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Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says

you are putting the cart before the horse: jews and americans didn't start to hate iran because of some un findings; they hated iran so much that they forced un to fabricate evidence against iran and sanction iran. i think un and all its subcidiaries are regularly strongarmed by jews and angloamericans and are therefore regularly wrong. but in each such strongarming incidents, there are friends of iran who tried to push back and preserve for iran some favorable terms, and americans and jews won't be able to strongarm un forever, which is why even for a declared nuclear power like north korea, i still see advantage to staying in the un. and i don't know what you really know about un sanctions: leaving the un doesn't void the sanctions, which will continue to apply to un members, and it is not like un is seriously enforcing its sanctions against iran in all its members, some of which are too powerful for un to poke its nose in, like china and india which have continued to trade with iran.

and if you really take un sanctions so seriously, don't whine when india is next hit by un sanctions.

Dance with UN endorsed sanctions or withdraw your signature from UNO.
It's You who is accusing Iran... then Iran should prove it? you must come up with evidence and documents not Iran while there is no sign which indicates Iran seeking making nuclear weapon, furthermore UN is consisted of 196 countries which means politic involves in decision making process in it ... in many cases 5 permanent members of this council have misused their privileges given by this council to them , e.g. Russia on Georgia war, USA halted any ceasefire resolution in Lebonan war because it thought Hezbollah would finally get defeated by isarel, why US vetoes all resolution against israel? isn't it undemocratic action?All members of this council has got nukes about 95% of nuclear weapons on this planet belong to them more then 80% of wars conflicts are due to their hegemony goals, and you are telling me it's a democratic one? if it's why do they have veto right? why do they have to be permanent members?

If Iran is not happy with UNO, leave it, quit it quickly.
Or else it would tantamount to hypocrisy.

The other option is to not leave, but whine n dine come every sun shine, that wont fetch you a pack of biscuit either.

Iran is running out of option.
@ashok321 Two members of SC are against any military action on Iran. There are over dozen countries that are in exception list to trade with Iran which includes India and China.

I think India and China policy makers are way more rational and logical regarding this issue. Kindly consider that US and most important ally of India, ever, Israel is against Iran.

Handling Iran and Israel separately is not an easy task. I believe in decision of Indian Foreign Policy makers.
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If Iran is not happy with UNO, leave it, quit it quickly.
Or else it would tantamount to hypocrisy.

The other option is to not leave, but whine n dine come every sun shine, that wont fetch you a pack of biscuit either.

Iran is running out of option.

It's not binary to have 0 or 1, on or off , UN belongs to all nations, if some drunk prehistorical bullies are misusing it, that doesn't mean the rest of the countries should chicken out and leave it. a corrupted system should be corrected not neglected or abandoned be sure it would happen very soon, one of the UN duties is protecting members' sovereignty and right, on the contrary, now it is translated in protecting hegemonic goals of handful numbers of countries.

We do respect international laws and protocols but it's a 2way road, Iran's ever never violated NPT and reporting Iran nuclear program to UNSC happened base on political grounds there was no reason to do so while there was no evidence against Iran therefore any resolution against Iran passed by council regarding this field is baseless.
@ashok321 Two members of SC are against any military action on Iran. There are over dozen countries that are in exception list to trade with Iran which includes India and China.

I think India and China policy makers are way more rational and logical regarding this issue. Kindly consider that US and most important ally of India, ever, Israel is against Iran.

Handling Iran and Israel separately is not an easy task. I believe in decision of Indian Foreign Policy makers.

SC=P-5, if two are against means 3 for, that means majority against Iran.
The golden rule, majority is authority.

Iran and India are working on US WAIVER, which is extendable as per the wishes of USA:

U.S. extends waivers on Iran oil sanctions to China, India - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

U.S. extends waivers on Iran sanctions to India, China | Reuters

U.S. extends waivers on Iran sanctions to India, China | Reuters

India has practically (almost) stopped MOST of Iranian oil import because refusal of underwriters to furnish Insurance and some catalysts import for refineries.

Finally you believe in Indian foreign policy makers, that means it is INDIA that you believe into.
INDIA, that is at the mercy of US waiver on Oil imports, so is China.


It's not binary to have 0 or 1, on or off , UN belongs to all nations, if some drunk prehistorical bullies are misusing it, that doesn't mean the rest of the countries should chicken out and leave it. a corrupted system should be corrected not neglected or abandoned be sure it would happen very soon, one of the UN duties is protecting members' sovereignty and right, on the contrary, now it is translated in protecting hegemonic goals of handful numbers of countries.

We do respect international laws and protocols but it's a 2way road, Iran's ever never violated NPT and reporting Iran nuclear program to UNSC happened base on political grounds there was no reason to do so while there was no evidence against Iran therefore any resolution against Iran passed by council regarding this field is baseless.

What is Iran's option then?
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Sanctions hurt Iranian people not our governors and I ensure you our governors care about their balls more than 75 millions of Iranians .

So there will be no problem for our governors if people die because of politics . ( the same in every country involved in such stuffs ) .

I'd better go , In a couple of hours Soheil comes and says blah blah blah
What is Iran's option then?

8 years war encouraged us to stand on our own feet and be independent, Iran says all she demands is approval of its full right under NPT then she would agree with full transparency, full access to all facilities and intrusive inspections (even more than what is taken place right now) we'd like to resolve this issue through negotiation Iran's put many sensible well-balance suggestions on the table to reach a win-win outcome of it for two sides, but as far as this issue is merely a political one Iran's been rebuffed in many cases, Iran doesn't trust western countries esp the US.

Recently two sides have signaled their willingness to talk directly, I mean it's the only rational solution which if reaches a dead end we continue our path to protect our rights and sovereignty because we do know if we back down US will find another pretext to put pressure on Iran nuclear program is just an excuse, Shah intended to make a bomb and American were well aware of it what they did was nothing instead they gave him most sophisticated and modern weaponry such as jet fighters, but now although our program is under control they impose sanctions.
8 years war encouraged us to stand on our own feet and be independent, Iran says all she demands is approval of its full right under NPT then she would agree with full transparency, full access to all facilities and intrusive inspections (even more than what is taken place right now) we'd like to resolve this issue through negotiation Iran's put many sensible well-balance suggestions on the table to reach a win-win outcome of it for two sides, but as far as this issue is merely a political one Iran's been rebuffed in many cases, Iran doesn't trust western countries esp the US.

Recently two sides have signaled their willingness to talk directly, I mean it's the only rational solution which if reaches a dead end we continue our path to protect our rights and sovereignty because we do know if we back down US will find another pretext to put pressure on Iran nuclear program is just an excuse, Shah intended to make a bomb and American were well aware of it what they did was nothing instead they gave him most sophisticated and modern weaponry such as jet fighters, but now although our program is under control they impose sanctions.

West know that you are buying time, and at the same time keep on keeping your Uranium Enrichment centrifuges spinning. Because nothing came out of dialogue but protracted dates, this they think is Iranian subterfuge.

The next logical step from west would be the war, as Obama has used a diplomatic term by saying "all option are on the table"
In which case, the chance of Iranian victory seem dim, when you dont see the enemy, but see Shock n Awe.

For you to think that US can not destroy your plants or put a dent into them, in a way that they are rendered inoperable, you are living on mars.

The STUXNET has already damaged your many centrifuges that you are reconfiguring, that would take you two years, because STUXNET is not totally gone from Iran, it has generated its own residency and work permit in Iran.

Live with it.

Sanctions hurt Iranian people not our governors and I ensure you our governors care about their balls more than 75 millions of Iranians .

So there will be no problem for our governors if people die because of politics . ( the same in every country involved in such stuffs ) .

I'd better go , In a couple of hours Soheil comes and says blah blah blah

Dont be afraid of Mutawa.

Tehran prepares for an unhappy holiday season | World news | The Guardian

Iranian capital's usually joyous Persian festival, Nowruz, is clouded by fear of war, exhaustion and public ange

Media workers in Iran say government monitors are telling journalists to refrain from reporting about the effects of Western sanctions on the country's economy and about soaring prices for everyday goods.

An editor at one Iranian economic daily, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the topic, told The Times that censors had warned the top editor to avoid publishing negative headlines about the impact of sanctions. The editor, said the source, was urged to switch to more positive headlines. As an example of a desired headline, the censor cited the following, he said: “Iran is developing oil fields, says oil minister.”


Iran media warned off of reporting negatively on economy, sanctions - latimes.com
West know that you are buying time, and at the same time keep on keeping your Uranium Enrichment centrifuges spinning. Because nothing came out of dialogue but protracted dates, this they think is Iranian subterfuge.

The next logical step from west would be the war, as Obama has used a diplomatic term by saying "all option are on the table"
In which case, the chance of Iranian victory seem dim, when you dont see the enemy, but see Shock n Awe.

For you to think that US can not destroy your plants or put a dent into them, in a way that they are rendered inoperable, you are living on mars.

The STUXNET has already damaged your many centrifuges that you are reconfiguring, that would take you two years, because STUXNET is not totally gone from Iran, it has generated its own residency and work permit in Iran.

Live with it.

Dont be afraid of Mutawa.

Tehran prepares for an unhappy holiday season | World news | The Guardian


I dare you to do it, then you'll be witness such a hell you've invited yourself "all options are on the table" means nothing to us actually we don't give a $hit to it,

The point is, even if Iran is after acquiring nuke it's just what the US did 7 decades ago which was used against civilian in Japan at once, therefore and as a matter of fact if you consider such a right for your own, so do we. Besides if your viruses is working and sabotaging then why are you so eager to wage a war so fast, let them to take care of it.

Our centrifuges are spinning by virtue of our absolute right under the NPT, there is no wrong with them and be sure they keep spinning to **** sb over ocean off.

About that piece of news I could say: As is said in my first post your country enjoys an ailing economy while you are not targeted unfairly by sanctions and embargo.
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Sorry man , but you're trying to use my complain for your benefit to show how poor Iranians are .

Iran has problems and there are too many *** holes in our government but it doesn't mean the rest that doing their job are guilty . never forget that Iranians paying the price of the US and European libertinage and greed including our governors' mistakes .

but I still appreciate the will of the ones believe in this country and independence and trying hard to help the country advance and can't ignore the advantages of IR while can't ignore their mistakes too .

Adding that , Iranians don't care about the war and what American clowns say every day cos we know there is no ball between their legs they just care about a good and happy life for their families and a better economy .
sanctions not working??dont look at india or china..:whistle:
I dare you to do it, then you'll be witness such a hell you've invited yourself "all options are on the table" means nothing to us actually we don't give a $hit to it,

The point is, even if Iran is after acquiring nuke it's just what the US did 7 decades ago which was used against civilian in Japan at once, therefore and as a matter of fact if you consider such a right for your own, so do we. Besides if your viruses is working and sabotaging then why are you so eager to wage a war so fast, let them to take care of it.

Our centrifuges are spinning by virtue of our absolute right under the NPT, there is no wrong with them and be sure they keep spinning to **** sb over ocean off.

About that piece of news I could say: As is said in my first post your country enjoys an ailing economy while you are not targeted unfairly by sanctions and embargo.

The west or Israel is not seeking Iranian blood, they just do not want Iranian bomb. Because you have threatened the democratic Israel to be wiped from the map.

Since its a standoff situation, lets see who blinks, one has it (might) or one who suffers (sanctions).
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