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Are Ivy League Schools Biased Against Asians?

Wow you are missing my point. Harvard OBVIOUSLY has racial/country quotas. My point is those quotas DON'T necessarily
match US demographics so why even bring it up? If you are black and score 20
points short of a perfect score you are DEFINITELY going to get pushed to the front of the list past all the other people who got a perfect score.

Obviously the kid felt shafted and yes quotas suck.

Reduce the Jewish quota.
Wow you are missing my point. Harvard OBVIOUSLY has racial/country quotas. My point is those quotas DON'T necessarily
match US demographics so why even bring it up? If you are black and score 20
points short of a perfect score you are DEFINITELY going to get pushed to the front of the list past all the other people who got a perfect score.

Obviously the kid felt shafted and yes quotas suck.

again you are just confirming usa's policies are fcuked up
there is already a racial profiling at some ivory towers which are supposedly the beacons upholding all the goodness of human beings like gods!
Isn't Harvard a private school? So they don't really represent the USA right?
then shut the F up america about equality, transparency, merits blah blah blah and dont ever finger pointing towards other nations which are not practising according to usa
lol you don't have to get personal/shout insults bro. I was just making a point. And no i don't support U.S(or U.K) government policies towards other countries, especially their double standards/hypocrisy. But that doesn't means i shouldn't say my opinion about what i think, and when others do it even more. How many Africans/Europeans or South Americans are there in top positions/roles in the top universities in Japan/China/ or south Korea? I'm sure you will agree with me that the U.S and U,K have way more than these countries does, isn't it?:cheers: so take it easy. :-)
lol you don't have to get personal/shout insults bro. I was just making a point. And no i don't support U.S(or U.K) government policies towards other countries, especially their double standards/hypocrisy. But that doesn't means i shouldn't say my opinion about what i think, and when others do it even more. How many Africans/Europeans or South Americans are there in top positions/roles in the top universities in Japan/China/ or south Korea? I'm sure you will agree with me that the U.S and U,K have way more than these countries does, isn't it?:cheers: so take it easy. :-)

We are fighting for non Jews white. The Jews screwed white for long in education and white cowardly and foolish remain silent and ignorant. The Asians is going take down this part of discrimination by Jews against the rest.
again you are just confirming usa's policies are fcuked up
there is already a racial profiling at some ivory towers which are supposedly the beacons upholding all the goodness of human beings like gods!

It works both ways. In the past Harvard specifically sought out Asians to fill their ranks. For instance in the 1970's plenty of Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees were pushed to the front of the line. In the 1980's South American immigrants were pushed to the front.
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Hey guys, stay focus and do not blame USA. You guys do not get the problem. The problem is less USA but more USA JEWS. Stay focus and start argue on the Jewish lines.

Jews now screw even the white.

You wont win them if you argue on USA line because that is not the problem. The world must wake up on Jewish racist problem in intellectual scene.
You won't find me complaining though. What US did is absolutely right. There is not enough participation by native citizens in higher education and scientific research. US should facilitate more for their own citizens.

The one who is able enough, will eventually get through.

That's actually a valid point if you look at it from their PoV.
You won't find me complaining though. What US did is absolutely right. There is not enough participation by native citizens in higher education and scientific research. US should facilitate more for their own citizens.

The one who is able enough, will eventually get through.


You Jews please drop out and stop monopolizing elite schools and see whether you can make it in life. This is not about minoritie affirmation, but Jewish racism.

Stop using affirmation as cover.
again you are just confirming usa's policies are fcuked up
there is already a racial profiling at some ivory towers which are supposedly the beacons upholding all the goodness of human beings like gods!
Stop whining and go to your china IVY LEAGUE school instead. Since u hate America so much you should go back to china, go to china ivy league whatever school instead of whining and crying about an enemy state that you are so jealous and hate of.

Go, pack your bag, go back to china or stay in china so there is no "discrimination" . The US does not give a fuckk about appeasing enemy state like china. The U.S does not force u to go to U.S IVY LEAGUE schools so stop applying and whining.
Stop whining and go to your china IVY LEAGUE school instead. Since u hate America so much you should go back to china, go to china ivy league whatever school instead of whining and crying about an enemy state that you are so jealous and hate of.

Go, pack your bag, go back to china or stay in china so there is no "discrimination" . The US does not give a fuckk about appeasing enemy state like china. The U.S does not force u to go to U.S IVY LEAGUE schools so stop applying and whining.

Stay focus. Its not against Asian. Its Jews against everyone, even white got screwed.

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