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Reason Why Pakistan hates Israel



You cant fight with logic so your using my mistakes if you knew its mistake you knew what i meant to say it is enough for me i know your wrong so you have nothing to proove me wrong

There should only be love, no hate :)
Agreed but if some one interfear in your pribleums via india you will be hated

You cant fight with logic so your using my mistakes if you knew its mistake you knew what i meant to say it is enough for me i know your wrong so you have nothing to proove me wrong

Agreed but if some one interfear in your pribleums via india you will be hated
Let the people make fun atleast you bring some SMILE. Keep going you are good actually.
Thanx knight i dont care you will get people around you always negative type who always oppose you right or wrong these people are as them and i dont care let them atleast what i say makes sense to me.
Thanx knight i dont care you will get people around you always negative type who always oppose you right or wrong these people are as them and i dont care let them atleast what i say makes sense to me.
My Friend actually I like you and find you more true what ever you say.
Be like that and enjoy life.

There is nobody in PDF perfect or expert so whatever anyone says is confined to this silicon world.
My Friend actually I like you and find you more true what ever you say.
Be like that and enjoy life.

There is nobody in PDF perfect or expert so whatever anyone says is confined to this silicon world.
Everyone in world with something special in vtgem and something wrong too so i agree with you
There should only be love, no hate :)
In real I dont hate Israel but the Zionism Mind Behind It...and "Love for Israel(Zionists)" is like loving a murderer who will kill you any time when he see a chance and you still wanna love him = your a stupid person that cant see it coming(wasnt for u)...and hate for Israel(zionists) is the best policy for Israel unless they solve their case with Palestine with peace...Which every Muslim and sensible person can see...Yes its true that we should try to be friends with the enemy and solve our problems by using diplomatic policy but believe me my friend I rather choose India to be friends who and we fought 4 direct wars rather than going for Israel...And we all know what will be the end of Israel...

Im not a hardliner but the fact is a fact you cant change it :-)
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There was no need to give Muslims a separate land, when they had been living on the same land for hundreds of years. Yes, Israel became the bastion for all Jews, but then a lot of Jews had been dwelling there for centuries. The land of the David has been the focal point for the Christians, Muslims and the Jews. The Christians had their Europe/Africa, Muslims had plenty of places, but not the Jews. They demanded a separate land from their colonialists in London and they got it.

About getting rid of European Semitism, plenty of Jews lived for long in Europe and did not migrate to Israel anyway. Many actually chose to go across the Atlantic to USA, than go to Israel.

But then again, There was no need for a separate land of Pakistan, what did you achieve? Was whatever you envisioned actually achievable?

The reality is, you ripped apart the millions who migrated on both sides of the partition, which was nothing less than what happened when the Palestinian land was partitioned. The left overs are in both places, there are Muslims in the Indian politics, there are Arab Muslims in Israeli one.

Whether the need was justified or not(especially in the long run) is a different question.. but the question of whether they both had the same motivation is what I disagree with. One had much more grounding in religion whilst the other hand to do with economics and political power.

Just because Pakistan used a far more recent starting point for its historic justification - that of Muslim regionalism and bin Qasim landing in Sindh compared to Jews using 2000BC as their starting point, does not mean that Pakistan had "less religious idealism in its crux".

Pakistan had equal if religious idealism in its crux. It was nothing but religious idealism.

And Pakistan merely had a higher percentage of people Muslims living in that land already compared to Jews living in Israel. If percentage is supposedly the main issue for you, maybe you should decide what percentage constitutes 'right' and 'wrong' in your perverted view.

Because ultimately millions of Hindus and Sikhs were made to leave what is today Pakistan to make way for Muslims. Just like millions of Muslims were made to leave Israel for Jews! Yet Pakistanis hate Israeli's for their removal of Muslims and yet are most comfortable with the Hindus and Sikhs being made to leave Pakistan by Muslims

The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

There is absolutely zero difference on the basics/substance of Israel and Pakistan beyond superfluous differences which are being and are generally used by Pakistani's to try and show some great difference. And one that no one but other Pakistanis buy.
The horseshit lies in in your own understanding of the core causes that led the leaders of the Muslim league come up with Pakistan. You seem to mistake political sloganeering for what was the original mission statement that envisioned a place where Muslims would hold sway over political and economic decisions, which the leadership of the Muslims League feared that they would not in a united India(if that assumption was correct or incorrect is another question) . All the hulabullo about "Pakistan ka matlab kya..." was and still is for the consumption of the masses.
As for your own whining about Hindus and Sikhs leaving their land.. Millions of muslims left their lands too.. as if your own hypocrisy would even accept that.

And you better tone yourself down or I will do that for you.
Whether the need was justified or not(especially in the long run) is a different question.. but the question of whether they both had the same motivation is what I disagree with. One had much more grounding in religion whilst the other hand to do with economics and political power.

Both had grounding in religion and politics and power.
At the time, you really couldn't separate the two. Who benefited the most from the creation of Pakistan?
Yes, the industrial/feudal elite, who would have had to compete with the rest had there been no Pakistan. So while India broke the feudal system, you very much still have one alive in Pakistan that has it's arms and legs fully immersed in the politics.

If Islam was the reason, and that Muslims really needed a separate homeland, then why wasn't Sharia imposed from the the gitgo? The 14th August 1947? Clearly that wasn't the case, neither did Jinnah agree with that.

Just because the Jews took whatever land they had and actually ended up ruling the region and by their clever and intellectual elite, serve the greater Israeli purpose due to their scientific, cultural and economic prowess, in Pakistan, the same type of elite had powers vested for their personal interests only. The motherland then was worthy of the leftovers.

You can disagree with the motivation, but the facts that clearly i am sure you as well understand are that British were the 'owners' of India and Palestine. They could do whatever they wanted. With Palestine, they gave the land to Jews. With India they gave the land to the Muslims.
Now is that not the same or am i really missing something here?
Though relations don’t exist officially, but if one observes history, both countries share a lot of similarities, Both faced existential threat from conventionally larger hostile forces and neighbours who refused to recognize their existence, Infact Zionist Movement shares a lot of similarities with Pakistan movement, they wanted a separate homeland for jewish people where they could live under their culture, while muslims of North western regions of subcontinent sought the same, when partition occurred in 1947 , people were killed, raped, looted and uprooted from their ancestral homes (from both sides of Punjab) , while same thing happened in Israel’s creation, with many Palestinians being uprooted from their homes. However, many were left behind, today Israel has 20% of its population which is Palestinian/Arab and Muslims and they are citizens of Israel and Pakistan has a lot of Sikhs and Hindus, who are loyal to Pakistan.

There have been clandestine contacts between the two, since both were in American camp. All the weapons for Mujahideen in Afghan war, were airlifted to Pakistan by Mossaad, it was a coordinated effort to push the Russians out. Recently back in 2010, there were unconfirmed reports of Pakistan buying Precision guided munitions from Israel via a third party, but it was officially denied.

If two state solution becomes a reality, with Palestine and Israel existing side by side, Pakistan and Israel should definitely recognize each other, infact this was stated by Musharraf, when he addressed the American Jewish Congress. Israel is the pioneer in innovation and no matter how much you criticize it, it has survived against all odds, due to its constantly evolving military industry. A defence relationship between the two will benefit Pakistan immensely along with cooperation in other fields of technology.
Are you imagining it never happened i dont know which book u are reading 1400 ago islam got birth by our PROPHET MOHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) GREATEST HUMAN BEING LIVED EVER he ndver preached to kill anyone even jew if he lives with you in peace si take ur dubbies ideas

If jews are that good what brutality they have done with tanks helis missile against palestanian who have AK 47 and RPG destroying theur homes when they retaliate u say these are terrorist dont provoke anyone provoker himself is biggest terrorist
if your homes get destroyed your child get killed than we see it is easier to support powerfull but hard to support weak

Please read the following.
Invasion of Banu Qurayza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So much intentions by an Israeli about Pakistan. They want to denuclearize us but some of Pakistanis still think
Pakistan should recognize israel even on this forum.
for youtube victims;
Zalmos Free web proxy!
for regulars:
Why Israel should Support India - A Jews Perspective - YouTube
I feel very sad how can someone recognize a country who is the butcher on Thousands of innocent Palestini children, women, veterans etc(to all who say israel wants ties with Pakistan).:hitwall::(
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIsraelPakistan_relations


Israel is a reality my man---and not all Pakistanis hate Israel----most of them don't care about the issue anymore. I think we should recognize Israel and move ahead with our live.----.
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