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Reason Why Pakistan hates Israel

They are not pakistanis first of all i tell u 80 percent of insurgents are afghanis uzbeks tajiks arabs etc only few pakistani how u said they are our people and these people take funding by india israel etc so dont make stupid comments and not compare situation of israel with pak

So you accept that 20% of them are Pakistanis. Right? They are bombed from Helis and planes in their own country. They are droned also.

No it is Israel land on which Palestinis want an occupation.

Israel is occyping pakestine
palestanian people want backs its land
srael is only destroying we are re building so huge diffetence and i know beong indian u never accept it it is not ur fault it is education which u get in india anti pak which is coming out of ur mind u indians never be happy if we dont act u indian cry when we act against terror u still cry

First of all tell us why did you guys allowed your own citizens to be bombed by US?

As I mentioned ...... Jews are not enemies ...... but still Israel is enemy and a few ones ...... it's bit religious stuff


So what are you going to do to Israel?
Why Pakistan hated South Africa?
Why Pakistan hates Israel?
Its not a question. A country can't hate any other country or illegal state. Banning or not having relations intentionally with ciuntries shows a country's foreign policy on things like illegal occupation, state terrorism and racism etc :coffee:

Why Pakistan hated South Africa?
Why Pakistan hates Israel?
Its not a question. A country can't hate any other country or illegal state. Banning or not having relations intentionally with ciuntries shows a country's foreign policy on things like illegal occupation, state terrorism and racism etc :coffee:
Whether the need was justified or not(especially in the long run) is a different question.. but the question of whether they both had the same motivation is what I disagree with. One had much more grounding in religion whilst the other hand to do with economics and political power.

The horseshit lies in in your own understanding of the core causes that led the leaders of the Muslim league come up with Pakistan. You seem to mistake political sloganeering for what was the original mission statement that envisioned a place where Muslims would hold sway over political and economic decisions, which the leadership of the Muslims League feared that they would not in a united India(if that assumption was correct or incorrect is another question) . All the hulabullo about "Pakistan ka matlab kya..." was and still is for the consumption of the masses.
As for your own whining about Hindus and Sikhs leaving their land.. Millions of muslims left their lands too.. as if your own hypocrisy would even accept that.

And you better tone yourself down or I will do that for you.
Tone myself down? You find my tone offensive? Well good luck changing that, I speak nothing but the truth which may be offensive for you. Getting banned from a thread or an online forum isn't the end of the world.

Whatever inclinations Jinnah had is irrelevant in this case because the common Muslim on the street - the one without whose support Jinnah could have done nothing, the one who killed and died multiple times to ensure the creation of Pakistan - did not support Jinnah because "Muslims would hold sway over political and economic decisions". S/He did it because it was "for Islam".

Jinnah might have had different motivations in what you mention, but it happened because the man on the street was fighting for "Islam in South Asia" and "Islam khatray main hai". The "Pakistan ka matlab kya" was just a slogan for consumption of masses but it is the masses who drive anything and everything and without whom nothing can be achieved.

Therefore, in that, the motivation of the Jews and Muslims were exactly the same - a homeland for Jews/Muslims. One just happened to be in Middle East and one in South Asia. The "others" on that land were driven away - the Muslims in Israel and Hindus/Sikhs in Pakistan.

The creation of Israel and Pakistan are almost identical in all but the most minor ways. It is these minor differences that you are trying to play up and trying to project as something substantially or fundamentally different.

As far as Muslims being driven away from India are concerned - unlike you, I have zero compunctions in acknowledging that. This however is a thread about Pakistan and Israel and so my post is geared towards that.
So you accept that 20% of them are Pakistanis. Right? They are bombed from Helis and planes in their own country. They are droned also.

No it is Israel land on which Palestinis want an occupation.

First of all tell us why did you guys allowed your own citizens to be bombed by US?


So what are you going to do to Israel?
Nothing ...... hope they will resolve their issues and understand that war is not in their interests and Phlaestine belongs to Arabs too......
Did jordan give Palestinians statehood, when it was under it's control from 48 to 67, no hate for Jordanians though....Fun fact only countries to recognize Jordanian Occupation was iraq, Uk and Pakistan....:tup:

there is no land dispute with Jordan, incidentally a HUGE diaspora of Palestinians resides in Jordan (as they do elsewhere even in Lebanon)
there is no land dispute with Jordan, incidentally a HUGE diaspora of Palestinians resides in Jordan (as they do elsewhere even in Lebanon)
jeez, comprehension fail....
How can there be any land dispute, if they were kicked out by Israeli's in the six day war?
There is no need for Pakistan to hate any Nation on " God's Green Earth ".

We have a lot of disagreements with the state of Israel but we should never close the lines of communication with them.

I would like Pakistan to open an Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel and open a dialogue with this Nation.
not true, ask google

There is no need for Pakistan to hate any Nation on " God's Green Earth ".

We have a lot of disagreements with the state of Israel but we should never close the lines of communication with them.

I would like Pakistan to open an Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel and open a dialogue with this Nation.
despite they are the killers of thousands of Palestinians, other Muslims countries have recognized them because they have admitted defeat, I m not a Jihadi but I m ready to fight even in my 40s. Peace can never be brought to this world until some important issues are solved. If you are a Palestini and your children are killed in a bomb raid, what will you do?


Israel is a reality my man---and not all Pakistanis hate Israel----most of them don't care about the issue anymore. I think we should recognize Israel and move ahead with our live.----.
Same for you too my dear
despite they are the killers of thousands of Palestinians, other Muslims countries have recognized them because they have admitted defeat, I m not a Jihadi but I m ready to fight even in my 40s. Peace can never be brought to this world until some important issues are solved. If you are a Palestini and your children are killed in a bomb raid, what will you do?

they were like israel, you know nothing and please stop mocking our religion.

Pakistan is beyond some patriots like you so please do not speak on behalf of everybody. Pakistan does have significant population of those who hate Israel and those who wants to enjoy good relationship with all countries including Israel. Opposing their oppression towards Palestine is another matter and we could have been in better position to press Israel for amending it's relationship with Palestine if we had diplomatic and somewhat economic relationship with Israel

Israel is not the only country blamed for massacre of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. Even USA is accused of the same so why have relationship with them? Even colonial Britain was accused of the same so why did the whole world recognise them? Even your friend China is accused of oppressing minorities and suppressing basic human rights so why not break the ties with China?

I am not saying we should have friendly relationship with Israel but we can at least have a diplomatic relationship like some Arab nations does. Even Palestine does have some sort of relationship with Israel so we are literally closing our eyes in hope to get everything?

The way I see is, India has always had a strong foreign policy compared to Pakistan and due to obvious economic reasons they enjoyed better relationship with most nations in the world, Pakistan has apparently learned a lesson or two since past few years and we have seen dramatic shift of foreign policy towards Russia, Southeast Asia and Scandinavian countries where our relationship had not even mattered. Imagine, if we have a war against India, we already know that Israel will be supporting India as we even fail to recognise them but if we had some sort of diplomatic relationship there is a higher chance of neutralising these nations and minimising the threat coming towards us.

The policy of Russia for example as always been not to sell military weapons to Pakistan which has gradually been changed to sell specific items and most likely to be changed to no conditions barred in near future. I wouldn't be surprised if in coming years the relationship will be as strong as they might be neutralised against India just like in the case of USA or Britain.
I dont know why some qadyanis like you want pakistan to be a pro-israel, it is harder to support a weak and easy to support a strong.
despite they are the killers of thousands of Palestinians, other Muslims countries have recognized them because they have admitted defeat, I m not a Jihadi but I m ready to fight even in my 40s. Peace can never be brought to this world until some important issues are solved. If you are a Palestini and your children are killed in a bomb raid, what will you do?

I think we should end this hatred towards Israel. Yes we have a bone to pick with them and them with us. But the global dynamics are changing even it has to become a fr-enemy relation that is food enough. Economically we can achieve much if we open our doors with a slight check .
why they not stop hatred about Muslims, they should also stop intervening in foreign Muslim countries, you would have heard about the israeli nethanyahu saying about Palestine there will be no Palestine .

I removed parts of the post above as I wasn't going to address those, but I totally agree with your well written post. Israel and Pakistan had very similar reasons to exist, very similar in many ways (outside of Israel's become one of the most advanced countries and Pakistan is behind).

So you are right, why the birth of Pakistan considered legit and not Israel's? Second, this is a two nation thing like you highlighted and if both sides can make a peace accord with a two state solution, it'll help the world in lessening the extremism stance and it'll help the people on both sides as decades of fear, war, bomb blasts and violence would stop. Additionally, Muslim countries, like Pakistan and others, will have open relations with Israel, and trade, technology and military tech exchanges can take place, helping everyone.

There is no reason why Pakistan or Pakistani people need to hate Israel. In fact, Islamic history suggests (from the little that I know) that Jews and Muslims have lived side by side peacefully for centuries. So why the hate? Let everyone live in peace and lessen the intensity. I am sure there are millions of young men and women who would rather get better education, jobs and take care of their households, than get caught in the middle of violence. Pakistan also needs to start looking at her image as a bigger country and economy as it grows. Her image needs to look like an advanced country with tremendous opportunities, in a peaceful, stable environment. A peaceful, friendly, advanced Pakistan is in the world's best interest and hate for Israel or others shouldn't be a part of it.
For you too
despite they are the killers of thousands of Palestinians, other Muslims countries have recognized them because they have admitted defeat, I m not a Jihadi but I m ready to fight even in my 40s. Peace can never be brought to this world until some important issues are solved. If you are a Palestini and your children are killed in a bomb raid, what will you do?
despite they are the killers of thousands of Palestinians, other Muslims countries have recognized them because they have admitted defeat, Peace can never be brought to this world until some important issues are solved.

I am sorry, but your logic is SAD !!!:hitwall::hitwall:. See the bold above:

1) So if Israelis are the "killers of many Palestinians", so are almost all Muslim countries or majority of them. Take a look at the "Islamic Ummah Map". Where are people killed in scores EVERY FREAKING DAY? Its Saudi's killing Yemen, its Pakistanis killing Pakistanis, its Iranians killing Iraqi's, its ISIS killing everyone else inside three - four countries...... Saddam killed over 150 K people, Kaddafi had a similar record, people in Somalia,etc, etc, etc.

So how about you go stop muslims from killing other muslims in SCORES and EVERY DAY!!!! Your logic is sad and makes no sense. I can ASSURE you, you coundn't stop these killings ever. But in Israel's case, they only attack when there is a need or there was a bomb blast inside Israel killing people. Second, Israel and Palestine can have peace. All the Muslim countries listed above where violence goes on and there are armed militias killing each other, the peace is NO option!!!!

So how about you take a look inside your heart and realize you may need to focus your energies elsewhere as a LOT more people are getting killed by each other and THAT is NOT Israel and Palestine. That's just muslims against muslims, in almost half the Muslim world!!!

2) I agree, there are issues in the world that need to be resolved. But people like you coming on here and spreading jingoism and war mongering without looking at everywhere else, can resolve NOTHING. The only solution is to have peace on both sides and engage in discussions.

Reality is a bit*ch. The Palestinians need to realize, Israel is a sovereign state. They are here to stay and require peace just as much as anyone else. So if guarantees can be given, and long term peace is established, I am sure at some point, the peace will prevail and a two state option will come up. You can't ask a much stronger power in a game to put all their cards on the table and simply walk away. It doesn't work like this. Negotiations is the only key to resolve this. Not violence and certainly not asking for "give my land back".

Its like Indians saying, Pakistan was built on their land so all the Pakistanis can go eff themselves and return the land back to India!!!! Is it practical? Can it happen? NO. You've already fought four wars over it, what makes you think the Israelis should JUST walk away and have no place to live? Coexistence is the biggest thing lacking in the Islamic world. The countries who have learned to coexist and be tolerant, pretty much own the world, the US, the West, Israel, to some degree India, etc, etc, and take a look a their economies too!:cheers:
I dont know why some qadyanis like you want pakistan to be a pro-israel, it is harder to support a weak and easy to support a strong.
despite they are the killers of thousands of Palestinians, other Muslims countries have recognized them because they have admitted defeat, I m not a Jihadi but I m ready to fight even in my 40s. Peace can never be brought to this world until some important issues are solved. If you are a Palestini and your children are killed in a bomb raid, what will you do?

And you do know the punishment for allegations in Islam? I am a Muslim Alhamdullilah and do not need your certificate for that... and I am still confused about your logic of corrolating Qadiyani faith with having diplomatic relationship with Israel. If Turkey has diplomatic relationship with Israel.. By your logo... Is Turkey now a Qadiyani state? Please grow up

No I am not a Qadiyani
We all want co-existant and that is a human trait, unless you claim to be ''God's chosen''.

The Zionists have no rights over the occupied lands of Al-Shaam. What the treacherous Arabs do or agree has NO validity! We will NEVER sell our first Qiblah.

From an historical point of view, the Zionists are Hazaran converts from Central Asia. The Sumarian-Jews who lived peacefully with Muslims before the Zionists came.

I don't think you have HALF the command over the topic you are trying to write about.

And your bold parts state you want co-existent, but your posts smell of nothing but bigotry against Israel. Having double standards will show us you want to coexist???? How does that work?

Whether you believe it or not, or have real history down or not, the real history that I've read recently, would tell you that people of Medina welcomed the little tiny team of Muslims after their migration. In fact, majority of Jews supported these migrants with food, homes and by sharing their wealth. In that era, through the support of the residents of Medina (Christians and Jews), the little team of immigrant muslims gained strength. And they went back after a few years and won Meca. And that's where Islam started to spread. From this history lesson I learned recently, it tells me COEXISTENCE existed over 1400 years ago between Jews, Christians and Muslims!!!

So, from this history that I learned recently, what people like me and a few others are suggesting here is to give respect to the Jewish community and they will put their hand forward for a handshake. Don't expect them to leave their land like an idiot and take their millions of children away to some part of the planet that doesn't exist in real life. In fact, learn to COEXIST. People in general are humans, demonstration of respect, willing to talk, negotiate to resolve issues, and live peacefully, goes a LONG way.

There are dozens of muslims who die every month because of violent and extremist fractions inside muslim countries. People that have no regard for Islam or what it stands for. Yet, they present to the world a harsh version of Islam that's not the real religion. How about you focus on getting rid of these evil people who are too busy killing their own muslim citizens and giving your religion a bad name?
I don't think you have HALF the command over the topic you are trying to write about.

And your bold parts state you want co-existent, but your posts smell of nothing but bigotry against Israel. Having double standards will show us you want to coexist???? How does that work?

Whether you believe it or not, or have real history down or not, the real history that I've read recently, would tell you that people of Medina welcomed the little tiny team of Muslims after their migration. In fact, majority of Jews supported these migrants with food, homes and by sharing their wealth. In that era, through the support of the residents of Medina (Christians and Jews), the little team of immigrant muslims gained strength. And they went back after a few years and won Meca. And that's where Islam started to spread. From this history lesson I learned recently, it tells me COEXISTENCE existed over 1400 years ago between Jews, Christians and Muslims!!!

So, from this history that I learned recently, what people like me and a few others are suggesting here is to give respect to the Jewish community and they will put their hand forward for a handshake. Don't expect them to leave their land like an idiot and take their millions of children away to some part of the planet that doesn't exist in real life. In fact, learn to COEXIST. People in general are humans, demonstration of respect, willing to talk, negotiate to resolve issues, and live peacefully, goes a LONG way.

There are dozens of muslims who die every month because of violent and extremist fractions inside muslim countries. People that have no regard for Islam or what it stands for. Yet, they present to the world a harsh version of Islam that's not the real religion. How about you focus on getting rid of these evil people who are too busy killing their own muslim citizens and giving your religion a bad name?

As expected you conveniently ignored the book by a JEW, Israel Shahak. If he is not of your liking, then I suggest another book by Micheal Hoffman. Yes, I am knowledgeable on this topic. I suggest you keep reading up on the truth about the Zionist roots and where they're from. They have ZERO claim to the occupied lands of Al-Shaam. It was the British who backstabbed the Arabs and the Arabs backstabbed the Khilafth Al-Othmania

As far as the Hijrah to Madinah is concerned, It was the Muslim ANSAR who opened up their houses to the Muhajiroon, so where did the Jews fit in all this? I give you this much, the Jews did bring their disputes to the Prophet as'salathuwas'salaam for resolution when he was there. The Rabbaniyeen of Banu Qurazay broke the Treaty and took side against the Muslim in the Khazwah-Al Khandaq.

The Jews consistently challenged the authority of the Prophet as;salathuwas'salaam. The rabbaniyeen LIED against Prophet Musa as'salaam and claim to this day:

The Truth About The Talmud By Michael A. Hoffman

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

To explain the above:

Prophet Muhammad as'salaathu-was'salaam came to guide mankind from its evils. Islam doesn't adhere to arbitrary ages, rather than science when a person is classed as a child and adult. An adult is a person who can produce children. Period!

Nabi As'salaathu was'salaam marred Aisha radi'Allahhu anher at 6 years old and consummated it at 9 years old when she was a woman.

Note: Although the age of Aisha radi'Allahu anher is disputed, some scholars say it was 14-15 years is more correct due to time of Surah Al-Qamar being revealed and she was so and so age. Age of Aisha (ra) at time of marriage

Yes, there was co-existence in times of Umar radi-Alllahu an in Al-Shaam. The famous covenant of Umar gave rights to the People of the book (Jews and Christians). In lands of Andalusia when the Jews lived amongst us. When those lands were over ran by the crusaders and were butchering Muslims and the Jews; we left for Al-Maghrib. It was an Islamic state and the Jews lived their with security.

Before the Zionists came, the Jews lived in peace with Muslims in occupied Al-Shaam.

''Don't expect them to leave their land like an idiot and take their millions of children away to some part of the planet that doesn't exist in real life.''

So why should the Muslim of occupied Al-Shaam be driven out because of the British mandate? Who are they to dictate who can live in another persons country? Just because Christendom has guilt for the murder of 6 million Jews and stood by and watched; what has that got to with us (Muslims)? We took no part in this, infact our lands were occupied by the British. Give your own land to the Jews!

When you steal someones land and claim it as yours, this is NOT coexistence! This is land theft!

Firstly no one can give Islam a bad name. Muslims only give themselves a bad name! The point about ''Muslims'' killing Muslims is a valid one and are called Khawrij (extemists). The Prophet as'salthuwas'salaam called them 'the dogs of hell', that is where they will end up! Those cowards who target civilians, be they be Muslims or Non-Muslims is haram. Yes, even those who fly planes into buildings; civilians are innocent.

Our rules of engagement of very strict and unlike others who bomb and destroy nations and kill millions and say it's ''collateral'' damage. There is no such thing as revenge in Islam on this. Innocent are innocent!

Do you even know why the extremists are fighting Muslim governments?
Having good relations with Israel is in Pakistan's own interests .

but but but
we are not Arabs are we ? I mean we are not Jordan, KSA or Egypt for example are we?

Because PDF is full of westernized fanatics. Selling JF-17 to Myanmar? Who cares as long as they don't kill Pakistanis. Recognize Israel? Sure, we have nothing against them.

It seems everyone has forgotten that Islam is what is holding this nation together.
thats a good one man. any other joke?

but I disagree its Islam from Lal masjid to APS in Peshawar that is dismantling Pakistan.
actually it is Pakistan army that is holding Pakistan together
thats a good one man. any other joke?

but I disagree its Islam from Lal masjid to APS in Peshawar that is dismantling Pakistan.
actually it is Pakistan army that is holding Pakistan together

Yes, the Army holds Pakistan together, but it should also be observed that the Army uses Islam as a useful binding tool itself.
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