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Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says

Sanctions do not work against Smart nations..they only work against dumbos!
All , The MOAB in US inventory , used together cant even make a dent in Fordoo .

One should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still pending.
Nothing is over till the fat lady sings.
Despite Rial taking a dip, this commander is MADE to make a point/case against Iran by saying sanctions cant work - its time for precision strike.

The USA has already decreased numbers of its aircraft carriers in the Persian gulf due to financial crisis or as they describe it fiscal cliff,Pentagon to cut aircraft carrier presence in Persian Gulf to 1 due to budget strains, the point is the USA could not afford a new war in the region, when Bush got the administration from Clintion USA budget balance was 200 billions $ positive and now:

The Obama administration has officially added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined from George Washington all the way to George W. Bush. Just a few months into George Bush’s first term, the national debt stood around $5.7 trillion. Last Thursday, Obama’s national debt contributions totaled around $5.7 trillion, bringing the national debt to $16.3 trillion.​

And you are not under sanctions, embargo or any kind of isolation.

After 13 years war in Afghanistan you've not defeated Taliban yet, in Iraq you got nothing while neither Iraqis nor Afghan people didn't fought with you,due to lack of resistance invasions of those 2 countries were a piece of cake ,on the contrary Iran is 3 times bigger than Iraq Iran's population is at least twice of the Iraq, Iran is a mountainous country and most important item is her people are ready to defend their country while as I described you are not the USA which attacked Iraq and Afghanistan.

war with Iran will be last nail to USA's coffin.
One should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still pending.
Nothing is over till the fat lady sings.

The Fat Lady already sang it's song , the capabilities of MOAB is known and for the capabilities of Fordo structure just Google search " Iran Super Concrete "
The Fat Lady already sang it's song , the capabilities of MOAB is known and for the capabilities of Fordo structure just Google search " Iran Super Concrete "

Tomahawks will fly sooner than later on fardoo, so will be concrete busters.
Iran, land of Persians, US found few centuries ago. US may have best weaponry and all, but they can't break the will of Iranians.

To defeat a nation, one has to defeat the society, not the defense. :D
Iran, land of Persians, US found few centuries ago. US may have best weaponry and all, but they can't break the will of Iranians.

To defeat a nation, one has to defeat the society, not the defense. :D

Iraq "Mesopotamia" the cradle of civilization. And what happened? all you need is a one rogue ruler. Iraq had one, Iran has one (Khaomoney).

BTW the US-Israel will do limited damage on few sites, the goal is not to kill people.
Its surgerical strikes only.
Iran, land of Persians, US found few centuries ago. US may have best weaponry and all, but they can't break the will of Iranians.

To defeat a nation, one has to defeat the society, not the defense. :D

this should be so obvious and yet most angloamericans - and most of your jewass-kissing fellow countrymen - have simply refused to see. kudos to you for having been consistently one of the few intellectually honest persons on this board, although i still honestly cannot grasp how in the world, with the two of us officially joining the forum around the same time last year, you have accrued 14k posts to my hundreds (i know i am usually banned 30 days out of a month and got many of my posts deleted, but still, your number is staggering :D)
Iraq "Mesopotamia" the cradle of civilization. And what happened? all you need is a one rogue ruler. Iraq had one, Iran has one (Khaomoney). BTW the US-Israel will do limited damage on few sites, the goal is not to kill people.
Its surgerical strikes only.
Well Khomeni kept US Consulate people hostage till Jimmy Carter was defeated in Elections. He ordered the release of prisoners just 5 minutes after Reagen sworn the oath.

And did you call Rogue ruler ? Lets check. Iraq and Weapons of Mass Deception...oops Destruction.

Check the number of people killed by US Armed Forces around the world and by Iranian Armed forces.

As for surgical strikes, they can do it. But can they afford to wage a war against Iran which is much more powerful and stronger than Iraq and Afghanistan ?

Especially when Iran is trade partner of China, India and Russia.

It will take huge Diplomatic Debate to start war on Iran. For Iran, people unite under name of Death to America whereas US citizens are not united against Iran.

BTW Iran hasn't tested a single nuclear bomb while Israel has over 80 nukes.

I wonder what's the rationale behind Iran sanctions. US kept silent when Pakistan developed nukes. There were no economic sanctions against Iraq when Saddam used Chemical weapons against Iran and even its own people.

Entire Security Council just kept silent and spectated it. See the pictures and documentaries on Iran-Iraq war.

And US have much bigger threat right now, North Korea.
this should be so obvious and yet most angloamericans - and most of your jewass-kissing fellow countrymen - have simply refused to see. kudos to you for having been consistently one of the few intellectually honest persons on this board, although i still honestly cannot grasp how in the world, with the two of us officially joining the forum around the same time last year, you have accrued 14k posts to my hundreds (i know i am usually banned 30 days out of a month and got many of my posts deleted, but still, your number is staggering :D)

Krait is the resident mullah of PDF, he has been provided all the facilities here for abode, just as Julian Assange in Equador embassy london.
But the matter never ended here, the plot thickens for more. The PDF has given him the written guarantee that he will never be banned (high donation factor), just as Government of India did towards Italian sailors that they will not be hanged.

If you agree with my analogy, give me thanks - I know its coming into my pocket from Krait :)
this should be so obvious and yet most angloamericans - and most of your jewass-kissing fellow countrymen - have simply refused to see. kudos to you for having been consistently one of the few intellectually honest persons on this board, although i still honestly cannot grasp how in the world, with the two of us officially joining the forum around the same time last year, you have accrued 14k posts to my hundreds (i know i am usually banned 30 days out of a month and got many of my posts deleted, but still, your number is staggering :D)
Well, I argue within bounds of rule of Law of the board. :D

Not banned once. As for post count, I type fast. :lol:

BTW I do appreciate your words. I just speak what seems right to me. Even Indians think India has never done anything wrong. India do it, but it do it with subtlety. China had Tsung Zu's Art of War, India had Chanakya as strategist.

Iran's biggest strength is not its religion, but its unity. I laugh at people when they say Iranians hate Jews. Second highest population of Jews in Middle east, after Israel lives in Iran. :D
Iranians don't hate Judaism, just Zionism. But people don't want to see the difference.

Oh the Irony.

Krait is the resident mullah of PDF, he has been provided all the facilities here for abode, just as Julian Assange in Equador embassy london.But the matter never ended here, the plot thickens for more. The PDF has given him the written guarantee that he will never be banned (high donation factor), just as Government of India did towards Italian sailors that they will not be hanged.
If you agree with my analogy, give me thanks - I know its coming into my pocket from Krait :)
Krait is the resident mullah of PDF, he has been provided all the facilities here for abode, just as Julian Assange in Equador embassy london.
But the matter never ended here, the plot thickens for more. The PDF has given him the written guarantee that he will never be banned (high donation factor), just as Government of India did towards Italian sailors that they will not be hanged.

If you agree with my analogy, give me thanks - I know its coming into my pocket from Krait :)

hahaha, okay. i don't necessarily believe or disbelieve your story, but it is an interesting one; and even if the story be true, i don't hold it against krait because he makes some cogent read.

back to the topic: i certainly think he is convincing in his analysis about a hypothetical military attack on iran, although i scarcely needed any convincing in that regard, lol
obviously, US can't force others sanct Iran, such as China, India,Russia, if then go on trade with Iran, US can't do any more. So US let them out the sanctions that every one save face
Well Khomeni kept US Consulate people hostage till Jimmy Carter was defeated in Elections. He ordered the release of prisoners just 5 minutes after Reagen sworn the oath.

The triple 444 days is a magic number that Americans till today never forget, hence Iran was termed an Axis of Evil, but of course with some other activities of Iran involved like aiding and abbeting hamas - a UN declared terrorist org.

And did you call Rogue ruler ? Lets check. Iraq and Weapons of Mass Deception...oops Destruction.

Check the number of people killed by US Armed Forces around the world and by Iranian Armed forces.

Hamas and Hizbullah (terror outfits) funded by Iranian Mullahs, threats of wiping out Israel from the map, sending hit men to kill israeli diplomats as in Delhi few years ago. Bus terror attack (iaraelis within) in Bulgaria. What does it say? a peaceful nation?

As for surgical strikes, they can do it. But can they afford to wage a war against Iran which is much more powerful and stronger than Iraq and Afghanistan ?

Especially when Iran is trade partner of China, India and Russia.

If they have to do it, they will do it, no matter what, Iraq was same, with 1000 of tanks, scud missiles and other machinery yet what happened against allied forces. then, Iraq was not under any sanctions as Iran is now. But you are forgetting 10 years war between Iraq n Iran, which was a stalemate, but Iran lost more soldiers than Iraq. What does it say as for as the equation goes?
Iranian Air force is in shambles only counting some missiles in their arsenals.

It will take huge Diplomatic Debate to start war on Iran. For Iran, people unite under name of Death to America whereas US citizens are not united against Iran.

When was diplomatic licence neccesary for the US which has had many such wars without UN approval? Osirak (Iraq), Syria raid, Tunisia raid on PLO head quarter by Israel, what UN approval?
Polish yr current affairs man.

BTW Iran hasn't tested a single nuclear bomb while Israel has over 80 nukes.

Iran with NPT signature is legally bound with such situation, Israel, India, Pakistan is not.

I wonder what's the rationale behind Iran sanctions. US kept silent when Pakistan developed nukes. There were no economic sanctions against Iraq when Saddam used Chemical weapons against Iran and even its own people.

sanctions ARE unilateral, almost whole world combined against Iran, US-EU-Japan-canada, even India has voted twice against Iran - what else you have to say more ?

Entire Security Council just kept silent and spectated it. See the pictures and documentaries on Iran-Iraq war.

It was UN resolution 598 that ended the war, despite both ignoring few UN truce calls.

And US have much bigger threat right now, North Korea.

North Korea is a whole new game ball here, it just wants to get the concession from the west, in the form of no sanctions, US-EU monetary aid, ability to borrow from WB-IMF and so on with a bomb blackmail.

Those who wage a war wage it unannounced as Pakistan did against India, surprise element, is an added advantage in a war.

If they want money, they can sell few ready made nukes to desperate Iran who would pay upto 15 Billion USD, why go for a war?

Thats why I think NOKO will not go for a war option, its rumored that the deal is working already between the two because Iran is delayed by 2 years, cause they have to reconfigure all their centrifuges which succumbed to STUXNET.

obviously, US can't force others sanct Iran, such as China, India,Russia, if then go on trade with Iran, US can't do any more. So US let them out the sanctions that every one save face

But its a reality, cant you see it?
Almost whole world stopped trading with Iran why?
Why you fund, provide arms to Hamas n Hizubullah - UN declared terror outfits?
It means you are going against world democratic body like UNO.
Now, if you do that, why cry, if UNO is paying you back in a same coin?
Sorry, Iran has to comply first.
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