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Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says

Concrete? steel tanks are blown apart.
You can only undermine yr enemy to your own peril.
I dont think the US might come to think of B61-11.
Oh , now we are talking nuclear , very interesting .
How is it a typo when you say the following in your original statement:

You have already said its UN which has SC in yr previous statement, it means you did not know about US sanctions.

A typographical error is a mistake made in the typing process (such as spelling). But your wording was perfect in the sentence without any grammatical mistakes.

Dude, United Nations consists of 193 sovereign nations.When you say U.N has put sanctions on Iran, it means all those 193 countries have agreed on sanctions on Iran.

But Security council has 5 permanent members with veto rights, they were the ones who put sanctions on Iran, and others have to follow it,otherwise they will be punished. Many countries have called for a change in UNSC cruel order in which 5 countries who have participated in almost all bloody wars directly or indirectly in last 200 years, decide for world's peace and security.That's ridiculous.

So I am right when I say that's the rule of jungle.Security council is a part of U.N, but it's not the U.N, there is a huge difference.If they think international community is so united against Iran, why don't they put Iran's nuclear program and sanctions act on vote in U.N general assembly?Is there anything they are afraid of? We don't give a crap what 5 countries who don't represent the world might say, and we won't back down from our nuclear rights,no matter what.
The United States, Israel, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Over the false allegation, Washington and the European Union have imposed several rounds of illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In addition, the IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that Iran’s civilian nuclear program has been diverted to nuclear weapons production.

Iran saying this much is enough. If I were to make a decision, I would say Iran is truthful as it is arrayed against congenital liars and propagandists - US and Israel.
I'm glad you mentioned this article as it seems you have forgot we answered all of the question in that article except that ridiculous claims about the laptop to IAEA in just half a day and proved they are all wrong or miss-understanding for example all the contamination in the devices were later proven to be due to the fact that beside the blue prints we imported several second hand centrifuge fro the Pakistan and they were used in Pakistan nuclear program .
and it was proven that there was no activity about plutonium enrichment and also we didn't imported any Uranium metal.

about the additional protocol the writer of the article get it totally wrong , we never accepted the additional protocol and certainly never ratified it in our parliament.what happened was that we said we voluntarily for a amount of time abide by additional protocol to see what is west reaction . and if yo want to know what was their reaction let me tell you at the time that we abide by that additional protocol and stopped all nuclear activity west rewarded us with two round of sanctions . so we decided enough is enough and started our peaceful nuclear activities.

and about those ridiculous claims about that laptop from James bound movies our answer is simple if you want us make any comment about those claims and answer claims about question based n te materials from it you must first show us the evidence you took from the laptop as till you show us them we consider them non-existent .

In 2002, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began investigating allegations that
Iran had conducted clandestine nuclear activities. Ultimately, the agency reported that some of
these activities had violated Tehran’s IAEA safeguards agreement

Iran’s failure to notify the IAEA of its decision to enrich uranium to a maximum of 20% uranium-235 in time for agency inspectors to adjust their safeguards procedures may, according to a February 2010 report from Amano, have violated Iran’s IAEA safeguards agreement.

Tehran may also have violated provisions of Article II which state that non-nuclear-weapon
states-parties shall not “manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices” or “seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or
other nuclear explosive devices.”

As noted, the IAEA is continuing to investigate evidence of what El Baradei described in June
2008 as “possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.”Such activities may indicate
that Tehran has violated both Article II provisions described above

The breadth of Iran’s nuclear development efforts, the secrecy and deceptions with which
they have been conducted for nearly 20 years, its redundant and surreptitious procurement
channels, Iran’s persistent failure to comply with its obligations to report to the IAEA and to
apply safeguards to such activities, and the lack of a reasonable economic justification for
this program leads us to conclude that Iran is pursuing an effort to manufacture nuclear weapons, and has sought and received assistance in this effort in violation of Article II of the
first show me when or where any Iranian said such thing . then prove that we meant to destroy Israel ourselves .

By the way Mr. Khomeini in a later to Gorbachev told him if USSR don't change its way and ideology it will be something of past. and in less than 5 years of that later USSR fall .
now are you giving us the credit for wiping USSR of the map or exactly what ahmadinejad qouted f Me. Khomeini "wiped from pages of time"


President Ahmadinejad speaking at the conference in Tehran (Fars)
Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's call for Israel to be "wiped off the map" has triggered a sharp international response and widespread condemnation. Ahmadinejad made the comments yesterday at a conference in Tehran entitled "The World without Zionism." Following the remarks, Israel said it considers Iran "a clear and present danger" and Washington said the comments highlight U.S. concerns about Iran's nuclear activities. Several countries, including Great Britain, France, and Spain said they would summon their Iranian envoys to demand an explanation.


Concrete? steel tanks are blown apart.
You can only undermine yr enemy to your own peril.
I dont think the US might come to think of B61-11.

Once you attack Iran, NPT would fall apart it would make it clear that it's just a watchdog for some powers armed with nukes to hold back the rest of countries , then you'd give us an excuse to make a bomb, then there would be no control on Iran's program because we'd already exited this treaty.

There is no doubt that USA could make trouble for us as we are capable to do the same by you can not bomber knowledge.

In 2002, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began investigating allegations that
Iran had conducted clandestine nuclear activities. Ultimately, the agency reported that some of
these activities had violated Tehran’s IAEA safeguards agreement

Iran’s failure to notify the IAEA of its decision to enrich uranium to a maximum of 20% uranium-235 in time for agency inspectors to adjust their safeguards procedures may, according to a February 2010 report from Amano, have violated Iran’s IAEA safeguards agreement.

Tehran may also have violated provisions of Article II which state that non-nuclear-weapon
states-parties shall not “manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices” or “seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or
other nuclear explosive devices.”

As noted, the IAEA is continuing to investigate evidence of what El Baradei described in June
2008 as “possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.”Such activities may indicate
that Tehran has violated both Article II provisions described above

The breadth of Iran’s nuclear development efforts, the secrecy and deceptions with which
they have been conducted for nearly 20 years, its redundant and surreptitious procurement
channels, Iran’s persistent failure to comply with its obligations to report to the IAEA and to
apply safeguards to such activities, and the lack of a reasonable economic justification for
this program leads us to conclude that Iran is pursuing an effort to manufacture nuclear weapons, and has sought and received assistance in this effort in violation of Article II of the

You can continue your efforts to post more allegations that have been already answered, it doesn't help you.

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Once you attack Iran, NPT would fall apart it would make it clear that it's just a watchdog for some powers armed with nukes to hold back the rest of countries , then you'd give us an excuse to make a bomb, then there would be no control on Iran's program because we'd already exited this treaty.

There is no doubt that USA could make trouble for us as we are capable to do the same by you can not bomber knowledge.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...orking-us-commander-says-6.html#ixzz2OwI8kw2B

Do what is good for your nation.
manufacture bombs, or invited bombs from Israel-US.
Choice is yours.
Good luck.
In 2002, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began investigating allegations that
Iran had conducted clandestine nuclear activities. Ultimately, the agency reported that some of
these activities had violated Tehran’s IAEA safeguards agreement

Iran’s failure to notify the IAEA of its decision to enrich uranium to a maximum of 20% uranium-235 in time for agency inspectors to adjust their safeguards procedures may, according to a February 2010 report from Amano, have violated Iran’s IAEA safeguards agreement.

Tehran may also have violated provisions of Article II which state that non-nuclear-weapon
states-parties shall not “manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices” or “seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or
other nuclear explosive devices.”

As noted, the IAEA is continuing to investigate evidence of what El Baradei described in June
2008 as “possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.”Such activities may indicate
that Tehran has violated both Article II provisions described above

The breadth of Iran’s nuclear development efforts, the secrecy and deceptions with which
they have been conducted for nearly 20 years, its redundant and surreptitious procurement
channels, Iran’s persistent failure to comply with its obligations to report to the IAEA and to
apply safeguards to such activities, and the lack of a reasonable economic justification for
this program leads us to conclude that Iran is pursuing an effort to manufacture nuclear weapons, and has sought and received assistance in this effort in violation of Article II of the

about first part as I said all of them answered in half day and proved to be wrong assumption and based on fake evidence

about second part , we have the right to enrich Uranium to 20% in fact according to NPT we have the right of enrichment to 99% if we want for example build a nuclear powered ship or submarine . and the enrichment to 20% started in Natanz enrichment facilities which have always been under full control of IAEA and we announced our intention to IAEA just 180 day before introducing nuclear materials as it's expected of us according to our safeguards . remember our safeguard won't ask us inform IAEA about our activities unless we are working on nuclear materials . , well we usually tell IAEA sooner for example we announced Fordow more than 2 years before introducing ay nuclear materials , but 20% enrichment was an emergency and was tied to the live of millions of Iranians who were depended on Tehran research reactor products for their lives . we were ran out of time as our duel were finishing soon and Dear USA stopped any country sell us fuel and for gods sake we warned IAEA and the rest of the world several time if you don't sell us te fuel we will made it ourselves . It's not our problem that you guys didn't believed us.

about 3td part I even don't need to answer anything as its just assumption and there is not even a single evidence for that

about 4th part it's all come back to the fake and funny Laptop that they only call it Black Box but they don't show it to anybody . well if any body want any answer from us about that funny claims that even made James Bond laugh they must show us the evidence not just say we have such thing . if you have them then show it to us otherwise it's just lie and fake claims .

and about the last part , secrecy on this matter is our right and I stress again according to our safeguards we only obliged to announce our activities just 180 day before introduction of nuclear materials , not even a single minute sooner. and if it has no economic justification then why USA and Russia have it as they have more oil and Gas than us. and yor conclusion is just like those people who at night each touched a part of elephant in darkness and each one described the animal completely wrong .

President Ahmadinejad speaking at the conference in Tehran (Fars)
Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's call for Israel to be "wiped off the map" has triggered a sharp international response and widespread condemnation. Ahmadinejad made the comments yesterday at a conference in Tehran entitled "The World without Zionism." Following the remarks, Israel said it considers Iran "a clear and present danger" and Washington said the comments highlight U.S. concerns about Iran's nuclear activities. Several countries, including Great Britain, France, and Spain said they would summon their Iranian envoys to demand an explanation.


Ahmadinejad says Israel will disappear | Reuters

at least read your article . I didn't read the original Persian news but it's from your article
"You should know that the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime which has 60 years of plundering, aggression and crimes in its file has reached the end of its work and will soon disappear off the geographical scene," he said.

see no wiped out of the map and then at the middle of the article again those bogus claims about wipe out of the map maybe this article help you to understand how western medias are just bunch of liars . the funny part is that Ahmadinejad didn't evene named Israel by name.
Chossudovsky’s New Book: “Wipe Israel off the Map” Statement by Iranian Leader was Gross Distortion

and even Israel minister believe that phrase is a total lie
Last week, Teymoor Nabili of Al Jazeera suggested during an interview with Dan Meridor, Israel’s minister of intelligence and atomic energy, that Mr. Ahmadinejad’s rhetorical flourish had been misinterpreted. “This idea that Iran wants to wipe Israel out,” Mr. Nabili said, “now that’s a common trope that is put about by a lot of people in Israel, a lot of people in the United States, but as we know Ahmadinejad didn’t say that he plans to exterminate Israel, nor did he say that Iran’s policy is to exterminate Israel.”
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