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China in denial about its race problem

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Don't make a fool of yourself again, you should not talking about Chinese culture, because you don't know it, from your above comments, I find you are the one pretend to know the thing that you don't understand, or you will like be idiot, although now you are in my eyes,:)

The communist government had screwed the Chinese culture and the values. The damage done was immense and you guys left with completely aping the western culture.
JayAtl, the reason you mentioned the Indians have many diverse features is because Indian women had been forced to spread their legs to foreign invaders in all those centuries while the Indian men watched helplessly (or cheered for it). You are contaminated.
You are talking about Pakistanis, they are the people who converted to Islam through force and spread their legs to there foreign masters. At least do some research before chatting sh!t.
We need an exclusion act for all non-White pieces of wannabe trash like yourself.

You would probably never have the balls to confront me in person, even though we are in the same city right now. You are a Hindu, cow-worshiping loser. Nothing more.

And you'll never be one of us to boot.

Welfare card can be used for greyhound travel? Was it called panda express :D. LOL I can see it now...

How can I meet, I know what you look like and how you dressed.

LOL, the infamous Indian IQ strikes again. The Indian-Americans are new immigrants to the US within the last 20 years, they are all professionals otherwise they would not have gotten the working visa and green card. Surely these professionals, their income are higher than older immigrants who had diversified into other jobs or simply living off the wealth of their parents.
You only need an even comparison across the immigrant profiles and history to show that the chart is skewed. Simple-minded Indians, LOL.
Really? The British Indian community has been in the UK since the 50's and they have the lowest poverty rate of any ethnic minority.
LOL, I knew you're burning with jealousy. Historians affirmed that Chinese have the richest and the world's oldest continuous culture. Go file a lawsuit if you can't get over your complex, LOL

Which historian said current Chinese culture is rich. o_O When I listen to Chinese music I see complete aping of Western music, when I listen to Indian songs I hear sounds of Sitar, tabla, Sarangi with Indian music.
We need an exclusion act for all non-White pieces of wannabe trash like yourself.

You would probably never have the balls to confront me in person, even though we are in the same city right now. You are a Hindu, cow-worshiping loser. Nothing more.

And you'll never be one of us to boot.
Lol this pr!ck wants to insult religion? Mate, let's be honest here, you are some crazy retarded American who posts articles about India every other minute because he is so obsessed. Lol little fool probably lost his job to an Indian.
You have mastered the art of lying, you telling me you draw symbols on PC to write a paragraph. LOL , you guys use pinyin converter to feed Chinese symbols on the computer screen through Latin letters. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


The master of liar are you indians, you have repeatedly been exposed. We chinese argue based on facts,.

Which historian said current Chinese culture is rich. o_O When I listen to Chinese music I see complete aping of Western music, when I listen to Indian songs I hear sounds of Sitar, tabla, Sarangi with Indian music.
CCP approved historian.
The master of liar are you indians, you have repeatedly been exposed. We chinese argue based on facts,.

I have heard about that iphone applications. LOL Don't try to fool others by lying, you guys use pinyin converter to feed input on computers.
Which historian said current Chinese culture is rich. o_O When I listen to Chinese music I see complete aping of Western music, when I listen to Indian songs I hear sounds of Sitar, tabla, Sarangi with Indian music.

Because you're know nothing about Chinese music. It's not my fault that your IQ is so low.
Because you're know nothing about Chinese music. It's not my fault that your IQ is so low.

You are lying to hide that your culture had been screwed and you are aping western culture totally.
I have heard about that iphone applications. LOL Don't try to fool others by lying, you guys use pinyin converter to feed input on computers.

Evidence before you eyes. Case proven, How retarded can you get?
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