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Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

What is British Indian Caste System?

What many people don't know is that the current form of cast system originated because of the British intervention in India. They engineered the concept of caste by providing jobs based on caste..

for example the Brahmans were preferred for administrative jobs as they were good intellectually and followed directions ( rubber stamp)

and the concept of martial race which preferred certain casts to get jobs in the military.. etc so what jobs you did started depending on your caste..

this basically made the caste system more rigid and the rich became richer and the poor became poorer..

You can Google for more information. The British have played a major role in the caste system epidemic in India..
Stop whining and go to your china IVY LEAGUE school instead. Since u hate America so much you should go back to china, go to china ivy league whatever school instead of whining and crying about an enemy state that you are so jealous and hate of.

Go, pack your bag, go back to china or stay in china so there is no "discrimination" . The US does not give a fuckk about appeasing enemy state like china. The U.S does not force u to go to U.S IVY LEAGUE schools so stop applying and whining.

Wow。This Vietcong loves America for its killing millions of Vietcongs。

Dude,you must believe what the US did to your people was a general upgrade of the race,by wiping off all those revolutionary dirty peasants?Right?

Great service rendered to you by the Americans。:enjoy:
Vietnamese got shitt from USA Jew academic racism as well. We guys need to stop all these useless fighting and be progressive.
Vietnamese got shitt from USA Jew academic racism as well. We guys need to stop all these useless fighting and be progressive.

As a Brazilian, I think I need a lower score on the LSAT to get into law school (including Ivies)
As a Brazilian, I think I need a lower score on the LSAT to get into law school (including Ivies)

The Jews also need lower score because they have lost their academic prowess. So Asian must sacrifice. And also if you not Jews, you wont get favorable terms in admission.
If u don't like it, go back to china, why bother going to American Ivy League school? Tell the rest of your chicom to renounce their US citizenship and go back to china too. You guys can happily go to china ivy whatever school in china without facing "discrimination".

No American is putting a gun into your chicom heads and force u to apply to their schools. Either u go back to china or just stop whining about the U.S system.

Pathetic western worshipers detected here. It sounds like Vietnamese are white................:rofl: Sub humans being discriminited in the USA, while you feel whatever, you enjoy being turned against by discrimination.
Um my sister was at Yale on exchange for 6 months. Not a single bit of racism was felt.

Also to get into the Ivy league unis you need more than just great academic results. They look for much more than that. Something which I don't think has been mentioned in this thread.

My sister in her interview had to talk about everything from previous work that she's done, to contributions to society, to sporting achievements etc.

Have you noticed how Jeremy Lin of Harvard and NBA fame excels both academically as well as on the ball court.
Also to get into the Ivy league unis you need more than just great academic results. They look for much more than that. Something which I don't think has been mentioned in this thread..

Obviously the kid felt shafted and yes quotas suck. He is up against a lot of people and having good grades is only step 1. That just gets your name put into a big pile with thousands of other people.

I couldn't explain that here. Too many people getting in a huff. Another thing they tend to look for are "leaders" and not "followers". So if you are the class president or captain of the swim team you get noticed. They figure you are the one who would start a company or lead some research into a new discovery. So they are going to pick you over a "follower".

If you want to put yourself ahead of the pack start a few companies when you are 16 (use a company like this LLC & Incorporation - Small Business Services - The Company Corporation ) and show some initiative and success. Along with good grades that will get you noticed. It is better than crying and being completely puzzled as to why you had awesome grades but didn't get in..well a better question you should be asking yourself is why were you too stupid not to realize what you should have been doing to get noticed.
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Dude, you are talking about Indians, your own tribe. Their decibel is louder than Chinese accusing Ivy league of racism. It is not only Chinese who commented on Jew racism, the Jews themselves are the most vociferous attackers on their own racist. Jews are commendable on that.

You support racism, because you are toxicated by caste system, and brought up privileged.

Indian student alleges discrimination at Harvard & Princeton, probe ordered - The Times of India

Same goes for Indian . These people accepting you in their colleges is your privilege not your right .
Same goes for Indian . These people accepting you in their colleges is your privilege not your right .

You get use to caste system and that is your business. Your brothers in USA together with all others especially good Jews have guts. They are now fighting a righteous war against evil racism.
You get use to caste system and that is your business. Your brothers in USA together with all others especially good Jews have guts. They are now fighting a righteous war against evil racism.

Are you the Singaporean version of that half french-half Vietnamese Jewspiracist? :/
Wow。This Vietcong loves America for its killing millions of Vietcongs。

Dude,you must believe what the US did to your people was a general upgrade of the race,by wiping off all those revolutionary dirty peasants?Right?

Great service rendered to you by the Americans。:enjoy:

Chinese love american begged them to protect you before attack Vietnam, when they US defend Taiwan's Independence. Chinese studenst can learn from US how to respect Taiwan independence too.

Chinaman troll and troll, look at yourselves, ? What is Chinaman.:p:
Pathetic western worshipers detected here. It sounds like Vietnamese are white................:rofl: Sub humans being discriminited in the USA, while you feel whatever, you enjoy being turned against by discrimination.
Go back to china then if your chicomrades don't like to be discriminated in the U.S. I though China is a supa bowa, why BEGGING American schools to accept u guys in? And when they reject your sorry ***, you whine and cry about it, quite pathetic:omghaha:

Go back to China, go..................
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