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Pakistani Liberals Should be Ashamed at Being on The Same Side as Foreign Fascists

You probably grew up in the 80s and 90s.
We all were bombarded with plenty of milly naghmay and had hamd o naat on PTV .
The O level education curriculum was also strictly monitored.
None of that exists now
Again, I consider ignorance(in every sphere) as the issue.
I also have classmates who spout “we bred terrorists” and love India. Same school and similar backgrounds.

Also of the extreme Metric and Inter son of a very senior military officer I know of who loved India and had the affair with an Indian honey trap.. eventually leading to the officer being sidelined.

There are people of a sect who consider sections in Iran more holy than Mecca and others who weep at someone describing sexual activity in Arabic thinkings its Quranic verses.

All of them have ignorance of information, wiling or unwilling involved.
Tell me?

  • is there one universal Islam?
  • or one made in Pakistan limited to Pakistan Islam?
Because you just implicitly created two Islams and then placed a geographic border around one.
The answer to these questions which secularists frequently ask is quite evident, if you choose not see it than that's your problem, not mine.
I implicitly or otherwise did no such thing.

i didnt say
ideological Islamic state.
so we don't have to expect all Muslims in the world to owe allegiance to it.

I said
TTP were anti Pakistan too, that doesn't mean they weren't fanatics also, different type of fanatics(or agents serving foreign handlers).
Its true there may be many Muslims opposed to Pakistan, but its also true that Pakistan is an ideological Islamic state. One doesn't refute the other. Pakistan is not claiming to be a Khilifa state just yet, so we don't have to expect all Muslims in the world to owe allegiance to it.
ideological Islamic state.
Tell me a simple fact. Islam is universal. There are nearly 2 billion Muslims on earth. The first test of a Islamic state is does it grant citizenship on basis of -

  1. Islam?
  2. or geographic man made borders irrespective of Islam ?
Now you tell me which one does Pakistan apply?
Tell me a simple fact. Islam is universal. There are nearly 2 billion Muslims on earth. The first test of a Islamic state is does it grant citizenship on basis of -

  1. Islam?
  2. or geographic man made borders irrespective of Islam ?
Now you tell me which one is it?
Wrong question to ask.
I have a simple question which I use both for a test of faith and also for ignorance...

Mecca is nuked.. where do we pray?
Wrong question to ask.
I have a simple question which I use both for a test of faith and also for ignorance...

Mecca is nuked.. where do we pray?

I think Islam is as unique as the individual 1.3 billion Muslims who practise Islam. And in this sense Islam is universal.
Wrong question to ask.
The point I was making was, the first test of a Islamic state would be, does it award citizenship on the basis of being a Muslim? If not then that state cannot be 'Islamic' as it has failed the first requirememt of the universality of Islamic brotherhood.

A good example is Israel which declares itself as a 'Jewish state' and contingent on that will take in any person who can pass the test that he or she is Jewish. If they are they get Israeli citizenship as matter of right.
I think Islam is as unique as the individual 1.3 billion Muslims who practise Islam. And in this sense Islam is universal.
Practice is the contention in the first place. Hence when practice itself is the source of dispute and genocide at times; then it cannot be universal in terms of its practitioners

This question is irrelevant.

If you were on the moon which way do you pray?
No it isn’t. Where would you pray on the moon?
Practice is the contention in the first place. Hence when practice itself is the source of dispute and genocide at times; then it cannot be universal in terms of its practitioners

No it isn’t. Where would you pray on the moon?

This is down to what is recognised as the correct Islamic ideological thought. And that is something which has fascinated theologians for centuries.

The answer to the direction of prayer is not a valid question.
Secondly even if we understand that Hinduism is a religion per say, they do not indulge in sectarianism amongst themselves nor the indian liberals target sects within this alleged Hindu religion.
Hindu caste system is pretty much institutionalised sectarianism with Hinduism.
This is down to what is recognised as the correct Islamic ideological thought. And that is something which has fascinated theologians for centuries.

The answer to the direction of prayer is not a valid question.
It is, because regardless of the condition of Mecca; its still the focal point and the direction we pray or or envision praying to. Nothing will change that.

That is a universal aspect of the religion.

If now you pray with your hands tied or open is upto the practitioner. Perhaps then there isn’t a correct idealogical thought more so than a collection of both concrete and vague ideas.
It is, because regardless of the condition of Mecca; its still the focal point and the direction we pray or or envision praying to. Nothing will change that.

That is a universal aspect of the religion.

If now you pray with your hands tied or open is upto the practitioner. Perhaps then there isn’t a correct idealogical thought more so than a collection of both concrete and vague ideas.

The "Universal Islam" does not depend on the theological interpretation that is practised by the people i.e. creed and tenants of faith and law. The only thing universal about Islam is the Koran and the individuals capacity to understand the knowledge of the Koran.
The "Universal Islam" does not depend on the theological interpretation that is practised by the people i.e. creed and tenants of faith and law. The only thing universal about Islam is the Koran and the individuals capacity to understand the knowledge of the Koran.
Agreed, hence when the individual is not universal; then why is it that a state assumes the responsibility of defining an individuals understanding of Islam?
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