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China in denial about its race problem

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I don't know your obsession with Chinese people, but it appears that colonialism and segregation has addled your brain.
It appears you started to think your clientele at your seedy night job is a mirror. We need to intact the Exclusion Act to keep you off our nations welfare rolls and IQ from further diminshing.
similar search about you Chinese would provide you tons of links, for more than Indians.

But- Getting rejected by them made you finally give up?

How could they refuse an applicant like this;)

Furthermore, pathetic Indian Americans are using deliberately confusing stats to boost their dumb ego. In the list, they are using Indian Americana comparing to "Asian" Americans, who includes the average of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietname, Phillipinos, Laotian, Thais, Malays, etc god knows who else, all of them. Another apple vs orange.

It's just like to lie about and boast Indians' average physics, medal-less shitty Indian Olympics team pit the average of themselves against the average Joe in the streets of the US, being Aisan American, or White Americans or Latinos, and miraticlely "won" the competitition, so they "prove" and brag about that Indians are the strongest humans on earth, HA HA HA!

Low IQ, I told ya!
That means you were taught Romanganavari LOL. You don't write Hindi in Hindi, LOL, LOL
We Chinese only write in chinese.

You are lying, you guys use Latin letters keyboards to write messages in Chinese on internet. :D Nobody taught me that. LOL
You are lying, you guys use Latin letters keyboards to write messages in Chinese on internet. :D Nobody taught me that. LOL

LOL, dumb indian. We use chinese strokes on special keyboards, it is so common in Asia that Apple offers it on Iphone. LOL.
We write in Chinese, you write in Romanganavari LOL, LOL.

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Furthermore, pathetic Indian Americans are using deliberately confusing stats to boost their dumb ego. In the list, they are using Indian Americana comparing to "Asian" Americans, who includes the average of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietname, Phillipinos, Laotian, Thais, Malays, etc god knows who else, all of them. Another apple vs orange.

It's just like to lie about and boast Indians' average physics, medal-less shitty Indian Olympics team pit the average of themselves against the average Joe in the streets of the US, being Aisan American, or White Americans or Latinos, and miraticlely "won" the competitition, so they "prove" and brag about that Indians are the strongest humans on earth, HA HA HA!

Low IQ, I told ya!

No wonder your country controls you like sheep and actually sends you to " re education camps" - because you have the IQ level of a sheep. The chart compares each immigrant group within asian groups. learn to read a chart someday will yeah? While you at it , stop being such a welfare burden on america.

Japanese don't use Roman letters to learn their own mother tongue. Your rule for using Latin letters with accent symbols is identical to one used by different countries across Europe, there is nothing special about it.
You have learned Japanese? don't talking these you don't know.

Here is the proof that 30% or 400 million Chinese can't communicate in Mandarin.

I don't want to be entangled with whether the data is right, about why not all chinese can speak Mandarin, I have explained.
we use the same chinese character, while country develop, more people can speak mandarin well, and you still can't taht what's chinese? we still speak our mother language, but not be replaced by foreign language.
You have learned Japanese? don't talking these you don't know.

I don't want to be entangled with whether the data is right, about why not all chinese can speak Mandarin, I have explained.
we use the same chinese character, while country develop, more people can speak mandarin well, and you still can't taht what's chinese? we still speak our mother language, but not be replaced by foreign language.

LOL, dumb indian. We use chinese strokes on special keyboards, it is so common in Asia that Apple offers it on Iphone. LOL.
We write in Chinese, you write in Romanganavari LOL, LOL.

That idiot lost their mother language, how could you know Chinese? too superficial, his comments is so stupid, can't understand why they are such stupid. don't know chinese, but seems he is chinese professor, know chinese betther than Chinese, can't help laughing.
I don't want to be entangled with whether the data is right, about why not all chinese can speak Mandarin, I have explained.
we use the same chinese character, while country develop, more people can speak mandarin well, and you still can't taht what's chinese? we still speak our mother language, but not be replaced by foreign language.

We too still speak our mother tongue and practice our Indian culture, English is just an additional language. While you guys have ruined your Chinese culture, Chinese culture isn't much Chinese except for Chinese food and Chinese symbols. Even you music sounds complete aping of Western music.
That idiot lost their mother language, how could you know Chinese, his comments is so stupid, can't understand why they are such stupid!

Yes, he has a deep inferiority complex about his Persianized culture and language. He knew very well chinese write in chinese, there is no other way. See, he will never have an intellectual discussion with you because he know he will lose. So he resort to trolling but his IQ is low, he can't troll intelligently based on facts. So he made up stuff and claims about chinese culture. How dumb can one get?? LOL, Don't fall for it.
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We too still speak our mother tongue and practice our Indian culture, English is just an additional language. While you guys have ruined your Chinese culture, Chinese culture isn't much Chinese except for Chinese food and Chinese symbols. Even you music sounds complete aping of Western music.

Don't be jealous, Chinese have the richest culture and the world's oldest continuous culture that is all encompassing from the way of life to philosophy, arts, music and calligraphy. LOL, feeling inferority? LOL
We too still speak our mother tongue and practice our Indian culture, English is just an additional language. While you guys have ruined your Chinese culture, Chinese culture isn't much Chinese except for Chinese food and Chinese symbols. Even you music sounds complete aping of Western music.
Don't make a fool of yourself again, you should not talking about Chinese culture, because you don't know it, from your above comments, I find you are the one pretend to know the thing that you don't understand, or you will like be idiot, although now you are in my eyes,:)
LOL, dumb indian. We use chinese strokes on special keyboards, it is so common in Asia that Apple offers it on Iphone. LOL.
We write in Chinese, you write in Romanganavari LOL, LOL.


You have mastered the art of lying, you telling me you draw symbols on PC to write a paragraph. LOL , you guys use pinyin converter to feed Chinese symbols on the computer screen through Latin letters. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Don't be jealous, Chinese have the richest culture and the world's oldest continuous culture that is all encompassing from the way of life to philosophy, arts, music and calligraphy. LOL, feeling inferority? LOL

Chinese culture is mostly remaining in some archaeological sites.
This slumdog posted this exact same image on multiple threads. I think he's so attached to this one little image because it's so rare to see Indians on top in any other survey.
Lol this insecure American likes to use "edgy" language on a defence forum. Fcking obsessed weirdo.
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