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Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan

Dude, don't mix apple and oranges!

I suppose what this man was doing was also pure business


Jonathan Pollard is imprisoned in the United States for espionage , the israelis are trying to get him off the hook by saying that oh well he was only interested in knowing about the Pakistani nuclear weapons program so US should set him free.

Whats your take ? good will for Pakistan that led to him infiltrating United States to dig up information on our nuclear weapons program ?
Dude, don't mix apple and oranges!

Pollard gathered intel on Arab and Soviet weaponry, not US military activities, CIA document reveals | The Times of Israel

According to the 1987 damage assessment of Pollard’s crimes, which was declassified on Friday, the US-born Jew who is currently serving a life sentence was not asked by his Israeli handlers to gather information on US military activities, as was widely believed, but rather, to collect US intelligence on Arab states, Pakistan and the Soviet Union, and especially their weapons systems.

only a very foolish person can ignore and disregard , this in your face attempt by an israeli spy to gather intelligence on one of the most critical aspect of Pakistan's national security, and going forward not learn from it to put in safe guard and counter intelligence measures.

Israelis do come into Pakistan using US passports but when they do we know about it and they are marked from the moment they enter till and their activities are closely monitored

Indian-Israeli collaboration is there at multiple levels against Pakistan and the threat from this is taken into account at the highest level at the Army Chief and Corp Commander level , regardless of what you may think the reality of this threat is otherwise , now feel free to play your game with the indian cheerleaders in this thread
It cannot be said with certainty but there are some reasons to assume that Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister of Pakistan, wittingly or unwittingly, played in the hands of RAW-Mossad masterminds. She appointed Rehman Malik as chief of the Federal Investigation Agency which then launched a secret war against the Islamists; amounting to a direct attack on the ISI.

This should be the most important piece of information and should give an idea about the quality of article.....
Pollard gathered intel on Arab and Soviet weaponry, not US military activities, CIA document reveals | The Times of Israel

only a very foolish person can ignore and disregard , this in your face attempt by an israeli spy to gather intelligence on one of the most critical aspect of Pakistan's national security, and going forward not learn from it to put in safe guard and counter intelligence measures.

Israelis do come into Pakistan using US passports but when they do we know about it and they are marked from the moment they enter till and their activities are closely monitored

Indian-Israeli collaboration is there at multiple levels against Pakistan and the threat from this is taken into account at the highest level at the Army Chief and Corp Commander level , regardless of what you may think the reality of this threat is otherwise , now feel free to play your game with the indian cheerleaders in this thread
you have no idea what's wrong with the proxies interfering with your country.
Pakistan is doomed ,why is every powerful country in the world wants to destroy Pakistan,just because they are the center of the world and the protectors of the muslim world. its a evil world.
Pakistan is doomed ,why is every powerful country in the world wants to destroy Pakistan,just because they are the center of the world and the protectors of the muslim world. its a evil world.
Is this crap, all you could come up with?
Well I know one thing is sure. Mossad and RAW will obvious be involved in nefarious activities in Pakistan, after all thats what our ISI is doing in India. So what is the big deal. Its all fair. Lets see who wins in the end. After all, CIA did beat KGB in the Cold War.
Israel & Indian aim is one. Israel wants to damage Pakistan in every possible way because Pakistan Nukes is an obstacle for them on the road of Greater Israel.
Any more conspiracy theories up your sleeve? Look at the source and author.............. :D
And do you still think its not happening when Israel and India twice were looking to attack our nuclear program are you that innocent Man they have been targeting Pakistan they have some offices in Afghanistan too and are trying to target Pakistan because for both Greater Israel and Greater India Pakistan has to be taken out first to achieve that goal
Pakistan is doomed ,why is every powerful country in the world wants to destroy Pakistan,just because they are the center of the world and the protectors of the muslim world. its a evil world.

Pakistan was already casted as enemy from the min it became nation. Even Jinnah (R.A) comments about Arab didn't help Israel feel safe about Pakistan which led to the paranoia of Israel towards Pakistan seeing as the nation of arab lovers.

It is ironic given the geographical location of both Pakistan and Israel, yet the strained relationship of both nations is quite staggering.

RAW and Mossand came close to attack on Pakistan nuclear program, back then it was on preparation. USA knew it. However, their plans have been thwarted not wanting to risks in retaliation with nuclear wars just in case if the rumour turned out to be true. Pakistan may have nuclear now, but during that time, it is hard to tell whether that was bluff from Pakistan or not. But Pakistan was ready to proceed for war which got them worked up, and quit right away.
Israeli collaboration with india , against Pakistan is well known

wreckage of an Israeli operated UAV , flying out of india into Pakistan
It wasn't an 'Israeli operated' UAV,but a Israeli made Searcher-II UAV owned and operated by Indian Air Force. Its one of the most popular UAVs.
"It is essential that we...strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans." -- David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.

Janes information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that "The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism."

Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so that they could be entrapped "in cases of fake currency and subversion and then be coerced to spy for India."...

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