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Race backlash against Nina Davuluri shows OUR true colours

No obscure link,many archelogical findings proove my point,pls just search.If i were the american goverment i would abolish all the extra rights that the so called natives have right now as clearly they are not the natives.

Okay but how are Cro-Magnons European? How did you establish this link? They are merely modern human ancestors nothing less, nothing more. You can't relate them to modern day Europeans.

And again, you did not answer me, Which Cro-Magnons entered the American continent and from where?
In that sense you have no Idea what India is! India is the only multi cultural country from thousands of Years ago. not USA.

99% Indians are dark skinned and rest 1% brown. And you are comparing USA with India? Do you forget what happened when Italian born Sonia Gandhi was going to be PM?
99% Indians are dark skinned and rest 1% brown. And you are comparing USA with India? Do you forget what happened when Italian born Sonia Gandhi was going to be PM?

If you think culture is only to do with skin tone then you're more deluded than zaid hamid.
Let's try to be a superior human being instead of always looking for someone to look up to.
And we have seen how the foreigners treat the "Locals" in USA.

Look buddy, I am not making it a USA vs India contest. Indian multiculturism is different, while Americanism is different. A multicultural society has to be plural. What is American culture? No one knows. The current culture is a mixture of European people, added lately to its mixture are South Asians and East Asians. Thats it. India isnt like that.

Now that you've explained what India isn't, mind explaining what the "Indian" culture is?
Okay but how are Cro-Magnons European? How did you establish this link? They are merely modern human ancestors nothing less, nothing more. You can't relate them to modern day Europeans.

And again, you did not answer me, Which Cro-Magnons entered the American continent and from where?

It is clearly stated that the skeletons had "european features".
Now,what i am saying that this trend of a superior culture replacing an inferior one goes on since immemorial times and the so called american natives are not strangers to that.We are to hypocritical in our judgement with this "poor natives who before europeans set foot in the Americas were some kind of nature loving hippies who got slaughtered like sheeps".No.They were killing each other before that,scalped their victims,in South America they were ripping the hearts out of their victims and by looks of new evidence they erased another human culture when they arrived on the american continent.
It is clearly stated that the skeletons had "european features".
Now,what i am saying that this trend of a superior culture replacing an inferior one goes on since immemorial times and the so called american natives are not strangers to that.We are to hypocritical in our judgement with this "poor natives who before europeans set foot in the Americas were some kind of nature loving hippies who got slaughtered like sheeps".No.They were killing each other before that,scalped their victims,in South America they were ripping the hearts out of their victims and by looks of new evidence they erased another human culture when they arrived on the american continent.

Erm I actually agree with that. Just humans being human.
Ḥashshāshīn;4797563 said:
:lol: that's why you're living in Canada.

That bigot is pissed off at me and lashing out against the entire African race.Before that he was talking about his hatred for muslims & pakistanis while spending alot of time here on the other hand.
Well, Someone was telling me in this thread that USA was Multicultural. And you are proving , America isnt, for some extent.

Nope, we aren't. We simply don't want to be. We've always been united by one culture, and if you take a look at opinion polls you'll get that confirmation.

Yea cause to be a supporter of multiculturalism and ethnicity you have to love blacks. We aren't stupid. Look at how safe Canada is compared to America. Look at the best parts of America and its worst. One can see a common thread emerges: the more africans the worse the location. They bring a state of social and physical malaise.

Maybe so, but then you have to look at crime rates for other ethnicities and races as well.

Hispanic crime rates are significantly above White crime rates, and so are South Asian crime rates in Europe (I don't have the data for the USA because they are usually lumped in together with the SE Asians and the East Asians).

So really, why just look at Blacks?
That doesnt mean, they have to violently kill the natives. Get the point.

The natives were violently killing each other off before the Europeans even landed there.

The Aztecs for example had this barbaric and gruesome ritual in which they sacrificed upon an alter atop their pyramids thousands of captured and enslaved enemy tribes. The gory description of this ritual makes one question the propaganda that was pre-colonial America indeed a peaceful continent full of peacefully coexisting tribes?

Also, the Quebec indian tribes were cannibals. They would eat captured and enslaved enemies.

@flamer84 and @American_Millenium
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Let's try to be a superior human being instead of always looking for someone to look up to.

wo to theek ha BUT Miss beauty contest is NOT about Super Human but about Super Hot and majority dint find her super hot
wo to theek ha BUT Miss beauty contest is NOT about Super Human but about Super Hot and majority dint find her super hot

Maybe but the OP makes a point that racial discrimination exists not only because whites are racists but also because non-whites want to be white.
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