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Race backlash against Nina Davuluri shows OUR true colours

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Feb 5, 2011
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Race backlash against Nina Davuluri shows OUR true colours

The global stigma of discrimination will go only when Asians and Africans have the self-confidence to be themselves, says Sunanda K Datta-Ray.


The global stigma of discrimination will go only when Asians and Africans have the self-confidence to be themselves, says Sunanda K Datta-Ray

Disraeli was wrong. Race isn't quite the ultimate reality.

As Nina Davuluri, the spunky new Miss America, is finding out, colour is.

This was already in the news when Nina was crowned beauty queen. Naomi Campbell, the first black model to grace the cover of Vogue magazine, had just launched a stinging attack on discrimination in the multi-trillion dollar fashion industry.

This applies to America rather than Britain. The British have made a heroic about-turn on what used to be called the colour bar. You never hear the phrase nowadays. London, in particular, is determinedly multiracial, treating blacks, browns, yellows and whites the same in every sphere, with the same deference or disregard.

Those 'No Coloureds' signs vanished long ago. Patronising old Englishwomen don’t any longer go about jabbing coloured men with their bags and brollies to be able to smile sweetly and apologise! The secret pockets of resistance are not generally seen or heard.

The Bible itself doesn’t claim whites are superior but perceptions and interpretations matter more than literal truth. Not only is the faith of the Bible associated with Caucasians but South Africa’s former apartheid regime used the legend of Ham to justify their repugnant system.

It’s a truism that blacks, browns and yellows vastly outnumber the world’s whites. But numbers don’t denote power. Certainly not when the majority wants to resemble the minority.

That’s where the rub lies. Discrimination persists not just because whites are supremacist but also because blacks, browns and yellows want to be white. All the self-styled whites and political reds in Evelyn Waugh's novel Scoop were actually black.

Rabindranath Tagore declared bitterly after a brush with San Francisco immigration that Christ himself would be refused entry to the US because he was "Asiatic". (Author of "Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya He...)

Trinidad-born V S Naipaul, with Indian parents, presents another paradox. Waugh wrote to Nancy Mitford when Naipaul was honoured in some way long before the Nobel Prize,

"That clever little nigger Naipaul has won another literary prize. Oh for a black face!"

But it’s doubtful if despite sentimental journeys to the land of his fathers, Naipaul thinks of himself as other than an upper-class English gentleman.

An entry in the diary of his English first wife hinted at what Derek Walcott, another West Indian writer but of Negro descent from the island of St Lucia, who won the Nobel Prize in 1992, called "Naipaul’s repulsion towards Negroes".

Walcott mocked him as "V S Nightfall".

At lower, non-intellectual levels, the soaring sales of skin whiteners and hair straighteners, the popularity in the Far East of eye-straightening operations and Indian obsession with "wheat-complexioned" brides acknowledge a surreptitious admiration for Caucasians.

The Japanese used their financial clout to demand "honorary white" status in apartheid South Africa. Even the Chinese look down on pigmented skin.

The stigma will go only when Asians and Africans have the self-confidence to be themselves. It will happen one day.

Posted on Rediff.com.
Whateva!! Their country, their people! But still amusing when the people who accuse others of "Americanism" are themselves not native americans in real sense. Foreigners are ruling a country, depriving the nativians of the land they once ruled. Only when a native Indian, wins a election of presidency in USA, it can proud itself of real mullti cultural!
That's one ugly Miss America. How in the hell did she win?
I'm not saying that because she's Indian, but because there are much better looking Indian women out there.
Whateva!! Their country, their people! But still amusing when the people who accuse others of "Americanism" are themselves not native americans in real sense. Foreigners are ruling a country, depriving the nativians of the land they once ruled. Only when a native Indian, wins a election of presidency in USA, it can proud itself of real mullti cultural!

US is more multicultural than India-Pak-China-BD can even dream about being!
have you ever seen india? to the fullest?

I have, almost all parts of India, from Sopore to Kanyakumari to Ahmadabad to Guwahati and everything in-between.

And I testify to the fact that there is not a single corner in India where discrimination does not exist, be it based on skin color, ethnicity, financial standing, or gender.

There is no racism, but only for the fact that people do not even know what races are.

Whateva!! Their country, their people! But still amusing when the people who accuse others of "Americanism" are themselves not native americans in real sense. Foreigners are ruling a country, depriving the nativians of the land they once ruled. Only when a native Indian, wins a election of presidency in USA, it can proud itself of real mullti cultural!

The current President of the US is half Kenyan, and also carries Native blood in his veins. The natives in the US have their own distinct laws and 'nations' inside the US and Canada that only they are privileged to, for as long as they are pure.

You cannot even imagine how apologetic an average white American feels toward the natives, even if his/her ancestors migrated to the US in the 20th century and had absolutely nothing to do with any discrimination toward any colored group.

May be if you traveled wide and far you would know where we South Asians stand with respect to the US. But I guess you are one of those who look the other way whenever a black is teased or discriminated against in public places, or a when white visitor is treated like some sort of God in India.
Actually european caucasian men were first in America :"Upon examination, the 5 feet 9 inches tall specimen had "characteristics that are similar to those of Europeans."

Cro-Magnon skeletons discovered in North America

So,the whites just returned home,no biggy.This trigered the "burry them bones syndrome" amongst many so called native americans.

We can also conclude that the so called native americans(indians-populary called) commited genocide against the native european caucasian inhabitants when they arrived,a crime that they haven't answered for.:ashamed:
have you ever seen india? to the fullest?

Oh yes I have, I have seen how the "locals" in India treat the African students!

I was replying to the dude who was yakking commenting on US multiculturalism anyways.:pop:
Oh yes I have, I have seen how the "locals" in India treat the African students!

I was replying to the dude who was yakking commenting on US multiculturalism anyways.:pop:

We need not africans in the motherland. They pollute the land bringing crime and corrupt society.
That's one ugly Miss America. How in the hell did she win?
I'm not saying that because she's Indian, but because there are much better looking Indian women out there.

Miss America is a talent contest any way. Appearance could be a hinderance.
Whateva!! Their country, their people! But still amusing when the people who accuse others of "Americanism" are themselves not native americans in real sense. Foreigners are ruling a country, depriving the nativians of the land they once ruled. Only when a native Indian, wins a election of presidency in USA, it can proud itself of real mullti cultural!

We don't want to be multi-cultural, we've always been of one culture and one language.

And this country was founded by European immigrants, not Native Americans. That's a lie told to you by your 3rd world teachers. The Natives were too busy colonizing each other and annexing the borderless tribes next door to care about the European presence. I have no shame for the founding of our country; it was as bloody and gruesome as any other founding of a nation.

We need not africans in the motherland. They pollute the land bringing crime and corrupt society.

Hmmm, and I thought Indians were supposed to be lovers of multi-racialism and all that stuff? That's what the dim-witted Indian retard JayAtl led me to believe.... lol
Whateva!! Their country, their people! But still amusing when the people who accuse others of "Americanism" are themselves not native americans in real sense. Foreigners are ruling a country, depriving the nativians of the land they once ruled. Only when a native Indian, wins a election of presidency in USA, it can proud itself of real mullti cultural!

Before the European man landed in America, there was no America. America as we know it today would not have existed if it weren't for European pioneers, inventors, intellectuals, explorers, philosophers, etc..
Whateva!! Their country, their people! But still amusing when the people who accuse others of "Americanism" are themselves not native americans in real sense. Foreigners are ruling a country, depriving the nativians of the land they once ruled. Only when a native Indian, wins a election of presidency in USA, it can proud itself of real mullti cultural!

Frankly,One should take a good look at the chauvinistic hellhole one come's from. Indians treat discrimination as national sport.
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