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Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

Ivy League unis are private. You know they can do whatever they want. They don't have to be fair. How do you think George Bush got into Yale and Harvard?

No doubt. But it dont hurts waking up the whites that Jews and US Brahmins corrupt their institution. See how the whites will respond after they are informed.
it is the usa government which decide if they accept "enemies" as us citizens - NOT the vietcongs nor the indians or anybody

If the naturalized Chinese americans who want to go to Ivies, it is their own choice. NONE of your matter!
If the naturalized Chinese americans who want to sue the schools for discrimination it is also NONE of your fogging business.
If it is the policy of the USA to "discriminate" chicom citizens, chicom citizens can move back to china to enjoy their discrimination free environment
If it is the policy of the USA to "discriminate" chicom citizens, chicom citizens can move back to china to enjoy their discrimination free environment

I would like to hear the declaration of vietcongs/indians are not asians in usa!
If it is the policy of the USA to "discriminate" chicom citizens, chicom citizens can move back to china to enjoy their discrimination free environment

Please stop distracting. It is Jews against all. Even USA whites got short changed.
No doubt. But it dont hurts waking up the whites that Jews and US Brahmins corrupt their institution. See how the whites will respond after they are informed.
Whites aren't a cohesive group, not anymore. Now it's all about class, not race. Upper classes will always look out for other upper class people.

any reason why they are not regarded as such by the us policy makers
Jews like to stick together and form a separate identity but afaik they are considered white. They look white.
Jews like to stick together and form a separate identity but afaik they are considered white. They look white.

so you are agreeing to my point
I agree the Jews are very united esp when they are confronting a different race - including the anglo saxons
so you are agreeing to my point
I agree the Jews are very united esp when they are confronting a different race - including the anglo saxons

They are endogamous. Ashkenazi Jews have high levels of inbreeding. Some diseases like the Tay Sachs disease is found in a disproportionately large numbers in the Jewish population. So yes, they are very cohesive and see themselves as different from Anglo Saxon gentiles.
They are endogamous. Ashkenazi Jews have high levels of inbreeding. Some diseases like the Tay Sachs disease is found in a disproportionately large numbers in the Jewish population. So yes, they are very cohesive and see themselves as different from Anglo Saxon gentiles.

anyway they are seeking what is the best opportunity for them to take the most out of advantages
even though that is human nature but the Jews are examplary of the extremes
Indians in India are also discriminated right? but instead of race, it's high caste vs low caste.

Yes there is in the country side due to lack of education but the cities have changed. As more and more people get educated that British Indian cast system mentality will also be removed.

We in India still have a long distance to progress but things are certainly moving forward..
I wouldn't surprised if true.

Considering native US population aren't that interested in higher education plus, Asia's talent pool is vastly larger than that of USA's
Yes there is in the country side due to lack of education but the cities have changed. As more and more people get educated that British Indian cast system mentality will also be removed.

We in India still have a long distance to progress but things are certainly moving forward..
What is British Indian Caste System?
Don't like it don't go to 'merica instead of curling in the corner and crying . Their county their rules .
Don't like it don't go to 'merica instead of curling in the corner and crying . Their county their rules .

Dude, you are talking about Indians, your own tribe. Their decibel is louder than Chinese accusing Ivy league of racism. It is not only Chinese who commented on Jew racism, the Jews themselves are the most vociferous attackers on their own racist. Jews are commendable on that.

You support racism, because you are toxicated by caste system, and brought up privileged.

Indian student alleges discrimination at Harvard & Princeton, probe ordered - The Times of India
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