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Poll: What does, Bangladesh think of Pakistan in 2013 ?

2013: What does Bangladesh think of Pakistan ? [Bangladeshis ONLY]

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This question should be ask at any Bangladeshi forum (for unbiased views) not here...
may i ask why your uncle may have been killed in the war?

in any case, there were differences among bengalis on why they engaged the punjabi army or worked against the constitution. and this difference has prominence in BD politics to this day. i believe most bengalis who fought against punjabis never wanted to become an indian colony before or after war started (doesn't matter if you think BD is more than an Indian colony), but were merely reacting to the divisive war that was started by other bengalis who had other ideas i.e. they whole-heartedly wanted India as their patriarch.. i find this interesting ironically people who DID NOT run to india are generally pro-muslim self-determination and hence pro-pakistani. also among them those who fought for or even against punjabis on the ground are both generally pro-muslim. it is generally these people active at the ground level who reject the inflated accounts of punjabi excesses and the highly deflated accounts of bengali ones

Your logic may contain some truth.but about national fundamental difference it is twisted to the T.but ppl who did not run to India is pro-pakistani is utter nonsense. Pro-muslim?we are all Muslims,period. How many ppl actually ran to India?% of total population. Are you saying they all wanted to stay under Pakistani tyranny?
Bro,most probably you were raised in a very pro-pakistani family. Its not your fault, I understand, if my father/grandfather were rajakar I would have been very pro-pakistani myself.
There is nothing may about my uncle,he was from a very politically known family and most of them were target at that time some of them still is.if you can give me one single reason as to why a 17year old boy had to die because his father denied his own country's government and intelligent agencies where his brothers/brother in laws where abouts,I will stop countering your posts.
90% of print and electronic media in BD is controlled by RAW, the 1971 issue is continuously & repeatedly used to brainwash BD people so that they can not stand against India.
90% of print and electronic media in BD is controlled by RAW, the 1971 issue is continuously & repeatedly used to brainwash BD people so that they can not stand against India.

sitting in uganda u gathered very gud inside information on how BD media and govt runs.to be honest i never heard of RAW b4 coming to pdf ;i am pretty sure 99 percent of indians would have never heard abt it.many pakistanis know more about raw than indians themselves
Your logic may contain some truth.but about national fundamental difference it is twisted to the T.but ppl who did not run to India is pro-pakistani is utter nonsense. Pro-muslim?we are all Muslims,period. How many ppl actually ran to India?% of total population. Are you saying they all wanted to stay under Pakistani tyranny?
Bro,most probably you were raised in a very pro-pakistani family. Its not your fault, I understand, if my father/grandfather were rajakar I would have been very pro-pakistani myself.
There is nothing may about my uncle,he was from a very politically known family and most of them were target at that time some of them still is.if you can give me one single reason as to why a 17year old boy had to die because his father denied his own country's government and intelligent agencies where his brothers/brother in laws where abouts,I will stop countering your posts.

firstly i am glad to know about your grandparents' contribution to the self-determination of subcontinental muslims. i'm giving my salam to them.
by "pro-muslim", i meant being in favour of muslim self-determination. people who were against east pakistan either did not want muslims to determine the fate of their own society or could not fathom the consequences of getting sold to a power like india. (those who did fathom that are somehow known as "volunteers" to leftist BD people). it is people who acknowledge the thousand years muslim history of bengal or south asia and aspire for a respectable continuation of that heritage is what i term as "pro muslim". it is people who are aware of why we desperately needed a conserved muslim state(s) in south asia that i term as "pro muslim". so this is coming from a socio-economic perspective rather than a theological one.

you are right my family is pro-pakistan as some lived in karachi back in the day and we still have friends in pakistan. most (extended family) were still based in EP worked/fought alongside anti-punjabi bengali armymen, and they aren't any different. more than that there is a deeper conviction that being nationalists of BD and being aware of a shared heritage, one cannot but be pro-pakistan. but my own opinions have formed very independently. i was never interested in history or politics. with some interest in the former as of late, i began to question our social psyche this "strange" affection towards the pakistani nation (the very country that we, at some stages, were politically taught has done terrible things to us :what: ). now as you see i changed my position and i'm glad i did. as i tell people, i changed my views a couple of times and i'm willing to do so again
90% of print and electronic media in BD is controlled by RAW, the 1971 issue is continuously & repeatedly used to brainwash BD people so that they can not stand against India.

I don't disagree but curious how you know about this topic

Thanks for your kind words, but it doesn't hide the fact/nor we should try to hide it, that we treated our Bengali brothers in the worst possible way,we were immature in the art of statecraft and vested interests took hold of Pakistani civilian and military leadership.The legit leader wasn't bhutto, it was Mujeeb. However, looking towards the future, i believe that a reckoning is coming & we will see cordial and friendly relations with Bangladesh. Every day, India's domestic politics is evolving to a certain frequency where both Pakistan and Bangladesh are going to get threatening signals from...sooner or later it is going to happen.
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if you can give me one single reason as to why a 17year old boy had to die because his father denied his own country's government and intelligent agencies where his brothers/brother in laws where abouts,I will stop countering your posts.

Very touching….hhannnh…..but what would you call of the same actions Bangladeshi security forces too implying on daily basis to anti government demonstrations with their very own people in today’s Bangladesh as well? Did I count you how many innocent people dies daily in today’s Bangladesh like the circumstances you just described?

The point my dear is, no one reason when innocent people die only reasons the actual culprits who brought them in front of security agencies as pawns…..Bangladeshi Security Agencies here too only performing their duties diligently…..you must agree!
Very touching….hhannnh…..but what would you call of the same actions Bangladeshi security forces too implying on daily basis to anti government demonstrations with their very own people in today’s Bangladesh as well? Did I count you how many innocent people dies daily in today’s Bangladesh like the circumstances you just described?

The point my dear is, no one reason when innocent people die only reasons the actual culprits who brought them in front of security agencies as pawns…..Bangladeshi Security Agencies here too only performing their duties diligently…..you must agree!
Same as before. There was a recent incident like this a teen boy got brutally killed for his fathers political stand.we know who did it gov knows too.they are giving shelter to the murderers and families. Don't worry this time the ppl involved will also get the same treatment and justice as before. And current security agencies are a legitimate killing wing of this gov.same as before.

Thanks for your kind words, but it doesn't hide the fact/nor we should try to hide it, that we treated our Bengali brothers in the worst possible way,we were immature in the art of statecraft and vested interests took hold of Pakistani civilian and military leadership.The legit leader wasn't bhutto, it was Mujeeb. However, looking towards the future, i believe that a reckoning is coming & we will see cordial and friendly relations with Bangladesh. Every day, India's domestic politics is evolving to a certain frequency where both Pakistan and Bangladesh are going to get threatening signals from...sooner or later it is going to happen.

i'm not sure if it is your bigheartedness or ignorance of political excesses of bengalis. from what i have learned, some bengali politicians initiated or capitalized on political movements/political rumours that distorted facts, created hatred for west pakistani compatriots and made an artificial divide, and most importantly, were too out-of-place to even be a part of the nation's ideals (i'm sure you can think of at least a couple of such things). coming to terms with each other has to include admitting excesses by both the east and west pakistanis
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i'm not sure if it is your bigheartedness or ignorance of political excesses of bengalis. from what i have learned, some bengali politicians initiated or capitalized on political movements/political rumours that distorted facts, created hatred for west pakistani compatriots and made an artificial divide, and most importantly, were too out-of-place to even be a part of the nation's ideals (i'm sure you can think of at least a couple of such things). coming to terms with each other has to include admitting excesses by both the east and west pakistanis

Actually, He proclaims to be of Naya Pakistan, which thinks everything should starts from Zero.....even experience:hitwall:
Actually, He proclaims to be of Naya Pakistan, which thinks everything should starts from Zero.....even experience:hitwall:

i don't see much wrong with coming from that "Naya Pakistan". i just wish there were more from our side who would be of "Naya Bangladesh" and be as self-assessing as the "Naya Pakistanis"
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