insofar as iran weighs the pros and cons by its own calculation and seeks a course most convenient to itself, but let the jews and americans not pretend that somehow what they want is any more legitimate than what iran wants.
is it okay for a country (the us, or the jew state, or for that matter china and india) to bear its economic weight on another country to force the latter to modify its behavior? sure. countries are even entitled to killing people in a war, so a bit economic punishment must be in the public rights of any sovereign state.

is it okay, even moral, to give to this economic punishment a veneer of international law and to have it done in the name of peace and humanity? hell no. the jews and angloamericans can say and do whatever they want, just like iran can do whatever it says and wants insofar as iran weighs the pros and cons by its own calculation and seeks a course most convenient to itself, but let the jews and americans not pretend that somehow what they want is any more legitimate than what iran wants.

Why give a religious color to yr dialogue by using the word JEW. If you have the right, so do they, they will say MUSLIMS. So the part based on religious lines should not be encouraged.

Look at the current global scenario of world politics.
Since Iran is a signatory of UNO, it has to abide by it. If not, get out of it.
But since it is not happening, so the weakness pertains to Iran.

You have signed NPT, now you are going against the charter of NPT?
How wrong.
@ashok321 Legitimate, may be, in stricter terms, but in terms of the reality and rationality, I don't think its legitimate at all.

Iran is not a threat to US, India, China, UK, Russia.

We have to see the Sanctions in context of Historical events and decades long good relations gone sour.
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The triple 444 days is a magic number that Americans till today never forget, hence Iran was termed an Axis of Evil, but of course with some other activities of Iran involved like aiding and abbeting hamas - a UN declared terrorist org.

First of all it wasn't an embassy, Americans were doing everything there except diplomatic matters, you can find the whys and the wherefores of US embassy crisis in Iran from three and half decades inference and military coup in Iran, and if you are interested to know the real axis of evil look at mirror.

Hamas and Hizbullah (terror outfits) funded by Iranian Mullahs, threats of wiping out Israel from the map, sending hit men to kill israeli diplomats as in Delhi few years ago. Bus terror attack (iaraelis within) in Bulgaria. What does it say? a peaceful nation?

First of all those groups are fighting to defend their lands after many years occupation by Israel, adn you forgot to name Al Qaede which was created by US, MKO, PJAK which are supported by USA, Jundullah all of them caused death if thousands of Iranian.

About wiping out stuffs,

About terror attacks, you've already killed several of our scientists, what does it say? Israel national hero Sharon is known in the ME as a butcher of Sabra and Shatila , what does it say.

If they have to do it, they will do it, no matter what, Iraq was same, with 1000 of tanks, scud missiles and other machinery yet what happened against allied forces. then, Iraq was not under any sanctions as Iran is now. But you are forgetting 10 years war between Iraq n Iran, which was a stalemate, but Iran lost more soldiers than Iraq. What does it say as for as the equation goes?
Iranian Air force is in shambles only counting some missiles in their arsenals.

If there was no sanction so what does it mean?

Sanctions against Iraq

After a revolution, some military coups, terrorists and seperatists conflict, terrorists bombing in the cities, an dependent army, and all the sudden the war took place while or opponent was supported by backward kingdom regimes financially and military we captured many mercenaries with different nationalities, while we managed all 8 years with 24 billions $ just Kuwait gave a loan around 15 billions to Iraq.

United States support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq

When was diplomatic licence neccesary for the US which has had many such wars without UN approval? Osirak (Iraq), Syria raid, Tunisia raid on PLO head quarter by Israel, what UN approval?
Polish yr current affairs man.

It shows your reality, whenever you need UNSC you use it otherwise you ignore it, as I said in may time you just follow the laws of the jungle.

Iran with NPT signature is legally bound with such situation, Israel, India, Pakistan is not.

so why US is asking Iran to initial additional protocol? dosen't US is a signatory of NPT the why doesn't it destroys its nuke?

sanctions ARE unilateral, almost whole world combined against Iran, US-EU-Japan-canada, even India has voted twice against Iran - what else you have to say more ?

Canada is not counted as a state, Japan produce tones of plutonium yearly which makes it capable to make bombs within a month, India has already got nuke, England, France USA Israel all of them possess nukes, it's look like Bin laden would have come and said that he'd intended to fight with terrorism, such a pity.

It was UN resolution 598 that ended the war, despite both ignoring few UN truce calls.

598 was first resolution which determined invader, coerced it to withdraw and and compensate of war damage, and funny thing is when we accepted it , MKO which is a terrorist organization supported by USA right now waged a war against us ( Iraq gave them weapons and trained them) because they thought Iran approval was base upon its weakness finally many of those rats were killed in Iran and this is how war ended.

North Korea is a whole new game ball here, it just wants to get the concession from the west, in the form of no sanctions, US-EU monetary aid, ability to borrow from WB-IMF and so on with a bomb blackmail.

Those who wage a war wage it unannounced as Pakistan did against India, surprise element, is an added advantage in a war.

If they want money, they can sell few ready made nukes to desperate Iran who would pay upto 15 Billion USD, why go for a war?

Thats why I think NOKO will not go for a war option, its rumored that the deal is working already between the two because Iran is delayed by 2 years, cause they have to reconfigure all their centrifuges which succumbed to STUXNET.

But its a reality, cant you see it?
Almost whole world stopped trading with Iran why?
Why you fund, provide arms to Hamas n Hizubullah - UN declared terror outfits?
It means you are going against world democratic body like UNO.
Now, if you do that, why cry, if UNO is paying you back in a same coin?
Sorry, Iran has to comply first.

once upon time Jesus Christ was alone and all world was against him, did it make him blameworthy?
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@raptor22 Jesus argument. Epic, Awesome and Brilliant.

Not commenting on rest of the post.
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Why give a religious color to yr dialogue by using the word JEW. If you have the right, so do they, they will say MUSLIMS. So the part based on religious lines should not be encouraged.

Look at the current global scenario of world politics.
Since Iran is a signatory of UNO, it has to abide by it. If not, get out of it.
But since it is not happening, so the weakness pertains to Iran.

You have signed NPT, now you are going against the charter of NPT?
How wrong.

what are you talking about? i freely call other people and countries muslims, and i will insist on calling them jews: i don't consider muslim a bad word, but i consider jew a dirty name, and i use the name to express that disgust with their race (with me, it is always their race, the name of their race).

yes, my country has signed NPT, but nobody has accused it of violating its commitment to it. iran, too, has signed NPT, and despite what jews and angloamericans said, i continue to believe that iran has not yet violated the terms of NPT just in developing a civilian program. when that threshold of building a bomb gets close, i say iran should do the honorable thing like north korea and formally denounce NPT, which the jew state never respected in the first place. but right now, iran is getting an unfair treatment even under NPT: even under NPT, angloamericans and jews wanted to deny iran the benefit of doubt and deny iran the right to use nuclear energy peacefully, a right enshrined in NPT. so the way i see it: if and when iran decides to develop a weapon, it can leave NPT with honor, and before that happens and before iran openly tears up NPT, no country can point fingers at iran, certainly not the jew state and the us, for developing a civilian program because this is not even equal and fair treatment under NPT. right now, iran is only asking what is its due within the moral and legal framework of NPT, which makes iran's actions completely moral and legal.
@ashok321 Legitimate, may be, in stricter terms, but in terms of the reality and rationality, I don't think its legitimate at all.

Iran is not a threat to US, India, China, UK, Russia.

We have to see the Sanctions in context of Historical events and decades long good relations gone sour.

Sanctions on Iran by UNO, a world democratic org funded by 196 countries, whose signatory also includes your country India, so does Iran, and the US.

When Majority is on one side, and Iran is isolated here legally, because members have put their signature on it.

Majority is authority, respect UNO laws and its resolutions, more as an Indian than otherwise, or get lost from UNO (India)

What would you prefere?

Dishonour UNO resolution against Iran?
Or leave UNO (India)

This is a legal issue.

What is your rationality/reality may not be that of those who have put their signature on such resolution. You think your rational thoughts on this issue outweigh those of US-P5+1?

Its collective will of comity of nations living under UNO.

Tell India to protest loudly against P-5.......have they done it?

So why you are high on your morals, when your own country is quasi silent and does not challenge P-5....

This is a ground reality pally.

If you are not able to preach n persuade your own country on Iran sanctions, here on PDF you will not get any possitive results on this either.

People know the reality, they are not moot spectators.

Iran is legally WRONG.
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i continue to believe that iran has not yet violated the terms of NPT just in developing a civilian program. .

If it is a civilian program, and despite that, UNO has slapped sanctions, so you think UNO is wrong?

If it is, leave UNO right away and prove your honesty....

If not, live with it without grumbling or being grouchy.
If it is a civilian program, and despite that, UNO has slapped sanctions, so you think UNO is wrong?

If it is, leave UNO right away and prove your honesty....

If not, live with it without grumbling or being grouchy.

you are putting the cart before the horse: jews and americans didn't start to hate iran because of some un findings; they hated iran so much that they forced un to fabricate evidence against iran and sanction iran. i think un and all its subcidiaries are regularly strongarmed by jews and angloamericans and are therefore regularly wrong. but in each such strongarming incidents, there are friends of iran who tried to push back and preserve for iran some favorable terms, and americans and jews won't be able to strongarm un forever, which is why even for a declared nuclear power like north korea, i still see advantage to staying in the un. and i don't know what you really know about un sanctions: leaving the un doesn't void the sanctions, which will continue to apply to un members, and it is not like un is seriously enforcing its sanctions against iran in all its members, some of which are too powerful for un to poke its nose in, like china and india which have continued to trade with iran.

and if you really take un sanctions so seriously, don't whine when india is next hit by un sanctions.
If it is a civilian program, and despite that, UNO has slapped sanctions, so you think UNO is wrong?

If it is, leave UNO right away and prove your honesty....

If not, live with it without grumbling or being grouchy.

It's You who is accusing Iran... then Iran should prove it? you must come up with evidence and documents not Iran while there is no sign which indicates Iran seeking making nuclear weapon, furthermore UN is consisted of 196 countries which means politic involves in decision making process in it ... in many cases 5 permanent members of this council have misused their privileges given by this council to them , e.g. Russia on Georgia war, USA halted any ceasefire resolution in Lebonan war because it thought Hezbollah would finally get defeated by isarel, why US vetoes all resolution against israel? isn't it undemocratic action?All members of this council has got nukes about 95% of nuclear weapons on this planet belong to them more then 80% of wars conflicts are due to their hegemony goals, and you are telling me it's a democratic one? if it's why do they have veto right? why do they have to be permanent members?
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