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What does it mean to be Pakistani?

What does being Pakistani mean to you?

Pakistan is a diverse country. We have multiple nations, ethnicities, faiths—even though powerful quarters have, over the years, tried to limit this diversity thru various failed experiments and actively limiting freedom of expression. Narratives cannot be controlled in 2023. We should realize that in diversity is strength.

The force that binds us together should be the Constitution—not the army, or even religion. Yes, Islam is the state religion, but we cannot force upon a specific interpretation of Islam on the people. Hence, religion has been devisive, not unifiying.

With recent events and violation of the Constitution becoming the norm, what are the real sentiments of the different peoples of Pakistan? I am specially interested in KPK. What makes the people of KPK feel attachment to Pakistan? Do most people feel Pakhtun first and Pakistani second?

The 18th ammendment was supposed to be the answer. Federalism when implemented properly is the only way forward. How different are the current cirumstances from 1971 when the will of the people was blatantly ignored. I don’t see the army allowing the Constitutionin to be followed and the PTI coming to power in KPK thru the vote. What will happen next? We have been thru two coups since 1971. Pakistan survived those. Will it be different this time? Will there be armed resisitance? Will the army shoot down unarmed civilians? I am not aware of Balochistan, but it feels like there is a chance KPK might rise up if their Constitutional rights are trampled.

I am from Karachi; my grandparents were mohajirs. In school I was fed the propaganda of the Pakistani state. In reality there are really not many things that make me feel proud to be a Pakistani. If the state cannot ensure that my views are heard, that the rule of law and Constitution is followed, that my life is made better, I would be better of living in a Karachi that was independent. Unfortunately, none of the people that have represented us have been sincere. Then there is the establishment—who sees itself as the ”unifier”—who will not allow us to have our fundamental rights.

Where are we headed?

Beggars . Always anticipating the next handout from expat Pakistanis daily wishing & anticipating death upon them so as to steal their inheritance .
Sir, if you stick around long enough, you'll be the oldest PDF member after @MIRauf sb. (81) decides he's too old for this sh*t . :D

(Ok sry if that was offensive, couldn't help meself)
It was, but what's new? :enjoy:
How old are you? I’m asking not in jest.

Missing out. I was there twice in the last 2 years. Nice city.
I would like to visit Pakistan, again. But I have my education and career to worry about.
i wish all immigrants well as long as we dont forget our roots, we all get 1 life here on earth and i'm not giving it to terrorist power grabbing thugs
What does being Pakistani mean to you?

Pakistan is a diverse country. We have multiple nations, ethnicities, faiths—even though powerful quarters have, over the years, tried to limit this diversity thru various failed experiments and actively limiting freedom of expression. Narratives cannot be controlled in 2023. We should realize that in diversity is strength.

The force that binds us together should be the Constitution—not the army, or even religion. Yes, Islam is the state religion, but we cannot force upon a specific interpretation of Islam on the people. Hence, religion has been devisive, not unifiying.

With recent events and violation of the Constitution becoming the norm, what are the real sentiments of the different peoples of Pakistan? I am specially interested in KPK. What makes the people of KPK feel attachment to Pakistan? Do most people feel Pakhtun first and Pakistani second?

The 18th ammendment was supposed to be the answer. Federalism when implemented properly is the only way forward. How different are the current cirumstances from 1971 when the will of the people was blatantly ignored. I don’t see the army allowing the Constitutionin to be followed and the PTI coming to power in KPK thru the vote. What will happen next? We have been thru two coups since 1971. Pakistan survived those. Will it be different this time? Will there be armed resisitance? Will the army shoot down unarmed civilians? I am not aware of Balochistan, but it feels like there is a chance KPK might rise up if their Constitutional rights are trampled.

I am from Karachi; my grandparents were mohajirs. In school I was fed the propaganda of the Pakistani state. In reality there are really not many things that make me feel proud to be a Pakistani. If the state cannot ensure that my views are heard, that the rule of law and Constitution is followed, that my life is made better, I would be better of living in a Karachi that was independent. Unfortunately, none of the people that have represented us have been sincere. Then there is the establishment—who sees itself as the ”unifier”—who will not allow us to have our fundamental rights.

Where are we headed?

Take away religion... There is nothing really in common amongst us.... Other than we are all slaves of the corrupt Pakistani Military Establishment
Well, I hoped I would get a pass. I am not a habitual offender. :angel:
Hey, you did get a pass.

What do you call this reaction to a gratuitous, undeserved insult => :enjoy:

I don't feel insulted, btw, or offended in the least, but your post was insulting.
To understand what we as Pakistanis should be
(ya'ani watan ba haysiyyat eyk siyasi tasawwur key)

is daur meiN may aur hai jaam aur hai jam aur
saaqi ney binaa ki rawish e lutf o sitam aur
muslim ney bhi ta'amir kiya apna haram aur
tahzeeb key aazar ney tarashwaaye sanam aur
in taza khudaoN meiN baDaa sab sey watan hai
jo payrahan iska hai, woh maz'hab ka kafan hai

yeh buth key tarasheedah e tahzeeb e nawee hai
gharat gar e kaashanah e deen e nabawi hai
baazu tera tawheed ki quwwat sey qawi hai
islam tera des hai tu mustafawi hai
nazzarah e deyreenah zamane ko dikha dey
ay mustafawi! khaak meiN is buth ko milaa dey!

ho qayd e maqami to natijah hai tabahi
rah e bahr mein, azaad e watan, surat e mahi
hai tark e watan sunnat e mahbuub e ilaahi
dey tuu bhi nubuwwat ki sadaqat pey gawahi
guftar e siyasat meiN watan aur hi kuch hai
irshad e nubuwwat meiN watan aur hi kuch hai

aqwam e jahan meiN hai riqabat to isi sey
taskheer hai maqsud e tijarat to isi sey
khali hai sadaqat sey siyasat to isi sey
kamzor ka ghar hota hai ghaarat to isi sey
aqwam meiN makhluq e khuda bat-ti hai is sey
qawmiyyat e islam ki jaD kat-ti hai is sey

(on the idea of 'nation' as a political concept)

the cup and wine are of a different kind in this age,
the cupbearer has created a new scene of enjoyment and melee
muslims have also created a new sanctuary of their own
the sculptors of 'culture' have created new idols
among these new gods, the biggest is 'nation'
the garb of this (nationalism), is the shroud of religion

these idols, that are chiseled by 'modern culture'
are the cause of ravaging the religion of Mustafa sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam
(o muslim!) your arm is strengthened by the power of tawhid
your country is islam, and you are a mustafawi!
show the world, the spectacle of yore
o mustafawi! break these idols and shatter them to dust

the result of being shackled to local and provencial, is destruction
and the one who is free from such fetters of nationalism is free like fish in the sea
to leave your country is the tradition of Allah's beloved sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam
bear witness (by following him) that prophet is truthful
'nation' in the parlance of politics is something else
and 'nation' in the teaching of the prophet is something else

communities in the world fight on account of this (nationalism based on geographical areas)
to influence by conducting business is also on account of this
politics is bereft of truthfulness because of this (jingoism)
and the homes of the poor and weak are ruined because of this
communities in this world are divided because of this
nationalism hacks at the very roots of islamic community.
Hey, you did get a pass.

What do you call this reaction to a gratuitous, undeserved insult => :enjoy:

I don't feel insulted, btw, or offended in the least, but your post was insulting.
I wouldn't categorize it as an insult, per say. But if it means anything, I never intended it as one. :)
I wouldn't categorize it as an insult, per say. But if it means anything, I never intended it as one. :)
I am sure you didn't, and treated it as a betise by a young gentleman who was having a little fun at a doddering old man's expense, and perhaps chose his words with less discretion than desirable.

Friends, I hope?
Well said. That's a red-pill level statement. We rarely tend to look at it that way.

You remind me of certain someone hehe...

You remind me of certain someone hehe...

Good sir, I must express my dismay that you think I am an idiot, a village idiot at that. :D
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Good sir, I must express my dismay that you think I am an idiot, a village idiot at that. :D

P.S. I am pleasantly surprised. We haven't even engaged the much, and yet the person I've engaged with the most on PDF (@NagaBaba ) and left a lot of breadcrumbs, couldn't come to such a conclusion by himself. Either you're are too smart or he is too thick. I can't decide. :D
this @Chute eeyah is @Nilgiri

or so suspects my national skorti uncle
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